Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal (Print ISSN: 1096-3685; Online ISSN: 1528-2635)

Research Article: 2021 Vol: 25 Issue: 3S

Impact of Public Policies on the Health Management of People Living In Extreme Poverty in Huancavelica

Ricardo Fernando Cosio Borda, Universidad Autónoma del Perú

Liz Maribel Robladillo Bravo, Universidad César Vallejo

Raúl Alberto Rengifo Lozano, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

Irvin Stid Delgado Farfán, Universidad Nacional Autónoma del Alto Amazonas

July Ana Yovera Vargas, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas

Carlos Heráclides Pajuelo Camones, Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal


 The objective of this study is to determine the relationship between the impact of public policies on the quality of life of people living in extreme poverty in Peru, in order to establish strategies to strengthen the development of its inhabitants in the year 2020. The study was correlational and the design was non-experimental and cross-sectional. The sample consisted of 92 representatives of the ministries of health, agriculture and economy, as well as representatives of the management of economy and education of the municipalities of the cold areas. The survey and its main results showed that the level of implementation of SSE Business Plans in the province of Rioja, for the year 2019, was determined as 13% "low", 77.2% medium, and 9.8% "high". The level of relationship between public policies and the quality of life of people living in extreme poverty in Peru was determined as 19.6% "low", 73.9% medium, and 6.5% "high". The main conclusion was that there is a relationship between public policies and the quality of life of people living in extreme poverty in Peru for the year 2020. The variables are related according to Pearson's Chi-square test (X2), and the results indicate a calculated X2 (40.117)> tabulated X2 (9.488), which is located in the region of rejection of the null hypothesis (Ho).


Public Management, Quality of Life, Beneficiaries, Public Administration


Peru has a varied geography and with characteristics marked by the Andes Mountain range. It is exposed to climatic phenomena that can generate a lot of heat or cold that, together with the conditions of poverty and extreme poverty in which the populations living in the areas of greatest impact live, represent a great challenge for the State. In this sense, the individual is the supreme goal of the State, so that it must protect his life and physical integrity, his productive structure, his goods and his environment against possible disasters or dangerous events that may occur. In this context, "the temperature drops that occur during the cold period may cause that the climatic conditions considered comfortable for human beings may exceed the thresholds of adaptation, producing the loss of comfort sensation, potentially causing damage to health, especially if their livelihoods do not present the appropriate conditions to cope with them" (CENEPRED, 2018).

The objective of the research is to "Determine the impact of public policies on health, education, agricultural support and housing on the livelihoods of extremely poor people in Peru". It is aimed at solving a public problem that affects a large part of the population at the national level, mainly on people's health (children and the elderly are the most vulnerable), on agriculture (the main means of livelihood of the affected populations), on pastures (cattle feed) and on the education of children who cannot attend school due to the extreme conditions. As can be seen in Figure 1, frost continually affects 232 jurisdictions, mainly in the highlands of Peru. Frosts in Peru generally occur at higher altitudes and in the winter season. It is worth mentioning that in most of the coast and jungle there are no frosts, meaning that the entire year is free of frost. On the contrary, in highland localities where the air temperature drops to 0°C or to a critical temperature; there will be places that in the span of a period of time register or not frosts determining different frost periods (CENEPRED, 2018).

According to the Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion (Midis) "there are 232 districts exposed to frost and 47 to cold weather that are being assisted through various social programs". The jurisdictions affected by frost "are located in Puno (67), Ayacucho (20), Cusco (22), Huancavelica (21), Junin (19), Huanuco (3), Apurimac (28), Pasco (4), Ancash (6), Lima (20), Moquegua (3), Arequipa (15) and Tacna (4). In the highlands of these last two regions, thermometers dropped to 19 degrees below zero. Meanwhile, localities hit by the cold weather are in Loreto (4), Ucayali (6), Madre de Dios (8), Ayacucho (4), Cusco (3), Huánuco (6), Junín (5), Pasco (6) and Puno (5)" (Sánchez, 2018).

According to statistics from the Ministry of Health (Minsa), in 2018, 604 people died from pneumonia due to low temperatures. Of these deaths, more than 400 correspond to older adults and 72 to children under five years of age. This situation urgently merits that the State strengthen multi sectoral plans and carry out an adequate follow-up to each entity in charge of meeting this objective outlined by the executive so that its compliance is effective and lasting in time, and that it is included in local programs and development of social public policies, in annual projects for the reduction of the risks of frost and cold weather.

