Journal of Entrepreneurship Education (Print ISSN: 1098-8394; Online ISSN: 1528-2651)

Research Article: 2023 Vol: 26 Issue: 4

Development of Integrated Entrepreneurship Education Program on Democratic Economy Based in Higher Education at East Lombok Regency

Muhamad Ali, University of Hamzanwadi

Hamzan Wathani, University of Hamzanwadi

Citation Information: Ali, M., & Wathani, H.(2023). Development of Integrated Entrepreneurship Education Program on Democratic Economy Based in Higher Education at East Lombok Regency. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 26(4),1-12.


This research and development aims to (1) describe the problem and analysis of the needs of a model for an integrated entrepreneurial education programs on populist economics based in universities in East Lombok district; (2) design an integrated entrepreneurship education programs on populist economic based in universities in East Lombok Regency; (3) measure the effectiveness of the results of the development of integrated entrepreneurship education programs on populist economics based in Hamzanwadi University Economic Education Study Program as a sample. The method used in this research development was a Design-Based Research (DBR) approach of Reeves 4-phase. The steps taken in this research and development were; (1) Preliminary studies carried out using a survey, observation, interview and FGD approach for problem identification and needs analysis, (2) Conceptually compiling products, carried out in a participatory manner as a collaboration team (3) Product design trials, which include testing expert validation, trials are limited to small groups of field trials and (4) Overall product development evaluations of a series of results of trials that have been carried out to obtain responses, inputs and final notes as a basis for conducting final revisions to the results of the development products. The subjects in this research and development were 37 students of fifth semester students of Economic Education Study Program STKIP Hamzanwadi Selong. The results of problem identification and needs analysis show that there was a need to design an entrepreneurship education programs that tightly integrated between learning on subjects based and student activities. The results of this research and development indicated that an integrated entrepreneurship education programs were effective in increasing student interest and awareness for entrepreneurship, forming attitudes and character of students in entrepreneurship, increasing entrepreneurial knowledge and student skills in entrepreneurship. In addition, lecturers and students gave positive and very good responses to the products of entrepreneurship education programs that were produced in terms of relevance, reflection, interaction, tutor support, peer support and interpretation aspects.


Entrepreneurship Education, Democratic Economy, Higher Education, DBR (Design- Based Research).


This research is a follow-up study of the previous research on "Development Needs Analysis of Integrated Entrepreneurship Education Program Based on Population Economics in East Lombok Regency", and published in the International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Recearch Volume 15 Number 20 in 2017 p 473 -483 ISSN: 0972-7302. This research and development aimed to (1) describe a portrait of the problem and analysis of the needs of a model of integrated entrepreneurial education programs based on populist economics in universities in East Lombok district; (2) Designing integrated entrepreneurship education programs based on populist economies in universities in East Lombok Regency; (3) Measuring the effectiveness of the results of the development of integrated entrepreneurship education programs based on populist economics in the Hamzanwadi University Economic Education Study Program as a sample.

The research process was divided into two stages; (1) the problem identification stage and the analysis of the need to develop an integrated entrepreneurial education program based on populist economics in higher education conducted using the FGD and survey approaches; (2) the design and development stage of an integrated entrepreneurial education program on populist economy based in universities in East Lombok Regency, then the effectiveness of product test was carried out as a result of the development conducted at the Hamzanwadi University Economic Education Study Program as a sample.

