Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal (Print ISSN: 1087-9595; Online ISSN: 1528-2686)

Research Article: 2021 Vol: 27 Issue: 5S

Impact Factors of Cyberloafing on Employees Productivity in Malaysia Institute of Higher Learning

Albert Feisal Muhd Feisal Bin Ismail, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka

Mohd Fazli Bin Mohd Sam, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka

Siti Sarah Mat Isa, Melaka International College of Science and Technology


Institute of Higher Learning, Cyberloafing, Employees' Productivity


Having employees who live in the world with the massive explosion of the social media phenomenon, organisations must relate the employees' productivity with the evolution of Internet use at the same time. In Malaysia alone, the percentage of Internet users continues to rise from 76.9 per cent in 2016 to 87.4 per cent in the year 2018 (MCMC, 2018). This research investigated the effect of cyberloafing on employees' productivity at Multimedia University (MMU). This study focused on whether cyberloafing at the workplace has a positive relationship with the employees' productivity among administrative staff in MMU. The respondents were 131 administrative staffs who worked in Multimedia University (MMU), and the method used for data collection was by the distribution of a set of questionnaires. The respondents' results were analysed using the Statistical Package by the Social Sciences (SPSS) 23.


Nowadays, information technology in personal life and work routine without any barriers has significantly increased because of cyber loafing habits or behaviors among staff in the workplace, especially in institutions like MMU (Jian, 2013). Even though employees' cyber loafing distorts their working progress, small cyberloafing actions have minor positive side effects, such as giving employees a moment to breathe or re-energise them. Moreover, these minor cyberloafing activities, such as making phone calls, sending and receiving emails, sending and receiving text messages via mobile applications such as Whatsapp and Telegram, and web browsing, serve as a refresher and a pause, reinvigorating employees and increasing their productivity.

Employees' cyber loafing behaviour generally in a general business problem will contribute negatively to the employees' productivity. However, truthfully, in the specific business problem, the organisation usually is absent of specific mechanism or strategies to control cyber loafing behaviours of the employees.

This research aims to examine the effect of cyber loafing on employees' productivity among MMU administrative staff. The target samples consist of a group of support staff working in MMU Melaka with unlimited access to the internet and web browsing in their workplace. The management of MMU is to benefit from this research results and discussion, which could be used to examine the degree of change in staff productivity when the Internet access facilities are provided.

These research findings will also be helpful as a support tool and evidence highlighting the encouragement or discouragement of Internet access long-term accessibility by the management to the staffs. The productivity measurements of the staffs were the estimated time taken for one student's request, quality of services provided during face to face students' meeting, the speed of resolving students' issues, the easiness of obtaining assistant using the system and the initiatives in providing extra alternatives to student's problems.

Administrative staffs are the people who manage an organisation and ensure that it runs smoothly, so their productivity should be increased or at the very least maintained. Thus, the result of this research could explain the productivity issue in the aspect of Internet access. However, the degree of decrement of administrative staff productivity was also correlated with the number of students' enrolment in MMU every trimester. Thus, to address the issue of reducing the number of students enrolled in MMU, the core problem must be addressed first, which is the staff productivity and quality to entertain the students/ needs. Numerous studies have attempted to explain that there are mixed results of the impacts of cyber loafing on employees' performance. For example, (Hassan et al., 2015) found that cyber loafing is an unusual behaviour that organisations should control and monitor because it influences lower employees' productivity. On the other hand, (König & Caner de la Guardia, 2014) argued that allowing some cyber loafing could positively impact employees' productivity.

Employee productivity is influenced by several aspects of cyber loafing activity, including workplace internet leisure browsing (WILB), duration of workplace internet leisure browsing (WILB), frequency of workplace internet leisure browsing (WILB), proactive policy development (PPD), and reactive policy development (RPD). Therefore, the objective of this research was to investigate the impact of cyber loafing factors on employees' productivity in MMU.

