Journal of Entrepreneurship Education (Print ISSN: 1098-8394; Online ISSN: 1528-2651)

Research Article: 2019 Vol: 22 Issue: 1

Formation of Socio-Economic Value Orientations of Students in Professional Educational Establishments

Svetlana Mnaidarova, Kostanay State Pedagogical University named after Omirzaq Sultangazin

Zheniskul Demissenova, KostanayState Pedagogical University named after Omirzaq Sultangazin

Gulmira Mnaidarova, Ak Nur Plus


This article is devoted to the formation of student’s socio-economic value orientations in professional educational establishments. The research topic is determined by the contradiction between the increased demands of society and the state for training specialists with strong socio-economic value orientations, and by insufficient theoretical and practical status of this issue. Formation of college student’s socio-economic value orientations requires the use of an organizational complex that will promote the realization of Professional Educational Establishment (PEE) potential in training specialists with the necessary level of socio-economic value orientations. At the same time, formation of student’s socio-economic value orientations as a specially organized process of professional personality becoming of a specialist occurs under internal and external factors initiating rational, economically responsible behavior within the conventional social and ethical standards. Student’s socio-economic value orientations in PEE require special efforts to form them. Socio-economic value orientations are advisable to form while the student is studying in the professional educational establishment. We have considered the personification method used in relation to subject material and its impact on the formation of student's socio-economic values. The efficiency of this method is indicated. The main student’s socio-economic values are allocated.


Value Orientations, Educational Establishment, Subject Material Personification, Vocational Training, Upbringing Process.


Modern requirements to professional competencies, personal and business traits of a future specialist are discussed quite actively in modern scientific pedagogical literature (Boer and Fischer, 2013; Gouveia et al., 2014). The content issue of the new system of personal values remains controversial; the issue of socio-economic value formation in vocational education is hardly ever discussed. Formation of socio-economic value orientations in the process of student’s socialization (the most dynamic part of society) is one of the main problems, goals and directions of education in any country. In any society and state, personal value orientations are subject to upbringing and focused impact of society and state.

Formation of student’s socio-economic value orientations in Professional Educational Establishment (PEE) affects the urgent issues of society and education, as modern socio-economic conditions define new approaches to economic activity (Azhar et al., 2014; Szirmai, 2015). The current system of secondary vocational education must take into account the peculiarity of social and economic situations and, in this regard, solve the problems of professional and personality development of a specialist with C.S.E., who is competitive and mobile in the labor market. The problem of socio-economic values is especially acute in the post-Soviet countries, since they remain unformed after the elimination of socialist state ideology and profound political and economic changes (Kuznetsov, 1992; Veremey, 2004). There is also no clear concept on their formation in the educational environment.

Modern requirements for professional training of a specialist with C.S.E. lead to a rethinking of secondary vocational education objectives. There is a need to prepare students of PEE to effective participation in market relations, to the formation of specialist’s personality with moral foundations, characterized by careful attitude to economic resources and material values, and by reasonable management. In this regard, the study of such a phenomenon as socio-economic value orientations heightens the interest of modern scientists (Mnaydarova, 2015; Siddiqui and Rehman, 2014; Osa-Edoh and Alutu, 2015).

Zdravomyslov has presented the value orientations as a complex socio-psychological phenomenon that characterizes the area and content of personal activity. This phenomenon is an integral part of the system of personality relations, which determines the general approach of a person to the world, to himself, and gives the meaning and direction to personal attitudes, behavior and actions (Zdravomyslov, 1986).

Value orientations carry out the mental regulation of personal social activity and behavior in a social environment. Value orientations are one of personality organization components; they summarize the whole life experience gained by a person during his or her personality development. They also characterize the internal readiness to undertake certain activities. That is why the formation of socio-economic values during the training directly affects the future professional activities.

Formation of value orientations is a process of personality formation, his or her psychology and consciousness under the influence of immediate social environment (Mnaydarova, 2015; Ushakova, 1983).

The value system is a foundation for people's behavior, formed in realization of society integrating function. It is developed by existing social institutions, but not apart them (Kuznetsov, 1992; Boer and Fischer, 2013; Gouveia et al., 2014).

