Journal of Entrepreneurship Education (Print ISSN: 1098-8394; Online ISSN: 1528-2651)

Research Article: 2019 Vol: 22 Issue: 6

Entrepreneurship Model for Creation of Designer Competences in the Process of Professional Training

Ihor Bondar, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts

Tatyana Gumenyuk, Kiev National University of Culture and Arts

Natalia Udris-Borodavko, Kiev National University of Culture and Arts

Oleksandra Penchuk, Kiev National University of Culture and Arts

Citation Information: Bondar, I., Gumenyuk, T., Udris-Borodavko, N., & Penchuk, O. (2019). Entrepreneurship model for creation of designer competences in the process of professional training. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 22(6).


The article presents a theoretical generalization and a new solution to the problem of the formation of terminological competence of future graphic designers. The analysis of the psychological-pedagogical and scientific-methodical literature confirms that the formation of terminological competence of future graphic designers is a topical and insufficiently researched problem of pedagogy. The terminological competence of future graphic designers is interpreted as the formed ability to use and design terms correctly in a professional activity, to understand and produce professional expressions in various situations of professional communication, with the obligatory use of professional vocabulary and resort to linguistic and social rules, which were followed by native speakers, using experience gained while preparing for HEI and motivating yourself to achieve high results in professional activity. The structural components of the terminological competence of future graphic designers include motivational and value-based, cognitive, activity, information and communication components.


Entrepreneurship Model, Future Designers, Terminological Competence, Professional Activity, Art Practice.

JEL Classifications

I2, F6.


In each historical period specific ways of organizing everyday life are formed, among which visualized forms deserve special attention, since the main channel of perception is vision. Nowadays, thanks to scientific and technological innovations, projects in the field of art work and advertising, new visualization tools are being created, numerous art practices are being formed, among which graphic design occupies a significant place.

Design, a new field of specialist training, is nowadays gaining popularity and encompasses various areas of project activity related to visual perception. One of the main tasks of design is to meet the aesthetic needs of a person in all areas of life by ordering and harmonizing the object-space environment. In such circumstances, the main task of the specialist in this field is to design elements of the environment that correspond to the level and content of social and cultural values. As design in the contemporary sociocultural space is focused on various components of material and spiritual culture, the designer activities influence the aesthetic, spiritual and emotional and value spheres of the person who is the consumer of the product of the designer activity thus shaping his/her artistic taste. Therefore, the task of professional training of designers capable of meeting the needs of society in harmonizing and aesthetizing the environment is urgent.

As the profession of graphic designer is not only a highly-specialized design value but also a common cultural value, it is now one of the most demanded professions. Nowadays such professional activity has acquired a new meaning that requires the reflection of these processes in the training of graphic designers through the introduction of new approaches to learning, including a competency-based one.

The hypothesis of the study is that the effectiveness of the formation of terminological competence of future graphic designers will be enhanced under such pedagogical conditions: creation of a positive motivational environment for mastering the terminological and conceptual apparatus of the profession; improving the content of training of future graphic designers in accordance with current and anticipated trends based on the competence approach; ensuring the development of professionally important personality traits of the future graphic designer through the introduction of interactive teaching methods.

Review of Previous Studies

Design, like many other professional fields, is in constant development: its methods are being improved, new types of work, techniques and technologies are emerging. As a result, professional terminology is gradually changing and evolving. Without professional knowledge of the terminological and conceptual apparatus of the industry, unhindered professional communication is impossible (Drobyazko et al., 2019a; Drobyazko et al., 2019b).

It is determined that the terms reflect the characteristic features of the development of the theory and practice of the industry and form the basis for its further development (Lassnigg, 2017).

Accordingly, the terminological competence of a specialist makes him more competitive, as it promotes the increase of the level of scientific knowledge, development of practical and communicative skills (Chuenjitwongsa et al., 2018).

On the basis of the analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature and own practical experience, they were determined contradictions between:

 The objective need of the modern society for the quality training of future graphic designers and the current education system with insufficient number of specially designed didactic tools to provide such training (Assiter, 2017).

 The need for the terminological competence of future graphic designers and the lack of a model for the formation of such competence and pedagogical conditions (Giaffredo et al., 2017).

 High requirements for the professional competence of future graphic designers and insufficient development of appropriate scientific and methodological support of the educational process for the formation of terminological competence (Hilorme et al, 2019; Tetiana et al., 2019).


The following scientific methods are used in the study: theoretical-analysis of philosophical, pedagogical, psychological literature, analogy, contrast, synthesis, comparison, systematization of theoretical and research data-to determine the conceptual and categorical apparatus of the problem under study, modeling-to build a model for the formation of terminological competence of future graphic designers; empirical-lesson observation, questionnaires, peer review, testing, group discussions, interviews, written and oral exercises, pedagogical experiment (summative and formative stages)-to test the effectiveness of certain pedagogical conditions and models for the formation of terminological competence.

Results and Discussion

Competency-based approach in the educational process allows to plan the results of education and establishes norms for quality assurance of higher education, where competence reflects the degree of compliance of the specialist with the requirements of the profession and influences his/her success in the current conditions of economic and social development of society.