Literature Review

This section discussed previous literature that related to this research. The focus would be on the employees' productivity and cyber loafing factors affecting it.

Employees' Productivity

Employees' web usage seems to contribute more negative impacts on the organisation, especially on lowering the employees' productivity level, weakening the security of the organisation's information, and increasing the organisation's legal compliance breach (Henle, 2009). Furthermore, based on a study by (Barlaw, 2003), cyber loafing activities resulted in lower job performance due to loss of working hours. Therefore, employees who utilise their time on cyber loafing would spend their working hours, and any work of time losing is render into loss of employees' productivity (Foster, 2001; Barlew, 2003). Therefore, there will be a negative relationship between cyber loafing and employees' productivity if the finding above is correct.

Cyberloafing can also lead to decreased productivity and inefficient use of network resources, resulting in an uncompetitive organisation (Liberman et al., 2011). In addition, cyberloafing can cause problems in the information system's security and proper general functioning, such as bandwidth clogging, spyware infection and task postponement (Lara & Mesa, 2010). Cyberloafing is destructive and constitutes a form of employees' deviance (Lim, 2002), which so far as it represents voluntary behaviour that violates significant organisational norms. By causing that, it will threaten the well-being of an organisation, its members or both (Beugre & Kim, 2006).

Similarly, processing distracting information at work through cyberloafing depletes the cognitive resources necessary for employees to perform tasks at work (Rajah and Lim, 2011). Cyberloafing also increases the accessibility to the company's network, which causes security problems and the exposure of viruses and hackers (Kay et al., 2009).

Conversely, there are some positive impacts of cyberloafing since it can improve and inspire employees' creativity and learning ability in the workplace. Moreover, it can serve as a resting purpose and can act as a recovery mechanism from the employee' stress during the working hour (Coker, 2011). According to Lim and Chen (2009), when employees take time off from work, they can relax by cyberloafing. This time away from work allows employees to reenergise, refresh, and revitalise their hearts and minds. This, in turn, will increase their job productivity.

On top of that, the boost is significant to counter any losses in employees' productivity during their task completion activities (Mirchandani & Motwani, 2003). Moreover, cyberloafing can provide an interval from working or doing something related to works. Cyberloafing then contributes to the employees by acting as the boost for their energy for higher productivity once they complete their work tasks (Belanger & Van Slyke, 2002). Cyberloafing is one of the recovery methods for the employees when the cognitive resources from them are drained while working. Engaging in cyberloafing could recover the resources used, and eventually, the employees will become more productive. Thus, it should be a positive relationship for the variables if the finding is correct. Therefore, the cyberloafing activity that one does for interval and break should be associated with productivity increases.

Similarly, certain cyberloafing habits or behaviours, such as employees playing online games, may boost their job productivity more than other cyberloafing behaviours, such as texting, mailing, and online shopping. However, it should have a small or no relationship between cyberloafing and employees productivity if the study finding is correct.

Consideration of the relationship between cyberloafing behaviours with employees' productivity allows an organisation to decide and develop specific workplace procedures and policies to be followed by all employees that have access to the internet. This is because it was discovered in the previous studies that spending more time at work on cyberloafing resulted in lower job performance and productivity. Meanwhile, less committed and minimal cyberloafing activities such as sending and receiving personal emails are found to produce no effect for the shorter period while in task performance; in fact, it increases the productivity of the doers, which are the employees.

Workplace Internet Leisure Browsing (WILB) and Employees' Productivity (EP)

A frequent survey organised every trimester by targeting students in MMU Melaka has shown their feedback regarding the productivity of the administrative staff's work in handling their requests on many issues. The examples of the issues are requested to add and drop of subjects, and time is taken to process Letter of Absence (LOA), clashing timetable revamping, manual registration of subjects, event facilities approval, approval of events' media tools and so on. The administrative staff then claimed that they were stressed out because of the workloads and emotional labour they had to bear every day. This could be due to the administrative staff's inability to take breaks throughout the working day to re-energise their motivation and focus on getting through the rest of the workday.

