Journal of International Business Research (Print ISSN: 1544-0222; Online ISSN: 1544-0230 )

Short communication: 2020 Vol: 19 Issue: 2

Food and Agriculture

Srikanth Babu, Sheffield Hallam Univertsity


Yet another crisis witnessed by Global Food and Agriculture industry due to COVID-19 pandemic after 2007-2008 crisis, particularly in-undeveloped countries is at risk. Most of the restaurants and food processing industries are closed and many of them lost their jobs in food industry. Prices of food gone high due to scarcity of food and transport. The effect of Public health issues decrease on-farm productivity, limit processing volume, and pressure on food distribution, thereby reducing total food availability and placing high pressure on food prices.

Short Communication

Yet another crisis witnessed by Global Food and Agriculture industry due to COVID-19 pandemic after 2007-2008 crisis, particularly in-undeveloped countries is at risk. Most of the restaurants and food processing industries are closed and many of them lost their jobs in food industry. Prices of food gone high due to scarcity of food and transport. The effect of Public health issues decrease on-farm productivity, limit processing volume, and pressure on food distribution, thereby reducing total food availability and placing high pressure on food prices.

Agricultural is going to another level with the latest technology available now days. One of the technologies in the agriculture industry is Hydroponics. This technology is widely using as the urban agriculture in the major cities. The poorest sections of the population in emerging countries regularly depend on revenue from casual workers along with food chains both on farms and in organizations that may be inaccessible under lockdowns. A decrease in revenue is probable leads to reduced access to foods. Since nutritious or healthy, fresh foods are often more costly than nonperishable staples, it is predictable that the price of nutritious or health foods will increase quicker and become less reachable for the more weak sections of society.

Further, since the wish to buy eatables at a higher price due to good demand of healthy foods is not common in undeveloped countries, if prices of healthy or nutritious foods grow quicker than unhealthy or nonperishable foods, and decrease in revenue, then fall down in overall spending on healthy or nutritious foods can be predictable. The unavailability of healthy or nutritious foods could further lead to or influence on immune system response in humans leads to be victims of viral diseases like COVID-19, including the older people, those who are suffering with health problems and their immune system compromised.

The world is in the middle of crisis, and while the first priority of representatives is to save people lives, we must know the present and future impacts on global food safety. It is important that governments dealing with the COVID-19 and should understand the seriousness or severity of current situation the world facing. To consume healthy or nutritious food these day’s people are looking to grow organic vegetables and greens with the help of hydroponics technology. As we do not need much place for this, people are showing interest towards urban agriculture and roof garden is one of the process people following to grow vegetables and greens for daily needs.

Eat healthy and stay healthy and fit.


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