Allied Business Academies We are an association of scholars, whose purpose is to support and encourage research and the sharing and exchange of ideas, knowledge and insights throughout the world. Volume 20, Issue 2 Misuse of Antibiotic A Systemic Review of Saudi Published Studies Abdul Rahman Alnemri, Rana H Almaghrabi, Noufa Alonazi, Abdul Rahman Alfrayh Survey of the Use of Laryngeal Mask Airway vs Endotracheal Tube for Pediatric Tonsillectomy in Essex Hospitals Manuela Cresswell, Harriet Walker, Laura Harding Atrial Septal Defect Effects Electrocardiographic Signs and Shunt Volume Junpei Somura Commentary on Saying Goodbye to the Silence Maria Grazia Spurio Acute Suppurative Thyroiditis A Case Report Oluwayemi IO, Abduraheem FO, Agaja OT, Oke OJ, Ogundare EO, Ajite AB, Olatunya OS Pediatric Psychosis in the Emergency Room Could it be Plasmodium Vivax Malaria Ekram T, Afzal K, Saxena R Pericallosal Lipoma A Rare Cause of Persistent Headache Betul Kilic, Serdal Gungor A CrossSectional Survey of Seroprevalence to P Falciparum Antigens in Children Living Along the Border of Thailand and Myanmar and its Lack of Correlation with Nutritional Status and Anaemia Linda Aurpibul, Kriangkrai Chawansuntati, Prapai Dejkhamron, Narumanus Korwanich, Jiraprapa Wipasa A Motor Behavioral Evaluation Method for Children with Developmental Disorders during Music Therapy Sessions A Pilot Study Zu Soh, Ryo Migita, Kayoko Takahashi, Koji Shimatani, Hideaki Hayashi, Yuichi Kurita, Toshio Tsuji Eosinophilic Enteritis Due to Cows Milk Allergy Possible Cause of Anastomosis Failure Satoshi Yokoyama, Akinori Sekioka, Hirofumi Utsunomiya Primary Care Evaluation in the Brazilian Context Effects of the Health Care Model Transition Ana Paula Scoleze Ferrer, Alexandra Brentani, Sandra Josefina Ferraz Ellero Grisi HenochSchonlein Purpura in Saudi Arabia A Retrospective Study of 27 Children in Taif Region Abdulla A Alharthi Methods for Esophageal Foreign Body Removal Among Pediatric Patients 10 Years Experience at a Referral Hospital Jana?na Oliveira Bentivi Pulcherio, ?dio J?nior Cavallaro Magalh?es, Cl?udia M?rcia Malafaia de Oliveira Velasco, Licia Oliveira Resende, Arm?nio Cunha Ferreira, Bruno Bavaresco Gambassi, Walter Sedlacek Machado Importance of MultiDisciplinary Team Approach in Feingold Syndrome Tomoko Tanaka, Thomas W McEwan, Catharine J Harris, Sarah S Barnett, Arshad R Muzaffar, Dawn H Huber, N Scott Litofsky BoneCement Usage for Ossicular Reconstruction M. Tayyar Kalcioglu, Tolga Cicek, Lokman Uzun NOD2CARD15 rs2066845 Polymorphism in Children with Acute Appendicitis Sevgi Buyukbese Sarsu, Senay Gorucu Yilmaz, Ali Bayram, Semih Dalkilic Does Left Varicocele Impair Right Testicular Function Salvatore Arena, Carmine Fazzari, Antonio Campione, Pietro Antonuccio, Tiziana Russo, Patrizia Perrone, Lucia Marseglia, Eloisa Gitto, Carmelo Romeo Picky Eating in PreschoolAged Children Prevalence and Mothers Perceptions in SouthEast Nigeria Samuel N Uwaezuoke, Kenechukwu K Iloh, Charles E Nwolisa, Ikenna K Ndu, Chizoma I Eneh Asthma Control not Associated with Vitamin D Deficiency A SingleCenter Retrospective Study in Saudi Arabia Rawia Albar, Moayyad Malas, Mohammed Bafail, Yahya Almatihmay, Lojyn Alamoudi, Elaf Saleh The understanding of Others Intentions Can Predict the Improvement of Symptomatology in Children with Autism An Exploratory study Magda Di Renzo, Federico Bianchi di Castelbianco, Fabrizio Plescia, Lidia Racinaro, Massimiliano Petrillo, Monica Rea A Rare Case of a Giant Cervical Osteochondroma Alessandro Villa, Domenico Gerardo Iacopino, Francesca Graziano, Carlo Gul?, Antonella Giugno, Luigi Basile, Rosario Maugeri Religion and Life Support Withdrawal in Children What do Healthcare Providers Wish Karen Torres, Joseph Varon, Sharon Einav, Ruben Bromiker, Shirley Friedman Prognosis of Acute Renal Failure in Children in Intensive Care Unit A Pilot Study Batouche DD, Kerboua K Effects of Codon 39 ct Mutation on The Changes of Hematological Parameters in Children with BetaThalassemia Major in the Region of Batna Algeria Belhadi Kamilia, Yahia Mouloud, Gribaa Moez, Bendaoud Fadhila, Ben Charfeddine Ilhem, Manoubi Wiem, Zidani Abla Eosinophilic Granuloma of the Skull Vault A Case Report Alessia Imperato, Domenico Gerardo Iacopino, Francesca Graziano, Carlo Gul?, Antonella Giugno, Luigi Basile, Rosario Maugeri International Journal of Entrepreneurship Volume 26, Special issue 4 ECommerce Based on Big Data Analysis Bringing New Problems in Environmental Law Yaser Issa Mahmoud Momani Employee Rewards and Motivation in Portuguese Mercies Faria, Paulo Jose Silva, Sampaio, Marta Correia, Isabel, Sousa, Maria Jose, Martinho, Santos, Vasco Business Studies Journal Volume 14, Issue 6 Outside obligation and financial development in chose subSaharan African nations The job of capital flight Sebastian Schmidt Esteem Based Promoting and Deals of Modern Administrations An orderly writing survey in the period of computerized advances Moritz Friedli Toward a more profound comprehension of administration promoting The past the present and whats in store Muhmudh Alipour Impact of vital anticipating item promoting and wellbeing administration direction of local area drug stores A public study in Finland Samuel Hossain The portrayed assistance representative in advertising correspondences An exact evaluation of the effect of facial bliss Magnus Lim Business Studies Journal Volume 15 Special Issue 1 Clustering Activities on the Performance of Small and Medium Scales Enterprises in Nigeria Sunday Raymond Revolutionizing Business Management The Power of Technology Anu Bhasker Streamlining Operations with the Latest Business Management Technology Cong Mong Maximizing Efficiency through Business Management Technology Robinson Arran The Impact of Technology on Business Management Strategies Braedon Davey Academy of Educational Leadership Journal Volume 27, Special Issue 2 Analyzing the Effects of Capital Structure and Credit Risk on the Profitability of Iraqs Private Banks Wisam Fadhil Hanoon, Mohammed Zaki Ward, Abbas Hadi