As explained in the preliminary research, referring to the results of the identification of problems the implementation of entrepreneurship education that occurs in universities conducted using the Fishbone diagram approach as suggested by Kaoru Ishikawa in (Sukardi, 2016) which is based on 5 (five) aspects, including: availability of materials, learning procedures used, availability of HR / people, equipment / facilities owned, and environmental support around the campus. The results of the analysis of the description of the implementation of entrepreneurial learning in the Economic Education Study Program of Hamzanwadi University (formerly STKIP Hamzanwadi Selong) show that: (1) Conditions for the availability of entrepreneurial learning materials at the Hamzanwadi University Economic Education Study Program as a whole , 34 percent, in the medium category, (2) The condition of the method / procedure for implementing entrepreneurship learning in the Hamzanwadi University Economic Education Study Program as a whole was only 20.78 percent, in the less category, (3) Condition of carrying capacity of human resources (Lecturers and Chairmen Study Program) as a whole is 52.24 percent, is in the moderate category and the overall carrying capacity of students is 67.65 percent in the good category; (4) the carrying capacity of the equipment to support the implementation of entrepreneurship learning as a whole is 42.29 in the medium category and (5) for the condition of the carrying capacity of the environment in learning entrepreneurship as a whole 58.67 percent is in the medium category. Based on the results of the FGD and observations made on the condition of the factual implementation of entrepreneurship education programs in the Economic Education Study

Program of Hamzanwadi University, it was found that:

1. The implementation of entrepreneurship education in the economic education study program at Hamzanwadi University is still conventional; the curriculum is not based on needs. As a result, many graduates are not absorbed into employment and become unemployed; on the other hand they do not have the knowledge and skills to become entrepreneurs.

2. The implementation of learning carried out so far between one learning activity and another learning activity is partial. So as to increase the knowledge and effectiveness of learning activities it is necessary to do it in an integrated and integrated and planned manner so that the level of success is easily measured;

3. The potential for developing an entrepreneurship education program carried out in an integrated manner is very necessary. As part of the institution's commitment in this case the study program to carry out quality learning. Therefore, it is necessary to follow up with the reconstruction and development of integrated entrepreneurship education programs based on populist economics in higher education;

From the results of the FGD and observations, a further analysis of the needs of the integrated entrepreneurship education program was carried out by using a questionnaire to all steakholders in the campus. Questionnaires are given to get information about priority programs that need to be done in developing entrepreneurship education programs that are appropriate to their needs. The results of questionnaire data analysis obtained that entrepreneurship education programs that need to be developed based on priority scale are one priority (1) Entrepreneurship training program, business work internship program, entrepreneurship day program with a score of 95%; Priority two (2) Entrepreneurship seminar program (90%), Priority three (3) field visit study programs (85%) (Ali et al., 2017).

Based on the description above, this study will only focus on the second objective of the design of the development of integrated entrepreneurship education education programs based on people's economy in East Lombok Regency and to test the effectiveness of the development of populist entrepreneurship integrated education programs on the Hamzanwadi University economic education study program as a sample.

Study of Literature

Definition of Research and Development

Research and development or Research and Development (R & D) are currently one type of research that is widely developed. Because research and development can be a link or breaker gap between basic researches with applied research. Research and development is a process or steps taken to develop a new product or perfect an existing product. Products in this context are not always in the form of hardware (books, modules, classroom learning aids and laboratories), but can also be software (software) such as programs for data processing, classroom learning, libraries or laboratories, or models of education, learning training, guidance, evaluation, management, etc. According to Gay (1991), research and development is an effort or activity carried out to develop an effective product for school use, and not test the theory. Whereas according to Gall et al. (1996) research and development are processes that are used to develop and validate educational products Richey et al. (2003) defines research and development as a systematic study of design, development and evaluation of learning programs, processes and products that must meet the criteria of validity, practicality and effectiveness. Plomp (2013) added that the criteria "can show added value" in addition to the three criteria. Van den Akker, (1996) describes research and development based on two objectives, namely (1) research and development as a process of developing product prototypes and (2) research and development as a process of formulating methodological suggestions for designing and evaluating developed product prototypes.

Research and Development Methods

In research and development there are several commonly used methods, namely descriptive, evaluative and experimental methods. Descriptive methods are used in preliminary research, to collect data on existing conditions, including (1) the condition of existing products as comparison materials or basic materials for the products to be developed. (2) The condition of the user such as scale, letters and students. (3) Conditions of supporting and inhibiting factors include human elements, facilities and infrastructure, expenditure and environmental costs. The evaluative method is used to evaluate the trial development of a product. The product is developed through a series of trials and then evaluates the results and processes that have been carried out. The experimental method is used to test the effectiveness of the products produced. In experiments, measurements in addition to the experimental group were also carried out in the control group. The selection of the experimental and control groups was done randomly.

