Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences (Print ISSN: 1524-7252; Online ISSN: 1532-5806)


The strategic role of human resources management in performing crisis management: the mediating role of organizational culture and human capital during Covid-19 (An applied study on the Jordanian Ministry of Health)

Author(s): AL-khrabsheh, A. A., AL-Bazaiah, S. A. I., AL-khrabsheh, A. A., & Alheet, A. F.

This work seeks to deliberate the significance of human resource management from a crisis management perspective. Additionally, it evaluates the degree to which organisational culture enables effectiveness; it was achieved by implementing it on the Jordanian Ministry of Health. We used an analytical methodology to describe and define the strategic effects of human resource management to handle crises; moreover, we studied the significance of human capital and organisational culture as mediator variables as relevant for this research work. Sampling for this work considered the six hundred people working with the Jordanian Ministry of Health, associated government hospitals, and health centres. The study samples 234 individuals belonging to the Ministry, government hospitals, and health institutions, comprising about 39% of the population, selected using random sampling. Questionnaires were provided to the respondents using e-mail, considering the present challenges and restrictions associated with the Coronavirus pandemic. This work provided statistically significant outcomes and offered conclusions that might aid the efforts of the Jordanian Ministry of Health, or other nations, to manage crises.

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