Author(s): Lucky Obukowho Onotai, Kingsley Opara
BACKGROUND: Among salivary gland tumors, 80% arise in the parotid glands. Parotid tu-mors pose a challenge to most surgeons both in diagnosis and treatment. This study evalu-ates the clinical profile and management out-comes of parotid gland tumors in Port Har-court, Nigeria.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The records of patients who presented with parotid gland swellings to the department of Ear, Nose and Throat Surgery in the University of Port Har-court Teaching Hospital (UPTH) and Kinx Medical consultant clinic in Port Harcourt, over a 7-year period (May 2007 to June 2014) were retrospectively examined. Patients' de-mographic data, clinical presentation, investi-gations, surgical management, histological diagnosis and outcome were obtained and analysed.
RESULTS: A total of 48 patients with parotid tu-mors were seen out of a total of 3095 patient who had head and neck tumors giving a preva-lence of 1.6%. Age range was 20-75 years with a mean of 47.58 (SD ± 11.93) years. The M: F ratio was found to be 1.4:1.The commonest 30 (62.5%) mode of presentation was firm to soft pre-auricular swelling. Five (10.4%) patients were found to be retroviral positive preopera-tively. Superficial parotidectomy was the pre-dominant 45 (93.7%) form of surgery carried out while 3 (6.2%) of our patients had total pa-rotidectomy out of which one had reconstruc-tion of the skin around the parotid area with a bilobed random transposition flap. Pleo-morphic adenoma was the commonest 41 (85.4%) tumor seen in our series. Immediate post-surgical transient facial nerve palsy was the commonest 40 (83.3%) surgical complica-tion encountered.Post-surgical radiotherapy was recommended to all patients who were found to have malignancies.
CONCLUSION: Pleomorphic adenoma was the commonest histopathologic parotid salivary gland tumor that required surgery in our environment while the commonest post-surgical complication was transient facial nerve palsy. To improve the outcome of management of patients with malig-nancies a standard functional Radiotherapy facility should be established in every tertiary health facili-ties in the country to enhance cost effective pa-tient management.