In this regard, upbringing process in the structure of vocational training becomes important. Only a cultural and socialized specialist, who is focused not on immediate personal material enrichment, but on the welfare of the entire society, including himself and his family, can solve emerging problems with benefits and promote social and economic development. At the same time, education as a socially conditioned process allows creating environment for self-development and for the formation of ability to undertake business activities, as well as to solve economic problems in accordance with conventional social and ethical standards.

Classification of values and goals of educational-up-bringing process through the subject material personification by presenting of example of professional success on the part of a person with corresponding values is the main prerequisite for overcoming the value generality in the educational process in the college. In the structure of socio-economic values, there are the following major groups of values: ethical, labor, intellectual and moral.

Thus, the purpose of this article is to consider the formation of socio-economic value orientations through the subject material personification.


The study was conducted in Kostanai Technical Economics College. In the course of experimental work, the initial level of socio-economic value orientations was studied, the state of educational process in Kostanai Technical Economics College was analyzed in terms of socio-economic value orientations, and a series of activities were developed and undertaken to increase the importance of socio-economic value orientations. A system of requirements and methods were formed to represent the reached level of socio-economic value orientations. The experimental part of the research involved the full-time students of the economics department of Kostanai Technical Economics College. There were the following groups: 3A-2 (specialization 0514000 "Assessment" by branches and fields of application), 3?-22 (specialization 0515000 "Management" by branches and fields of application), 3AA-5 (specialization 0518000 "Accounting and audit" by branches).

In assessing the results and analyzing them, the following methods were used: observation, survey, interviews, analysis and assessment of personal levels of socio-economic value orientations, student presentations at practical sessions, assessment methods: M. Rokich method of value orientations (Rokeach, 1968), J. Nuttin’s method of "unfinished phrases" (Nuttin, 2004), S.A. Budassi method of "unfinished thesis" (Budassi, 1973).


Differentiation of the training content according to business disciplines is the most important component, ensuring the personified formation of socio-economic value orientations. The teachers are able to realize their upbringing functions in class while highlighting the value of personified core in the subject material. It’s an obvious point that the problem of socio-economic values and value orientations as targets in student view is relevant today. One of the ways to overcome the value uncertainty of education is to group both the values and the education goals by a particular type of education for subsequent introduction of the first into the learning content. Table 1 presents the selected group of values.

Table 1
Groups Of Values ??In The Formation Of Socio-Economic Orientations
Value Group Goal
Labor Interesting job, benefit to society, responsibility, professional development.
Moral Freedom, good deeds, peace, human rights, loyalty, fidelity, honesty and integrity.
Intellectual Knowledge, intellectual development, self-development, etc.).
Aesthetic Harmony, adding to beauty.
Athletic Healthy lifestyle, performability, being in good shape.
Extranational patriotic Love for the country, caring for its security and prosperity, interest to other nations, respect for their traditions, tolerance, etc.

Teachers should take into account personal features of students' development. Hence, they have to assess the current level of socio-economic value orientations of a person, to determine the specifics of their content for each college student and to attract each student to educational and professional activities, focused on conventional social and ethical standards.

The use of personalized subject material in organizing the formation of student’s socio-economic value orientations requires the teacher to learn methods of vital education, which use stimulates the evaluation activity of students of PEE, ensures the acceptance of value information at the level of personal significance. In the system of vocational education, the most effective methods are:

• Retrospective analysis of life experience with its simultaneous correlation with the acquired value information, with the definition of axiologically conditioned reasons for certain actions, events and adequacy of common attitudes to these events and facts, etc.

• Additional construction of unfinished educational model (complete the phrase, proposal, description of a specific business situation in terms of certain value orientations).

• Vital analogies, which are used to illustrate the cognizable value categories (phenomena, events, relations, etc.) with life examples. This confirms that values were formed (Veremey, 2004).

Student's activity is determined by his or her interest in learning activity, its entertaining and emotionally rich content, by the opportunities for self-expression. This can be expressed as an enterprising participation of college students in the educational process (namely, as discussion, evaluation etc.), their personality becoming as the subjects of education, as a favorable ratio of pedagogical leadership and the conscious creativity of students in learning.

In order for a college student to become a full-fledged subject in forming socio-economic value orientations, his or her activity should be stimulated by the teacher through a purpose-oriented organization of cognitive and reflexive-evaluative activity. Namely–provision of problem-based situations, the use of active teaching methods, dialogic learning, creation of moral choice situations, direct motivation of students to assess the object of cognition, etc.

