Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences (Print ISSN: 1524-7252; Online ISSN: 1532-5806)

Research Article: 2021 Vol: 24 Issue: 6S

Creation of film media to encourage breakdancing as a form of exercise for southern secondary school students

Chadaporn Suansaen, Yala Rajabhat University

Nattapong Manlee, Yala Rajabhat University


 The objectives of this research are to1) make a breakdance film to motivate secondary school students in the southern to exercise. 2) to find out how satisfied video viewers were with the breakdancing video 3) To study the motivation of video viewer to exercise with breakdance. This research was conducted by quantitative research, used a multistage sampling of 396 secondary school students. The research instruments of this research are 1) A breakdance film to persuade secondary students in the south to do more exercise. 2) The evaluation of the breakdancing video to promote exercise for secondary students, measured through a questionnaire. The percentage, average, and standard deviation were the statistics employed in the analysis. The result showed that 1) the video media quality motivated the exercise with breakdance for secondary school students in the south region. There are four aspects as follows; content, visual, audio, and presentation techniques. The overall mean was reasonable, the mean () was 4.15, the standard deviation (S.D.) was 0.57, 2) Viewers' satisfaction with the video regarding benefits from exercise for both physical and mental health, the mean was 4.39, the standard deviation was 0.66, and 3) Viewers are motivated to exercise by creating the attraction, enthusiasm, and results after viewing breakdance film. The mean was 4.43, and the standard deviation was 0.59. This research can be the guideline to the agency and organization that produces creative media to incentivize students for their health and encourage them to exercise.


Breakdance Film, Satisfaction, Motivation


One significant objective of the Twelfth National Economic and Social Development Plan (2017-2021) is to develop the quality of Thai people according to their age so that they can grow with quality. Thai people have values based on good social standards, decent people, excellent health, ethics, discipline, and good conscience in society. In addition, promote a healthy trend among Thais by modifying health behaviors and lowering health-related environmental risk factors. (National Economic and Social Development Board's Office, 2017) The health development strategy mentioned above, on the other hand, has had positive results. It can be seen in health-related habits like eating and exercising. According to data from the Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University (2016) having enough physical behavior is one of the health behaviors that many Thais still overlook, according to a survey conducted between 2012 and 2014. When categorized by generation Y (ages 11 to 32 in 2014), it climbed just marginally from 66.3% to 68.3 %, primarily children and youth. The lowest physical behavior compared to other generations in terms of the proportion of those with good physical behavior and number of hours of physical activity each day corresponding to the report of the Thai people's health survey by the fourth physical examination of the Thai People's Health Survey Office, Institute of Public Health Research (2009), which indicates that the Thai population aged 15 years and over, 28.3% male and 40.7% female are obese, 21.5% male and 21.3% female have high blood pressure and 6.0 %t male 7.7% of females have diabetes. Lack of exercise is another significant health issue that many organizations are addressing to promote physical activity. This is where the first physical activity promotion strategy was created, with the help of all sectors of society working together to make physical activity a way of life for people of all ages. This is because chronic non-communicable diseases account for up to 71 percent of all fatalities in Thailand. One cause is that up to one-third of Thai people do not engage in enough physical activity. The average Thai person has a sedentary behavior that does not include sleep for almost 14 hours a day. As a result, encouraging vigorous physical activity will reduce the number of fatalities from chronic non-communicable diseases by 11,129 each year while also lowering the cost of medical care by 5,977 million baht. Exercise is a vital activity that aids the effectiveness of the physical activity, particularly in children and youth (Sophonthammarak, 2018). Young people engage in less physical exercise, but they are the driving force in developing countries. Good exercise motivation is a crucial promotion component. It is a stimulus that can access diversity and is easy to reach and fascinating. The media is created as a means of incentive. The present fitness craze is diversified breakdancing can be viewed as reflecting current children's physical activity. It has been discovered that adolescents aged 13 to 18 years are the age group that requires or is interested in beginning breakdance. This is the age when many people start dancing the most because there are relevant factors the body is full of adrenaline. It is an age that wants to use physical potential. There are social groups and groups of friends who want to express themselves in order to be accepted. This age will have high energy expressing instinct want to show the maturity to pursue various goals and enjoy life, especially with dancing as a channel of expression for teenagers (Chantarat, 2016).

