Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal (Print ISSN: 1087-9595; Online ISSN: 1528-2686)

Research Article: 2018 Vol: 24 Issue: 4

Determinant the Entrepreneurship Ulos Batak Weaving Shawl Sellers Revenue In Medan, Indonesia

Marihot Manullang, University of Simalungun


Entrepreneurship, Economic Sectors, Seller Revenue.


Growing activities of economic sectors in a region will encourage various developments of other economic sectors, which impact on the increase in people’s revenue. One of the businesses that are currently starting to grow in urban areas is ulos batak weaving shawl business, which is a business is created to provide employment opportunities, especially for residents who do not have jobs, urban areas. Ulos batak weaving shawl is one of the impacts of the economic sectors development which is sale various shawl in which currently growing demand when the bataknese party in the middle of society. Ulos batak weaving shawl is also an economic activity that plays a role in increasing public revenue and encourage the growth of regional economy. To realize a community business development like, Ulos batak weaving shawl sellers needs to be empowered to be a tough, independent and superior business, to be able to increase people's revenue by creating jobs. In Medan, Indonesia City, the existence of ulos batak weaving shawl continues to grow and increasing in number, and government programs in developing this business also need to be improved because ulos batak weaving shawl revenue sellers can provide an opportunity for the community in increasing their revenue. Thus, a ulos batak weaving shawl such as Medan can provide business opportunities for the community. The development of this community business will certainly increase ulos batak weaving shawl trade revenue, by increase the number of ulos batak weaving shawl sellers in Medan will also increase competition among sellers to earn revenue, because to increase the revenue of ulos batak weaving shawl sellers need to do various improvements, so the number of visitors who come to use the Ulos batak weaving shawl will increase. To develop the ability of ulos batak weaving shawl in improve their quality of merchandise including service improvement, service quality, model and the length is influenced by the price and the capital of ulos batak weaving shawl sellers. In general, sellers have limited capital for business development, on the other hand the price of the Ulos batak weaving shawl is already certain. Therefore, the main factors which is predicted to influence the improvement of ulos batak weaving shawl business is the price and the capital of Ulos batak weaving shawl sellers. Related to the above explanation, researcher interested in analyzing the factors influencing the seller ulos batak weaving shawl’s revenue in Medan and making a study entitled "Determinant The Entrepreneurship Ulos batak Weaving Shawl Sellers Revenue In Medan, Indonesia

Literature Review

The Ulos Batak Weaving Shawl

Simanjuntak (2006) defines that the ulos batak weaving shawl business is a kind of scarf or shawl business who it used by bataknese people when held a wedding party, die or etc. This, ulos batak weaving shawl business has a very good potential depending on how to process it and give job opportunities for the community to get or increase his/her revenue.


In Indonesian Dictionary, revenue is the result of work (business and so on), so Based on Boediono's (2002) thought, revenue is the amount of money received by the community for their work performance in a certain period, either daily, weekly, monthly or yearly. Thus the revenue of the ulos batak weaving shawl sellers is the amount of revenue received by the ulos batak weaving shawl sellers over his work performance over a certain period. The amount of revenue to be earned relates to the price of the goods sold, so the total revenue of the ulos batak weaving shawl seller is the multiplication of the price with the sold amount. Prayitno (2004) defines the total revenue (revenue) can be interpreted as the total revenue obtained in a certain period. Prices and quantities sold are closely related to total receipts.

Price and Capital

Mulyadi (2003) defines that the price is the value of a specified item or that is represented by money or price is the unit of value assigned to a commodity as the contractor information of the commodity selector, based on the micro economic theory that the high price of the commodity is determined by the demand and supply of the commodity/goods in the market, while commodities/ulos batak weaving shawl goods are marketed diverse ranging from a variety of models, to increase acceptance of ulos batak weaving shawl sellers. The important factor needed is capital. Suparyanto (2012), said capital is money used as the main (land) to trade.

