Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences (Print ISSN: 1524-7252; Online ISSN: 1532-5806)

Research Article: 2021 Vol: 24 Issue: 6S

Empowerment Model for Local Community Development of Women Organizations in Rayong Province

Arpaporn Sookhom, Walailak University

Kittachet Krivart, Walailak University


 The purposes of this study were to study and to develop the empowerment model for local community development. As well as studying the conditions and factors contributing to the development of the local community of women organizations in Rayong province. The qualitative research consists of the model analysis of (1) the best practice of a women organization that has an outstanding role in local community development in the urban area, and the best practice of a women organization that has an outstanding role in local community development in rural area (2) in-depth interview with the representative of 12 women organizations in Rayong province, representative of 5 relevant government and private agencies, 2 executives of Rayong Provincial Administrative Organization, and 5 scholars/experts in women’s role development/women’s organizations, and (3) workshop conference for brainstorming of the related organizations.

The study indicated that the empowerment model for local community development of women organizations is divided into 3 models as follows (1) Model of empowerment for local community development by Local Government Organization in the area. (2) Model of empowerment for local community development by associated network partners. (3) Model of empowerment for local community development by leaders and networks of women’s organizations. Development guidelines for empowerment model for local community development of women organizations must be the integration of collaboration at the policy level. Governments and relevant ministries must establish policies and guidelines/measures for driving women development policy and clearly promoting the role of women in the country as for the operational level, Local Government Organization Provincial, Provincial government, Private sector, and women leader must empower members of the women group, women organizations, and women in the community with economic status and underprivileged in society. The development of the quality of life and economy of women and families will be empowered and strengthen to women organizations and members that will be an important force in the development of local. The conditions and factors that are conducive to develop the local community found that the conditions and factors within the family consist of (1) economic readiness of women families (2) understanding and support from family members. Conditions and factors within women organizations consist of (1) strength and leadership of women leaders (2) unity of women organization members and (3) having clear plans and directions for driving local community development of women organizations. Conditions and external factors consist of (1) giving priority to the government measures on women's development (2) continuity and commitment in women's development and women roles of relevant agencies. The guidelines for strengthening the mechanisms and processes of local community development of women organizations consist of (1) the development of women leaders at all levels to strengthen the capacity of local community development. (2) the coordination of the mechanisms of women organizations in local community development must be effective (3) determining roles and responsibilities of local community development for women organizations appropriately.


Empowerment Model, Local Community Development, Women Organization in Rayong Province


From the goal of Thailand 4.0 in the dimension of well-being in society which aims to make Thai society an "Inclusive Society" by empowering people in the society to guarantee economic, social security and to restore reconciliation and solidarity among people in society. For example, to reduce the level of social inequality and to meet the standards of the Organization for Cooperation, Thailand needs to reduce the Gini Coefficient at the level of 0.465 in 2013 to within the range of 0.2 - 0.4 by 2032. Economic and development of European countries (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development: OECD) and completely transformed the country into a social welfare system within 20 years. Moreover, there was also a goal in the dimension of raising human values with development of Thai people to be "The perfect human in the 21st century" along with being "Thai people 4.0 in the first world" such as raising the Human Development Index (HDI) of the country to the top 50 within 10 years (Research and Insurance Administration Division Quality education Phayao University, 2016: 15-16).

In implementing the government's policy on social development and human resources in the direction that was consistent with the goals of Thailand 4.0 (Thaikhufah Online Journal, 2017, p.4), the Cabinet had been approved the adoption of the Strategic Development for Women B.E. 2560 - 2564. The strategic plan was stated its vision that "To create an equal society without discrimination, women have a good quality of life, Secure, and join in creating the modern nation". The objectives in summary were to promote an attitude of all ages Thais people for equal respect between women and men, to develop Thai society to be a fair, equitable, and discrimination-free society. This strategic plan for female development had 5 driving strategies which were (1) changing social attitudes about equality between men and women (2) strengthening roles and improving quality of life for women of all groups and levels (3) developing conditions and factors contributing to the development of women with effectiveness and equality (4) determining measures for surveillance, prevention, protection, help and remedy and (5) create The strengthening of mechanisms and women's development process (Department of Women's Affairs and Family Development, Ministry of Social Development and Human Security, 2017: 80 - 81).

