International Journal of Entrepreneurship (Print ISSN: 1099-9264; Online ISSN: 1939-4675)

Research Article: 2021 Vol: 25 Issue: 1S

Human Resources Management and its Role in The Criteria of the Organization Seeking for Learning from the Perspective of the Employees in Al-Hussein IBN Talal University

Dua'a Shaher Tobeery, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University


 This study aimed at identifying the human resources management and its role in the criteria of the organization that seeks learning from the perspective of the employees in Al-Hussein Ibn Talal University. The study used the analytical descriptive approach to demonstrate the concepts relating to the study topic, analyze them and come up with the results based on the opinions of (174) employees of the middle administration in Al-Hussein Bin Talal University. In order to achieve the study objectives, a questionnaire was designed and consisted of (18) items to collect the primary data from the study sample individuals. Accordingly, the data were collected and analyzed and the hypotheses were tested using (SPSS). The results revealed that the level at which the employees (the study sample) evaluate the dimensions of the human resources management and the organization that seek learning was high. The results also revealed that there is a statistically significant impact for human resources management on the organization that seeks learning.


Recently, the world witnessed a tremendous and rapid development in all the aspects of life, either scientific or practical. The field of management, just like the other fields, was affected by these developments and faced different challenges due to knowledge revolution. Developments in the field of management were too rapid, either in the public or private sectors, where they affected the way of reaching the outputs of the administrative process.

Organizations differ in the extent of responding to changes and facing the challenges witnessed by their internal and external environment, as well as the extent of their commitment to producing high-quality products and services that correspond with customers' expectations and investors' ambitions, according to the variation in the quality and characteristics of their human resources. Therefore, the importance of organizational teaching emerges in relation to constructing the organizations seeking for learning that are capable to sustain in an unstable environment (Carmeli & Sheaffer,2008); Menguc et al., 2017).

The importance of human resources lies in its influential role in raising the efficiency of the organization's management in performing its tasks and activities. The human resource is the most important input of the production system and the greatest influential force in determining the identity of the new organization and determining its future manifestations. Due to the importance of human resources in the administrative process, where human resources management and developing it in organizations correspond with the strategies of developing human resources in general, the managers in senior management seek it in order

to achieve their programs and their institutional objectives. The international interest in developing human resources is attributed to the fact that humans are the real wealth of countries (Abubakar et al., 2014; Memon et al., 2016). Human resources in the public and private administrative bodies are seen as the main foundation in the administrative process due to the importance of these administrative bodies in achieving their objectives that mainly depend on their human resources and the abilities, plans, motives and aspirations that they have. Hussain, & Rehman (2013). Therefore, the success of organizations, in general, in achieving their basic objectives depends on the quality of labor force and the effective usage of this labour since human resources represents the primary objective and the main tool of the developmental process. Additionally, individuals are seen as the basic element in the efforts which aim at gaining more advances in a world that is characterized by the rapid nature and pluralism of affecting factors. (Selesho et al., 2014); (Watson, 2002).

Therefore, activating the role of human resources management in the organizations seeking for learning, including the role of heads of departments, administration managers or their assistants, and the other employees is seen as a basic condition to achieve a tangible achievement and promote the work quality in these organizations. Due to the importance of this issue, it appeared necessary to investigate this topic. Accordingly, this study was conducted to address the role of the strategies of human resources management in constructing the organization seeking for learning.

Problem Statement

Human resources considerably contribute to improving the system of management in general, in case of the exacerbation of the administrative problems that face organizations. The strategic curve of human resources is represented by making the long term decisions for the employees working in systems in all the organizational levels, where the trend of this tool is directed under the umbrella of the organization's senior management, which represents the general trend of the organization in relation to its efforts to achieve its strategic objectives and competitiveness through the human resources which contribute to organizing the work and activities of the organization (Sirca et al., 2012).