Gatea The role of using Financial Reporting Standards FRS 9 in Enhancing the financial performance of Iraqi Commercial Banks Asaad Munshid Mohammed Exploring the Role of Educational Leaders in Managing and Leading Change Initiatives in Schools Licui Zhang The Role of DataDriven DecisionMaking in Effective Educational Leadership Jenni Fernandes The Impact of Technology Integration on Educational Leadership Practices and School Improvement Efforts Ertmer Dexter Effective Strategies for Building and Sustaining a Positive School Culture and Climate Julia Starkey Academy of Strategic Management Journal Volume 22, Special Issue 5 STRATEGIC HUMAN CAPITAL A CASE OF OBN ADAMA CITY ADMINISTRATION AND SYSTEMATIC REVIEW LITERATURES Awol Hussien Aman, Chalchissa Amentie A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW ON ASSESSING THE IMPACTS OF STRATEGIC DECISIONS WITH SUSTAINABILITY TO SUPPORT SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS 2030 Waqas Umer Malik, Maheen Amjad,Hina Umar Mirza The Effect of Animated Advertisements on Consumer Perception Across Different Advertising Channels Junaid Hushain,Kamal Kant Impact of HRM practices on employee engagement An empirical study among the employees of software companies Komal Goyal,Ashutosh Nigam,Neha Goyal Financial inclusion in Nigeria Benefits Challenges and Prospects Edwin Agwu Journal of Entrepreneurship Education Volume 27, Special Issue 1 Examining Flipped Learning in Entrepreneurship Education Opportunities and Challenges Mamosa Thaanyane Teachers Perceived Meanings of a Localized Accounting Curriculum in Lesotho An assetminusbased Perspective Mamosa Thaanyane Can Hackathons Contribute to the Development of Entrepreneurship among Students at all Case Study of an Educational Healthcare Hackathon Anastasiia Grigoreva Catch Them Young Watch Them Grow minus Exploring the Entrepreneurial Profile of School Going Students in Kerala Deepa Bapu Relationship between Cost Leadership Strategy and Differentiation as a SME Recovery Strategy during the Covid19 Pandemic in Yogyakarta Abdul Ghofar, Muhamad Kundarto, Dyah Sugandini, Bunga Alfausta Amallia, Trisna Adisti Volume 3, Issue 4 SEASONAL DIVERSITY OF ROTIFERS FROM AGNIYAR ESTUARY THANJAVUR DISTRICT TAMIL NADU INDIA J. Sugumaran* and A. Amsath LIVELIHOOD STATUS AND ASSESSMENT OF FISHING COMMUNITY IN ADJACENT AREA OF TURAGBURIGANGA RIVER DHAKA BANGLADESH Mohammad Abdul Baki, Md. Rabiul Islam, Md. Muzammel Hossain* and Naser Ahmed Bhouiyan RESTRICTION OF TGF2 IN DEVELOPING ORGANS IN EMBRYOS OF MICE UNDER MATERNAL EXPOSURE OF RETINOIC ACID Fakhr El Din M. Lashein STUDY ON VOLATILE COMPOUNDS OF FLANK SCENT GLAND AND BEHAVIOURAL ANALYSIS OF SOFTFURRED FIELD RAT MILLARDIA MELTADA GRAY 1837 S. Kalaiyarasan*, and A. Amsath MOLECULAR IDENTIFICATION AND PHYLOGENETIC ASSESSMENT OF SOME MARINE CATFISHES OF THE BAY OF BENGAL Puja Boidya, Wahida Haque* and Md. Mizanur Rahman IDENTITY OF GUDUSIA CHAPRA AND REESTABLISHMENT OF GUDUSIA SUHIA FAMILY CLUPEIDAE CLUPEIFORMES M. Arunachalam*, Agnes Flora, S. Chinnaraja and Asha Rayamajhi OBSERVATION OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF ANIMAL ASSOCIATION AND ADAPTATION IN CHITWAN NATIONAL PARK OF NEPAL Janaki Pokhrel MOSQUITO REPELLENT ACTIVITY OF DELONIX ELATA FABACEAE LEAF AND SEED EXTRACTS AGAINST THE PRIMARY DENGUE VECTOR AEDES AEGYPTI DIPTERA CULICIDAE Marimuthu Govindarajan*, Mohan Rajeswary, S.L. Hoti, Atanu Bhattacharyya, Giovanni Benelli and A. Amsath ENZYMES CONCENTRATIONS OF SELECTED SEAWEEDS FROM MANDABAM COAST RAMESWARAM TAMIL NADU INDIA S. MUMTAJ HAEMATOLOGICAL CHANGES IN WISTAR FEMALE ALBINO RATS FED WITH STEROIDAL AND NONSTEROIDAL CONTRACEPTIVE PILLS M.P. Chikhale EVALUATION OF BIFENTHRIN GENOTOXICITY ON CHANNA PUNCTATUS Renu Chaudhari and Kamal Kumar Saxena* STUDIES ON THE HEAVY METALS CONCENTRATION IN THE PYKARA LAKE UDHAGAMANDALAM NILGIRIS TAMILNADU K. Anusiya Devi, M. Lekeshmanaswamy*, J. Ramesh and C.A. Vasuki OBSERVATION OF BODY SIZE IN DIFFERENT GEOGRAPHICAL POPULATION OF GRASSHOPPER NEORTHACRIS ACUTICEPS ACUTICEPS BOLIVAR Megha S. Dharbal, Dinesh Udapi?, Jayashree H., K.L. Sachidananda Murthy and Channaveerappa, H.* STUDY ON DIVERSITY OF ORTHOPTERA FAUNA IN SOUTH GUJARAT INDIA Bhumi Thakkar, Suzen Parmar and Pragna Parikh* GROWTH AND SURVIVAL OF FINGERLINGS OF BLACK MOLLY POECILIA SPHENOPS WITH DIFFERENT ANIMAL PROTEIN BASED FORMULATED DIETS K. Altaff* V. Sumithra, A.Janakiraman and A. Hyder Ali Volume 12, Issue 1 Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus ToLCNDV encoded AC2 associates with host mirnas by directly interacting with AGO1 Vikash Kumar and Afsar R Naqvi The inhibition of Cg2076 the GHITM homologue in neurons of Drosophila Melanogaster can be rescued by Buffy P Githure M?Angale and Brian E Staveley Exploring Riboswitches in Archaeal Metagenomes Angela Gupta and D Swati Comparative susceptibility of southern and western corn rootworm adults and larvae to vATPaseA and Snf7 dsRNAs Adriano E Pereira, Newton P Carneiro and Blair D Siegfried Business Studies Journal Volume 14, Special Issue 5 Advertising to Kids inside Fast Help Cafes Contrasts by Local Area Socioeconomics Miguel Zhan How does Staggered Trust Impact Improvement of Worldwide Advertising Procedures for Medical Services Suppliers Looy Janes Staggered Trust in Global Showcasing of Medical Care Benefits A FiveCountry Similar Review Sara Pallotti Past the account of the Pioneer projects Are natural ranchers entertainers of multifunctionality and rustic turn of events Bhargav Paritala A Study of Green Accounting Practices in Indian companies A Way to Sustainable Development Manjula Gupta Journal of the International Academy for Case Studies Volume 29, Issue 2 Analytics of Employee Withdrawal Behaviour and Turnover Starbucks Maria Almary, Sarah Albawardi, Maryam Hilal, Lujain Albattah, Noura Alammari, Zahra Afridi, Hoda Mahmood Abosamh, Ibrahim Alsidra, Maqsood Muhmud. The Reliability And Relevancy Of Accounting Information Systems Impact Auditing Profession Khalid Hasan Al Jasimee, Hasan Talib Hashim, Tahreer Sallal Rabeea. Knowledge