Journal of Entrepreneurship Education (Print ISSN: 1098-8394; Online ISSN: 1528-2651)

Research Article: 2022 Vol: 25 Issue: 3S

A Quasi-Experimental Study on Entrepreneurial Intent at A South African University among Final Year Students from Three Faculties

Lebohang J Masoabi, Department of Business Management Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences, University of the Free State, South Africa

Charles S Masoabi, Maths, Science and Technology Education, Faculty of Humanities, Central University of Technology, South Africa

Citation Information: Masoabi, L.J., & Masoabi, C.S. (2022). A quasi-experimental study on entrepreneurial intent at a South African University among final year students from three faculties. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 25(S3), 1-13.


This study evaluated the entrepreneurial intent of students using a quasi-experiment amongst final year students at a South African University. A quantitative experimental research approach, based on stratified random sampling method was adopted for the study, involving a total of 546 participants, final year university students from the faculties of Economics and Management Sciences (EMS), and Education, Humanities. The findings of this study revealed that both the students in the control and experimental groups demonstrated high levels of intentions to become entrepreneurs, to the extent of visualising themselves having their own businesses in the future. The study further discovered that both the control and the experimental groups illustrate high confidence in recognizing business prospects that have potential to be profitable ventures. Contrary, the control group exhibited some ambiguity regarding the founding of a new business ventures or managing existing ventures. The findings further revealed that the majority of the students tend to have positive attitude towards exploiting opportunities to embark of business venture, based on their instincts and observations of prospering start-ups. The findings enhance the progression of the theory of planned behaviour and the field of entrepreneurship education respectively.

Retraction Note

The article entitled “A Quasi-Experimental Study on Entrepreneurial Intent at a South African University among Final Year Students from Three Faculties” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Entrepreneurship Education considering the statements provided in the article as personal opinion of the author which was found not having any conflict or biasness towards anything. As the article was a perspective one, information provided by the author was considered as an opinion to be expressed through publication.

Publisher took decision to make the article online solely based on the reviewers suggestion which considered the article not but a personal opinion of the author. However, it is found that the author have some personal concerns and issues, therefore, being retracted from the journal.

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