Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences (Print ISSN: 1524-7252; Online ISSN: 1532-5806)

Research Article: 2021 Vol: 24 Issue: 1S

Impact of Learning Outcomes and Student Employability Skills on Attitudes of Hiring Organizations

Lavanam Amballa, Shrimati Indra Gandhi College, Bharathidasan University

Francis Mary, Shrimati Indra Gandhi College, Bharathidasan University


 Competency mapping is the procedure of recognizing the particular skills, awareness, talents, and behaviours necessary to drive successfully in a definite trade, occupation, or job designation. Competency maps are frequently discussed to as competency sketches or skill sketches. It is a scheme concentrated mainly on appraising the proficiencies of workforces in a controlled and duplicable technique. One such important objective is to increase cognizance of the contemporary talents record in the company, besides categorise prevailing proficiency gaps. This paper analyses the learning outcomes of various course contents and how it enhances the students’ employability. The data was collected from 1000 students as sample for this study. With the help of various statistical techniques the data was analysed and interpreted. The pertinent findings and discussions were reflected, and the appropriate conclusions and recommendations were explained in detail.

Key words

Students, Employability-Skills, Employers, Superiors, Organisation


Competency mapping recognizes an individual's strong points and flaws. The aim is to empower the individual to better understand oneself and to draw attention to where a professional development exertion needs to be absorbed.

The fact is, most companies link their employees with the talents itemized in the job description they employed them for. Doubtless, pursuing the skills of workforces’ positions serious difficulties, even to minor organizations. There is, nevertheless, an up-front technique to preserve track ofworkforces’ abilitiesand in what way they advance. The consciousness of what employees capable or not capable of doing which comes through competency mapping can be influenced to accomplish numerous objectives. Competencies are consequential from precise job families inside the organization and are frequently congregated around groupings like scheme, relationships, innovativeness, governance, daring, decision-making, expressive intellect, etc. To start with the technique to progress in competency mapping is concerned; the first stage would be to do job analysis, where the business requires to incline essential competency necessities for the work concerned. The succeeding stage ought to be improvement of a competency measurement for the work on the constraints earlier recognised. The authentic mapping of workforces can be a self-created execution or created by others like managers. It could even be done with the help of 360-degree method where peers, major reports and clienteles as well rank the employees.

Such feedbacks and rankings make the employees to have an introspection as to where they are lagging and where all they need to improve upon themselves in order to provide their best to the organisations. The required competencies could be acquired either through relevant training and other methods of understanding the job more appropriately where one learns and unlearns in order to give their best to the organisation.

Literature Review

Evrilyan, Saide, Zulrahmadi, Indrajit & Nurcahyo (2019) in their study on “Mapping Analysis of Student`s Core-Competencies in University” emphasised on the core-competencies among pupils of University to become innovative and adjustable in their abilities. The findings revealed that maximum students preferred to concentrate on two streams simultaneously in order to build their competency levels and few preferred to focus on a single stream of education. The study emphasises that core-competences objectives, department plan of actions, students and faculties do play a vital part in the procedure of enhancing competencies among the pupils.

Anitha & Reema (2014) in their study on “Competency Mapping model: Drive for Educational institution” stressed on the enlargement of fresh device for the performance assessment and the quality enhancement of the educational institutions. The role of a faculty in terms of shaping the future generation is important. This appeal for the requirement of an apt device for evaluating and selecting the perfect individuals for jobs. This study supports the idea of TAASK (Trait, Ability, Attitude, Skill, Knowledge) cantered competence model for evaluating of faculty members in academics. The advantage of establishing and authenticating a competency model is that an organization need not any longer had to make a refined estimation regarding selection, evaluation, development and promoting important individuals.

Madhavi-Lakshmi & Tulasi-Das (2018) in their study on “Competency Mapping And Employability Skills of Business Graduates” concentrated mainly on the multiple talents and competencies that are assimilated by the students. It was found that there existed a flawless comprehension between the vital elements in business education which oversees the link amongst skills, competencies and employability among business graduate pupils. It was also detected that mainstream of employability skills were based on industry exposure among business graduate pupils by way of activities like taking up projects, doing internships in companies, industrial visits and the like which enhances the competency mapping in the corporates.