Management Practices Approaches to Leadership in Times of Crisis in IT Sector Praveen Kakada, Muhammed Shafi M K The Power of Marketing Driving Success in the Competitive Landscape Nitesh Donthu The Effect of Designing Accounting Information Systems on Enhancing the Quality of Accounting Information in Light of the Systems Development Approach Manal Hussein Lafta Academy of Educational Leadership Journal Volume 27, Issue 2 The Influence of Educational Leadership on Transformation Amelia Anderson Examining the Impact of the Politics of a Country to Educational Leadership Alison Hopkins How the Leadership of TopPerforming Educational Institutions can Help Mediocre Schools Alex Wardlaw Transforming Distance Education The Role of Transformational Leadership Characteristics in Higher Education Ankur Brown Building Strong StudentParentTeacher Relationships Strategies for Enhancing Academic Performance and Student Success Martin McIntosh Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal Volume 27, Issue 5 Antecedents and Innovative Outcomes of Financial Technology Adoption of the Banking Industry A Strategic View Fekri Shawtri, Ibrahim Hussien Musa Magboul Capital Structure and the Profitability of a Firm Empirical Evidence from Insurance Industry in Ghana Dawuda Abudu, Luqman Abudu, Isaac Luke Agonbire Atugeba Integration between Additive Manufacturing and Value Chain Techniques and its role in Reducing costs Noor Yaseen Makhlef, Mohammed Abdelwahid Flayyih The importance of Auditors and Earning Quality A Malaysian Perspective Asaad Munshid Mohammed The Quality of Auditors Reports and Their Impact on the Companies Financial Performance Youssef Abdel Salam Abdi Journal of Entrepreneurship Education Volume 26, Issue 6 Decisions Decisions Decisions minusTeachability of DecisionminusMaking Competence Verena Liszt-Rohlf, Brigitte G Halbfas, Alexandra Baldwin A modified Model of the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem to Foster the Launching of Startminusups in Iranian Universities Zohreh Motamedi Nia, Maryam Azizi, Hossein Mahdizadeh¬ Finance Expectations at Public University in Central Mexico Cruz Garcia Lirios, Gilberto Bermudez Ruiz The Rise and Fall of Ruchi Soya A Case Study on Business Failure Jolly Masih Developing Entrepreneurship Knowledge and Skills by Master of Technical and Vocational Education Training MTEVT Students of Kathmandu University Dhanapati Subedi, Bikash Ghaju, Menuka Sangraula Journal of Entrepreneurship Education Volume 27,Special Issue 3 Exploratory factorial structure of the legal corporation in the COVID19 era Rosa María Rincon Ornelas, Eyder Bolivar-Mojica, Cruz Garcia Lirios Work culture in the literature from 2020 to 2024 Cruz Garcia Lirios Empowering Tomorrows Leaders The Essence of Educational Leadership Kenneth Swedn Revitalizing Education Exploring New Directions in Educational Policy Zhisong Roy Strategic Planning Navigating the Path to Organizational Success Sushil Kumar Sahoo Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research Volume 25, Special Issue 3 EXPLORING INCOME INVESTMENTS STRATEGIES AND TRENDS FOR MAXIMIZING RETURNS Suneep Singh INCOME INVESTMENTS INSIGHTS AND STRATEGIES FOR FINANCIAL GROWTH Mashla Lilly INNOVATIVE APPROACHES TO INCOME INVESTMENTS RESEARCH AND STRATEGIES Lily Graci INCOME INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES EMERGING TRENDS AND BEST PRACTICES Hardaz Siliv STRATEGIC INCOME INVESTMENTS BALANCING RISK AND REWARD FOR OPTIMAL RETURNS Dominia Sumer Business Studies Journal Volume 15, Issue 1 The relationship between agricultural production and industrial production concerning economic growth using the ARDL model case study of Algeria for the period 20002019 Yousfat Ali Structured review of accounting and blockchain Willm Wadman A study of verifiable patterns in finance Bhargav Paritala The business series suggestions of land financing in Beijing Xuan Thivo External money and investment choices of private business Kopanas Goudara Journal of the International Academy for Case Studies Volume 29, Special Issue 1 Building a Positive Corporate Culture Strategies to Foster Employee Engagement and Success Daniel Bertulani The Crucial Role of Tax Administration in Revenue Generation and Economic Development Babagana Salawu Protecting from Online Banking Fraud Risk Awareness and Prevention Strategies Tony Griffiths Evaluating Financial and Social Returns for Investors Methods Challenges and Case Studies Elena Holgate Asset Allocation Principles A Guide for Investors Barbara Hines Journal of the International Academy for Case Studies Volume 29, Special Issue 2 The Role of Electronic Information Governance in Improving the Quality of Accounting Information Asaad Munshid Mohammed Addressing productivity losses A case study on HG Market PvtLtd Naqash Naeem Medisave Pharmaceutical in Regime Issues and Prospects Rimsha Shahzadi, Attiqa Khaliq Factors Influencing Entrepreneurial Career Development and Growth of Global Entrepreneurs Ramya R, Nisha R The Effective Handling Managerial Issues and Success Journey of Qarshi The Case Study Adnan Danial Journal of the International Academy for Case Studies Volume 29, Issue 3 Quality of Life of Students at a Public University in Central Mexico Cruz Garcia Lirios, Jaime Lemus Tlapale, Rosa Maria Rincon Ornelas, Celia Yaneth Quiroz Campas, Javier Carreon Guillen Factorial model of formation of intellectual capital in the Covid19 era Factorial Model of Formation of Intellectual Capital in the Covid19 Era Cruz Garcia-Lirios, Rosa Maria Rincon-Ornelas, Gilberto Bermudez Ruiz The Role of Servant Leadership in Enhancing Workforce Agility An Analytical Study of Employees Perspectives on Workers in Headquarters Nineveh Governorate Maysoon Abdullah Ahmed Coping with Change in Emergence of Covid19 Muhammad Zia-ud-din, Aqsa Shafi HR Issues in Growex Digital Marketing Agency Muhammad Asdullah, Muniba Ghaffar, Muhammad Rafiq Journal of Entrepreneurship Education Volume 27, Issue 4 Chempreneurs Entrepreneurship in the Chemical Industry in Poland A PostCOVID19 