There are numerous dancing forms available nowadays. B-Boy or B-Boying is a viral dance among teens and is considered a subculture of hip-hop culture and breaking (Breaking) and breaks dance (Breakdance), as defined by the press. It is a dance that has been influenced by several dance genres, including gymnastics postures and the art of movement from the East, such as Chinese Kung Fu, which combines body movement with muscle strength. Breakdancing, like athletics, necessitates physical strength. However, another kind of dance has been transformed as a movement that demonstrates bodily strength (Nantapong, 2009). These types of dancing are hip-hop funk style, which incorporates different music genres and combines them into a rhythmic beat. Furthermore, dancing can assist the body in utilizing more energy since all parts of the body have moved; each portion impacts the circulatory system via the body to pump fully, improve capillaries, and make the heart's work less heavy and less quickly exhausted. The respiratory system will become more efficient. Exercise causes the lungs to expand, resulting in increased oxygen, beneficial to the bone system, joints, and nervous system. This exercise can be done at home, which is ideal during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Exercise is essential to preventing the outcome of COVID- 19 that can reduce the severity.

The researcher can see how breakdance promotes activity by presenting it through video media, where movement and audio make it easier for people to follow. This is a knowledge transfer communication that presents clear as concrete details of actions. The objectives of this research are to study the quality of video media for motivating breakdancing exercises. It is to determine the satisfaction of video viewers to motivate them to exercise with breakdancing and to determine the motivation for viewers to turn to breakdance or other physical activities for self-improvement and pass this information on to others.

Research objectives

1) To study the quality of video media to motivate exercise by breakdance for secondary school students in the south

2) To study the satisfaction of video viewers in order to motivate them to exercise with breakdance for secondary school students in the south

3) To study the motivation of video viewers to exercise with breakdance for secondary school students in the south

Literature Review


Video media may convey both visuals and sound, making it stand out, appealing to individuals of all genders and ages, and allowing for a wide range of styles. Furthermore, it can reach the manufacturer's or messenger's emotive notion, influencing the general public's attitude, beliefs, feelings, and thoughts to make viewers remember, be impressed, and change according to that media without even realizing it. Songkhram (2011) has explained the format of video media as follows: 1) Narrative is a popular video made by imagining a tale that corresponds to the content and then filming it in the style of a short film or a television character, 2) A documentary is a video that presents facts. Real-life incidents are recounted in the hopes of imparting knowledge, 3) Animation is a video generated by computer programs such as Macromedia Flash to present subject matter such as the animation of the Noo Dee family's habitat. The Chang Khan Kluay teaches how to count from 1 to 10 and 4) Digital storytelling is a video in which tales, points of view, and facts are delivered through digital media such as images, sounds, and texts rather than traditional video. In addition Mekpayap (2004) to categorization, video production can be classed according to styles or traits, which are as follows: 1) Documentary may either employ only audio narration or will have a moderator who will transport the viewer to the site and may use audio narration at some point. The content is frequently focused on or about a single aspect. However, there are many different presentations, including interviews with experts on the issue or educational programs. However, knowledge and enjoyment are tucked away, 2 Dialogue; there may be more than one participant who participates in the discourse. A moderator is present. The topic of discussion will be an occurrence that will be of general public interest. The individual invited must be related to or knowledgeable about the subject and must ask and answer questions clearly and straight to the point. The viewers will be educated on the topic matter in a variety of ways. Over the phone, viewers from home can give ideas. (in the case of live television), 3) Interview is comparable to dialogue in that it focuses on uncovering the truth about what the interviewee knows or about the interviewee. It is intriguing or instructive, 4) Demonstration is a list that shows how to do something. Show how to perform things like cooking, fruit carving, flower arranging, clay shaping, painting, and equipment repair, among other things. Examples will be shown to the audience each step in-depth throughout the real practice time, 5) Variety Show: Similar to a magazine, but without a focus on a specific demographic. The same show will feature songs, music, games, celebrity interviews, and comedy shows, with the host weaving each segment together to create a whole, seamless entertainment. The audience will be entertained and educated at times without even recognizing it, 6) Drama is a form of entertainment. It is a narrative in which the actors act out their parts as if they were the characters in the story. Some of the players were so valuable that the situations had to be meticulously staged. As a result, the audience can put it to use in real life, and 7) Docudrama is a film that combines documentary and drama elements. Perhaps a short drama might be incorporated within the documentary's material or introduced in the middle to connect to another story. Its purpose is to complete the content by supplementing or expanding it. The audience will gain knowledge as well as have fun. On the other hand, video production forms can be integrated into a variety of ways, such as in a documentary with audio narration and interviews or in this study. The video is a Docudrama, which is a hybrid of documentary and drama. a brief narrative