To support that idea, (Coker, 2011) concluded that an organisation that provides the opportunity to exercise WILB to employees could maintain the employees' effort to be more productive than others who do not reach or browse the internet any some times during their working hours. Employees who browse the internet for non-related matters in the workplace within a reasonable limit of less than 20 per cent of the employees' total working hours are found to be more dynamic and more productive than the rest, at least by 9 per cent. Additionally, younger employees below 30 years old identify that WILB leads them to achieve more positive effects on their work performance and productivity level.

Moreover, Lim and Chen suggested that WILB can motivate employees to have break and revitalise themselves from a stressful working condition that they face every day. For administrative staff's working environment, they are positioned in tiny cubicles that are very close to each other, separated by nothing. They are also very visible to everyone else in the organisation, which means they are being watched or monitored almost at all times. That could be why they felt stress and suffocated that their motivation is reducing from time to time. Furthermore, if they cannot watch or listen to good movies or songs, their emotions will suffer, resulting in decreased productivity in their tasks.

Cyberloafing activity such as visiting social media may actually increase employees' productivity as a whole (Alguenza et al., 2012). (Alguenza et al., 2012) further, posit that employees who have better skill in terms of interaction with others and wiser in terms of decision making are those who socialise more as well connected via internet network more. These employees are easily refreshed and re-energised by simply taking their short cyberloafing as breathers. There are also results of multiple studies that show the internet provides many positive and statistically significant effects on labourers' productivity. Assuming other factors stay constant, increasing the number of Internet users by one per cent increases GDP per employed person by $8.16 to $14.6 (Najarzadeh et al., 2014).

H1 Workplace internet leisure browsing (WILB) has a relationship with employees' productivity (EP).

Workplace Internet Leisure Browsing (WILB) Duration and Employees' Productivity (EP)

The duration taken by employees to visit their social media will result in positive and negative effects on their output and productivity (Adzovie, 2017). In a very digital intensive world nowadays, employees are not excluded from the WILB activities even during working hours. Statistically, digital consumers worldwide are spending an average of 1 hour 58 minutes per day to indulge in personal social networking. In MMU, this is not happening since the management is restricting the internet accessibility for the usage of administrative staff, which could be the contributor to their lower productivity. With the worldwide statistic exists, administrative staff should also be allowed a similar acceptable duration to access the internet in order for them to have time for their own. Since 2012, this figure of time spend in cyberloafing has been increasing at least by 20 minutes (Chaffey, 2016; Mustafa et al., 2020). A study conducted to examine the typical duration of WILB in personal social networking alone is between 30 to 60 minutes per day (Jacobsen & Forste, 2010; Pempek, Yermolayeva, & Calvert, 2009). In addition, adolescents' estimated duration of time spent for social media alone per day is at the median of 28 minutes (Jelenchick, Eickhoff & Moreno, 2013).

As the technology owner, the organisation has the right to know how its employes spend their time at work and in what capacity they work. As the technology owner, the organisation has the right to know how its employees spend their time at work and in what capacity they work. However, it will defeat the purpose of trusting the employees by providing the necessary break duration. As a result, if they believe they are not trusted enough, their productivity will suffer (Baard et al., 2006).

Furthermore, frequent short duration of interruptions has a more significant reinvigorating effect than those which are fewer in number yet more extended duration of interruptions. When employees are carried away from their job duties and responsibilities, they will find it very difficult to become refocus, as they should be. The breather period should be able to revitalise them, but only when the duration is moderate. They can also use cyberloafing during their natural break hour, which helps employees work on a demanding and complicated task requiring much cognitive effort, thus increasing their productivity. Thus, employee productivity is demonstrated at an optimal level with the control duration of cyberloafing.

H2 Workplace Internet Leisure Duration (WILB) duration correlates with Employees' Productivity (EP).