Since the organizations seeking for learning in Jordan need to constantly update their strategic practices related to human resources, due to their importance in achieving high-performance levels and compared with the other competitors in the organizations seeking for learning at the local and global level, such organizations need to identify the nature of the strategic practices for human resources management as well as the possible effects of these practices on performance. Stewart & Brown (2009).

Research Objectives

This study mainly aimed at identifying the relationship between the strategies of human resources management and the criteria of the organization seeking for learning. Therefore, the current study aimed to achieve the following objectives:

1. Identifying the impact of the strategic practices of human resources management on the criteria of the organization seeking for learning from the perspective of the employees in Al-Hussein Ibn Talal University.

2. The possibility of concluding results upon which we can cite the appropriate recommendations to deal with the strategies of human resources management and the criteria of the organization seeking for learning and help the investigated organizations in dealing with them.

3. Highlighting the level to which the investigated organizations apply the strategies of human resources management and the criteria of the organization seeking for learning, particularly in relation to the pre-mentioned variables as well as demonstrating the difficulties facing the effective application of them.

The Study Hypotheses

Based on the study problem, the following main and sub hypotheses were cited:

HO1 There is no statistically significant impact for the strategy of polarization and selection in the criteria of the organization seeking for learning from the perspective of the employees in Al-Hussein Ibn Talal University.

HO2 There is no statistically significant impact for the strategy of training and development in the criteria of the organization seeking for learning from the perspective of the employees in Al-Hussein Ibn Talal University.

HO3 There is no statistically significant impact for the strategy of incentives and motivation in the criteria of the organization seeking for learning from the perspective of the employees in Al-Hussein Ibn Talal University.

The Previous Studies

The existent literature reports the impact of human resources management on the organizational. The effect of human resource management practices has been explored in the context of organizational performance (Wei et al., 2018). The relationship between human resource management, organizational performance, organizational culture, and knowledge capabilities is significant (Chong et al. 2018).

Katou (2011) emphasized that in the development of HRM strategies for an effective organizational performance, the skills, attitude and behaviour of employees represent significant factors. Thus, a better comprehension of the link between HRM and organizational performance can be attained by regarding these factors the content of the ‘black box’ (Katou, 2010; Savaneviciene & Stankeviciute, 2010).

Khan (2010) examined a framework for human resource practices. This framework included: (staff intake and selection, training and development programs, compensations, rewards and performance appraisal). It was concluded that human resource practices have a statistically significant impact on the organization’s overall performances in Pakistan and able to improve it.

Study (Katou, 2008) conducted which aimed at measuring the impact of human resources management on the organizational performance in the industrial organizations in Greece. The researcher used the questionnaire, which were distributed to (178) industrial facilities. The researcher used the structural equation approach. The results revealed that there is a strong relationship between the different practices of human resources management, such as training, performance assessment, compensation, employees' participation and selection. Though, some studies examine directly examine effect of human resource practices on employee retention. For instance, Sanjeevkumar & Wei (2012) found that career opportunity, organizational commitment, work-life balance and compensation are positively related with employee retention.

(Edralin, 2010) conducted a study which aimed at identifying the promotion of the practices of human resources management on achieving entrepreneurship as well as demonstrating the most influential functions of human resources management that direct the leadership of the biggest companies in Philippine. The results revealed that the companies of the study sample apply several practices of human resources that are related to the functions of human resources management. The results revealed that the relationships of employees, training and development as well as the polarization and recruitment contribute equally to achieving entrepreneurship in the work of these companies Ozigbo & Nathaniel (2012). This study attempted to explore how organizational culture influence knowledge management practices through human resource management practices. The results obtained in this study showed that human resource management has a significant positive impact on organizational innovation and that knowledge management effectiveness has a mediation effect on relationship between human resource management practices and organizational innovation.

(Kim, 2010) conducted a study which aimed at identifying the impact of four factors that contribute to the predictions of employees about the competitive environment on the institutional performance. These factors include wages, benefits and opportunities as well as organizational rules. The results revealed that there is a significant contribution for the predictions of employees about the competitive environment on institutional performance.

