International Journal of Entrepreneurship (Print ISSN: 1099-9264; Online ISSN: 1939-4675)

Research Article: 2021 Vol: 25 Issue: 2

Entrepreneurship Education Of The Formation Of The E-Commerce Managers Professional Qualities

Oleksandr Akimov, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management

Marta Karpa, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

Oksana Parkhomenko-Kutsevil, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management

Vasily Kupriichuk, National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine

Azad Omarov, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management

Citation Information: Oleksandr Akimov., Marta Karpa., Oksana Parkhomenko-Kutsevil., Vasily Kupriichuk., & Azad Omarov. (2021). Entrepreneurship Education of the Formation of the E-Commerce Managers Professional Qualities. International Journal of Entrepreneurship, 25(7), 1-8.


It is established that the e-commerce manager activity is determined by the general features and functions of the management activity, specific features and functions of the ecommerce and its own psychological characteristics, including the necessary professional knowledge, skills, complex of professionally important qualities and professional goals. The conceptual model of entrepreneurship education of e-commerce management has been developed on the basis of certain theoretical and methodological bases of the research, it opens wide perspectives for the analysis not only of the e-commerce management process, but also the manager development process as an e-commerce subject, the interiorization of the objective forms of its activities in the subjective ones by him. The place of trust in the interaction of ecommerce entities has been justified. Due to its a priori, on one hand, it is associated with risk, and on the other hand-it requires validation by experience, depending on it its initial level is constantly adjusted.


Quality, Entrepreneurship Education, E-Commerce, Manager, Competence, Trust.

JEL Classifications

M5, Q2.


The rapid development of the Internet and e-commerce market has led to a large share of consumers from all over the world to purchasing goods online. Also, this process was facilitated by the development of reliable international electronic payment systems, which began to provide a guarantee of money savings before and after receipt of the goods. The more products and services sold through the Internet, the more important to replenish e-commerce knowledge and confidence in e-commerce. Regardless whether the site is an additional link to an existing and reputable company, or whether it is the only method of cooperation of an unknown company with a buyer, the latter must be sure that it will only receive benefits from such cooperation.

Development of the global network in the field of economic relations caused emergence of a new type of activity-e-commerce, which opens up fundamentally new opportunities for business development.

E-commerce is a special form of business activity that has its own rules of operation. Ecommerce is a form of sale of goods and services that uses computer tools and the Internet in the process of selecting goods, ordering them and calculating through electronic payments and / or documents. Individuals and organizations can buy goods or order services.

Of course, the development of e-commerce depends on the successful management of this activity. The latter is a problem that has attracted considerable attention from scientists in many countries around the world. In the United States, where e-commerce is the most advanced and constantly improving, the issue of its management has posed new challenges for the whole economy and society, especially in government, which explains why the US Government attaches great importance to it.

The state should encourage educational institutions to educate students on the use and functioning of the Internet and e-commerce, and pay attention to the special training of highly qualified e-commerce managers.

Earlier, the responsibility for e-commerce was placed on IT engineers and programmers, or on web designers and developers. Currently, companies operating in the field of e-commerce are aware that the success of their e-business development depends on the activities of the professional e-commerce manager.

The purpose of the study is to theoretically substantiate and empirically investigate the psychological features, conditions and factors of the formation of e-commerce managers' professional qualities.

Review of Previous Studies

The manager's professional task is to satisfy the needs of clients, employees, depositors, balancing interests that conflict with each other or the interests of society (Casidy & Nyadzayo, 2019). It means that the manager must: ensure a fair (honest) rivalry between enterprises, leading to the maximum reduction in price, increase of quality and variety of products; to try to introduce new ideas and technological progress into competitive goods and services; to provide jobs, raise real incomes and promote humanization of labour.

In addition, the manager must provide a viable external environment for future generations, use the means provided to him for the benefit of society. In order to work effectively, a manager must understand the trends of the economy on the whole, its effectiveness, to orient in the role of his company in a dynamic external environment (Ingason & Jónsdóttir, 2017; Somov, 2018). He must be aware of the functioning peculiarities of various organizational and legal forms of entrepreneurship, well know the methods of managing finances, personnel, production, marketing, economic mechanism and strategy of the company development.

An e-commerce manager is considered to be a manager, who should not be a programmer, marketer, or web developer, but should be competent in these functions and know how to manage the staffs that provides these functions. An e-commerce manager should be aware of the responsibilities and activities of the IT department, website developers, marketing department and interact with these entities in the creation and promotion of e-commerce of the company (Drobyazko et al., 2019a; Drobyazko et al., 2019b).

One of the central responsibilities of the e-commerce manager is online branding, responsibility for the quality and promotion of the website, creation of a business plan for the development of e-commerce (Papp, 2018; Tatiana et al., 2018).

The primary goal of the e-commerce manager is to develop the necessary specifications to build and operate a company website that requires an understanding of the responsibilities of each department and its functions in the overall process (Kantek & Simsek, 2017).

