Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences (Print ISSN: 1524-7252; Online ISSN: 1532-5806)


Impact of cyber fraud, ease of use and risk perception on the behavior of using e-commerce systems in the pandemic era

Author(s): Istianingsih

This study aims to determine the impact of cyber fraud, ease of use and risk perception on the behavior of using e-commerce systems in the pandemic era. This research was conducted using a quantitative approach or method (quantitative approach). The research population is a community of active users of e-commerce services who buy products online. The research method uses multiple linear regression. The sample was taken using a convenience sampling method so that there were 150 respondents. The results of the analysis for this model show that e-commerce usage behavior is positively influenced by ease of use and risk perception. Where as the perception of fraud in cyberspace is proven to have a negative effect on the interest in using e-commerce. These results indicate that during the pandemic the public preferred to shop online rather than face the risk of being exposed to Covid-19.

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