Research and Development of Model Design-Based Research (DBR)

Research and Development with the Design-Based Research (DBR) approach are several stages and approaches, which are carried out to produce new theories, artifacts and practical models that explain and potentially impact learning with naturalistic settings, (Barab & Squeire , 2004). While Cotton et al. (2009), sent the definition of DBR delivered by Herrington et al. (2006) which states that: Design-based research, a term synonymous with development research Amiel, & Reeves (2008), focuses on broad-based, complex, and real-world solving problems that are critical to education, while maintaining commitment to theory construction and explanation. According to Efiyanti (2017) Design-based research is research conducted based on design and exploration as a whole, from the process of design and exploration is expected to later be able to produce an artifact or product according to the conditions and needs of the field. DBR is the steps taken to design and test an intervention carried out, as follows: Design-based research methods focus on designing and exploring the whole range of designed innovations: artifacts as well as less concrete aspects such as activity structures, institutions, scaffolds, and curricula. Importantly, Design-based research goes beyond merely designing and testing particular interventions Figure 1.

Figure 1 Design Base Research (DBR) Approaches in Educational Technology Research (Amiel, & Reeves, 2008)


Research and Development Model

Design-Based Research (DBR) is used as an approach in research and development of integrated entrepreneurship education programs based on populist economics because of its flexible nature in which the design and development process is based on agreement between researchers and collaborative teams based on problems (problems) that occur in the field. It aims to improve the educational practices carried out from interactive analysis, design, development and implementation, based on the results of collaboration teams and researchers in factual settings, and leads to sensitive principles and design theories contextual. In this study, the collaboration team consisted of the Head of the Quality Assurance Agency (LPM) through the Quality Control Group (GKM) at the level of Study Program, Chair and Secretary of Study Programs, Lecturers, Students, Study Program Student Association (HMPS), experts in learning technology and entrepreneurship, and practitioners.

Implementation of the DBR approach in this research and development, made adjustments or adaptations of the 4-phase model developed by (Amiel, & Reeves, 2008; Herrington et al., 2006).

Product Testing

In this study, there were 2 (two) pilot stages, namely the trial of research instruments, and product testing prototypes of integrated entrepreneurial education programs based on populist economics for lecturers and college students. The subject of the trial consists of 2 (two) subjects, namely; semester students of VC and VD chosen by researchers, trials in small groups, and field trials.

Instrument test: The trial of this popular economy-based tepadu entrepreneurship education program instrument was carried out empirically for students of the Hamzanwadi University Economic Education Program. This instrument test is conducted to determine its internal validity and reliability, while its external validity is obtained through discussions with collaborative teams, colleagues, input from experts and promoters both during the examination and in the consultation process.

Test the validity of the instrument: Validity test is done by calculating the value of a simple correlation coefficient (pearson correlation) between the scores of each item with the total score of the items as criteria. In this study, the validity test was carried out using the SPSS for Windows program. Questionnaire items are said to be valid if the correlation coefficient shows a strong correlation or greater than 0.05 or if r- count> r-table, then the question item is said to be valid. And if r-hiting <r-table then the question item is said to be invalid.

Instrument reliability test: For reliability tests, it is done by looking at the Reability Statistics box, because reliability tests can be done if all the data is declared valid. Reliability criteria seen in the Cronbach's Alpha value must be greater than 0.6, and if the value is below 0.6 the instrument is declared not reabel.

1. Trial Small Groups

Small group trials were conducted on students of the Hamzanwadi University Economic Education Program the aim is to identify the problems that arise when using components of the development of integrated entrepreneurship education programs based on people's economy.

2. Field Trials

Field trials were conducted to determine some changes in each product component based on the results of trials limited to small group.

