Business Studies Journal (Print ISSN: 1944-656X; Online ISSN: 1944-6578)

Editorials: 2021 Vol: 13 Issue: 2S

Coronavirus Business Impact

Jyoti Prakash Patra, Trident College


The COVID-19 sudden start of something bad like disease is a sharp reminder that widespread diseases, like other rarely happening terrible events, have happened in the past and will continue to happen in the future. Even if we cannot prevent dangerous viruses from newly appearing, we should prepare to dampen their effects on community of people/all good people in the world. The current sudden start of something bad like disease has had extreme money-based results across the globe, and it does not look like any country will be unaffected. This not only has results for the process of people making, selling, and buying things; all of community of people/all good people in the world is affected, which has led to big changes in how businesses act and people who use a product or service behave. This special issue is a worldwide effort to address some of the widespread disease-related issues affecting community of people/all good people in the world. In total, there are 12 papers that cover different industry parts/areas e.g., tourism, retail, and college, changes in related to people who use a product or service behavior and businesses, honest and right issues, and aspects related to workers and leadership. COVID-19 caused a worldwide widespread disease in 2020 that completely totally changed and improved our way of life, as a result affecting the research area of business, management and accounting part/area. The study by Donthu & Gustafsson had produced some significant elements on the effect of COVID-19 in the carefully thought about/believed study area. Since that time, all states and universities have engaged related to school and learning in the search for solutions and future possibilities related to COVID-19. International working together/team effort has pushed related to school and learning from all over the world to activate their networks to deal with the/to speak to the issue by looking for, as suggested by the WHO guidelines and by the different states, the best solutions to deal with the result of COVID-19.


COVID-19, Consumers, Businesses, Economy, UNCTAD.


While nearly all worlds of life have been affected by the widespread disease and the resulting how money affects people's lives hits/effects, the focus of this report is on the widespread disease's huge results for trade and development. Moving quickly along the travel connections and transport hallways/travel paths that make up the principal blood vessels from the heart/busy roads of the world-wide process of people making, selling, and buying things, the spread of the virus has benefited from the hidden state of being connected with, and dependent upon, each other and weaknesses of when lots of countries communicate and talk with each other. Coming against a background of already delicate and breakable money-based conditions, the widespread disease has created disruptions on a never-before-seen scale and uncovered the weakness that could be used to hurt someone or something of many already not having money or education families and parts/areas.

COVID-19 has helped/encouraged on some already visible popular things/general ways things are going, magnifying some blocking or stopping things to development, but has also opened up new opportunities for trade and development. In this report, selected parts of a "new usual/ commonly and regular/ healthy" are discussed, as well as how COVID-19 may be a game changer for more than two, but not a lot of constant/not going away and newly appearing trade and development challenges in areas that UNCTAD has been examining in depth. To be better prepared to deal with the serious problem and build a more tough, including everything and able to last/helping the planet future, policy actions are also described that UNCTAD member States can take to support happening now responses to COVID-19 and a happening sometime in the future recovery from the widespread disease.

The way of seeing things / sensible view of what is and is not important is broadened, beyond the most capable of being hurt, in chapter 4 by exploring the effect of the serious problem on worldwide value chains and how the widespread disease presents a major challenge for international production, especially in combination with related to computers and science change, breaking of international money-based policymaking and able to last/helping the planet development important rules. It is argued that COVID-19 can be a helping force for more tough worldwide and related to a large area production networks that support the building of productive abilities for related to what holds something together and makes it strong change, and the ability to keep something around, or keep something going. In analysing the effect of the widespread disease on international production, related investment policy and the ability to keep something around, or keep something going issues are examined. Also examined is how science, technology and invention of new things policies employed in the widespread disease response can be captured and controlled by developing countries to increase their invention of new things and productive abilities to hold or do something. The recent increasing speed in digitalization and the effect of the COVID-19 serious problem on electronic the buying and selling of goods are carefully thought about/believed. International transport and trade help in doing something are also discussed as important transmission channels that can make worse disruptions but also enable a more able to last/helping the planet and tough recovery.

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