Determinant of Seller’s Revenue

Meanwhile, according to super macro capital is an input (factor of production) which is very important in determining the high low revenue, so that business capital for ulos batak weaving shawl sellers is one of determinant the entrepreneurship ulos batak weaving shawl revenue in Medan, Indonesia. In entrepreneurship, Suryana (2000) suggests that some of the skills that ulos batak weaving sellers need to possess are: 1) Conceptual skills in managing strategies and taking into account risk, 2) Creative skills in creating added value, 3) Skills in leading and managing it, 4) Communication and interacting skills, 5) Technical skills in the field of business carried out (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Seller’s Revenue


The Hypotheses of this research is as follows:

H1: Capital has a positive and significant effect on the seller’s revenue.

H2: Prices have a positive and significant effect on the seller’s revenue.

H3: Conceptual skills have a positive and significant effect on the seller’s revenue.

H4: Creative skills have a positive and significant effect on the seller’s revenue.

H5: Managing and Leading skills have a positive and significant effect on the seller’s revenue.

H6: Communication and interacting skills have a positive and significant effect on the seller’s revenue.

H7: Technical skills have a positive and significant effect on the seller’s revenue.

Methodology Of The Research

The Limitation of the Research

The limitation of this study is examining the ulos batak weaving shawl business in Medan and used randomly samples, Because the population of ulos batak weaving sellers is unknown, it uses Limeshow sampling technique, which is 97 peoples as the samples.

Technique of Analyzing the Data

In analyzing data, researcher using multiple linear regression function, then formed in the equation model as follows (Doddy, 2012):



Y=Revenue (in Rupiah/day)


X1=Capital (Rupiah/day)

X2=Price (Rupiah/portion)

X3=Conceptual skills

X4=Creative skills

X5=Managing skills

X6=Communication and interacting skills

X7=Technical skills

β1-β2=Regression Coefficient

u=terms of error


Based on multiple regression estimation with SPSS 20 program obtained the result of multiple linear regressions analysis is as follows:

Y = 3.317+0.012X1-0.028X2-0.021X3+0.844X4-0.034X5-0.021X6+0.217X7

Based on the regression model, the regression coefficient of the amount of capital (X1) is 3.317 marked positive sign means that each capital addition will increase the data is 33.17%. The regression coefficient of creative skills (X4) is 0.844 or 84.4% marked positive means that increasing of price will increase revenue of ulos batak weaving shawl seller in Medan

Hypothesis Testing

1. Test statistic t (partial test of significance)

Table 1
t Result
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 3.317 3.340   0.993 0.323
x1 0.012 0.045 0.014 0.259 0.796
x2 -0.028 0.058 -0.029 -0.478 0.634
x3 -0.021 0.037 -0.018 -0.573 0.568
x4 0.844 0.065 0.817 13.040 0.000
x5 -0.034 0.043 -0.043 -0.791 0.431
x6 -0.021 0.057 -0.022 -0.364 0.717
x7 0.217 0.080 0.185 2.726 0.008

The Hypothesis Test 1

From the above table can be seen that the results of capital hypothesis testing shows the value of t count is 0.259 with a significant level of 0.796 bigger than 0.05, which means that the hypothesis in this study rejected Ho and received Ha. Thus it means that the hypothesis H1 "capital has a positive influence on the seller’s revenue" is accepted.

The Hypothesis Test 2

From the table above the test results of price hypothesis testing shows the value of t value is -0.478 with level of significance 0.000 level smaller than 0.05 which means the hypothesis in this study reject Ho and accept Ha. Thus it means that the hypothesis "price has a positive effect on the seller’s revenue" is rejected

The Hypothesis Test 3

From the table above the test results of price hypothesis testing shows the value of t value is -0.573 with level of significance 0.000 level smaller than 0.05 which means the hypothesis in this study reject Ho and accept Ha. Thus it means that the hypothesis “conceptual skills has a positive effect on the seller’s revenue" is rejected.

The Hypothesis Test 4

From the table above the test results of price hypothesis testing shows the value of t value is 13.040 with level of significance 0.000 level smaller than 0.05 which means the hypothesis in this study accept Ho and reject Ha. Thus it means that the hypothesis "creative skills has a positive effect on the seller’s revenue" is accepted.

The Hypothesis Test 5

From the table above the test results of price hypothesis testing shows the value of t value is -0.791 with level of significance 0.000 level smaller than 0.05 which means the hypothesis in this study reject Ho and accept Ha. Thus it means that the hypothesis "managing skills has a positive effect on the seller’s revenue" is rejected.