Formation of socio-economic value orientations of students in PEE should be content-based and procedurally designed with due account for the patterns of personality development in the axiological context (from reproductive learning the value-oriented activity to personal value-oriented creativity). The very formation of socio-economic value orientations (the sequence of processes: identification and internalization of values) must be also taken into account (Mnaydarova, 2015).

The formation process of socio-economic value orientations in PEE is personified by allocating a system of values and goals of the educational process; by enriching the subject material with value content through organized meetings with successful entrepreneurs; by presenting socio-economic values through the content of education using different teaching methods.

Thus, diverse interaction between the students and the teacher, especially their activity during the interaction, will make it possible to form socio-economic value orientations of a future specialist with C.S.E.

Effective formation of student’s socio-economic value orientations involves the plans of meetings with entrepreneurs of the city and the region. Representatives of various spheres of economic activity should be invited: independent businessmen, auditors, accountants, economists, etc. The topics of meetings should be diverse, because all invited experts are engaged in economic activities in various fields.

Parents have noted the cycle of meetings with entrepreneurs of the city and the region, concerning the issues of public/civic position. The meetings made an important contribution to the motivation of students, and as a result, to the formation of a motivational and behavioral criterion of socio-economic value orientations.

The level of student’s socio-economic value orientations was determined by the same assessment test of the M. Rokich (Rokeach, 1968), J. Nuttin’s method of "unfinished phrases" (Nuttin, 2004), S.A. Budassi method of "unfinished thesis" (Budassi, 1973). We have determined the following criteria to assess the level of socio-economic value orientations of a student: socio-economic knowledge, motives and actions.

M. Rokich defines personal values as a person’s conviction of the advantages of some goals, of its sense in comparison with other goals, of the advantages of a certain type of behavior in comparison with other types (Rokeach, 1973).

The obtained results allow drawing a conclusion that the socio-economic value orientations of students are being formed in PEE successfully.

The analysis shows the likely hypothesis of the study allows us to draw the following conclusion: the level of socio-economic value orientations of a specialist with C.S.E. will significantly increase if vocational education is built in accordance with subject material personification. We have made a final assessment to determine the level of socio-economic value orientations of students when the pedagogical experiment was completed. The results have proven the positive changes in the levels of socio-economic value orientations of students in PEE.

The results made it possible to draw the following conclusions: socio-economic value orientations are being formed not effectively within traditional educational system; formation of student’s socio-economic value orientations in PEE requires a subject material personification.

Thus, we came to the conclusion that effective formation of socio-economic value orientations of students depends on: invitation of entrepreneurs to talk with students on socio-economic topics; student’s participation subject olympiads; discussions and organization of Decades of Economic Disciplines; on student scientific and practical conferences, etc.


Final assessment has confirmed the positive dynamics in all criteria of the formation of socio-economic value orientations of students in PEE.

We have found that the most significant socio-economic values for students are the following:

1. Preservation of individuality.

2. Material situation.

3. Social status.

4. Love.

5. Spiritual satisfaction.

The socio-economic value orientations of a specialist with C.S.E. are considered as a combination of personal attitudes of a graduating student to himself and to the world in the form of fixed orientations on the model of business activities in accordance with conventional social and ethical standards.

Formation of socio-economic value orientations of a person through the presentation of positive professional experience contributes to the formation of professional achievements, moral satisfaction from professional and social performance, the interest in the prestige of the profession, the preservation of one's individuality and to a decent material situation.

Thus, formation of socio-economic values is an important task of the educational process, as it shapes the moral and behavioral attitudes of the future specialist.


In modern socio-economic conditions, spiritual and moral values need correlation and reorientation in terms of content. Personnel training in the system of secondary vocational education acquire special significance, since this system that can train specialists, whose performance is determined by the level of their value orientations. Thus, the issue of the formation of socio-economic value orientations should be studied on the basis of psychological, pedagogical, economic and socio-cultural theories.

The educational policy in professional educational establishments should be focused on the preparation of competitive specialists, socially protected by the quality and professional opportunities of their education. However, successful solution of these problems and beneficial activity of professional educational establishments in the market of intellectual labor is practically impossible with realizing only an obligatory minimum of requirements for the level of graduating student’s preparation determined by the state standard.


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