Perspective Sebastian Walther, Stephan Haubold, Renata Dobrucka MASTERING GROWTH HACKING STRATEGIES FOR ACCELERATED BUSINESS GROWTH Alberto Santiro UNLOCKING OPPORTUNITIES THE ART OF RECOGNITION AND SEIZING POTENTIAL Umar James BUILDING STRONG FOUNDATIONS THE ART OF EFFECTIVE TEAM BUILDING Rebeica Holg GUIDING WITH INTEGRITY THE ESSENCE OF ETHICAL LEADERSHIP Eli Go Business Studies Journal Volume 15, Issue 2 Selecting an appropriate metaphor for an MBA Teona Maisuradze Leadership styles and employee engagement in the food industry of MSMEprimes Henry Njoku The role of business management technology in driving growth Fara Ameeta The future of business management Embracing technology Willm Wadman Startup schemes in India and related issues and opportunitiesA review Salauddeen Shaik, Radha Krishna Murthy G, Anil Kumar J, Mannem Samanth Kumar Academy of Strategic Management Journal Volume 22, Issue 4 Relationship marketing through the Customer Relationship Management CRM tool case study with implementation strategies Tatiane Mendes de Carvalho and Graziela Oste Graziano Higher Education EFL Online Success Model An Adaptation to the DeLone and McLean IS Success Model Abubaker Abdulkarim Alhitty Investigating the PostPandemic Remote Work Effect on WorkLife Balance and Wellbeing of Employees A Systematic Literature Review Astha Dewan, Anand Seth Effects of Cost Leadership Strategy on Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Nigeria Akeke Adenike Rita, Akeke Niyi Israel, Abiodun Oladimeji Unleashing Success A Comprehensive Evaluation of Leadership Competencies for Project Delivery in UAE Service Industries Upendra Rao Journal of International Business Research Volume 22, Issue 5 Importance of Odishaprimes Haats for Agricultural Marketing Yajnya Dutta Nayak, CMA Rajendra Gouda Business Ethics The Foundation of Sustainable Success Panagiotis Welch Intellectual Property Rights Safeguarding Innovation in the Modern World Catherine Aguinis Navigating World Business Cultures A CrossCultural Perspective Herman Brewster Understanding the Dynamics of Business Foreign Exchange Markets Nnedi Abani Academy of Strategic Management Journal Volume 23, Issue 2 Organizational Strategic Management and System Interaction A Case Study of the Jordanian Ministry of Labor Ghaith Abualfalayeh*, Sheikh Shamim Hasnain, Ayman Mansour, Shaker Al-Qudah Social and Economic Studies of the CDBC Readines Ilyes Karoui*, Hend Kmiha Introducing 5Es MarketingMix A New Framework for Effective Marketing in the Digital Age Kejsi Sulaj*, Waldemar Pfoertsch Does innovation attitude and technology quality effect student satisfaction through perceived ease of use and perceived usefuless A study of universities in emerging country Giang Nguyen Thi Thuy MOTIVATIONAL FACTORS AND PERFORMANCE OF MIZO WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS IN AIZAWL CITY MIZORAM Rosie Lalmuanpuii*, Nixon Singh, Lalropuii Journal of Entrepreneurship Education Volume 27, Special Issue 4 The Impact of Improvisation Training in Arts Entrepreneurship Education on Creative Capacities Monika Herzig, Stan Renard EMPOWERING CHANGE THE RISE OF SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN SOLVING GLOBAL CHALLENGES Hau Angus NETWORKING THE ART AND SCIENCE OF BUILDING MEANINGFUL CONNECTIONS Xiaoli Hu FOSTERING UNITY THE DYNAMICS AND BENEFITS OF EFFECTIVE TEAM BUILDING Ribeca Hault STRATEGIC FOUNDATIONS THE CRUCIAL ROLE OF BUSINESS PLANNING IN ACHIEVING SUCCESS Mickael Ben Journal of Entrepreneurship Education Volume 27, Special Issue 6 THE EFFECT OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP EDUCATION ON THE ENTREPRENEURIAL INTENTION OF TUNISIAN STUDENTS COMPARATIVE STUDY Adel Kraiem FROM THEORY TO PRACTICE INTEGRATING REALWORLD EXPERIENCES INTO ENTREPRENEURSHIP EDUCATION Bilodeau Rao REVOLUTIONIZING THE CLASSROOM HOW ENTREPRENEURSHIP EDUCATION IS SHAPING THE FUTURE OF BUSINESS LEADERS Kraiem Nahak THE ROLE OF MENTORSHIP IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP EDUCATION BUILDING BRIDGES BETWEEN CLASSROOM AND INDUSTRY Sonia Lein EMPOWERING THE NEXT GENERATION INNOVATIVE APPROACHES TO TEACHING ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN SCHOOLS Alex Sen Volume 1, Issue 2 Markers of Frailty in Cancer Treatment Election A Case Report Miguel ?ngel Acosta-Benito Histone Demethylases and Their Roles in Cancer Epigenetics Alexandra D'Oto, Qing-wu Tian, Andrew M Davidoff, Jun Yang Exfoliative Cytopathology of Human Lip Neoplasm Abhimanyu Mohanta, Prafulla K Mohanty MELD Scoring System How Golden Is The Gold Jayant Kumar, Isabella Reccia Shared DecisionMaking in Prostate Cancer Screening A Review Miguel ?ngel Acosta-Benito YM155 Suppresses Proliferation and Survival of Multiple Myeloma Cells via Proteasomal Degradation of cMyc Maki Asahi, Shigeki Ito, Motoki Takano, Yoji Ishida The Paraneoplastic Meaning of R3SPE Remitting Seronegative Simmetrical Synovitis with Pitting Edema Syndrome Ciro Manzo Next Generation Sequencing In Clinical Molecular Diagnosis of Cancer A Journey towards Personalized Diagnosis and Therapeutics Tridip Chatterjee Aggressive Angiomyxoma A Rare Cause of a Vulvar Mass Joseph S, Helm JM, Villegas E, Figueroa-Bodine J, Anderson J Contribution of Circular Dance on Quality of Life on Oncology Patients Bearing Intestinal Ostomy Cristilene Akiko Kimura, Dirce Bellezi Guilhem, Ivone Kamada, Renata Costa Fortes, Breno Silva de Abreu UltrasoundGuided FineNeedle Aspiration Cytology Diagnostic Value in Breast Solid Masses Gustavo Febles, Andr?s Dell?Acqua, Andrea Cristiani, Enrique Folle, ?lvaro V?zquez Size Does Matter Nanobodies as a New Format for Tumor Imaging Probes Marta M Kijanka Volume 28, Issue 2 The predictive value of signal peptideCUBEGF domaincontaining protein1 SCUBE1 in terms of the duration of peripheral ischemia and exposure to reperfusion Ozgur Sogut, Ertan S?nmez, Mehmet Yigit, Kenan Ahmet Turkdogan, Okkes Taha Kucukdagli, Eda Yigit, Omer Faruk Ozer, Cemil Civelek The relationship between serum fetuin a levels and fetuin gene polymorphism in hemodialysis patients Atila