Video Media Production Process

Mekpayap (2009) said that there are three processes of film media and radio production as follow;

1. The preparation process (Pre – Production) If it is well-planned and job details, at this stage is the start of the work. Even if the working technique is straightforward and takes longer than other phases, it is worthwhile because it will make the other steps more convenient and quick, assisting in reducing various problems, as detailed in the following areas.

• Plan to define the direction, steps in the work that will accomplish what has to be accomplished, what the question will be, and how to conclude as close to the question as feasible. 5W2H is one of the seven main questioning themes.

• Content Creation Before production, clear and precise content is required. There is a material that provides the audience with good ideas. in several ways with the origins of sources:

• Write a script (Script) is similar to a road map or a construction plan. The filming will be more convenient and faster if the details are clear, easy to read and understand. The following is the order of the steps:

• Co-ordination (Co-Ordinate) It is critical to work in groups. Everyone in the group must be aware of and understand the same things: clear, unambiguous communication, set goals, work process, planning meeting, who is responsible for what, where, when, and how, so that everyone understands their roles, responsibilities, and scope of work.

2. Production; At this stage, the production or filming process executes the intended strategy to obtain accurate results. Even if things do not happen exactly as planned, we must stick to the plan as closely as possible. (Flexible in practice, but firm in concept). Filming should be done with equipment that is appropriate for the show.

3. The Post-Production Stage Editing is a crucial part of the final product. It does not matter how fantastic the filming is if it has not been edited well. The list will be incomplete and uninteresting if the quality is poor. This procedure necessitates meticulousness on both technical and personal levels.

Breakdance Concept

Break Dance is a term used to describe a type of dance that According to breakdance is a type of street dancing that consists of bodily movements, cohesiveness, form, and aesthetics. This type of dancer is known as a B-Boy or B-Girl and is occasionally referred to as a breaker. According to Jirawan Nantapong (2009: 8), Breakdance is a popular dance among young people that is considered a subculture of hip-hop culture. It is derived from the African word "Boioing," which means "to jump, dance," and is popular in the 'Bronx River' region of New York City in the United States. It is called "breaking" or "breakdance," with the latter word invented by the press and selected some part of identity which has been called “Representation” of the group. In addition, types of breakdance dance Chantarat (2016) has mentioned four types of breakdance as follows: 1. Toprock 2. Downrock 3. Freeze 4. Powermove. Breakdancing has several advantages: 1. It is a unique skill that demands practice and patience, and there are many different dancing styles. Breakdance can also be performed as a stand-alone show. 2. Make a diverse group of pals. The words society, career, culture, language, thoughts, and beliefs all refer to a society focused on the same thing. 3. Recognizing their demands, i.e., the dancer will identify the moves they enjoy and repeat them until they develop their style. 4. Acquire cultural and linguistic knowledge. B-boy dancing comes in a variety of styles. Dancers can be found all around the world. Different languages are not difficult to learn since if one has a great interest in learning, one will make an effort to do so. They may not be required to communicate and understand each other, but they make an effort to do so because they are interested. 5. physical well-being, free of sickness (Chantarat, 2016).


1. Meaning of satisfaction is a sensory reaction to a stimulus expressed as the result of the evaluation process. Divided by the direction of the evaluation is the positive direction or a negative direction, or no reaction (Sararitikam, 2011).

2. Measuring Customer Satisfaction According to Sawangdee (2008) satisfaction can be measured in three ways:

• In the questionnaire, the respondents will be sent a questionnaire to be asked for their thoughts. The questions could be answered through a series of options or by answering them independently. Different areas of satisfaction may be asked about in the questions.

• Interview; the satisfaction is measured directly through interviews to obtain correct information; good approaches and methodologies are required.

• Observation is a method of determining satisfaction by observing the target person's behavior. This method necessitates serious action and meticulous observation, whether conveyed through speech or motions.