Provincial Administration Organization of Rayong was a large local government organization that gives importance to the promotion and support of women to participate in all activities in all levels of society from the family level and the community level to the country level. There was an opportunity for women to review their roles and statuses that had not reached equality to lead to appropriate operations. As well as opening academic seminars and networking for cooperation in the development of women, children, youth, and family institutions with encouraging society to become aware of the importance of the role of women in local development society and the nation. Moreover, there was actively involved in promoting and supporting the activities of women's power nationwide. In the past eight years, the development of women development and the role of women in the Rayong by the Provincial Administrative Organization, despite being consistent with the direction of driving women development plans during the 12th National Economic and Social Development Plan (2017 - 2021) in all 5 strategies. However, in the past, it was found that there were quite a lot of limitations in developing a local community for women, especially women who were not affiliated with a group or organization of women had more conditions and obstacles than women who were affiliated with a group or organization of women. (Sultan & Yahaya, 2018: 528-529) Therefore, empowerment for local development for women groups and women organizations including the strengthening of mechanisms and the local community development process of women's organizations will help reduce conditions and barriers for women to join the development of a local community (Duran-Diaz, Armenta-Ramirez, Kurjenoja & Schumacher, 2020: 21-22).

From the background and the importance of empowerment for the development of local communities of women organizations as presented above, it was therefore necessary to conduct a study of current forms of empowerment for local community development, development guidelines for empowerment model for local community development as well as conditions and factors contributing to the development of the local community of women organizations in Rayong province, including of the guidelines for strengthening mechanisms and the process of local community development of women's organizations in Rayong province, the policy suggestions for driving the model, and the guidelines for empowerment for local community development for women organizations in Rayong province.

Research Objectives

1. To study and develop the empowerment model for the development of local communities of women organizations In Rayong.

2. To study the conditions and factors contributing to the development of local communities of women organizations in Rayong.

3. To study guidelines for strengthening mechanisms And the local community development process of women organizations in Rayong province.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

Scope of Content

This study specifically covers the empowerment model for local community development of women organizations, conditions and factors contributing to the development of local communities, guidelines to strengthen the mechanism, and the process of local community development by the women organizations in Rayong province.

3.2 Scope of population

This research population consists of a group of model women organizations that have outstanding roles in the development of local communities in urban areas and local communities in rural areas, 12 women organizations in Rayong province, 5 related government and private organizations, 2 executive organizations of Rayong Province Administrative Organizations, and 5 academics/experts in the development of women's roles/women's organizations.

Scope of the Study Area

The areas used in this study were all 6 districts of Rayong Province.

Scope of Time

This research study was started in May 2018 and completed in December 2018, totaling 210 days of study.

Expected results

1. The Empowerment Model for Local Community Development of Female Organizations in Rayong Province.

2. Conditions and factors contributing to the development of local communities of women organizations in Rayong Province.

3. Guidelines for strengthening mechanisms and the local community development process of Women's organizations in Rayong Province.

4. Policy recommendations for driving the model and guidelines for empowerment for local community development for women organizations in Rayong province.

Conceptual Framework

From relevant literature reviewing, the research team has adopted the Women's Development Strategic Plan 2017 - 2021 as a framework for research studies as follows:

Figure 1: Development Strategic Plan 2017 - 2021 As A Framework for Research Studies


Community development refers to the process that focused on the improvement, promotion, or evolution of a community in the economy, society, and culture which must be both physical and psychological development in which the people in the community must participate and initiated their own operations.

Women's role refers to the equal rights of women as men in society and work. Which has been accepted by a society that women not only are the caretakers of the family or a mother to take care of children, but can also revolutionize themselves by getting involved in community, society, and country operations comparable to men?

Women's development refers to the development of women and their families to have well-being and happiness until being ready and able to participate in the development of local communities.

Empowerment refers to motivation. Which will be reflected in the form of The four perceptions and recognitions consist of meaning, perception of one's own competence, perception of self-determination (Self-determination), and awareness of the impact on the organization (Impact), which these 4 factors will affect the behavior that each person has to work.

Research Methodology

This study was qualitative research (Krivart, 2020: 158-159) that was performed with the following steps. To study concepts, theories, and related researches, the documentary Research was performed used the documents as follows:

1. Empowerment model for local community development of women organizations both domestically and internationally.

2. Conditions and factors contributing to the development of local communities for women and women organizations both domestically and internationally.

3. Strategic Plan for Women Development 2017 – 2021.

4. Related research in empowerment for local community development of women organizations.

Model learning from a model organization as follows

1) A model organization in a female role that had an outstanding role in the development of local communities in urban areas. According to the related literature, researchers determined that Nakhon Ratchasima Municipality Women's Development Committee was suitable to be the model women organization.

2) A model organization in a female role that had an outstanding role in the development of local communities in rural areas. According to the related literature, researchers determined that Wang Nam Khiao District Women's Development Committee was suitable to be the model women organization.

In-depth interview was performed with the key informants as follows; (Krivart, Nuttarit & Sookhom, 2020, p. 89).

1. 12 representatives from female organizations in Rayong province.