Altuntas, Ayse Yigit, Efkan Uz, Salih Inal, Veysel Kidir, B?nyaminAydin, Hasan Basri Savas, Mehmet Sert, Mehmet Tugrul Sezer The effect of Helicobacter pylori eradication on arterial stiffness and qt dispersion Omer Kaya, Fatih Tufan, Rafet Basar, Timur Selcuk Akpinar, Kadri Atay, Nadir Alpay, Kamil Nas, Miklos Illyes, Suleyman Tevfik Ecder IGF2BP2 gene polymorphism in patients with morbid obesity Kursat Kargun, Sefa Senol, Cuneyt Kirkil, Zafer Cambay, Murat Kara, Erhan Aygen, Mustafa Yilmaz An enhanced algorithm for removal of noise in CT scan image and 3D abdomen color video sequence through trimmed based filter G Elaiyaraja, N Kumaratharan Stress analysis of lower back using EMG signal Pratibha Tyagi, Ajat Shatru Arora, Vikas Rastogi Green synthesis characterization and anxiolytic sedative and hypnotic activity of pyrimidine based diazepine derivatives Govindaraj Chinnasamy, Kullagounder Subramani, Venkatesan Srinivasan Serum total superoxide dismutase enzyme activity in type 2 diabetic patients with retinopathy in Mthatha region of the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa Ganjifrockwala FA, Joseph JT, George G Localization of neurodegenerative brain MRI image for gene expression evaluation Babu Gopal, Sivakumar Rajagopal Fatal tractor injuries between 2005 and 2015 in Bilecik Turkey E. Selcen Dar?in, Murat Dar?in Deaths as a result of hanging Erdal Ozer, Ali Yildirim, G?ven Se?kin Kirci,Ramazan Ilhan, Murat Dogan Iscanli, Ramazan Tetik?ok Diffusion oxygen mask is better in asthma attacks but not in COPD attacks Murat Dogan Iscanli, ?zg?r Enginyurt, Tarik Acar, Selen Uslu, L?tfullah ?akir, Fatih B?y?kcam Evaluation of noninvasive diagnostic methods as indicators of fibrosis in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease Kadri Atay, Billur Canbakan, Ozkan Alan, Emine Koroglu, Ibrahim Hatemi, Nuray Kepil, Ahmet Dobrucali, Mustafa Canbakan, Murat Tuncer, Abdullah Sonsuz, Hakan Senturk Qualitative features selection techniques by profiling statistical features of ECG for classification of heart beats Chinmay Chandrakar, Monisha Sharma Lowcost and easytouse grasp classification using a simple 2channel surface electromyography sEMG Selahaddin Batuhan Akben Retrospective investigation and analysis of sleep disorders on occurrence of polycystic ovary syndrome Nianjun Su, Chongyang Du, Yuemei Zhang, Lian Deng, Ting Tang, Baoding Zhuang, Zekun Jiang, Jiaqing Zhou, Bowei Ni, Fenghua Liu Hybrid neurofuzzy system for prediction of stages of lung cancer based on the observed symptom values Thiyagarajan Manikandan, Nallaiyan Bharathi In vitro and in vivo biological screening of kefiran polysaccharide produced by Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens Elsayed EA, Farooq M, Dailin D, El-Enshasy HA, Othman NZ, Malek R, Danial E, Wadaan M 5alphareductase inhibitors and antiprostate cancer activities of some synthesized 4aryl4pregneno32epyridinone derivatives Abd El-Galil E Amr, Mohamed M Abdalla, Mohamed MM Hussein, Hany M Safwat, Mohamed H Elgamal Contourlet transform based efficient shape extraction technique for forensic odontology Jaffino G, Banumathi A, Ulaganathan G, Vijayakumari B Incorporation of amorphous calcium phosphate ACP into glass ionomer cement influence on microleakage of cemented orthodontic bands Maryam Omidkhoda, Farzin Heravi, Shideh Gharaei, Abdolrasoul Rangrazi, Tabassom Hooshmand The effect of fatigue exercise on the electromyogram EMG and balance performance of individuals with mental disability Elif Top Potential risk factors for early large pleural effusion after coronary artery bypass grafting surgery Mehmet Cengiz Colak, Cemil Colak, Nevzat Erdil, Suleyman Sandal Assessment of clinical diagnosis age and gender differences of elderly patients applying to dermatology clinic of a secondary health institute in family medicine aspect Mehmet Kayhan, Ilhami Unluoglu, Serap Kayhan, Ugur Bilge Comparison of synthetic mesh types in terms of adherence of Escherichia coli and development of mesh infections in a rat model Tuna B Budak, Ahmet O Yirmibesoglu, Zeki Yumuk, Abdullah Gunes, Cagri Tiryaki, Ertugrul Kargi, Zulfu Bayhan, Yesim S Gurbuz Efficacy assessment of three nonsteroidal antiinflammatory gels with three different ingredients in patients with soft tissue trauma H?seyin Balcioglu, Fatma Tufan Revascularization a review of clinical reports on a contemporary treatment modality for endodontics Esra Pamuk?u G?ven, Meri? Karapinar-Kazandag, Jale Tanalp Latent tuberculosis infection in healthcare workers at a tertiary care center Aysel Kargi, Ahmet H Ilgazli, Fusun Yildiz, Hasim Boyaci, Ilknur Egece Basyigit Comparison of patients with fulminant versus nearmiss fulminant druginduced hepatitis Yilmaz Bilgic, Sami Akbulut, Orkide Kutlu, Cengiz Yilmaz, Cemil Colak, Mehmet Veysi Deviren, Yasir Furkan Cagin, Y?ksel Seckin, Oguzhan Yildirim, Murat Harputluoglu The effects of PPARalpha and PPARgamma agonists on proteinuria and oxidative stress in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus Zafer Ufuk Cinkara, Saime Paydas, Mustafa Balal, Ertan Kara, ?zlem G ?zt?rk, Tamer Inal Comparison of segmentation algorithms for detection of hotspots in bone scintigraphy images and effects on CAD systems Ali Aslantas, Dandil Emre, Murat ?akiroglu Brain tumour detection using discrete wavelet transform based medical image fusion Udhaya Suriya TS, Rangarajan P Statistical analysis of pulse rate variability quantified through second derivative photoplethysmogram SDPPG and its compatibility with electrocardiographic ECG heart rate variability Mohanalakshmi S, Sivasubramanian A, Swarnalatha A Relation between carotid intima media thickness and vitamin D in hypertension Bengur Taskiran, Eylem Bahadir, Ruya Mutluay Neuropsychological abnormalities in a patient diagnosed with frontoparietal meningioma Hurtado-Gonz?lez CA, De la Cruz O, Calvo-Ortiz V, Olayo J, Trivi?o O, Brown-Castrill?n P, Semine C Assessing the classification performance of the mean platelet volume MPV in a cardiovascular risk prediction model ?zlem G?ll?, Mustafa Agah