The Hypothesis Test 6

From the table above the test results of price hypothesis testing shows the value of t value is -0.364 with level of significance 0.000 level smaller than 0.05 which means the hypothesis in this study reject Ho and accept Ha. Thus it means that the hypothesis "communication and interactive skills has a positive effect on the seller’s revenue" is rejected.

The Hypothesis Test 7

From the table above the test results of price hypothesis testing shows the value of t value is 2,726 with level of significance 0.000 level smaller than 0.05 which means the hypothesis in this study reject Ho and accept Ha. Thus it means that the hypothesis "technical skills have a positive effect on the seller’s revenue" is accepted.

F test (Hypothesis Testing Simultaneously)

The F statistic test is used to prove that capital and price influence the seller’s revenue simultaneously. F test is used to find out whether the independent variables simultaneously have a significant effect on the dependent variable. The degree of trust used is 0.05. If the value of F calculation results higher than the F according to the table then the alternative hypothesis, which states that all independent variables simultaneously have a significant effect on the dependent variable. The analysis of SPSS output can be seen from the ANOVA Table 2 as follows: to test the influence of independent variables simultaneously to the dependent variable is done by using F test. The result of statistic calculation shows F-value=359.753. Using the 0.000 significance limit, the significance value is less than 0.05. This means that the hypothesis that simultaneously, the variable of capital and price and all the 7th variables have influence to ulos batak weaving shawl seller revenue at Medan.

Table 2
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
359.753 0.000b

Coefficient of Determination (R2)

The coefficient of determination is a quantity shows the amount of variation of the dependent variable explained by the independent variables. In other words, the coefficient of determination is used to measure how far the independent variables in describing the dependent variable Coefficient X. The coefficient of determination is between zero (0) and one (1).

The value of determination coefficient is determined by R Square value as the data seen in the following table:

Table 3
Model R R Squre Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the estimate Durbin-Watson
1 0.983a 0.966 0.963 0.689 1.956

From the calculation of regression known that the coefficient of determination (R Squre) obtained is 0.966. This means that 96.6% of the variation in the revenue variable of the seller can be explained by the variable of capital and price. The contribution of independent variable to the dependent variable is 96.6%, while the rest (100%-96.6%=3.4%) is influenced by other factors. Medan as a ulos batak weaving shawl market is very important in improving the people’s revenue in Medan, Indonesia, that is, the people given an opportunity to increase his/her revenue through small business which can be established in Medan and also create the job for the people around it. In running ulos batak weaving shawl business, capital, creativity skills and technical skills factors are very influential factors in increasing the revenue of sellers. Where capital is the main factor in starting a business and further capital can also be used in developing the business. With high capital, will increase the sales volume, and in the end revenue increases too. In addition to capital, creativity skills and technical skills also influence the increase in revenue of ulos batak weaving shawl sellers. Creativity skills is a skill that is developed from a manageable process that starts with a foundation of knowledge, learns discipline, and masters the way of thinking, so that with the creativity of ulos batak shawl sellers, the revenue gets bigger and technical skills is Technical skills can be used as the ability to perform tasks that require the use of certain tools, whether tangible or intangible, and technology to solve them. Knowledge in the selection of ulos batak shawl materials for sale is considered practical because it allows sellers of ulos batak shawls to earn large revenue, will result in an operating profit. Through the results of data processing that the seller’s revenue is strongly influenced by the variable of capital, Creativity skills and Technical skills. And when this free variable is zero, the result is a decrease in seller revenue, or a negative value.


This study proves that creative skills and technical skills are very influential from ulos batak weaving sellers and the simultaneously statistic tests are used to prove that capital and prices affect the seller's income. This means that the hypothesis that simultaneously, the variables of capital and price and the 7th variable have an influence on sellers of woven shawl ulos batak in Medan.


It is recommended to transfer expertise and creativity in creating innovation ulos batak batak, which is obtained from counselling, socialization, training, and other channels for all small and medium enterprises, especially for weavers, ulos batak, so as to create business continuity. Researchers can then be more specific in classifying business into business types in the form of operational performance aspects, financial aspects, human resource aspects and other supporting aspects.


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