Zuzana, S., Iveta, S., & Peter, S. (2018) in their research on “Managerial competencies of students of selected public university” considered vital competences of pupils and graduates of certain public university with a commercial angle. The universities / institutions should impart knowledge at the same time improve competencies and applied skills. The graduate students must have these competencies in order to get a greater probability of successful employment. Students also should be conversant with foreign languages. Other benchmarks mandatory from the employers’ side are correct personal individualities and self-presentation, excellent communication abilities, in addition to familiarity to practicalities in their area of learning. Hence, it is vital that higher education institutions acclimatise the educational procedures with the purpose to expand the students´ competences that the companies need. The requirement for significant competences and managerial proficiencies has a mounting propensity and are compulsory for affluence, efficacy and additional expansion of the organizations.

Fugate, et al., (2004) in their study delivers a theoretical definition of employability talent where it is an active modification of individuals in the direction of some professions till the time they could categorise and distinguish prevailing career prospects in the workplace. Employability talents might even contribute workforces to regulate themselves regarding several changes and to upsurge working capabilities which costume the working conditions requirements.

Ahmad-Rahman (2006) in his study opines that the human assets is likewise a determiner for persons’ or workforces’ earnings which might be linked to few facts like persons with higher education are stress-free to get employments. In addition, the workforces’ education and teaching has a vital association with their productivity levels. This is due to education and teaching which are enduring learning procedures and act as the key to create competent and experienced human assets. Education and teaching are approaches to make labor which could improve the socioeconomic conditions of the nation at large.

Lange & Topel (2004) in their study specify that an individual with abundant talents would be competent to upsurge workplace output. As a result, the solicitation of human assets towards every individual will almost certainly upsurge economic efficiency. This exploration sets prominence on the practice of human capital theory to establish soft skills mandatory by present-day employers and businesses. Human capital theory elucidates that the development and enactment of soft skills or employability skills nowadays would authorise an abundant impression on pupils who would be almost immediately enter the working situation.

Robinson (2000) in his research stated that employability talent is dissimilar to a job or technical expertise. This talent originates as expected equated to job descriptions and comprises to every kind of industries, corporate dimensions and stages of profession. In addition to that, the researcher even mentions that employability talent is the rudimentary skill desirable from an individual in order to acquire a job and permits him or her to accomplish responsibilities well. This talent is meticulously linked with attitudes and activities. For example, employees should collaborate with senior workforces’ in addition to pronouncing out their thoughts, proposals and to determine resolutions.

Research Methodology

Research methodology is a noteworthy device to direct the researcher to do the research work methodically and find solutions to the research queries with proof. It is a systematic way to examine the problems and to arrive at authentic inferences. This study on competency mapping and employability skills utilises together primary and secondary data. The aim of this research study is to recognize whether the students of Arts and Science College are proficient on constructing their capability as per the necessities of the organizations. The primary data for the determination of the study was collected from placement officers, employers in addition to students of Arts and Science colleges. Data were gathered by means of a designed questionnaire. The following section discusses the research design, sample design and data collection methods.

Sampling Method

The study tangled companies, students and placement instructors as respondents. Three diverse set of queries were probed to them with three different designed questionnaires to collect the primary data. 1000 students from various colleges all over Tamilnadu had participated in the study. 50 employers who had visited the colleges for steering campus interviews had also offered their views on employability skill students hold. The trainers in the institutes also participated as respondents in this study.

Primary Data

The primary data were gathering from the students, HR Managers and placement trainers of more than fifty colleges in Tamilnadu. A set of three well-structured questionnaire with Likert 5 point scale was created to record the views of the three diverse categories of respondents cited. The questionnaire spread to the students gathered data on elementary literacy and arithmetical skills, critical thinking skills, managerial talents, leadership abilities, communication abilities, etc. The next part of the primary data were collected from placement trainers that shielded their attitude on cognitive abilities, content skills, process talents and the social abilities of the students. The third part of the questionnaire recorded the opinion of the employers who had visited the colleges regarding campus placement, this part of the questionnaire was used to understand the opinion of the employers on communication skills, team work abilities, problem solving skills of the students. Totally 1000 students participated as respondents to understand the practices of competency mapping and employability abilities in their colleges. 50 HR managers of various organisations who had a dialogue with the students and 50 placement officers also offered their views on competency mapping and employability abilities of graduate pupils. The data gathered were tabulated and scrutinized according to the objectives of the study.