Tekindal, Can Ates, Berkay Ekici, Yasemin Yavuz Evaluation of expected and perceived of quality of service with the SERVQUAL scale The case of a private physical therapy and rehabilitation center ?zlem G?ll?, Melike Tekindal, Mustafa Agah Tekindal, Ayse Canan Yazicr Anticancer effects of Gardenia jasminoides in HepG2 human hepatoma cells Shao-cheng Chen, Xin Zhao, Ruo-kun Yi, Jun Qian, Yan-hong Shi, Rui Wang Motor imagery EEG discrimination using HilbertHuang Entropy Yuyi, Zhaoyun, Li Surui, Shi Lijuan, Li Zhenxin, Dong Bingchao Antimicrobial activity and Chemical analyses of oil constituents of Medicinal Plant Costus speciosus Koen Manal Othman Al-Kattan, Suzan A. Khayyat Protective effects of dexpanthenol against acetaminopheninduced hepatorenal damage Hilal Bektas Uysal, Bekir Dagli, Mustafa Yilmaz, Fadime Kahyaoglu, Alparslan G?k?imen, Imran Kurt Omurlu, Buket Demirci Endothelin1 Lys198Asn and rs10478694 polymorphism in ischemic stroke Orhan Aslan, Mehtap Gurger, Metin Atescelik, Murat Kara, Askin Sen, Omer Dogan Alatas, Caner Fevzi Demir, Mustafa Yilmaz, Kursat Kargun Oral ketamine administration for radiation therapy in children Erdal Dogan, Abdulmenap G?zel, Seyit Burhanedtin Zincircioglu, Mehmet Serif Arslan, Feyzi ?elik, Mehmet Besir Yildirim, Zeynep Baysal Yildirim, Mahir Kuyumcu Clinical research of two anaesthesia methods in gynaecologic laparoscopic surgery Chunlei Zhang, Yanhong Wang, Ling Qin, Shuhuan Guo A novel Glycyrrhiza uralensis polysaccharideglycinin conjugate synthesized by maillard reaction decreases the antigenicity of glycinin Jie Chen, Wanchen Li, Mengyuan Wang, Xiao Guo, Hongyang Yang, Xiaoqing Zhu, Kexun Lian, Yan Luo, Xinli Gu Beneficial effect of Mangiferin against sleep deprivationinduced neurodegeneration and memory impairment in mice Xia Feng, Ji Hong Xue, Kun Xia Xie, Shi Ping Liu, Hong Ping Zhong, Cui Cui Wang, Xiao Qiang Feng Upper cervical spinal injuries in elderly patients agespecific treatment Ali Riza Gezici, Yasar Dagistan, Se?kin Emre Cancan*, Kutlu Sari, Necdet Selim Kaya, G?ven Kili?, Semih Akar The effects of a pulmonary rehabilitation program on exercise tolerance quality of life sleep quality and emotional status in the patients with Parkinsons disease Belma G?ngen, Yusuf Aydemir, Yesim Aras, Adil G?ngen, Dilcan Kotan, Serdar Bal Effect of specialized nursing intervention on the prognosis of hepatocellular carcinoma patients treated with sorafenib Xufeng Pang, Guizhi Li, Yaqing Lv, Juanjuan Wang, Lili Wei Evaluation of bactericidal activity of thymoleugenol solution as a potential disinfectant agent Ling Zhao, Xue-an Hao Anti tumor activity of stachydrine by inhibiting histone diacetylase enzyme in gastric cancer Ning Ma, Fu-Qing Wei, Jin-rui Guo The role of apolipoprotein M in the antiatherosclerosis process of simvastatin Liyun Liu, Shunhui Li, Youliang Yan, Qiangzhen Xiong Design synthesis and structureactivity relationship of imidazolidin2one135triazine conjugates as Enterovirus 71 and Coxsackievirus A16 Inhibitor Wen-li Gao, Jing-xiu Li Safranal inhibits the migration and invasion of human oral squamous cell carcinoma cells by overcoming epithelialmesenchymal transition Shu-Ping Zhang, Jiu-Ning Huang, Nuo Jin, Xue-Lei Wang, Chao-Chao Jin The relationship of fatigue and pain between mobility aid usage and depressive symptomatology in ambulatory individuals with spinal cord injury Xuejun Zhao, Guodong Sun, Guihua Jiao, Hao Lv Immunogenic chemotherapy sensitizes nonsmall cell lung cancer to immune checkpoint blockade therapy in preclinical models Jun Lu, Ying Zhu, Jiashun Wang, Lufeng Wang, Yikai Chen, Weipeng Cai, Jinquan Yuan, Xiaokang Wang Effects of sufentanil and fentanyl on the recovery after laparoscopic cholecystectomy Liping Liao, Shenghui Yang Luteolin induces apoptosis in mouse liver cancer cells through ROS mediated pathway A mechanistic investigation Wei Wang, Fu-li Zhao, Jing Zhang, Dong-dong Gao Protective effect of secologanin on neuronal cell damage induced in epilepsy Ye-Fen Lu, Hui-Fen Huang, Jian-Jun Chen, Ting-Ting Zeng, Wei-Jing Chen, Lin-Lin Yu, Jie Rao, Wei-Yan Sun, Xiu-Mei Liu, Wei-wen Qiu Genetic polymorphism of candidate genes for fecundity traits in Egyptian sheep breeds Ibrahim AH Barakat, Lamiaa M Salem, Niveen M Daoud, Wagdy KB Khalil, Karima F Mahrous Comparison of different classification methods for the preictal stage detection in EEG signals Yildiz M, Bergil E, Oral C Serum autoantibody positivity and its impact on the treatment response of the genotype 1 chronic hepatitis C Gulcin Sahingoz Erdal, Ibrahim Hatemi, Kadri Atay, Billur Canbakan, Sebati Ozdemir, Murat Tuncer, Abdullah Sonsuz Antiinflammatory and analgesic activities of some novel carboxamides derived from 2phenyl quinoline candidates Nagy M Khalifa, Mohamed A Al-Omar, Ahmed A Abd El-Galil, Mohammed Abd El-Reheem Effect of hyperparathyroidism on endothelial functions and atherosclerosis Goknur Yorulmaz, Aysen Akalin, Sahinde Atlanoglu, Garip Sahin, Sule Yasar Bilge, Cengiz Bal Effect of small group training in addition to counselling on weight loss among obese women Turan Set, Elif Ates The meta analysis on the hemorrhoid artery ligation for the treatment of hemorrhoids sickness under doppler ultrasound guided Hong Liu, Li Liu, Benhui Chen, Chunmei Yang, Jing Wu, Huixiang Li, Yanyan Xiong, Hanlin Gong, Hongbo He Insilico designing of novel inhibitors of rhoGTPase activating protein for treatment of glaucoma Li Yin, Jing Zhu, Xun Bao, Yong Yao Endostr combined with chemotherapy on the advanced digestive tract tumour Na Wang, Chao Liu, Xiaojing Hu, Shuting Zheng, Lijun Yang A surveillance study on the prevalence and antimicrobial resistance pattern among different groups of bacteria isolated from Western province of Saudi Arabia Mohammad Zubair Alam, Qamre Alam, Asif Ahmad Jiman-Fatani, Hani Ahmed shukri, Absarul Haque Clinical observation of longterm deepcryopreserved cornea in penetrating keratoplasty Hui Shen, Xiaowen Sun, Shuyan Zhang Preparation and characterization of a scaffold complex based on ohydroxyethyl chitosan Xiaofeng Li, Shengli