Results and Discussion

Result of Development for Design and Prototype

In the process of study and development of this phase, researchers began to construct the construction of the initial draft design of the integrated entrepreneurship education program model as the initial step of the research based on the identification of problem related to the implementation of entrepreneurship learning conducted at Hamzanwadi University Selong, followed by theoretical validation. The result of good validation carried out in the form of theoretical suggestion, criticism which was given for the development of the program carried out revises and reconstructs the design of integrated entrepreneurship education program for study program of Economic Education of Hamzanwadi University Selong then used as a model that is ready for trial.

1. The preparation of the design on Study program of integrated entrepreneurship education was model in the Study Program of Economic Education at Hamzanwadi University, East Lombok Regency.

This process is based on the result of identification and analysis of the problem carried out in the preliminary study, then based on the finding found in the implementation of entrepreneurship learning, researchers together with the collaboration team through the FGD conducted a mapping to formulate the design of integrated entrepreneurship education program development models consisting of;

a. The process and procedure for the preparation of entrepreneurial education program carried out through learning in class (courses) are carried out by adopting the three main components of the learning variables proposed by Gay (1981) which include learning conditions, learning methods, and learning outcome.

b. The process and procedure for preparing entrepreneurial education programs are carried out to support the implementation of learning through courses in the form of programs outside the classroom in the form of entrepreneurship day programs, entrepreneurship training programs, entrepreneurship seminar programs, field visit courses in the form of program implementation guidelines that serve as a reference in the implementation of each activity so that it can be carried out with measurable result.

c. The process and procedures for the preparation of entrepreneurship training modules that are used as guidelines in implementing entrepreneurship education programs as part of learning programs conducted outside the classroom to support the implementation of learning carried out through courses.

Based on the results of the study and analysis of the process of implementing entrepreneurship education programs in the Hamzanwadi University Economic Education Study Program from the learning outcomes that have been formulated previously, then the next mapping is carried out, the process and results of mapping for each component are presented. The design of an integrated entrepreneurship education program model as set out in Table 1. Below:

