
Insects Infesting Selected Vegetables in Lagos and The Control of Infestation on Celosia Argentea (L.) With Two Plant Essential Oils

Author(s): Denloye, Abiodun A., Makinde, Olubunmi S.C., Ajelara, Kafayat O., Alafia, Azeezat O. , Oiku, Ebosele A.1, Dosumu, Olanrewaju A.,Makanjuola, Winifred A. and Olowu, Rasaq A.

There is a dearth of information on insects infesting vegetables in Lagos, Nigeria, and farmers depend heavily on synthetic insecticides for control. A field study was therefore conducted in the Ojo campus of Lagos State University to investigate the insect species associated with Abelmoschus esculentus (L. Moench), Celosia argentea (L.) and Corchorus olitorius (L.) on one hand, and the effect of n-hexane extracts of Chenopodium ambrosioides L. (Chenopodiaceae) and Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides (Watern.) (Rutaceae) on the incidence of Aspavia acuminata, Cletomorpha sp and Euophryum sp on Celosia argentea for eight weeks after treatment with Actellic 20 – EC as check. The vegetables were planted on prepared beds following a Randomized Complete Block Design. Insects were collected weekly on all the vegetable crops for eight weeks and identified. The results show that 12 species represeting four Orders namely Coleoptera, Euophryum species (Curculionidae), Lixus sp (Chrysomelidae), Podagrica sp (Chrysomelidae), Agrilus viridator (Buprestidae); Heteroptera, Aspervia acuminata (Pentatomidae), Carbula carpito (Coreidae), Hermietta sp (Stratiomyidae), Dysdercus species (Pyrocoreidae); Homoptera, Lycus folliaceus (Lycidae), Lycus sermianplexus (Lycidae); and Hymenoptera, Crematogaster africana (Formicidae), infested the test vegetabels. Euophryum was the most abundant followed by A. acuminata while the least was Lixus sp with 41.94%, 12.90 % and 1.54 % abundance respectively. N-hexane extracts of Z. Zanthoxyloides and C. ambrosioides respectively caused significant (p<0.05) reduction in the number of insects on C. argentea relative to the controls. These results show insecticidal potentials of the test essential oils for the control of some insect pests of C. argentea.

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