Liu, Weihong Xi, Yuanfei Xiong, Yu Xie, Chao Liu The association of chronic myocardial infarction scar detected by DEMRI with ventricular Remodeling in coronary artery disease Xinxiang Zhao, Yanglin Zhang, Chengrong Pu, Lin Sun, Wei Zhang, Renhui Cai Insomnia in patients with obstructive sleep apnea compared with controls Hui Huang, Juan Xiong, Yanhong Hu, Jiafu Liu, Hao Liu Selection of surgical approach for the treatment of bilateral thyroid carcinoma Yantao Fu, Le Zhou, Daqi Zhang, Xiaoli Liu, Dan Cong, Shijie Li, Hui Sun Correlations of zincfingers and homeoboxes 2 ZHX2 p53 and survivin expression in a variety of malignant tumors Zili Lv, Yangjun Du, Weijia Mo, Guoyu Zhao Assessment of recovery of endovascular stenting in patients with vertebral and basilar artery stenosis by BEAM and transcranial doppler Zhanqiang Wang, Yingxiao Cao, Li Xu, Li Zhou, Jing Shi, Haixia Wang, Weiming Sun, Jianzhong Zhu, Bin Yang, Jie Huang Individualized choice regarding the method for ensuring negative margins in an anuspreserving operation for ultralow rectal carcinoma Yi Wang A metaanalysis of the TFPI2 hypermethylation frequency and colorectal cancer risk Niancai Jing, Tao Huang, Yi Lu, Hongyu Xiao, Huanyu Guo, Zhuo Chen, Yue Zhang Analysis on the effect and prognostic factors of cerebral arteriovenous malformations AVM after endovascular embolization combined gamma knife surgery Xinbing Lv, Huijian Ge, Xiaochuan Huo, Youxiang Li Molecular epidemiology of tetracycline resistance among viridians group streptococci isolated from various clinical specimens Jin-qi Sun, Lei Li, Kai Zhao, Lei-feng Zhang, Heng-tao Ji, Yan-xia He Epidemiological features and genetic variation of human respiratory syncytial virus HRSV infection in Chungnam Korea Kwisung Park, Donguk Kim, Jeongmin Seong, Inchul Shin, Jayoung Hong, Seongmin Park, Shien-Young Kang, Hyekyung Lee Stachydrine ameliorates the cerebral ischemia by inhibiting the activity of histone deacetylase in neonatal rats Zhang L, Zheng N, Ma C, Duan R Apical transportation of nickeltitanium rotary Mtwo and RaCe instruments compared with conventional stainless steel hand instruments Gholamreza Rezvani, Orkideh Radmehr, Kourosh Shahverdiani Palmitic acid induced vascular endothelial cell apoptosis contributes to the high severity of coronary artery disease in the Uygur population Hailong Jiang, Yihua Zeng, Li Bai, Guanghui Wang, Aimin Hu The rule of strain in different stratification of the intervertebral disc under physiologic loading Tao Yang, Chun-qiu Zhang, Qing Liu, Kun Li, Xiu-ping Yang, Jing-jing Zhang, Yahui Hu, Jindio Ye Volume 1, Issue 1 New directions in parenting research Daniel S?guin Rethinking how the nervous system registers and identifies shapes Ernest Greene What is working memory Definitions operationalization and domain Diana Tajik-Parvinchi Autism spectrum disorder and related neurodevelopmental disorders Marc J Tass? Testretest reliability and validity of a customdesigned computerized neuropsychological cognitive test battery in young healthy adults Jinal P Vora, Rini Varghese, Sara L Weisenbach, Tanvi Bhatt Flashbulb memories of the Charlie Hebdo attack Marie-Charlotte Gandolphe, Mohamad El Haj Selfreported and directly observed physical function and anxiety symptoms in communitydwelling US Chinese older adults Findings from the PINE study Xinqi Dong, Mengting Li Lithium induced myeloradiculopathy A rare case report of serious SILENT phenomenon Roshan Sutar, Alekhya T, Sundarnag Ganjekar, Harish T, Senthil Kumar Reddi, Santosh Chaturvedi Effects of the number of objects and locations on attentional allocation and processing in a visual shortterm memory task Aymen Ben Abbes, Yousri Marzouki, Thierry Ripoll Treatment by repeating phrases of positive thoughts TRPPT A new effective treatment tool against psychological troubles PSYT Depression anxiety stress low selfesteem and dissatisfaction in life in multiple sclerosis patients and students a controlled and randomized pilot study Muaweah Ahmad Alsaleh, Amani Kubitary Validation of the Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire18 item Multiple SclerosisArabic ATQ18MSAr among multiple sclerosis patients Muaweah Ahmad Alsaleh, Amani Kubitary Therapy mental and psychological troubles MPSYT by repeating phrases of positive thoughts TRPPT with women Intercultural comparison Middle East and Europe war and peace A controlled and randomized studyCognitive therapy positive psychotherapy Muaweah Ahmad Alsaleh The psychometric properties of confidence structure across cultures in working adult samples Heather E Douglas, Dennis Rose, Lynne McCormack NonFamily employees as witnesses of ideological tensions in small family business successions Sari Savolainen Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences Volume 6, Issue 59 The Effect of Radiopacifier in Portland Cement for Repairing Furcal Perforations Jiang Ying, Zhiqiang Zhou, Yan Wang, Xiaohui Xu, Juhong Lin Optimization of Ibuprofen Carrying Poly3Hydroxybutyrate Extended Release Tablet by Central Composite Design Akshay Jirage, Khyyam Shaikh, Kate Vaishali, Payghan Santosh A G to C mutation in the CRYGD gamma crystallin gene associated autosomal dominant congenital cataract in Calabar Mary E Kooffreh, Roseline Duke, Anthony Umoyen Pharmacological activities palmatine alkaloid compound isolated from Guatteria friesiana prospects for new drug development Soane Kaline Morais Chaves and Chistiane Mendes Feitosa Study of Intestinal Parasitosis among School Children of Kathmandu Valley Nepal Khushbu Yadav, Satyam Prakash Business Studies Journal Volume 14, Issue 5 Exploratory model of technology acceptance in the COVID19 era Jose Alfonso Aguilar Fuentes, Cruz Garcia Lirios, Francisco Espinoza Morales, Sofia Lopez de Nava Tapia Students perception about 7ps of higher education marketing mix in private universities in Uttarakhand Priya Saini, Swati, Pokhriyal AK Corporate social responsibility CSR and trade credit for optimum cost of funds towards a sustainable business model The strategic link a case study of energy