Workplace Internet Leisure Browsing (WILB) Frequency and Employees' Productivity (EP)

The frequency of visiting social media by the employees will positively and negatively affect their productivity and output (Adzovie, 2017). When it comes to the concern of sending and receiving emails for work reasons, 88.5 per cent of employees exploited those features in a daily basis. As a standard communication tool, email is already existed and integrated initially in the profession of any employees. While email being one of the activities of WILB, by using it frequently during working hours, even for personal purpose, it is used at the same time to increase job productivity (Semertzaki, 2008).

Frequent interruptions have a greater reinvigorating effect than those that are fewer in number yet more extended duration of interruptions. The optimum level of cyberloafing that should be allowed to the administrative staff aforementioned.

Even so, when employees spent their time doing cyberloafing such as communicating via the internet too frequently, it could also negatively impact their productivity and well-being (Servidio, 2016). This could be true at the same time because when employees misuse the opportunity of internet accessibility in the organisation, they tend to spend more time accessing the internet rather than completing their tasks. In addition, a high frequency of accessing the internet and non-work-related matter will defeat the purpose of the organisation's consideration, which will lead to lower job productivity of the employees. Not only the high frequency of internet access will lead to lower job productivity, it would also interfere with the private life of the employees (Lai & Kwan, 2016). According to previous studies, identified impacts of the high frequency of internet use include withdrawal and social problems, time management and productivity, reality substitution, mood modification and psychological conflicts (Byun et al., 2009; Lai et al., 2013; Widyanto & McMurran, 2004; Widyanto et al., 2011).

In addition to that, a high frequency of internet users has found to be neglecting work, absent of anticipation, lack of control and neglecting their social life (Barthakur & Sharma, 2012). Feng, et al., (2019) also agreed that employees with a high-frequency usage of Facebook or the Internet for entertainment per day tended to be more distracted in tasks and had lower productivity. On top of that, according to (Feng et al., 2019), the employees' productivity level could be impacted by the frequency of Internet usage for entertainment or works purpose, and it will lead to the decreasing productivity of employees.

H3 Work Internet Leisure Browsing (WILB) frequency has a relationship with employees' productivity.

Proactive Policy Development (PPD) and Employees' Productivity (EP)

Predictive (proactive) policies are developed to accommodate any uncertainties in advance or ahead of time. These proactive policies can be used to prevent any future misuse of the internet in the workplace. As an antecedent of misuse of the internet, the reduction of employees' productivity can be avoided from the start. The proactive policy is deliberately chosen and often designed to prevent a concern, problem, or emergency. Despite previous research indicating that females are more likely to willingly comply with an organisation's designated internet usage policy (Choi et al., 2017), the organisation has successfully ensured more than half of its employees even before using the internet.

The foundation of the policies must first be identified and strengthened by the organisation for proactive internet usage policies to be implemented as planned and by employees as intended. If the policies developed by the organisation are flawless enough, misuse of the internet by the employees will be less likely to be happening. Some of the minimal misuses of the internet could slip from the organisation's attention even after developing proactive policies (Davenport & Beck 2002). However, at least it could be minimised from getting broader and impossible to be fixed later on in the future. Even if these misuses are still happening, the organisation already plans to cater to the issue. Thus, the organisation can always go back to the policy and take action based on the initial planning to remove the employees' unnecessary behaviours.

The proactive policy development is sometimes very limited in terms of its coverage of the matters in discussion, which are internet access and employees' productivity. Some of the organisation only developed the short term and localised policies to govern internet use in the workplace. Little is known about the long term effects of the proactive policies on the outcome of the employees' productivity. It could not be sure whether or not the next person holding the position in the organisation will be using the same proactive policy developed during the last tenured superior. Thus, the effectiveness of the proactive policies to cater to the misuse of the internet that could influence employees' productivity is still unknown.