Despite the increased advertising of the benefits of online shopping, e-commerce managers are mainly concerned with attracting potential visitors. No more than 20% are buyers from of all visitors of virtual stores (Hilorme et al., 2019a; Hilorme et al., 2019). Both of these facts testify to the ineffectiveness of the advertising campaigns conducted and the lack of attention to the needs and expectations of potential customers.

However, the psychological aspects of the effectiveness of e-commerce management remain under-researched; there is a lack of theoretical substantiation and empirical data on the features and basic elements of interaction of e-commerce entities, the leading factors of its optimality.

The problem of correlation of personal and procedural characteristics in the process of becoming professional e-commerce manager remains to be solved. The problem of psychological and pedagogical conditions and factors of formation of professional qualities of e-commerce managers needs to be systematically disclosed.


In accordance with the nature of the purpose of the research, a set of interrelated research methods was used: theoretical-review of philosophical, pedagogical, psychological, economic, legal literature on the problem under study; theoretical analysis and synthesis, systematization and generalization of basic research provisions; empirical - questioning, observation, testing, conversations, experiment (ascertaining, forming, controlling).

Results and Discussion

Due to the dynamic processing of information and working with databases in e-commerce, the manager's thinking should be directed to the individual interaction with each registered buyer, exploring its capabilities and needs. This is the first task. Another important task of the ecommerce manager is to create a successful brand that helps not only improve customer contact, but also increase the credibility of potential customers. There is a wide choice in the global network, competing projects are just a click away from each other - all this increases the importance of creating and developing not only a brand but also a positive attitude towards customers. The third task of the e-commerce management is to study competitors, which can be divided into two categories: retail offline business and online stores.

Consider the key responsibilities of the e-commerce manager:

• Work with the marketing department to determine the e-commerce strategy and to support the full product offering.

• Provision of web content that aligns with marketing plans, customer expectations and supports business goals.

• Maintaining liaison with the Supply Department to ensure sufficient supply of goods and services.

• Managing a team of employees responsible for site maintenance and customer engagement.

• Improving and developing an online marketing channel to maximize ROI (Return on Investment).

• Realization of ways to attract and retain clients.

• Identifying new profitable opportunities and routes for consumers.

• Improvement of the site design and its optimization.

• Planning, forecasting and operational management of the online store.

• Identifying and harnessing opportunities to increase profitability.

• SEO (Search Engine Optimization) management.

• Providing customer relationship management (CRM) with email and other tools.

• Overall leadership of the website development and support team to maximize growth across all online marketing channels, including SEO, affiliate programs, email marketing and social media;

• Ensuring brand growth in e-commerce.

Competition is moving into a new stage in the e-commerce market-sellers are more interested not in visitors but in real buyers. This idea is based on the e-commerce management model we are developing.

The theoretical analysis of e-commerce and the activity of the manager made it possible to offer a conceptual model of e-commerce management (Figure 1) on the basis of system, socialpsychological and subject-activity approaches, which opens wide perspectives for the analysis not only of the e-commerce management process, but also the process of development of the manager as a subject of e-commerce, the internalization of objective forms of his activity into subjective ones by him.

Figure 1 Conceptual Model of E-Commerce Management (Author's Development)

The central component of the model is the manager's activity as a structural-meaningful characteristic and its objective connection with a certain object of social reality, which manifests itself on the subject-object (subject-activity), subject-subject and subject-object-subject.

According to the model, e-commerce is considered by us as a specific activity, expressed by subject-object-subject relations in this sphere. In this case, the evaluation action of activities results by the manager is based on a comparison of his own actions with the corresponding actions of the buyer in a situation of interaction.

Based on the methodology of the subject-activity approach, the attitude of the manager to his professional activity, and therefore its result, will be determined by the integration of his motives, self-esteem, value orientations and the corresponding system of qualitative characteristics of the personality.

The interaction of e-commerce entities is mediated by trust. The essence of trust as an ethical factor in economic relations, which reduces the costs associated with sanctions and control, is the following: it involves mutual benefit rather than one-party benefits.

According to the main methodological provisions for the study of the phenomenon of trust in psychology, trust is a fundamental condition for various forms of human interaction, influence, joint problem solving, cooperation and ultimately-the effectiveness of work in organizations.

The experience of interaction between e-commerce entities is an important factor in changing the initial level of trust. A special feature of this link is to mediate the interaction experience with previous e-commerce experience. On the part of the client, it involves the experience of using the Internet, e-mail, making online purchases, using the website, etc., which, in combination with other factors (motivation features, goals, purchasing intentions, etc.), determines belonging to a particular type of buyer. On the part of the manager is a certain level of development of relevant professional qualities and professional-managerial competence in the field of e-commerce, in particular usability experience, user experience (UX), etc.

Reflective processes are actively involved in all e-commerce interaction units affect both the procedural aspect of the activity and the end result. The professional self-awareness of the manager involves the formation of the internal model of external relationships in the field of management and implementation of e-commerce.