Table1 Design of Prototype Design of Integrated Entrepreneurship Education Program
No Component Explanation
1 Learning objective
    The structure follows policies that are regulated in a curriculum or course that includes:
• Course Description
Entrepreneurship courses are courses that are given to foster student interest and awareness for entrepreneurship, build attitudes and character of students to become entrepreneurs, provide knowledge about how basic concepts of entrepreneurship, application and development, and improve student skills in entrepreneurship. The lecture is carried out by integrating learning in the classroom with entrepreneurship education programs conducted outside the classroom such as entrepreneurship day programs, field visit lecture programs, and entrepreneurial seminar programs. While for Business work apprenticeship programs and entrepreneurship training programs are advanced programs taken after taking entrepreneurial courses.
• Objectives of the Course
After joining the integrated economy-based entrepreneurship education program, which is held by integrating education in class with programs outside the class based on popular economy, then:
1. Growing interest and awareness of students for entrepreneurship;
2. The development of attitudes and character of students to become entrepreneurs Students have sufficient knowledge about entrepreneurship;
Establish student skills in entrepreneurship
• Competency Standard (CS)
In accordance with the learning objectives, the drafting of the decree also refers to how to implement the 4 main objectives, so that in the construction of procedural goal-setting and supporting prerequisites, the formulation uses operational verbs, has the target and forms of learning products.
• Basic competency
1. Students are able to explain the important role of entrepreneurship education Explain the basic concepts and motivation for entrepreneurship
2. Explain and identify the characteristics and general characteristics of entrepreneurs
3. Explain the entrepreneurial process
5. Identify ideas and evaluate opportunities
6. Understanding innovation and creativity in product and business development
7. Understand business models and strategic development
8. Understand the concept of business development and its strategy (Canvas Business Model approach)
9. Identify forms of funding sources
10. Develop a business plan and analyze its feasibility
• Main Material in Teaching Materials
1. The Important Role of Entrepreneurship Education
2. Basic Concepts and Motivation for Entrepreneurship
3. Characteristics and Characteristics of Entrepreneurs
4. Entrepreneurship and MSMEs
5. Entrepreneurship Process
6. Developing Business Ideas and Opportunities
7. Access to Capital and Financing Sources
8. UMKM Financial Management
9. Entrepreneurship Marketing Strategy
10. Pioneering a New Business and Development Model
11. Strategies for Preparing a Business Plan
12. Implementation of Business Plans (Practice)
• Main Material in the Diklat Module
1. Definition and Characteristics of Entrepreneurship
2. Build a business idea
3. Plan and Arrange Business Plans
4. Business Development Process (Business Model Canvas)
5. Market Segmentation and Marketing Strategy
6. Business Implementation / Practice
2 Learning Procedure
  a)Organizing Based on the objectives outlined, the process of organizing the material is focused on: • Material Arrangement
The material is organized based on the characteristics of entrepreneurial courses and the direction of development that will be carried out in the form of growing interest and awareness, the building of attitudes and character, increasing knowledge and skills of students to become entrepreneurs by maximizing local potential
• Presentation of Material
In the chapter, the learning objectives are delivered so that the focus of attention and the efforts made in the learning / practice activities are in accordance with the objectives to be achieved in each material.
• Text and Image Design
Text design and presentation of images are made to provide illustrations and make it easier for students to understand the material according to its context, in addition to being interesting.
• Presentation of self-evaluation
As one of the distinctive features of design-based research (DBR) is the involvement of subjects in this case lecturers and students in the process of evaluation and reflection. For this reason, in each session, a self- evaluation will be held which functions so that students can reflect on themselves and provide feedback on the learning process that has been carried out.
• Presentation of assignments and exercises
The task presentation is directed at strengthening student understanding of the achievement of entrepreneurial learning goals. Tasks and exercises are carried out through analysis of activities and practices carried out in the form of out-of-class programs by involving (MSME / DU / DK actors)
• Reference list
Reference list is provided as a guide and alternative learning resource for student of University.
  b) Submission To achieve learning objectives, the implementation of learning activities is carried out together, through active interaction. Submission of material is done in the form of:
• Face-to-face learning (in class)
The learning process is carried out in the classroom to provide for reviewing and discussing the material and subject matter. Assignment is given practice outside the classroom
• Group learning
Learning is done in groups by paying attention to the characteristics of each student and to train the ability of cooperation in a team to achieve goal
• Program-based structured assignments
The implementation of learning conducted outside the classroom in addition to in the form of practice is also carried out based on programs namely entrepreneurship day programs, entrepreneurship seminars, field visit lectures, and followed up at the end with entrepreneurship
Training and business work internships.
  c) Management Management of learning is carried out based on the learning syntax that has been compiled:
• Stage of initial knowledge activation
The activation of initial knowledge is done through concentration of attention, fostering motivation to learn, and learning.
• Presentation of new knowledge
Presentation of new material is carried out on each subject and carried out with active methods and varied such as brainstorming, student have question, snowball throwing, discussion, and others.
• Practice understanding
Understanding exercises are carried out by evaluating and reflecting on the material that has been discussed, and an explanation of the task out class.
• Practice
Practice is done outside of class hours (out class). This practice is carried out in the form of structured assignments based on student activity programs. From the process of the activities carried out then students individually and in groups make a resume and report on the results of their activities which are then presented and discussed in the classroom
• Reflection
Reflection is made on the overall process and results of assignments
Based on student activity programs. Providing opportunities for students to provide feedback that leads to improvement of the learning process.
3 Assessment
    The process of evaluating the learning outcomes of an integrated entrepreneurship education program is carried out through the portfolio:
• Guidelines for implementing the entrepreneurship education program
The guidelines for implementing entrepreneurship education programs are used as a reference for the implementation of student activities programs, ranging from planning, implementation and reporting.
• Aspect and assessment criteria
Every aspect starting from planning, implementation and results / reporting is determined by the assessment criteria implemented in a measurable manner
• Assessment instrument
The instrument contains written tools to measure student learning

Development Results Fourth Stage: Overall Evaluation

This phase is the evaluation stage of the whole process of developing an integrated entrepreneurship education program that is carried out. So after going through a series of processes according to what was planned in the design of the development of Design-Based Research (DBR) which was carried out systematically starting from identification and analysis of needs, the conceptual drafting process of integrated entrepreneurship education programs arrived at the field trial.