sector related companies Sarojkant Singh, Raja Ghosh, Cedric Goubert Ecocentric governance Sustainability between the availability of resources and needs Javier Carreon Guillen, Jose Marcos Bustos Aguayo, Francisco Ruben Sandoval Vazquez, Cruz Garcia Lirios Investigative model of Business survival in the COVID19 era Jessica Jones Journal of Entrepreneurship Education Volume 27, Issue 3 Use of reflective practice to navigate paradoxes within a nonhierarchical activist group Antonio Starninoa, Ola Tjornboa Flushing meadows A journey of resilience and reinvention Parag Shah EXPLORING NEW HORIZONS THE RISE OF TOURISM ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN THE MODERN ERA John Wu MASTERING THE INGREDIENTS ESSENTIAL STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESSFUL FOOD BUSINESS MANAGEMENT BREAKING BOUNDARIES THE RISE OF FASHION ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN THE DIGITAL AGE Volume 4, Issue 4 Effect of Carbofuran on Haematological Parameters of Channa Punctatus Bloch Ashaduzzaman, Md Durul Huda, Md Anisur Rahman, Md Mosharrof Hossain, Farzana Ashrafi Neela, Sultana Sultana, Sarmin Akther and Md Habibur Rahman Survey of Taxonomic RichnessAn Outline Editor Note on International Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology Volume 4 Issue 2 Jean-Marc Sabatier The Phylum Tardigrada and the Panspermia Theory Can The Tardigrades be Live Capsules Carrying a Variety of DNA Sequences Inside as Food Particles Endosymbiotic Organisms and Parasites Dilian Georgiev Analysis of Goral Population and its Extinction Causes in District Buner Khyber Pukhtunkhwa Zahidullah, Wasim Akram, Shahroz Khan, Naveed Akhtar and Kausar Saeed A New Species of Predatory Mite of The Genus Amblyseius Acari Phytoseiidae from Kerala India Rahul MP and Sadanandan MA An Addition to the Reptilian Diversity of Barkatullah University Campus Bhopal Madhya Pradesh India Amit Manhas, Rajni Raina and Ashwani Wanganeo Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences Volume 27, Special Issue 3 The Moderating Role of Audit Committee on the Relationship between Concentrated Ownership and Financial Performance Evidence from MENA Countries Ayat Qasim Almasri & Nathasa Mazna Ramli The attitudes and perspectives of English language lecturers towards elearning among students at Amboy University Wolso Campus Kedir Lemma Arega A Study on Role of Women Entrepreneurs In G20 Countries Saurav Kumar Impact of Financial Styles on Investing Decisions with mediating effect of behavioural biases A Comparative Analysis of Pakistani and UK Firms Mehwish Ali Khan, Iram Naz & Matti Ullah Farooqi The Moderating Effect of Organizational Productivity among Kaizen Implementation and Organizational Performance in Selected Ethiopian Cement Industry Using Partial Least Squar Mulugeta Girma Dibiku Business Studies Journal Volume 14, Special Issue 6 Ebusiness empowered functional linkages The job of RosettaNet in coordinating the broadcast communications store network Seon-Kyou Chung Consolidating bizarre information utilization in remote versatile broadcast communications Business examination with a technique centered information driven approach for manageability Antonio Nogueira Businesstobusiness coordination Relevance advantages and hindrances in the media communications industry Kopanas Goudara Information digging for choice help on client bankruptcy in media communications business Chang Tang Open for bioenergy business Viewpoints from Native business pioneers on biomass advancement possible in Canada Looy Janes Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences Volume 27, Issue 1 Big Healthcare Data Enhancing Security and Privacy Ali Hasan Kamil The Role of Marketing Strategy on Market Performance A Study on Small and Medium Enterprises in Ethiopia Jimma Town Endalkachew Desta & Chalchissa Amantie Nomadic Pastoralists and Farmers Conflict in Nigeria Implications for Chronic Poverty Asomba Ifeyinwa & Ofodu Henry Water Use in a Public University in Central Mexico Cruz García Lirios & Julio E Crespo CONTEXTUAL AND CONCEPTUAL ANALYSIS OF THE VENEZUELAN MIGRATORY PANORAMA IN THE CITY OF SAN JOS DE CCUTA Luz Karime Coronel Arquitecta, Erika Tatiana Ayala Architect & Eduardo Gabriel Osorio Volume 6, Issue 4 Training the Blind Otolaryngologist Can OSATS Help Marios Stavrakas, Petros D Karkos, Panagiotis Bamidis and Stefanos Triaridis Changes in Nasal Patency of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Patients afterConcurrent Chemoradiotherapy as Evaluated Using Acoustic Rhinometry Bo-Nien Chen Rhinolith A Forgotten IdentitySeries of 18 Cases with Review ofLiterature Segana Hasan Abdul Cader, SKG Reghunandanan Nair and Fahim Ahmed Shah The Relationship Between Nasal Polyps Mean Platelet VolumeNeutrophileLymphocyte Ratio and Platelet Count Ferit Akil, Umur Yollu, Fatih Turgut and Muhammed Ayral Possible Participation of Irregularly Surfaced Carotid Plaques in the Genesis of Idiopathic Transient Vestibulopathy Tomoe Yoshida,Masahiko Yamamoto, Mitsuya Suzuki and Takeshi Sasak Minimally Invasive Approach for Massive Deep Neck Space Abscess Uma Patnaik Journal of Entrepreneurship Education Volume 27, Special Issue 5 Emotional Intelligence and Perceived Social Support as Predictors of Entrepreneurial Intentions among Women in South East Nigeria Prisca Isiwu, Ifeanyi Onuka Onwuka,Tobias Obiora Ozor PREDICTION OF ARCHETYPE PERSONALITY ON COMPETENCE AND ENTREPRENEURIAL SUCCESS Bimo Wikantiyoso, Benedicta Prihatin Dwi Riyanti, Angela Oktavia Suryani Exploring Teachers Perspectives on the Integration of Entrepreneurship Education in Tanzanian Public Primary Schools Joseph Manase Entrepreneurial Skills Development and Sustainable Job Creation Propensity Among University Students Implications for Stakeholders Engagement Ukpong Nse Nkereuwem, Uzoigwe Michael Chukwudi, Offem Odim Otu, Ekpenyong Enoh Bassey, Moses Jenny George, Ogbeche Mary Mark INTEGRATING ENTREPRENEURIAL EDUCATION TO IMPROVE FOUNDATION READINESS OF CHEMISTRY STUDENTS IN GERMANY AND POLAND A PDCA PERSPECTIVE Sebastian Walther