Motivation is vital to a person acting to attain a goal or target or to fulfill one's wishes. A stimulus may counter motivation termed a motivation (Motive) leads to an internal drive (Internal Drive) is an individual drive force. As a result, one is accomplished by human expectations, needs (Needs), and life goals. It causes the motivation (Motivation) to lead to the desired outcomes (Goals). As a result, motivation affects motivating people to perform in a certain way, according to Wannacharoenkul (2015), who stated the motive and maintained that conduct to attain what is expected or desired. It is a crucial technique for enhancing a person's ability to carry out activities by increasing their internal energy or be motivated by numerous stimuli or motivational elements, as indicated in the illustration.

Figure 1: The Process of motivation

Terry & Franklin (1982) quoted in Sannok (2010)

Chongwisan's concept of motivation is congruent with the process of motivation (2017). The following are the primary factors of motivation that might be considered during the motivation process: Stage 1 Needs A stimulus or a need that motivates a person. This need could be physical, such as the desire to maintain good health. Step 2 Drives The internal energy that arises when a person is in a state of need or driving forces originates when a person is in a state of need. The drive will be enormous if there is a significant need. A drive is a motivator that motivates someone to take action to attain their objectives, which are financial goals. Step 3 Behavior when a person has needs and drives. The drive then encourages the person to act. This is a behavior that has a goal. It is a behavior that has a direction to meet needs, and Step 4 Needs Satisfactions or Drive Reduction When a person has a behavior that can satisfy the need. The goal has been met or satisfied. Motivation is a force that is stimulated by both internal and external stimuli. cause behavioral expression to lead to its purpose resulting in a person's enthusiasm determined Dedicated and dedicated to work to achieve the desired goals

Related Research

Buachama (2012) investigated Internet video development to promote public awareness among undergraduate students at Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi's Department of Educational Technology and Communication, with the goals of 1) producing video media on the internet to promote public awareness. 2) Research students' reactions to online videos. The sample group consisted of second-year undergraduate students from Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi's Department of Educational Technology and Communication. The study found that 1) Video media on the Internet for promoting public-mindedness were of high quality 2) The effect of having public-mindedness after school was higher than before 3) The effect of students' opinions on video media on the internet public mind promotion can be divided into five aspects; content and the lesson subjects are rated at the highest level, visual and linguistic are rated at the highest level. Fonts' character and color are rated at the highest level. Moreover, Yaowarat (2018) investigated using social media to create video clips to motivate people to exercise by jogging. According to the case study of the Facebook fan page "Runner's Journeys," video material helps keep people motivated to run. The content is helpful to viewers and demonstrates the clear advantages of the running transformation, including both the joy of running and the weight loss. It offers entertaining interviews that promote empathy and understanding and explicitly teach how to run, which is the best method to affect running motivation. Furthermore, strategies for making social media video clips by providing material with a cover image and a clear and catchy title motivate viewers to go to the gym running faster and easier than the content of the video clip presented. Phanpeng (2021) Health promotion of adolescents using social media found that social media such as Facebook and Instagram can result in better health care behaviors of adolescents, such as posting pictures, while exercising for inspiration, adding a hashtag symbol. This can enable health promotion information to be communicated to adolescents. It was born as an online network society where knowledge and information exchanged to promote health both physically and mentally.

Conceptual Framework

This research is quantitative. The researcher defines a conceptual research framework based on the concept/theory of documents related to the video breakdance concept. The concept is related to satisfaction with details as follows.

Figure 2: Research conceptual Framework

Research Methodology

This research is quantitative. The research area is the southern region which was divided into three steps as follows;

Step 1 The study's population comprised secondary school students in the southern four provinces, with one school per province selected by multistage sampling. Finally, 396 people were chosen at random using non-probability methods.

Step 2 Sample selection The researcher determined the sample size according to the concept of Yamanane (1973) at a 95% confidence level and an error of 5% or 0.05. The sample size was obtained 396 people in the study; the researchers have formulated a sample of 396 people were randomized according to convenience (Convenience Sampling).