Thus, in order for the proactive policies to be helpful and effected the employees accurately, the primary goal of the policies must be addressed as precise as possible first. Only then could it be used to control certain behaviors of the employees in terms of inernet usage in the workplace. Not just that, but the period that the proactive policies can be made effective could also be the key to implementing the policies to the employees.

H4 There is a significant relationship between perceived environmental responsibility and green purchase intention towards green eco lighting products

Reactive Policy Development (RPD) and Employees' Productivity (EP)

ctive policy is to be developed in response to a concern, problem or emergency. It is designed to remedy problems that already exist. Reactive policy development often happens more quickly than proactive policy, as the problems that arise can be pressing or even urgent. Reactive policy debate centres primarily on whether or not a specific policy mechanism is the best way to handle a situation, not whether or not the situation will ever become a problem. Research by (Askew, 2012) added that organisations should adopt guidelines and policy, which are task-oriented. (Lichtash, 2004) found that disorder behaviours among employees using the internet and electronic mail at the workplace happened because of unclear workplace internet policy or lack of communication or monitoring by superior electronic monitoring systems. Moreover, (Foltz et al., 2005) dictated that employees aware of workplace internet use policy will be less likely to have internet abuse or internet usage issues that can directly or indirectly impact the employees' performance and productivity.

According to Grodzinsky & Gumbus, many organisations' Reactive policy development pertaining to the use of the internet could also mean imposing punishment or penalty to the employees who abuse internet usage in the workplace, which also affects productivity level. For example, an employee was fired after it was discovered that he had abused the internet and that his productivity had dropped from one month to the next during the same year (Grodzinsky & Gumbus, 2005). The superior, one of the senior management teams, then issued a stringent reminder memorandum regarding the internet usage policy. The reminder caused a sharp positive drop in internet usage that the employees' productivity returned to the right track back again.

Reactive policy in internet usage is a reciprocal concept intentionally to monitor the organisation and give benefits to both superior and subordinates, which eventually will affect their productivity and performance after they discovered the divergence of internet usage in the workplace. (Wen & Lin, 1998) had connected both the internet policy and the loss of employees' productivity with telephone facilities, such as calling or text messaging (e.g. SMS, Whatsapp and Telegram). When superiors discovered that employees were spending more time surfing non-work-related matters than doing core tasks, they resorted to controlling the time spent by employees using internet facilities. Thus, implementing the reactive policy is one of the mechanisms for maintaining employee behaviour, and it is expected that employee productivity will remain unchanged.

H5 Reactive Policy Development (RPD) has a relationship with employees' productivity.


This section discusses the procedures adopted in realising these objectives, which include the measurement of variables in the study.

Conceptual Framework

Based on the review of the existing theory in the preceding section, it is reasonable to believe that the WILB might enable the restoration of concentration during working hours of employees, which will yield a positive effect on the employees' productivity. Employees are rejuvenated more by a few mouse clicks, even though it is effortless than taking a walk, drinking coffee in a café, or conversing with colleagues. Furthermore, the theory from the preceding section also mentioned that when employees are given more autonomy to decide terms of internet surfing in the workplace, they would be more motivated and loyal towards the organisation. When that sense of belonging exists, employees will be more willing to perform better and increase their productivity.See Figure 1:

Figure 1 : Conceptual Framework

Sample and Data

Questionnaires are used to gather primary data. The questionnaire includes a series of questions derived from a previous literature review and previous research. These set of questions then were distributed to the samples chosen from the population. The distributions of questionnaires for this study were done via Google form. The reasons why questionnaires are being used are that the administrative staffs in MMU are more open to sharing ideas when they have their own time due to the workloads possess. On top of that, close-ended questions were used in the questionnaires because respondents would limit their responses to what this research is describing.

Sampling entails selecting several study units from a predetermined study population. A researcher must first determine which population is intended for the study before selecting a sample. Naturally, the research aims and questions influence this selection. Consequently, 115 administrative staff members from MMU Melaka were picked from a pool of 250 as examples.