The Features Characterizing the Current Study from the Previous Studies

The objectives of the previous studies, where some of them aimed to identify the impact of the dimensions of organizational learning on the cognitive performance of the Malaysian higher education institutions, such as the study of (Kumar & Idris, 2006), while other studies aimed at introducing a proposed model for the management of organizational learning as an application for the concept of the organization seeking for learning by applying the scale of Mardkurt for the organization seeking for learning, such as the case in (Abu-Khodair, 2006).However, the current study aimed at identifying the role of practicing the strategies of human resources management on constructing the organization seeking for learning. The current study is distinguished from the previous studies in demonstrating the study problem, organizing the theoretical framework, determining the appropriate sample size, developing the study instrument, using the suitable statistics for data processing as well as comparing the results of the current study with the results of the previous studies.

The Study Methodology

This study used the analytical descriptive approach due to its ability to provide the necessary data and facts about the study problem, in addition to interpreting them and identify their significance. Furthermore, using the analytical descriptive approach enables the researcher to collect empirical evidences from a large portion of the study sample individuals.

Population and Sampling

The population size of this study consists of (174) mangers, assistant manager, and heads of sections working at departments and centers at Al-Hussein Ibn Talal University. The most basic element of a research study is unit of analysis (Zikmund et al, 2013). According to Sekaran & Bougie (2016) a unit of analysis can be referred as “the level of aggregation of the data collected during the subsequent data analysis stage” while. Therefore, the unit of analysis is individual based, means that data was collected from (mangers, assistant manager, and heads of sections) in Al-Hussein Ibn Talal University is the unit of analysis of the study.

This study used probability simple random sampling method. Sampling methods can be divided into probability and non-probability sampling. This study adopts the simple random sampling technique, which is a probability sampling method, in order for each aspect of the population to be represented in the sample (Zikmund et al., 2013). The appropriate sample size for a population size of 174 is 123. According the recommended Krejcie & Morgan (1970), as suggested by Sekaran & Bougie (2016). In Hence, 123 questionnaires were distributed to the sample, seven of them were excluded because they were not filled completely or correctly so (116) questionnaires were valid.

The Study Instrument

The researcher developed the study instrument in order to achieve the study objectives, where the researcher used the literature related to the impact of human resources on the organizations seeking for learning.

The study consisted of two parts: the first part consisted of the demographic data of the study sample, including (experience, age, gender), while the second part included a number of items.

The Validity of the Study Instrument

The researcher developed the questionnaire after reviewing the relevant previous studies. Then, the instrument was arbitrated by introducing it to a number of specialists and those interested in scientific research and the study domain. The arbitrators' opinions were taken into consideration, where the questionnaire items were modified and the final version of the questionnaire was cited.

The Reliability of the Study Instrument

In order to verify that the questionnaire measures the required factors, the internal consistency test was performed for the study items, where the extent to which the scale was consistent was determined by calculating (Cronbach Alpha) since Cronbach alpha test depends on the consistency of the individual's performance from one item to another and indicates the strength and correlation between the items of the questionnaire. Additionally, Alpha coefficient gives estimation for reliability. In order verify the reliability of the study instrument via this test, Cronbach alpha equation was applied to the scores of the sample individuals. Even though there are no criterion rules concerning the suitable values of (Alpha), (Alpha ≥ 0.60) is considered as an acceptable value in researches.

The Statistical Processing

The statistical package of social sciences (SPSS) was used for statistical analysis.

The Study Results

Here Is a Display for the Study Results

First, answering the first question: what is the level to which the employees (the study sample) in Al-Hussein Bin Talal University evaluate the dimensions of human resources management (polarization and selection, training and development, incentives and achievement strategy)?

Table (1) showed that the means for the estimations of the study sample individuals in Al-Hussein Bin Talal University for human resources management was relatively high, where the average mean for the dimensions of human resources management was (3.76). Polarization and selection was in the first place with a mean of (3.89), followed by the dimension of training and development in the second place with a mean of (3.82), then the dimension of time management in the third place with a mean of (3.65), while the dimension of incentives and motivation was in the last place with a mean of (3.60).