Step 3 Research instrument testing in quantitative research using questionnaires. It is a research tool in which the validity of the questionnaire has been evaluated before it is used to collect data. By consulting with experts to evaluate the accuracy of the content, the relevance of the questions, and the suitability of the language used (Wording), the researcher was able to determine the content validity and appropriateness of the language used (Wording). The researchers looked at the 0.84 Index of Conformity (IOC) and chose questions with an IOC score greater than 0.5. The researcher employed the questionnaire to collect data before the study (Pre-test) for 40 sets, and the test results were statistically calculated to test the questionnaire's reliability with Alpha-Coefficient / 1. Viewers' satisfaction with a video film that motivates them to exercise equals 0.91., and 2. Motivation for viewers to turn to exercise with breakdance was 0.93. From the questionnaire reliability test, Prasit Ratthasin observed that the alpha value (α) achieved with a value of 0.7 or higher is deemed to be a reliable question, according to the questionnaire reliability test. With software packages, statistics are employed in data analysis.


The study the quality of video media to motivate exercise by breakdance for secondary school students in the south

Table 1
Quality of Video Media to Motivate Exercise By Breakdance for Secondary School Students in the South
Assessment topic Comment level Average (x̄) Deviation (S.D) QualityLevel
1st person 2nd person 3rd person
1. Content
Content can attract viewers 5 4 4 4.33 0.58 good
The content of the media story is easy to understand. 5 4 4 4.33 0.58 good
2. Visual aspect
The picture is clear and beautiful 4 4 5 4.33 0.58 good
The picture can convey the meaning 5 4 3 4 1 good
The sequence of images can tell a story 5 4 4 4 1 good
Audio aspect
The speaker's pronunciation is clear and accurate 4 5 5 4.66 0.58 very good
Suitability of music and sound effects 5 4 5 4.66 0.58 very good
Presentation techniques
The length of the video is appropriate 5 3 4 4 1 good

The findings of the expert's evaluation of the quality of the breakdancing film to promote exercise for secondary school students in Thailand's south can be seen in four aspects: content, visual, audio, and presentation strategies. The overall quality of experts' assessment of a breakdance film promotes exercise for secondary school pupils in the south. The total average is relatively high. With a mean (x̄) of 4.15 and a standard deviation (. S.D.) of 0.57.

The study the satisfaction of video viewers in order to motivate exercise with breakdance for secondary school students in the south. It was found that the mean (x̄) was 4.26, and the standard deviation (S.D.) was 0.03.

Satisfaction with the content was determined to be interesting, with a mean (x̄) of 4.29 and a standard deviation (S.D.) of 0.64. The information was simple to comprehend, with a mean (x̄) of 4.42 and a standard deviation (S.D.) of 0.61. The mean (x̄) of the content that helped encourage the activity was 4.20, with a standard deviation (S.D.) of 0.71. The movie's length was suitable, with a mean (x̄) of 4.27 and a standard deviation (S.D.) of 0.67.

The Visual satisfaction; The image was sharp suits, with a mean (x̄) = 4.11 and a standard deviation (S.D.) of 0.72. The average (x̄) = 4.17 standard deviation (S.D.) = 0.66 photographs might tell a tale in accordance with the content mean (x̄) = 4.20 (S.D.) was 0.66. With a mean (x̄) = 4.18 and a standard deviation (S.D.) of 0.67, the angle of view and image size is lovely and effectively portray their emotions.

Sound satisfaction; The reading aloud of the narrator, there was a clear need to listen with an average (x̄) = 4.31 standard deviation (S.D.) was 0.62, the volume of the voice, with a mean (x̄) = 4.27, the standard deviation (S.D.) was 0.62, the music and sound effects were appropriate, the mean (x̄) = 4.18, the standard deviation (S.D.) was 0.69, the music and sound effects were appropriate, the mean was (x̄) = 4.14, the standard deviation (S.D.) was 0.66.

Satisfaction with the technical presentation; transitions were determined to be smooth and continuous, with an average (x̄) of 4.35 and a standard deviation (S.D.) of 0.62. The video's color tones and mood assisted in portraying the audience's mood; the mean (x̄) was 4.29, and the standard deviation (S.D.) was 0.60. The audience was satisfied with the material presented because the mean (x̄) was 4.25, and the standard deviation (S.D.) was 0.67. Editing techniques aid understanding. The mean (x̄) for video media was 4.27, and the standard deviation (S.D.) was 0.68.

