Author(s): Magda Youssef, Tayseer Mansour, Hesham A Abdelsalam
Background: Concerns regarding the potential physiological effects of exposure to radio frequency (RF) radiation have been increased recently.
Objective: This study explores a relationship between the use of mobile phone and auditory problems and the gender difference among medical students in Taibah University in Al Madinah Al Monawarrah.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted at Faculty of Medicine, Taibah University, Al Madinah Al Monawarrah, and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia during the year 2013-2014. For this purpose a questionnaire was used as data collection tool.
Results: There were some statistically significant relationships that were found such as: students gender and the duration of mobile phone use (P-value=0.0001), students gender and vertigo (P-value=0.0001), tinnitus (P-value=0.0001), and dizziness (P-value=0.001). Conclusion: These results demonstrated high prevalence of ear problems among female medical students.