Results and Discussion

Discuss the results of the analysis from the data analysis and findings of the study.

Descriptive Statistics

In this study, the researcher used a frequency tool from the descriptive type of analysis. Descriptive statistics enabled the researcher to describe and compare variables numerically (Saunders, Lewis & Thornhill, 2016). Using SPSS, frequencies of respondents who responded to the questionnaires were calculated based on their gender, age, and division and represented by the tables below.

Among all respondents, it can be observed that 106 of them were females (80.92 per cent) meanwhile 25 of them were males (19.08%). The result indicated as such because the number of female employees exceeded the number of male employees. Among all respondents, 17 were between the ages of 18 and 25 (13%), 73 were between the ages of 26 and 33 (55.7%), 25 were between the ages of 34 and 41 (19.1%), and 16 were older than 41 (12.2%). Among all respondents, 17 were between the ages of 18 and 25 (13%), 73 were between the ages of 26 and 33 (55.7%), 25 were between the ages of 34 and 41 (19.1%), and 16 were older than 41 (12.2%). The result presents that majority of early adults employees made up the administrative staffs in MMU, Melaka.

Among all respondents, it can be reported that 16 of them were from the Business Unit division (12.2%), 14 were from the Examination Record Unit division (10.6%), 49 were from the Faculty division (37.4%), eight were from Finance division (6.1%), 23 were from Facilities Management Division (17.6%), 9 were from Human Resource division (6.9%) and 12 were from Student Affairs and Sports Division (9.2%). The resulting breakdown that administrative staff from the Faculty division were the majority of the population because in MMU, Melaka alone, there are seven different faculties that their own respective administrative staff.

Multiple Regression Analysis

The coefficient of determination, r, could be any number between 0 to 1. This value dictates the relationship strength between a numerical dependent variable and a numerical independent variable to be assessed. A value of 1 means that all the variation in the dependent variable can be explained statistically by the independent variable. A value of 0 means that none of the variations in the dependent variable can be explained by the independent variable. Furthermore, the relationship among variables can also be analysed by interpreting the coefficient of multiple determination, r2. Even though the interpretation of r2 is the same as r, r2 assessed the strength of the relationship between a numerical dependent variable and two or more numerical independent variables (Saunders et al., 2016).

Table 1 displayed the results of multiple regression analysis tests of employee productivity with the predictors of workplace internet leisure browsing, workplace internet leisure browsing duration, workplace internet leisure browsing frequency, proactive policy development, and reactive policy development. Table 1 was prepared according to the same analysis tool too, which measured the degree of freedom (df), F ratio (F) and the significant level (sig.). The overall model was concluded to be significant with the F (5,109)=48.87, p<0.001. Furthermore, the r2 pointed that it counted 69.2 per cent of the variability in support for employees' productivity. Table 1 was synthesised in the objective to conclude the strongest and weakest relationship between variables.

Table 1
Reactive Policy Development
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardize Coefficients t Sig. Collinearity Statistics
B Std. Error Beta Tolerance VIF
1(Constant) -0.064 0.223 -0.287 0.774
PPD 0.032 0.107 0.03 0.3 0.765 0.276 3.622
RPD 0.544 0.114 0.49 4.79 0 0.27 3.699
B 0.018 0.253 0.004 0.071 0.944 0.885 1.13
D 0.226 0.151 0.085 1.493 0.138 0.876 1.142
F 0.425 0.146 0.329 2.912 0.004 0.222 4.508


The objective of this study was to identify impact factors of cyber loafing that will contribute to the employees' productivity in the Institute of Higher Learning, MMU. On top of that, the research findings will be used as encouragement or discouragement of Internet access long-term availability plan by MMU management.

The objective of this study was to identify impact factors of cyber loafing that will contribute to the employees' productivity in the Institute of Higher Learning, MMU. On top of that, the research findings will be used as encouragement or discouragement of Internet access long-term availability plan by MMU management.