According to the third objective, it investigates the audience's motivation to participate in breakdancing workouts with a mean (x̄) of 4.43 and a standard deviation (S.D.) of 0.59, and it was discovered that the media sparked interest and affection for breakdance among secondary school pupils in the southern region. With an average (x̄) of equal exercise with a mean (x̄) of 4.26 standard deviation (S.D.) of 0.62, media help develops a more excellent knowledge of the benefits of exercise and physical and mental health. The standard deviation (S.D.) is 0.66 in this case. The media can help people understand and enjoy breakdancing. The standard deviation (S.D.) is 0.63, and the mean (x̄) was 4.36; the standard deviation (S.D.) was 0.63. The media can make the audiences want to try breakdancing with a mean (x̄) = 4.34, the standard deviation (S.D.) was 0.67

Results of the assessment of the quality of video media to motivate exercise by breakdance for secondary school students in the south. The researcher enlisted the help of three experts to assess the quality of video media to motivate secondary school students in the south to participate in a breakdance exercise. The group included media professionals with at least three years of experience or two master's degrees which were the lecturer at the Faculty of Management Science Songkhla's Communication Arts Program, the program's production and editing department public relations center, Internal Security Operations Division, Region 4, Front Division. In the content specialist section, an experienced and knowledgeable content about health in the south, Another person is the project coordinator was the communicator for creating ideas for well-being in the south by Maya Drama Group Thai Children's Communication Center, the public benefit organization. The results of the assessment were as follows: the result of quality assessment on video media quality motivating breakdance exercise for secondary school students in the southern region, all four aspects were content, visual, audio, and presentation techniques. The overall mean was reasonable, the mean (x̄) was 4.15, the standard deviation (. S.D.) was 0.57. Moreover, the assessment of the satisfaction in media video motivation to exercise with breakdance for secondary school students in the southern region, the results showed that the audience's satisfaction with the video, in terms of benefits from exercise for both physical and mental health, the mean (x̄) was 4.39. The standard deviation (S.D.) was 0.66, which was at the most satisfactory level.


Quality of video media to motivate exercise with breakdance for secondary school students in the southern. It was found that the level was deemed to be satisfactory. The mean (x̄) was 4.15, and the standard deviation (S.D.) was 0.57, consistent with the research of Buachama (2012) study internet video development to promote public consciousness among undergraduate students in Educational Technology and the Communication Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi found that the quality of video media on the internet for promoting public consciousness was of high quality. Breakdance media to promote exercise for secondary schoolstudents in the south. The quality met the criteria because the image was related to the content can convey the meaning clearly and the order of the stories appropriately. As a result, it aids in making workout content more exciting and understandable because the media depicts the narrator's real-life narrative, the sound of the narration and the background music is particularly fitting. This makes the media more realistic and able to appeal to a broader audience. It was in line with Malithong (2000) concept of skill, which stated that the visuals and sound of the media being expressed can be very emotional and motivating to follow and that media influences people's minds, whether it is cultural, political, or economic values because the media makes the audience comfortable. The process of creating media was excellent from start to finish, the production method based on the idea of Mekpayap (2009) which divides the process into three steps: (Pre-Production) According to Mekpayap (2004) who stated that the media in the form of the interview looks like a conversation but was the nature of the search for the truth about what they know or was about themselves that was interesting or a good example, the researcher studied the problem and planned to determine the topic of video production in the form of an interview combined with a demonstration model. In which the study provides real stories from the lead performers' lives. The demonstration model was to present the steps to the audience to see examples of each step. The content shows the story of life's struggles to reach a point of success in the present. Basic breakdancing methods are also included in this study, as well as the video format. It was appropriate for the presentation topic, which aims to promote exercise and inspire young people, who are the study's primary target population. Then gathering documents and interviews to serve as inspiration for screenplays and storyboards will direct the next step.2) Stage of production or filming (Production), the researcher had prepared a rehearsal before the actual shooting and finished filming each scene and separated each scene according to the storyboard and 3) the step of editing and sorting the list (post-production) was the step after recording the program by bringing each shot (Shot) each scene (Scene) to be arranged in sequence according to the specified chapter as well as adding music and sound effects (Music and Sound Effect) to match the story and various scenes, including adjusting the light and color of the picture to be harmonious, not having different colors to better promote the emotional aspects of the audience. Finally, the quality standards for the media breakdance to promote exercise for secondary school students in the southern region were defined as good quality. The mean (x̄) is 4.15.and the standard deviation (S.D.) is 0.57. It can be utilized as a breakdance media to encourage secondary school students in the south to exercise and research satisfaction with the sample group.