Among the causes are climatic phenomena that can generate a lot of heat or cold, which together with the conditions of poverty and extreme poverty in which the populations living in the areas of greatest impact represent a great challenge for the State. The population does not have adequate housing infrastructure (with heating), there is no proper nutrition for the vulnerable population and there is a shortage of basic foodstuffs due to weather conditions. The consequences of the adverse weather conditions are: the serious impact on people's health, with children and the elderly being the most vulnerable; on agriculture, which is the main source of livelihood for the affected populations; on the development of pastures, which is the food for livestock; and on the education of children who cannot attend school due to the extreme conditions.

In this regard, Téllez (2015) states that health equity is a current problem in the state of Nuevo León and health is still deficient, likewise it is of utmost importance to improve health equity, implement measures such as good training for medical personnel, change the culture of government and health personnel, apply more economic resources to hospitals and improve state security, as well as restructure the process of care, make preventive medicine, unify health systems, strengthen the first level, educate the people and finally avoid corruption at any level.

Rivas (2016), states that "The process of housing commoditization in Chile, particularly of social housing, is deeply marked by the central role of the State in the framework of the transformations of capitalism, particularly in the neoliberal turn that occurred during the 1980s.

Fernández (2018), states that "from the beginning of the research, the assumption that the notion of social inclusion associated with public policies in general, and family farming in particular should be considered good in itself, natural or necessary to endorse any policy that invokes it, or with which it is linked, was put into discussion."

Cedeño (2018) states that public policies of municipal decentralized autonomous governments are not simple premeditated actions in tabla rasa that prescribe how to act in the face of certain social problems. They comprise a very broad set of political, economic, social and institutional phenomena to be considered.

Eguía (2017) states that "Social policies and, within them, health policies have contributed both to the maintenance and social reproduction and to the construction of legitimacy in the different moments in which it is possible to distinguish changing correlations of force between social classes. Thus, there is a correlation between the characteristics of health policies, the organization of the health care system (and the provision of health services), the living conditions of the population and the health-disease processes".

Rivas (2016), mentions that "This close relationship between State and capitalism becomes especially relevant in the analysis of social policies, particularly housing policies, due to the symbolic role that housing acquires as an enduring object and closely related to family projects, as well as its weight in the satisfaction of needs considered basic".

Finally, Fernandez (2018) states that "The strategy of public intervention in the economic pillar is channeled through assistance that provides capabilities to producers so that they improve their position in the economic sphere, rather than direct intervention and regulation by the State in the processes of value creation in each case".

In this sense, Subirats (2008) proposes a definition that retains the main elements on which there is a certain consensus in the literature: A series of decisions or actions, intentionally coherent, taken by different public and sometimes non-public actors - whose resources, institutional links and interests vary - in order to solve in a timely way a problem politically defined as collective. This set of decisions and actions gives rise to formal acts, with a variable degree of obligatory nature, aimed at modifying the behavior of social groups that are supposed to have originated the collective problem to be solved (target-groups), in the interest of social groups that suffer the negative effects of the problem in question (final beneficiaries).


The research approach is quantitative, with a descriptive and explanatory scope; the design is non-experimental and longitudinal in nature, it is carried out in Lima - Peru, taking into account the following State entities: ministries, public agencies, regional governments and local governments. The information was collected through the application of a questionnaire which was validated by experts.


The Pearson Coefficient "r" shows a positive value of 0.58, demonstrating the moderate positive correlation between the variables Public Policies and the Quality of Life of the extremely poor (Table 1).

Table 1
Vulnerability Analysis For Frost And Cold Weather By Sector.
No Evaluation Parameters Ministry of Health Ministry of Education Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations
Agricultural Activity Livestock activity
1 Incidence of poverty            
  incidence of health damage            
  Chronic child malnutrition            
  Resolving capacity of health facilities            
5 Illiteracy rates            
  Percentage of educational institutions prioritized            
  Housing shortage            
  Vulnerability index of the agricultural production system            
  Vulnerability index of the livestock production system            

The table 2 shows the main programmed interventions according to the Multi sectorial Frost and Freeze Plans 2012-2018.