Problem Statement

The drive of education is to divulge knowledge which additionally clues to occupation through the support of that knowledge. Constructive environment offered to the pupils augment their employability abilities. There is necessity for comprehending the insight of pupils on employability abilities divulged to the pupils in the educational establishments, companies’ in addition to placement trainers’ insight ought to be taken into consideration to have improved comprehension on capabilities and employability abilities of the pupils. The methodical and soft skills educated to the students are educated and the judgement on students’ proficiency is implicit through the insight and outlook of the employers in addition to placement coaches with the help of this study. Attitude of the pupils on integrating employability abilities in the program is agreed and whether they are talented to practically apply the awareness is even deliberated with the help of this research investigation.

Objectives of the Study

1. To study the attitudes of managers regarding students competencies

2. To understand the learning outcomes of students in line with course contents

Data Analysis

Objective 1: To Study the Attitudes of Managers Regarding Students Employability Skills

In order to understand the attitudes of managers regarding students’ employability skills the correlation coefficient is calculated from designated Course Content, Entrepreneurial procedure consciousness and Frustrating elements. In interpreting the results of Pearson’s correlation, one must be terribly careful, as the coefficients outcomes are not capable of presenting a trustworthy gauge of relationship in a method that systematizes additional independent variables. Furthermore, analysis of informal and simple bi-variate correlation coefficients under a conventional matrix, do not contemplate the correlations between each nominated variables and complete independent variables. Due to this reason, our main exploration results will devises from appropriate multivariate regression model.

Results in Table 1 discloses Pearson’s correlation analysis amongst every variable with regard to Students Employability Skills under exploration. It is detected that Competency Mapping to Enhance Employability Skills has an optimistic association with Course Content, Entrepreneurial course of action awareness, is highly significant (significant at 1%). The figures beneath the diagonal demonstrating the probability (p value) value shows the significance.

Table 1
Students Employability Skills – Pearson Correlation (R) for All Variables
Pearson Correlation Student Employability skills Course Content Entrepreneurial course of action awareness
Student Employability skills 1.000 0.633 0.382
Course Content 1.000 0.495
Entrepreneurial course of action awareness 1.000
** Correlation is significant at 1% level (Highly Significant).

Regression Statistics

To scrutinize the effect of Course Content, Entrepreneurial course of action awareness, Frustrating elements on Students Employability Skills, multivariate regressions analysis models are articulated in the broad form as specified in equation 1. Table 2 below gives the results of the regression analysis. In all regression models, standard errors are computed by means of White’s general heteroscedasticity test. In cases where the White test statistic is statistically significant, heteroscedasticity may not necessarily be the cause, but specification errors. In other words, the White test can be a test of (pure) specification error (Gujarati,,2012). As of our expectation, the Students Employability Skills upsurges with upsurge in Course Content, Entrepreneurial course of action awareness and decreasing Frustrating elements.

Table 2
Regression of Students Employability Skills
Regression Model Dependent Variable: STUDENTS EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS
Coefficients SE t Sig.
(Constant) 59.719 3.834 15.561 0.000
Course Content 1.156 0.055 21.157 0.000
Entrepreneurial course of action awareness 0.363 0.114 3.225 0.001
R 0.640
R2 0.416
Adjusted R2 0.412
SEE 15.520
Durbin-Watson 1.807

It is right away comprehensible from the R2 values that the descriptive influence of these models has been upgraded by using a firm explicit intercept. In regression, the R2 and adjusted R2 explain 41.6 % and 41.2 % of variation in Students Employability Skills. The Durbin-Watson value of 1.807 indicates the existence of affirmative serial correlation among the variables. This table shows the coefficients of the regression line. It states that the expected Acceptance level score is equal to Equation 1 Y = 59.72 + 1.156X1+0.363X2