Satisfaction of video viewers motivates them to exercise with breakdance for secondary school students in the south. It was recognized as one of the media that can fulfill the needs of secondary schoolstudents very well with approaches for presenting content. It can stimulate audiences to suit, have the proper tone and mood, seamless and continuous scene transitions, and content that is easy to understand. The story can attract attention to the benefits of breakdancing. It was in line with Chantarat (2016) said that for breakdancing, apart from being physically beneficial, dance is also one of the things that will help to enhance the development of various aspects such as being an individual talent, practicing patience, having a wide range of friends and society, learn culture and language. Video media can satisfy a group of secondary schoolstudents, consistent with Sudchai's (2002) concept that satisfaction refers to a person's feelings or attitude towards something. It may be an assessment of whether a feeling or attitude towards something is positive or negative. Furthermore, following the research of Yoolong (2013) studied the subject, video development for self-learning on being a T.V. host and speaker for distance education via satellite when analyzing each aspect, the sample group had a higher understanding, and the sample group was delighted with the content and benefits.

Video media to motivate exercise with breakdance, can be used to motivate exercise with breakdance because the media has created interest and love for breakdance. The media evokes a feeling of enthusiasm for exercise. The media promotes understanding of the benefits of exercise for both physical and mental health. The media made the audience understand and interested in trying breakdancing. Therefore, the media can make the audience want to try breakdancing. In this study, the media is a stimulus to get viewers interested and try breakdancing for exercise. It follows the process of motivation in the first step, which is Need. According to Kuha (2003) concept that the need is caused by a lack of balance that a person does not have anything that allows the body to lead an everyday life. Every human being is needed for life. Therefore, there is a drive to have internal and external needs for the balance of the body. Furthermore, in line with Denpongpan (1996) the need (Need Stage) imbalance makes life unstable or crucial to mental happiness. The need arises from conditions that threaten a person's health, such as illness. It will cause the person to want to show behaviors that prevent that pain and combined with breakdance to motivate exercise. As a result, viewers feel interested, like, and want to exercise. It also increases knowledge and skills in breakdancing, which meets the needs very well due to physical activity or exercise. It is what allows humans to live peacefully and safely. This is in line with Maslow's Hierarchy of Need (Wongman, 2009) concerning basic human needs; the second is the need for safety (Safety Need) is the safety of being and the stability of life. Free from physical and mental harm from the environment and activities in life. Therefore, the media breakdance to promote exercise for secondary school students in the south is considered to create external incentives that can stimulate and motivate the target group to have a desire to exercise, as Suthilert-Aroon (2002) said that the extrinsic motivation is the state of a motivated person. Extrinsic motivation reveals a purpose and causes a person's behavior or action. Breakdancing to promote exercise for students in the south presented comprehensive, accurate, clear, and fascinating content to help viewers grasp the basics and advantages of breakdancing media. The assessment's findings were based on the second premise: the audience's pleasure with breakdance as a medium for promoting exercise. It was extremely high among secondary school students in the south.

Suggestions for Future research

1. Breakdance media to promote exercise for students in the secondary school in the south, is interesting in terms of content, images, sound, and presentation techniques and can be used as a guide to promoting exercise in another way.

2. The sample group is interested and likes to dance, so the government and private organizations can organize activities or projects to promote exercise with various dance forms to reach more teenagers.

3. Using the results of the study to design a presentation that conveys emotions and stories, clarity in the presentation of breakdancing methods, rehearsal techniques, and dance moves.

4. It should study behavior; the factors of media affecting the motivation for physical activity of students in a secondary school as a guideline for the production of creative media campaigns

5. It should study media exposure behavior and the influence of media on students' attitudes to receive media in campaigning, creative and inspirational ways to know the exposure of the media Attitudes towards receiving various types of media and knowing trends and directions of media production for such groups.

6. It should encourage the production of self-exercise media in the New Normal style according to the new lifestyle in the Covid-19 era.

7. It should promote breakdance, applied to the dance of the ball dance so that it can be a family activity Can exercise for all ages


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