Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences (ISSN: 2249-622X)


Prevalence and Predictors of hypertension, at Sriganganagar city of Rajasthan India

Author(s): Bhardwaja S, Balgir PP, Goel RK

Objective: The objective of this study is to determine the prevalence of essential hypertension among the population of Sriganganagar city of Rajasthan in north India and as well as to investigating the diseases and risk factors involved it its etiology.
Methods: An hospital based retrospective study was carried out to investigating the demographic details of disease and history of patients during the period Jan 2006 to December 2008 at the hospitals of Sriganganagar city of Rajasthan.
Results: From a total of 613400 patients involved in retrospective study 29072 were identified as having essential hypertension. The overall prevalence of essential hypertension was 4.73%. The hypertensive prevalence was 60.1% and 39.87% among males and females, respectively. Study revealed that the risk of essential hypertension was significantly associated with body mass index, smoking status and a family history of essential hypertension.
Conclusion: As the prevalence of hypertension is high (4.73%), an appropriate intervention program shall be launched considering the modifiable risk factors in the area of Sriganganagar

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