It is also scrutinized the influence of all illustrative variables on Students Employability Skills the result of which are given in Table 2. It has been observed that with one unit escalation in Course Content, Entrepreneurial course of action awareness then Students Employability Skills increases by 1.156, 0.363 units correspondingly. The multiple correlation coefficients amongst the dependent variable Students Employability Skills and the independent variables considered together is found be 0.640 which is greater. It signifies that the Students Employability Skills is highly responded by its environment measures indicators. It is also evident from the value of R2 that 41.2 per cent of variation in Students Employability Skills is accounted by the joint variation of all explanatory variables taken together. These results certainly prove the better acceptance of model.

Objective 2: To understand the learning outcomes of students in line with course contents

To understand the opinion about Course Content it was observed over the resources of “Leadership Qualities, Ability to work in a team, Verbal/written communication skills, “Problem-solving skills, Strong work centric ethic, Analytical/Quantitative skills, Technical skills in various feature, New business initiative, Computer skills, Flexibility/Adaptability, Interpersonal skills, Organizational ability, Strategic planning skills, Friendly/Outgoing personality, Entrepreneurial skills/Risk-taker, Tactfulness, Creativity and Innovation, Communication skills, Conceptual knowledge” were examined.

It is clear from the table 3 that 47% of the respondents stated as much and 24% of the respondents stated as very much regarding the ‘Leadership Qualities. As regards the factor “Ability to work in a team” 36% of the respondents stated as much and 47% of the respondents stated as very much. About the factor “Verbal/written communication skills” 2% of the respondents stated as nothing, 8% of the respondents stated as Very little, 17% of the respondents stated as little, 48% of the respondents stated as much and 26% of the respondents stated as very much. Concerning the factor ““Problem-solving skills” 1% of the respondents stated as nothing, 8% of the respondents stated as Very little, 19% of the respondents stated as little, 47% of the respondents stated as much and 26% of the respondents stated as very much.

As regards the factor “Strong work centric ethic” 3% of the respondents stated as nothing, 6% of the respondents stated as Very little, 24% of the respondents stated as little, 43% of the respondents stated as much and 25% of the respondents stated as very much. With regard to the factor “Analytical/Quantitative skills” 3% of the respondents stated as nothing, 8% of the respondents stated as Very little, 26% of the respondents stated as little, 43% of the respondents stated as much and 20% of the respondents stated as very much. As regards the factor “Technical skills in various feature” 1% of the respondents stated as nothing, 10% of the respondents stated as Very little, 33% of the respondents stated as little, 40% of the respondents stated as much and 15% of the respondents stated as very much. About the factor “New business initiative” 4% of the respondents stated as nothing, 9% of the respondents stated as Very little, 29% of the respondents stated as little, 39% of the respondents stated as much and 20% of the respondents stated as very much.

On the factor “Computer skills” 1% of the respondents stated as nothing, 9% of the respondents stated as Very little, 25% of the respondents stated as little, 42% of the respondents stated as much and 22% of the respondents stated as very much. Concerning the factor “Flexibility/Adaptability” 3% of the respondents stated as nothing, 4% of the respondents stated as Very little, 14% of the respondents stated as little, 38% of the respondents stated as much and 41% of the respondents stated as very much. Regarding the factor “Interpersonal skills” 1% of the respondents stated as nothing, 6% of the respondents stated as Very little, 15% of the respondents stated as little, 51% of the respondents stated as much and 28% of the respondents stated as very much.