Table 2
Main Programmed Interventions According To The Multisectoral Frost And Freeze Plans 2012-2018
Ministry Intervention 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
National Institute of Civil Defense Blankets x x          
Polar blankets   x          
Quilts   x          
Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations Coat kits x x x x x x x
Blankets x x x x x x x
Ministry of Agriculture Veterinary kits x x x x x x x
Hay/feed kits x x x x x x  
Growing seed kits   x     x x x
Foliar fertilizer kits         x x x
Modules for sheds           x x
Forage balers             x
Ministry of Inclusion and Social Development Drum construction and operation x x x x x x x
Ministry of Energy and Mines Rural electrification       x x x x
Ministry of Education School cards       x x    
Training x x          
  Pedagogical kits     x x x x x
Lightning Arrester           x x
Schools safe from frost       x x   x
Environmental conditioning of safe single-teacher schools     x x x x x
Maintenance of school premises             x
Ministry of Health Pneumococcal vaccines           x x
Influenza vaccines (children)           x x
Influenza vaccines (Seniors)           x x
Medical care/CRED, immunizations, preventive activities x     x      
Health campaign             x
Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation Improved housing   x x x x x x
Emergency kits     x        
Ministry of Transportation and Communications Road safety educational kits   x          
Periodic maintenance of local roads     x x x x x

As shown in Table 3 and Figure 1, they show that Calculated X² (49.413) > Tabulated X² (9.488), placing it in the rejection zone of the null hypothesis (Ho); thus, it is concluded that there is a significant relationship (p<0.04) between the study variables.

Table 3
Relationship Between Variables
Relation X²T gl X²T Significance
Public policies and 49,413a   9.488 Yes
Quality of Life        

Figure 1: Gauss Bell

Source: SPSS- processed from the application of the instruments.


Referring to the objectives based on the research and the results achieved, the general hypothesis that confirms the relationship between Public Policies and Quality of Life in people living in extreme poverty - 2020 is accepted. These results obtained in the present work confirm and maintain a relationship with what the author Fernández (2018) says that the notion of social inclusion associated with public policies in general, and family farming in particular should be considered good in itself, natural or necessary to endorse any policy that invokes it, or with which it is linked.

It can also be said that what is sustained by the author Fernandez (2018), states that "The strategy of public intervention in the economic pillar is channeled through assistance that provides capabilities to producers so that they improve their position in the economic sphere, rather than in direct intervention and regulation by the State in the processes of value creation in each case". It can be affirmed that agricultural modernization is significant in agricultural organizations, since through innovation it will allow us to increase our production and productivity, as well as generate greater economic and social dynamism in agricultural producers, organizations and their territory.

Also, Cedeño (2018) establishes the relationship between public policies of municipal decentralized autonomous governments with the quality of life, in that sense they are not simple premeditated actions in tabla rasa that prescribe how to act in the face of certain social problems. They comprise a very broad set of political, economic, social and institutional phenomena to be considered.

Thus, it can be asserted that public policies implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture and the productive projects implemented by the Regional Directorate of Agriculture have a direct relationship with the quality of life of the farmer, because they show a regular improvement in the farmer's income (72.8%), access to health and education services (80.4%) and an adequate environment (78.3%) to be able to live in.

These research works maintain a direct relationship between the improvement of the quality of life with public policies, social programs and productive projects with emphasis on the socioeconomic development of the sector. These researchers state that the perception of the population benefited from the business plans, social programs and productive projects is of high satisfaction because they are profitable and exceed expectations, and also strengthen the social base of the organizations, the technical-cognitive capabilities of the sector and rural business ventures in a sustainable manner, therefore everything found in this research is in line with what these researchers mentioned.

Similarly, regarding the level of Implementation in the present case of public policies was determined as 13% "low", 77.2 % "medium" and 9.8% is "high" where it can be seen that the medium percentage predominates over the high, unlike other research mentioned above lines where the highest acceptance predominates, among these are those obtained by Arpasi (2016): Good with 60.78% and Excellent with 27.45%.

The level of Quality of Life the inhabitants in extreme poverty - 2020, was rated as follows; 19.6% had the perception of improvement in their quality of life as "low", for 73.9% as "medium" and for 6.5% it was "high" where it can be observed that the medium percentage predominates over the high, similar case to that obtained by the author, Arpasi (2016): Good 52.94% and Excellent 36.76%; unlike other research works where the higher one stands out.


From the processing of the information obtained, it is shown that there is a moderate positive relationship (r=0.58) between Public Policies and Quality of Life of SSE beneficiaries in the Province of Rioja, in the year 2019, which indicates that the Implementation of Business Plans have a direct relationship with the Quality of Life of SSE beneficiaries in terms of improving the income of the agricultural producer, access to health and education services, and adequate environment; in the same way with the hypothesis test it is evident that the variables are related according to the Pearson Chi - square test (X2), whose result indicates that the calculated X2 (49.413) > tabulated X2 (9.488), placing it in the region of rejection of the null hypothesis (Ho).


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