Results of Small Group Trial Analysis

From the evaluation process carried out through data collection and analysis of limited test result data carried out in small groups as a whole obtained results of 2,519 or 79.97%, meaning that it is in the effective criteria. This means that based on respondents' assessment of the integrated entrepreneurship education program fulfilling the element of feasibility to be used as a reference in learning in other small groups. However, based on input from several respondents on several product components. Among the things that are the notes given by the respondents are as follows:

a) Some of the subjects and sub-topics are adjusted to the learning objectives, so that the lecturers and students when studying it can be more clear and focus on the process of achieving goals;

b) The use of several images and color compositions so that more real use of images of learning activities and activities carried out by students so that it will look more attractive and able to become a accumulation of students to study;

c) Some images taken from several sources that are not taken directly by the researcher should include the source;

d) Some pictures need to be given information about the name and type of program carried out;

e) Some subjects need to be simplified so that they are more operational, and do not tend to be conceptual

f) Concepts of teaching that relate to the process of entrepreneurship, until the preparation and analysis of the feasibility of business plans need to be improved so that they are simpler and easier to understand

g) In general, the product development program model is feasible to use, although there are still some improvements and improvements needed to make it better.

The results of the input and notes obtained from respondents on several product components of the program model are then used as a basis for improvement and are discussed again with the collaboration team to make the final revision of the development of this integrated entrepreneurship education program.

The results of the input and notes obtained from respondents on several product components of the program model are then used as a basis for improvement and are discussed again with the collaboration team to make the final revision of the development of this integrated entrepreneurship education program.

Field Trial Analysis Result

The results of the field trials conducted on the implementation of the integrated entrepreneurship education program as a whole were 82.75%. This means that it is at an effective and very effective interval. So in general the products of integrated entrepreneurship education program development meet the criteria of being eligible to be used as a reference (reference) in entrepreneurship education programs in higher education, while still paying attention to some notes and input from respondents (trial subjects) in the field to several components of this development product. Among the notes and input of the respondents are as follows:

a) The concepts and material relating to the concept of populist economy need to be clarified;

b) Examples and themes that describe the conditions and potential that exist in the student environment need to be added

c) Cover story and case analysis which are used as customized examples so that they are relevant to the material or subject matter in each chapter

d) Some photos of activities need to be given an explanation of the name and type of activity

e) Overall the products of the development in this study are good and worthy of being used as a reference in the integrated entrepreneurship education program in higher education. Although there are still some improvements needed for some components, especially systematics and typing.

In the process of product effectiveness testing the development of integrated entrepreneurial education programs based on populist economics in higher education, in addition to the above mentioned field testing process, researchers also conducted an evaluation of the implementation of integrated entrepreneurship education programs by referring to several aspects as references, namely: student interest and awareness for entrepreneurship student attitudes and skills in entrepreneurship, student entrepreneurship knowledge and student skills for entrepreneurship. The evaluation process is done by giving questionnaires to students at the beginning before the implementation of the lesson as a pre-test and after the implementation of learning as a post-test.

Student Interests and Awareness for Entrepreneurship

To see the interest and awareness of students for entrepreneurship using three (3) indicators, namely: (1) personal factors, (2) sociological factors, and (3) environmental factors. Based on the results of the pre-test and post-test conducted there was an increase in students' interest and awareness to be entrepreneurial on the whole indicator. Overall the implementation of learning using products as a result of the development of an integrated entrepreneurship education program was able to increase overall student interest and awareness from 3.13 (62.67%) to 4.01 (80.24%). This means that an integrated entrepreneurship education program can foster interest and awareness of students for entrepreneurship.