Table 3
Perception about Course-Content
Nothing Very Little Little Much Very Much Total
N % N % N % N % N %
Leadership Qualities 14 1 50 5 229 23 459 47 249 24 1000
Ability to work in a team 11 1 54 5 108 11 363 36 466 47 1000
Verbal/written communication skills 16 2 75 8 174 17 468 48 269 26 1000
Problem-solving skills 9 1 79 8 187 19 460 47 265 26 1000
Strong work centric ethic 25 3 57 6 235 24 429 43 264 25 1000
Analytical/Quantitative skills 27 3 80 8 263 26 444 43 186 20 1000
Technical skills in various feature 12 1 100 10 326 33 394 40 146 15 1000
New business initiative 38 4 87 9 294 29 388 39 195 20 1000
Computer skills 14 1 93 9 250 25 419 42 219 22 1000
Flexibility/Adaptability 27 3 44 4 135 14 379 38 406 41 1000
Interpersonal skills 7 1 55 6 151 15 508 51 279 28 1000
Organizational ability 9 1 61 6 200 20 476 48 248 25 1000
Strategic planning skills 10 1 73 7 216 22 463 46 241 24 1000
Friendly/Outgoing personality 7 1 67 7 99 10 324 32 497 50 1000
Entrepreneurial skills/Risk-taker 19 2 80 8 247 25 500 50 154 15 1000
Tactfulness 22 2 75 8 234 23 448 45 221 22 1000
Creativity and Innovation 9 1 53 5 223 22 479 48 236 24 1000
Communication skills 18 2 127 13 219 20 491 49 145 16 1000
Conceptual knowledge 14 1 84 8 450 45 320 33 132 13 1000

About the factor “Organizational ability” 1% of the respondents stated as nothing, 6% of the respondents stated as Very little, 20% of the respondents stated as little, 48% of the respondents stated as much and 25% of the respondents stated as very much. Regarding the factor “Strategic planning skills” 1% of the respondents stated as nothing, 7% of the respondents stated as Very little, 22% of the respondents stated as little, 46% of the respondents stated as much and 24% of the respondents stated as very much. Concerning the factor “Friendly/Outgoing personality” 1% of the respondents stated as nothing, 7% of the respondents stated as Very little, 10% of the respondents stated as little, 32% of the respondents stated as much and 50% of the respondents stated as very much. Regarding the factor “Entrepreneurial skills/Risk-taker” 2% of the respondents stated as nothing, 8% of the respondents stated as Very little, 25% of the respondents stated as little, 50% of the respondents stated as much and 15% of the respondents stated as very much.

Regarding the factor “Tactfulness” 2% of the respondents stated as nothing, 8% of the respondents stated as Very little, 23% of the respondents stated as little, 45% of the respondents stated as much and 22% of the respondents stated as very much. Regarding the factor “Creativity and Innovation” 1% of the respondents stated as nothing, 5% of the respondents stated as Very little, 22% of the respondents stated as little, 48% of the respondents stated as much and 24% of the respondents stated as very much. As regards the factor “Communication skills” 2% of the respondents stated as nothing, 13% of the respondents stated as Very little, 20% of the respondents stated as little, 49% of the respondents stated as much and 16% of the respondents stated as very much. As regards the factor “Conceptual knowledge” 1% of the respondents stated as nothing, 8% of the respondents stated as Very little, 45% of the respondents stated as little, 33% of the respondents stated as much and 13% of the respondents stated as very much.

It is clear from the table 3 that maximum of the respondents stated minute with the factor of “Conceptual knowledge”, about Much with the factor of “Leadership Qualities, Verbal/written communication skills, Problem-solving skills, Strong work centric ethic, Analytical / Quantitative skills, Technical skills in various feature, New business initiative, Computer skills, Interpersonal skills, Organizational ability, Strategic planning skills, Entrepreneurial skills/Risk-taker, Tactfulness, Creativity and Innovation, Communication skills” and about Very Much with the factor of “Ability to work in a team, Flexibility/Adaptability, Friendly/Outgoing personality”.

In order to recognize the factor which is most inducing the respondents towards Course Content the Friedman’s test analysis was used and the results are given in Table 4. It could be distinguished from the table that among the 19 factors of “Friendly/Outgoing personality” was categorized first. It is followed by the “Ability to work in a team”, “Flexibility/Adaptability” was categorized third.