The research findings revealed a strong relationship between reactive policy development and employee productivity, as reported in a study by (Ugrin & Pearson 2013), who stated that policy and enforcement regarding internet usage in the workplace may be effective in curbing any internet usage issues that lead to productivity.. Furthermore, this study set out to assess the importance of an organisation's roles in reacting towards cyberloafing activities in the workplace. It was hypothesised by (Najarzadeh, 2014) that the policymaker should consider more initiatives not to impede the employees' internet activity totally even when they have the right to do so through the policy that has been developed. Instead, they should be able to control the employees' behaviour and realign them towards higher productivity achievement. The correlation was consistent with (Jung & Bazo, 2018), which indicated that organisations should adopt a more effective measure to monitor the frequency of internet usage, or at the very least not hinder its use, because it will have an impact on employees' productivity in the long run. Furthermore, the correlation was consistent with (Jung & Bazo, 2018), which suggested that organisations should take more effective measures to monitor internet usage frequency, or at the very least not hinder it, because it will have a long-term impact on employee productivity. Najarzadeh (2014) concluded that when the employees are more productive with the evolution of more diversified Internet services among sectors, it will benefit the organisation and the country.

On top of that, (Semertzaki, 2008) conducted a prior study that stated the importance of workplace internet leisure browsing frequency to employees' productivity. While email being one of the activities of WILB, by using it frequently during working hours, even for personal purpose, it is used at the same time to increase job productivity (Semertzaki, 2008). As mentioned in the literature review, when employees spent their time doing cyberloafing such as communicating via internet in moderate frequency, it could positively impact their productivity and well-being (Servidio, 2016). The researcher strongly identified that the frequency of visiting social media by the employees resulted in positive and negative effects on their productivity and output (Adzovie, 2017). The subjects in this study are similar to those described in terms of internet leisure browsing frequency at the workplace by Byun, et al., (2009); Lai, et al., (2013); Widyanto & McMurran, (2004); Widyanto, et al., (2009). It was identified that the impacts of moderate frequency of internet use included engagement and social interaction improvement, better time management and higher productivity of employees.

Moreover, the findings in this study are in accord with the researcher earlier literature review, which projected that the duration taken by employees to visit their social media would result in positive and negative effects on their output and productivity (Adzovie, 2017). About (Mixing Business with Pleasure, 2012), only the moderate duration of time spent on a website will not jeopardise the completion of work-related responsibilities of the administrative staff at all. Conversely, the duration taken by employees to surf the internet will increase their rate of job completion, then increasing their productivity. Furthermore, allowing employees to have coffee break and log on to their favourite website for a few minutes from their total working hours (Mixing Business with Pleasure, 2012) emphasised increasing their productivity and work-life balance.

However, this study has not demonstrated a significant positive relationship between workplace internet leisure browsing and employees' productivity. This result finding is in contrast with (Adzovie, 2017) that suggested employees' productivity and current knowledge could be improved via the browse of social media. The researcher also dictated that the browse of social media allow employees to stay current with market trends, which is proven inconsistent with this study.

In addition to that, this study has provided no evidence of a positive relationship between proactive policy developments with employees' productivity. It could be further proven with what projected by (Groselj, 2018) that the policy of internet usage is for the employees to become user appropriate, not necessarily being productive. Since a follow-up to the promised policy has become necessary for a positive evaluation of the employees' track record (Jungblut, 2015), this could be in disagreement with what has been practised in MMU, Melaka. Therefore, the result is insignificant.

In a nutshell, there was a significant positive relationship between reactive policy development, internet leisure browsing duration at the workplace and internet leisure browsing frequency in the workplace with employees' productivity. Therefore, to ensure higher productivity, MMU could adopt a more lenient yet comprehensive measure by controlling the staff's Internet usage accordingly.


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