The International Tinnitus Journal (ISSN: 0946-5448)


A Randomized Controlled Trial of Cognitive-Behavior Therapy for Tinnitus

Author(s): Shannon K. Robinson, Erik S. Viirre, Kelly A. Bailey, Sandra Kindermann, Arpi L. Minassian, Phillippe R. Goldin, Paola Pedrelli, Jeffery P. Harris, and John R. McQuaid

This study is a randomized, waitlist-controlled trial testing the effect of a brief, “manualized,” cognitive-behavioral group therapy on distress associated with tinnitus, quality of well-being, psychological distress including depression, and internal focus. Cognitivebehavioral therapy (CBT) included training in activity planning, relaxation training and, primarily, cognitive restructuring. Sixty-five participants were recruited, and 41 completed treatment. Participants were randomly assigned to receive 8 weeks of manualized group CBT either immediately or after an 8-week waiting period. Participants completed outcome measures at the time of their random assignment and at 8, 16, and 52 weeks later. Repeatedmeasure analysis of covariance revealed significant group-by-time interactions on measures of tinnitus distress and depression, indicating that CBT led to greater improvement in those symptoms. The current results suggest that CBT, applied in a group format using a manual, can reduce the negative emotional distress, including depression, associated with tinnitus.

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