Table 4
Friedman Test-Course Content
Mean SD Mean Rank Reliability
Leadership Qualities 3.88 0.89 10.06
Ability to work in a team 4.21 0.91 12.48
Verbal/written communication skills 3.90 0.94 10.28
Problem-solving skills 3.89 0.92 10.24
Strong work centric ethic 3.84 0.96 9.87
Analytical/Quantitative skills 3.68 0.95 8.85
Technical skills in various feature 3.59 0.93 8.09
New business initiative 3.61 1.02 8.48
Computer skills 3.73 0.94 9.14
Flexibility/Adaptability 4.10 0.97 11.73
Interpersonal skills 4.01 0.85 10.94
Organizational ability 3.92 0.89 10.37
Strategic planning skills 3.84 0.91 9.78
Friendly/Outgoing personality 4.24 0.93 12.59
Entrepreneurial skills/Risk-taker 3.83 0.97 9.78
Tactfulness 3.76 0.95 9.29
Creativity and Innovation 3.97 0.87 10.71
Communication skills 3.79 0.93 9.73
Conceptual knowledge 3.49 0.88 7.64

Limitations of the Study

As this research is restricted merely to the government and private colleges of Tamil Nadu, therefore the results cannot be generalised to students of other states. Additionally, the survey technique was embraced to gather data from HR managers, placement officers and pupils, which have its individual restrictions. As the duration of the study was short, not much of data could be collected.

Findings & Discussion

This study found that maximum of the HR managers settled with the opinion that the students had acquired the talents of confident, straight and clear in their communication aspects. They were conversant with the requirements of the target onlookers, were responsive in negotiating skills, English language hold, and comprehending the in-house and outside patrons. The students were effectively persuading, being positive and sharing knowledge and had the talent of listening and comprehending multiple abilities to their credit (McClelland, 1973). It was also found that the students were highly establishing and utilising networks in a more skilled manner. The employers did feel that many of the students had the talent of taking care of various responsibilities individually and being part of a team as a team member. It was detected that students were good at establishing and utilising networks and applying team work talents at multiple conditions regarding the team work talents. The students had the skills like creativity and innovative solutions, strategic approaches with regard to problem solving freely and were excellent in taking initiatives to detect advanced solutions, adaptability to fresh conditions and were enterprising. The students were having particular vision and aims, taking concern and the skills of coherent with particular ideas and visualizations.

It was also observed that out of the six technical talents the employers accepted that the students inclination to acquire innovative IT expertise, possessing physical abilities to practical application of technology (Jin, Lee & Song, 2007). And were having a type of simple IT talents. The students were given ample knowledge about oral expression, self-motivation talents & diligence and vigorous knowledge in addition to cognitive talents, content talents, process skills and societal abilities (Hadiyanto, 2010). Many students are of the opinion that through the course contents they got a small conceptual knowledge, but more of leadership qualities, verbal/written communication skills, problem solving talents, strong job centred ethic, quantitative talents, technical abilities in multiple features (Martzoukou, Fulton, Kostagiolas &Lavranos, 2020), fresh business inventiveness, computer knowledge, interpersonal abilities, managerial abilities, strategic planning talents, risk taking dareness, entrepreneurial talents, discreteness, creative mind, innovative thought process and communication abilities. The students also had professional knowledge which is a very important element in their occupational life ahead (Lim, Choi, & Park, 2008). They also learnt how to work in a team, flexibility/adaptability and sociable/outgoing behaviour.


The determination of this research study on competency mapping was to understand the skills sets of the pupils of arts & science colleges and as well as to study the views of HR managers, training managers and placement officers. The study likewise found the association between the course content and employability abilities of the pupils. The study uncovered that HR managers and training officers sensed that pupils possess capabilities to increase the employability talents. Students are furthermore receiving backing through the course contents to expand their employability abilities. This exploration is a threefold investigation which verified the outlook of the HR managers, placement trainers in addition to the perception of pupils. An exhaustive analysis on numerous skills of the pupils was agreed by receiving the views of the said respondents. Pupils, HR mangers and trainers have optimistic outlook regarding the various talents and the training they obtain.

Future Scope for Research

Similar study could be done on students belonging to other geographical locations with few more variables and their impact. Study could also be done with post graduate students in various streams to understand the concept in depth.


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