Attitudes and Characteristics of Students in Entrepreneurship

The indicators used to reduce students' attitudes and characters in entrepreneurship are: Self- confidence, task-oriented attitude, risk-taking attitude, originality, leadership attitude, and results-oriented attitude. Overall the results of the pre-test for all indicators obtained an average value of 3.35 (66.97%) in the good category, after the implementation of learning using the product of development (post-test results) the average value for the overall indicator increased to 4.02 (80.42% ) enter the good category. This means that an integrated entrepreneurship education program can improve (shape) student attitudes and character in entrepreneurship.

Knowledge of Student Entrepreneurship

The indicators used to measure the level of student entrepreneurship knowledge are: knowledge of entrepreneurial concepts, business knowledge and business plans, and knowledge of aspects of knowledge. Based on the results of the post-test overall the average score increased to 4.02 (80.40%) in the good category. That is, integrated entrepreneurship education programs can enhance students' entrepreneurial knowledge.

Student Entrepreneur Skills

Based on the post-test results showed an increase to 4.13 (82.60%) in the excellent category. This means that integrated entrepreneurship education programs can improve student skills in entrepreneurship.

Responses of Lecturers, Practitioners and Students to the Integrated Entrepreneurship Education Program Based on Population Economics

The evaluation carried out by asking lecturers and practitioners for responses to the use of products from the development of integrated entrepreneurship education programs in the field aims to: (1) identify the problems that arise during the implementation of learning, (2) determine the effectiveness of the products developed by integrated entrepreneurship education programs together.

The process of screening lecturers and practitioners' responses was carried out using a questionnaire consisting of 6 (six) aspects of assessment where each aspect consisted of 4 (four) assessment items. A summary of the results of the lecturers 'and practitioners' responses is displayed in the following Table 2 complete data in the attachment.

Table 2 Summary of Results of Responses from Lecturers and Practitioners to The Development of Integrated Entrepreneurship Education Program (N: 4) and (N: 37)
No Response
response *
response *
1 Relevance 54 84.38 487 82.26  
2 Reflection 50 78.13 465 78.55  
3 Interaction 47 73.44 435 73.48  
4 Tutor Support 56 87.50 468 79.05  
5 Peer Support 54 84.38 472 79.73  
6 Interpretation 48 75.00 478 80.74  
7 Keseluruhan 309 80.47 2.805 78.97  
‘* Response Score Interval 1-4
‘** Criteria : tdp=76-100 (Excellent); tdp=51-75 (Very good); tdp=26 – 50 (Good);dan tdp=0–25 (Bad), with tdp=lecturer and practitioner responses to integrated entrepreneurship education programs

Based on the results of the analysis in the Table 2 mentioned above, the results of the overall lecturer and practitioner responses were 80.47%, and the overall student response was 78.97% which meant that it was at the Effective interval. Thus the product of the development of an integrated entrepreneurship education program has been received well and effectively by lecturers and practitioners to be used as a reference in the entrepreneurship education program that occurs for lecturers in universities.


The program developed in the research is an integrated entrepreneurship education program that integrates learning done through courses with learning based on student activities conducted outside the classroom. The final results of the development process carried out in this study consisted of: (1) Results of developing syllabus, (2) Integrated entrepreneurial teaching materials based on people's economy, (3) Integrated entrepreneurship education and training modules based on populist economics, (4) Guidelines for implementing entrepreneurship education programs integrated consisting of entrepreneurship day program, entrepreneurship seminar program, entrepreneurship training program, field visit lecture program.


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Received: 15-Apr-2023, Manuscript No. AJEE-23-13492; Editor assigned: 17-Apr -2023, Pre QC No. AJEE-23-13492(PQ); Reviewed: 01- May-2023, QC No. AJEE-23-13492; Published: 8-May-2023

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