Clearly conscious thinking actions of control, correction, anticipation of the result increase the effectiveness of the manager. Reflection as an awareness, comprehension and rethinking of its activities is a significant factor in the development and self-development of the professionalism of the manager.

We consider the result of the manager's activity as an integrative objective-psychological characteristic, which depends on both the internal characteristics of the individual (peculiarities of needs, motivation, self-esteem, value orientations, content specificity of professional and personal qualities) and indicators of activity productivity.

Building consumer confidence in e-commerce should be based on common management and marketing techniques, while taking into account the features of user interface design and user experience (UX). Interaction experience is the term used to describe and interact with the overall user experience of the system.

It is important to build initial trust in e-commerce. a significant impact on initial trust can have features of user interfaces design. UX design includes both interaction design and visual design, as well as promoting an friendly interface. UX experience often focuses on the psychological component of interaction with the system. UX specialists use ethnographic and psychographic research to create their interfaces. Also, UX is associated with usability (the ease with which users can achieve their goals using any tool), but it is more "quality" oriented.


Consumer loyalty to a particular seller largely depends on the degree of trust in him. Lack of trust is often identified as the most important barrier to a normal e-commerce perception.

Therefore, confidence building can be ensured through sufficiently high design principles that require considerable resources. These general principles of development can be adapted to different industries and business models. It should be noted that the principles of trust formation depend on their target needs for health care systems, banking or gambling. In other words, these services will establish different importance for different components of the model.

Thus, several recommendations of effective management can be identified as a result of the analysis of the theoretical foundations and the trust model in e-commerce to increase trust in the Internet business. The most important of these is the sequence. People are more likely to trust those who always adhere to one "general line".

For example, launching a newsletter for buyers and potential customers, it should be always strived to ensure that each issue would be the highest quality. It is necessary to follow the style of publications and the regularity of the release of new issues - an indefinite schedule creates confusion in the minds of customers. Consistency is required in all aspects of business. The warranty conditions should not be altered, and it should be checked that the goods and services being promoted are in conformity with the stated quality and price.

One of the main factors of trust is the security of payment transactions and the confidentiality of their personal information. Legislative acts, technological and organizational measures, insurance and control procedures are aimed at protecting the users' interests. Equally important to users is the guarantee of the consistency and integrity of transactions and the competence to conduct them by all parties. The quality and efficiency of the sites is also essential. Additional and important enough conditions for gaining consumer confidence are simple, convenient navigation, the absence of pop-up advertising windows, as well as highvolume registration questionnaires.

Consumer requirements for customer service remain the same. As in the offline world, consumers expect sufficient attention and proper expression from virtual enterprises, as well as timely response to customer requests.

It involves the use of various discussions and conferences involving potential clients. Timely answers to all customer inquiries and their information are important, which makes it possible to assess knowledge and a high level of awareness. Also, it should be used the experience and proven attributes of a real brand on your own website (color scheme, style directions, interactivity, etc.).

Transparency and reliability of information on the quality of goods, in particular, their benefits caused consumers trust are important. Another powerful way to build trust in a product or service is to provide online feedback to customers about the goods they have purchased, for example, by posting (with the prior consent) thanks on the web-site. The "voice support" of the business also contributes to the confidence building. It requires the indication of a valid address and telephone number on the website.

Creating a positive image of the company and increasing its credibility is also facilitated by the clarity and speed of the seller's fulfillment of his obligations to customers, which forms a positive experience of interaction.


The conceptual model of the e-commerce management has been developed on the basis of certain theoretical and methodological bases of the research, it opens wide perspectives for the analysis not only of the e-commerce management process, but also the manager development process as an e-commerce subject, the interiorization of the objective forms of its activities in the subjective ones by him.

The central component of the model is the manager's activity as a structural and meaningful characteristic and its objective connection with a certain object of social reality, which manifests itself on the subject-object (subject-activity), subject-subject and subject-objectsubject levels.

According to the model, e-commerce is considered by us as a specific activity, expressed by subject-object-subject relations in this sphere. In this case, the evaluation action of activities results by the manager is based on a comparison of his own actions with the corresponding actions of the buyer in a situation of interaction. It, in turn, makes it possible to manage the perception of certain characteristics of the product/service, ideas about the characteristics of ecommerce (its capabilities, efficiency, reliability, etc.), to make them attractive by changing the perceptions of customers about the object or activity.

The interaction of e-commerce entities is mediated by trust. This phenomenon, on the one hand, is associated with risk and, on the other, requires validation of experience. The experience of interaction between e-commerce entities is an important factor in changing the initial level of trust. From the client side, it is mediated by the experience of using the Internet, e-mail, making online purchases, using the website, etc. On the part of the manager it is mediated by the development level of relevant professional qualities and professional-managerial competence in the field of e-commerce, in particular usability experience, user experience (UX), etc.


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