One way to solve the pedagogical problem of the formation of terminological competence of future graphic designers is to apply an activity approach due to its focus on organizing the activity of the subject, which would ensure his/her activity in cognition, work, communication, self-development. Within this approach, the acquisition of terminological competence occurs directly during practice and manifests itself in the ability to apply terminology depending on the specific situation. Modeling professional communication situations in the process of preparation, creating conditions that could encourage future professionals to express their opinions and influence the interlocutors, contribute to this. As a skill is not just a theoretical application of knowledge in practice but above all a conscious mastery of the activity, we think it correct to develop the ability to use professional terminology through the acquisition of skills.

We distinguish terminological competence as an integral component of the future competence of the future graphic designer and its maturity has a positive impact on professional activities in the field of graphic design. In our opinion, it is a professionally important quality of a specialist, characterized by a complex of knowledge, skills and abilities that enable him/her to perceive, understand and produce messages that contain professional terminology, to store such information in memory and to process it during thinking processes.

The development of terminological competence of future graphic designers should be measured by appropriate criteria, which in turn are objectified by certain indicators.

The criteria should be objective and contain the main essential features of the phenomenon under study. They must cover the typical aspects of a process or phenomenon, formulate clearly, briefly, accurately; characterize exactly what the researcher wants to test. The criteria must reflect the dynamics of measured quality in space and time and be revealed through a series of indicators, which degree of manifestation helps to draw conclusions about the higher or lower level of a specific criterion.

The criteria and indicators of maturity of terminological competence of future graphic designers based on the competency-based approach are presented in Table 1.

Table 1 Criteria and Indicators of Maturity of Terminological Competence of Future Graphic Designers (Author's Development)
Components Criteria Indicators
Motivation and value-based Motivation: characterized by manifestation of expressed motivation, needs, interest in the use of professional terminology in professional activity; understanding the importance and relevance of the problem of using professional terminology; value-based attitude to the processes of self-improvement in this field. a) presence of needs and cognitive interest in professional terminology;
b) presence of internal motives for learning professional terminology.
Cognitive Cognitive: determines the level of knowledge of professional terminology and the peculiarities of its use in professional speech by future graphic designers (the level of proficiency, learning and using professional terminology by students). a) volume of knowledge of professional terminology;
b) quality of knowledge of professional terminology.
Activity Operation and activity: characterizes the maturity of the skills to put into practice the knowledge of professional terminology in the performance of official duties. a) the skill to process and absorb significant amounts of information containing professional terminology;
b) situational use of professional terminology in oral and written language
Information and communication Information and communication: characterizes the level of procedural readiness of the future graphic designer to use information and communication technologies: the extent of use of various sources of information, including electronic media, electronic educational tools and other means of information and communication technologies in the process of mastering the system of terminological knowledge and the development of abilities of using professional terminology. a) having the skills of independent educational and cognitive activity using information and communication technologies for learning professional terminology;
b) the skills of working with information, its search, obtaining, systematization, analysis, processing, self-management of the cognitive process in the information environment).

Therefore, student education at higher education institutions (hereinafter - HEI) should be aimed at developing all necessary components of the terminological competence of future graphic designers and satisfy the above criteria and indicators, which will help to master the future profession and to achieve significant success in the process of professional activity.

It should be noted that these criteria, indicators and levels of terminological competence make it possible to develop a model for the development of the necessary competence of future specialists in graphic.


In spite of the introduction of a competency-based approach in education, there is currently no clear orientation of the content of professionally-oriented disciplines to develop the readiness of future graphic designers to use terminology in their professional activities. Considering the realities of the modern labor market, the need to increase the mobility of a future HEI graduate and the role of terminology knowledge in cognitive and production activities of a person, we think that the content of vocational training in terms of terminological competence development should correspond to: demands of the following professional disciplines, level of modern technologies, professional activity of graphic designer and specific type of communication activity.

The range of professional training of a future graphic designer includes historical, cultural, artistic and technological issues, which ultimately contribute to diverse training of a future specialist. A peculiarity of professional training is equal training of students in three areas: general artistic (drawing, painting, color science, history of Ukrainian and foreign art, history and theory of design, basics of composition, etc.), professional (introduction to the specialty, shaping, layout, computer advertising design, computer layout of printing products, design graphics, fonts, computer design, etc.) and a wide range of humanities.

In our opinion, updating the content, forms, teaching methods will help increase the productivity of the educational process and enhance the creative work of students. Such updating should lead to a more thorough study of the disciplines that will help to shape the terminological competence of future graphic designers.


The analysis of the professional activity of future graphic designers has allowed to develop a structure of terminological competence containing four components: motivational and value-based, cognitive, activity and information-communication, forming a holistic system of knowledge, abilities and skills necessary for professional communication with the use of professional vocabulary and active influence on it.

In order to check the results of educational activities of students, to check the maturity of corresponding components of terminological competence, we have distinguished the main criteria and indicators of the maturity of the main components of terminological competence of future graphic designers.

The identification of the main components of the terminological competence of future graphic designers, the identification of criteria, indicators and levels of their maturity contribute to building a model for the formation of the competence under study, which will help to follow the development of the process of formation of the terminological competence of future specialists during professional training.

The conducted study does not exhaust all aspects related to the formation of terminological competence of future graphic designers. We see further prospects in the creation of a holistic system of innovative training technologies that will effectively influence the extension of the terminology vocabulary of future bachelors of design, the formation of stable internal motives for professional growth and self-improvement of terminological competence of future specialists in the field of design.


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