2. 5 Representatives of the government and private agencies involved, consisting of

a. Rayong Community Development Office

b. District Community Development Office In Rayong

c. Rayong Woman Development Fund Committee

d. Rayong Woman Development Committee

e. The Committee of Youth, Women, the elderly, Social and Welfare of the Provincial Administration Organization Council of Rayong

3. Administrators of Rayong Provincial Administrative Organization

4. 5 scholars and experts in women's role development/women's organizations

Held a workshop conference for discussion, ideas exchange, and suggestions in the guideline of strengthening the mechanism and the local community development process of women organizations in Rayong province.


The findings from the study were presented in the following order of objectives. The Empowerment Model for Local Community Development of Model Women Organizations. According to studies, there has been found that the empowerment model for local community development of female prototypes can be divided into 3 forms consisting of

1. Empowerment model by local administrative organizations in the area

2. Empowerment model by relevant network partners

3. Empowerment model for the development of local communities by women leaders and networks of women's organizations.

Development of empowerment model for local community development of female organizations in Rayong Province. According to studies, there has been found that the development guidelines for empowerment model for local community development of women organizations should be the integration of collaboration from the policy level by the government and related ministries. They have to collaborate to formulate the policies and guidelines or measures to clearly drive the development and promote the country's role of women. For the operational level, the relevant government and private agencies, including women leaders must jointly drive the empowerment process for both members and non-members of women's groups and women's organizations especially the women with poor economic status and the women in socially disadvantaged groups. Thus, after the women and women's organizations have been empowered to strengthen both economically and socially, they will be ready to participate in the development of their local communities for prosperity. The process of development of empowerment model for local community development of female organizations in Rayong province can be described in Figure 2. As follows

Figure 2: The Process of Development of Empowerment Model for Local Community Development of Female organizations in Rayong Province

Conditions and factors are conducive to the development of local communities of women organizations in Rayong Province.

Conditions and factors that facilitate or encourage female organizations to participate in local community development in Rayong Consist of conditions and factors in 3 aspects as follows:

1. Household conditions and factors

2. Conditions and factors within a women's organization

3. External conditions and factors.

The details of conditions and factors on each side were as follows;

Table 1
Conditions and Factors Conducive to the development of Local Communities of Women organizations in Rayong Province
1. Household conditions and factors 1) Economic readiness of female families2) Understanding and support of family members
2. Conditions and factors within a women's organization 1) Strength and leadership of women leaders2) Unity of women organization members3) Clearly plans and directions for driving local community development of a women's organization
3. External conditions and factors 1) Giving priority to the government development of women2) Continuity and seriousness in women development and development women's roles of relevant departments3) Support from the government and local government organizations

Guidelines for strengthening mechanisms and the local community development process of women organizations in Rayong province

The important findings of the study of guidelines for strengthening mechanisms and the local community development process of women organizations in Rayong province were described as follows

The key mechanisms in the local community development process of women organizations include women leaders, which were the main mechanism for driving development. Under the support of two other important mechanisms which were local government organizations in the area. In the case of Rayong province, the Rayong Provincial Administrative Organization is an administrative organization that plays an important role. While the government and private sectors were the important supporting mechanisms in the local community development process of women organizations in Rayong province, These organizations included the Office of Social Development and Human Security of Rayong Province, Rayong Community Development Office, Rayong Chamber of Commerce, etc.

Figure 3: Women Leaders

Guidelines for strengthening mechanisms and the local community development process of women organizations in Rayong Province consist of 3 processes as follows;

Table 2
Guidelines for Strengthening Mechanisms and the Local Community Development Process of Women Organizations in Rayong Province
1. The development of women leaders at all levels to enhance the ability to develop local communities in various fields. 1) Personality development2) Leadership development3) Development of public speaking and presentation4) Technical development and economic and social development methods of the community
2. Effective coordination mechanism for local community development of women organizations in Rayong province. 1) Vertical mechanism coordination among female leaders at the provincial level, district level, sub-district level, and village level2) Coordinating the horizontal mechanism between women organizations and relevant network partners
3. Defining roles and responsibilities that are appropriate to women organizations in the development of local communities. 1) The role of career promotion2) The role of art and cultural preservation3) The role of the development of the quality of life of children, women, the elderly, and the disadvantaged


Important issues discovered in each objective of this research can be discussed as follows;