Table 1
The Means, Standard Deviations and the Importance Level for the Estimations of the Study Sample Individuals in Al-Hussein Bin Talal University Regarding the Dimensions of Human Resources Management.
Number Dimension Mean Standard deviation Importance level
1 Polarization and selection 3.89 0.86 High
2 Training and development 3.82 0.82 High
3 Incentives and motivation 3.65 0.7 High
Average mean 3.78 0.79 High

Second, answering the second question: what is the level to which the employees (the study sample) in Al-Hussein Bin Talal University evaluate the criteria of the organization that seek learning?

The results showed that the means of the estimations of the study sample individuals for the criteria of the organization that seek learning were relatively high, with an average mean of (3.84).

Testing the Hypotheses

In order to test the study hypotheses, regression analysis was used as illustrated in the table below:

Table 2
The Results of the Impact of Human Resources Management on the Criteria of the Organization Seeking Learning. Statistically Significant at (? = 0.05)
Time management dimensions Correlation (R) Determination coefficient R2 Calculated F value Tabulated f Regression coefficient ß Sig. level
Polarization and selection 0.334 0.111 23.954 1.654 0.409 0
Training and development 0.7 0.49 183.497 1.654 0.939 0
Incentives and motivation 0.748 0.56 242.695 1.654 0.939 0

The results of the statistical analysis revealed that there is a statistically significant impact for the dimensions of human resources management (polarization and selection, training and development, incentives and achievement strategy) on the criteria of the organization seeking learning, where the correlation coefficients (R) were (0.334, 0.700, 0.748) respectively at (α ≤ 0.05), whereas the determination coefficient R2 was (0.111, 0.490, 0.560) respectively; which means that (0.111, 0.490, 0.560) of the criteria of the organization seeking learning resulted from the change in the dimensions of human resources management (polarization and selection, training and development, incentives and achievement strategy). Also, the increase in the impact (β) was (0.409, 0.939, 0.939), which means that an increase of one degree in each of the dimensions of human resources management (polarization and selection, training and development, incentives and achievement strategy) respectively, results in an increase in the creative behavior with a value of (0.409, 0.939, 0.939), respectively. The significance of this impact is confirmed by the calculated F value, which was (23.954) for the dimension of polarization and selection, (183.497) for the dimension of training and development, and (242.695) for the dimension of incentives and motivation, which is statistically significant at (α ≤ 0.05), as compared with the tabulated F value of (1.645).

Therefore, we accept the hypothesis stating that:

There is a statistically significant impact for time management (polarization and selection, training and development, incentives and achievement) regarding the criteria of the organization seeking learning in Al-Hussein Bin Talal University at the level (0.05).

Results and Recommendations

Discussing the Results

1. The results related to human resources management according to the human dimensions of (polarization and selection, training and development, incentives and achievement).

Even though the results generally confirmed that the level of evaluating the study sample in Al-Hussein Bin Talal University for the dimensions of human resources management was high, these variables ranged between values higher than the average mean and values less than the average mean.

2. The results related to the criteria of the organization seeking for learning. Based on the responses of the study sample individuals in Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, the results revealed that their evaluation level was high.

3. The results related to the responses of the study hypotheses.

There is a high trend among the employees of Al-Hussein Bin Talal University with regard to applying human resources management according to the dimension of polarization and selection, which is positively reflected on the criteria of the organization seeking for learning.

There is a high trend among the employees of Al-Hussein Bin Talal University with regard to applying human resources management according to the dimension of training and development, which is positively reflected on the criteria of the organization seeking for learning.

There is a high trend among the employees of Al-Hussein Bin Talal University with regard to applying human resources management according to the dimension of incentivesand motivation, which is positively reflected on the criteria of the organization seeking for learning.


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