The results of the study of guidelines for the development of empowerment model for local community development of women organizations showed that there should be integrated with the collaboration between the government and relevant ministries to participate to formulate clear policies and guidelines/measures to drive development and promote the country's role of women. The relevant public and private agencies and women leaders must participate to drive the empowerment process for women, women's groups and women's organizations especially women with poor economic status and women in socially underprivileged for these groups of women, their families, women, and women's organizations to be economically and socially strong and to make them ready to participate in the development of their local communities. The findings are consistent with the report of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD, 2018: 12) that closing the economic gap for women was not just the economic empowerment of women, but also supports the process that leads to the success of many Sustainable Development Goals. In addition, the results of the study agreed with Marloes A. Huis, Nina Hansen, Sabine Otten & Robert Lensink, in A Three-Dimensional Model of Women’s Empowerment (2017: 3-7). That described the power of women were personal power that was the belief and expression of each woman, the relationship power That was belief and expression concerning other people, and social power that was a power in the development of society for women. This Model of Women’s Empowerment in 3D was one of the core principles of the sustainable development process of many countries. Consistency on these issues may be due to empowerment policies for women that enable women to participate in an important development for sustainable development at all levels This Is a universal policy. Therefore, these effects on many concepts, methods, and operational processes were in the same direction.

From the results of the study showed that (1) family conditions and factors (2) internal conditions and factors and women (3) external conditions and factors were conditions and factors that facilitate or support women organizations to participate in the development of local communities in Rayong. This finding agreed with Ihem-Avoaja & Anne Chimebere's study (2013: 50-51) on The Contributions of Women Organizations in Community Development in Nigeria, Case Study: Mbaise Local Government Area of Imo. The state found that the conditions and factors within the family on the equality of educational opportunities for women, conditions, and factors within women's financial organizations, and conditions and external factors in support from the province were all the conditions and key factors that contribute to the development of the local community of women organizations. In addition, the results of the study are consistent with Arthur Kiriinya Mbogori's study (2014: 41-42) on Factors Influencing the Level of Women Participation, in Community Development Projects in Narok South District, Kenya. That found sociocultural factors, economic factors, public utility and community factors, and the factor of capacity building for women from relevant government and private agencies were considered as the important factors Those supports the participation of women in local community development projects. This Consistency on the issues may be due to Thailand, Nigeria, and Kenya in the context of developing countries, where there was still a large gap between males and females. Therefore, these conducive or support conditions and factors were allowed women and women's organizations to participate in local community development similarly to men.

The results of the study of guidelines for strengthening mechanisms and the local community development process of women organizations in Rayong province consists the processes of

1) Developing women leaders at all levels to enhance the capacity of local community development

2) Coordinate the local community development mechanism of women organizations in Rayong, both vertically and horizontally to be efficient

3) determine the roles and responsibilities of local community development that were appropriate to the women's organization.

So the findings of the development of women leaders at all levels and the coordination of the development mechanism agreed with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) (1994) study of Women Empowerment, which found that each country should act urgently to empower women in national development as follows:

1. Developing education, skills, and employment, eliminating poverty, health problems, and illiteracy among women

2. Improving the ability to create income and economic power for women.

3. Establish mechanisms to strengthen the political participation and the right to have a voice in the public of women

4. Elimination of violent acts against women and discrimination of employers against women (5) modification of laws and relevant regulations so that pregnant women can breast-feed and able to raise children while working.

Because both of the above issues are the main guidelines for strengthening the mechanism and the development process at all levels of women and women's organizations. However, the findings of these issues were consistent but the remaining findings were different from this study. This study was performed at the provincial level while the UNFPA education was national. Therefore, there must be specific guidelines for strengthening the mechanism and the development process of women and women organizations at the provincial and national levels which were different specific guidelines.


From the findings of this study, able to formulate policy recommendations for driving forms and guidelines of empowerment for local community development for women organizations in Rayong as follows;

1) Related departments at the policy level should contribute to the formulation of policies and a mechanism for driving continuous and serious development of women organizations at all levels.

2) The department responsible for the policy level should participate to formulate policies and measures to strengthen/support/stimulate the power of local community development for women organizations clearly and concretely.

3) The agency responsible for driving the empowerment policies and measures for the development of local communities of women organizations should specify indicators and guidelines to monitor the implementation of policies and measures in concrete.

4) Responsible agencies should develop information systems for empowerment in the development of local communities of women organizations, such as the database of women organizations, women's leadership database, the database of lesson learning in the field of women development, etc. to enable women organizations to search and usages.

5) Relevant agencies at the provincial level should jointly create a strategic plan for empowerment for the development of local communities of women organizations in Rayong province by allowing agencies and network partners involved in every step of the process.

6) Related agencies at the provincial level should jointly develop the potential of women, especially lower-level women to help improve the quality of life and increase the potential of community development for women.

7) Rayong Provincial Administrative Organization and related agencies should jointly drive the strategic development plan for women in Rayong which has been established to create the effectiveness results.


The first author of this article is Arpaporn Sookhom, she is Lecturer of the School of Political Science and Laws, Walailak University, Thailand, her e-mail: The corresponding author is Kittachet Krivart, he is Lecturer of the School of Political Science and Laws, Walailak University, Thailand, his e-mail:


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