Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences (Print ISSN: 1524-7252; Online ISSN: 1532-5806)

Research Article: 2021 Vol: 24 Issue: 1S

Impact of Strategic Planning and Continuous Improvement on the Effectiveness of Administrative Decisions

Ahmad Alheet, Al-Ahliyya Amman University

Ahmad Al Adwan, Al-Ahliyya Amman University

Ahmad Yousef Areiqat, Al-Ahliyya Amman University

Ahmad. M.A. Zamil, Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University


The aim of this study is to identify the impact of strategic planning and continuous improvement on the effectiveness and efficiency of administrative decisions at Empowerment for Administrative Consultations and Marketing Company (EACMC). (50) questionnaires were distributed to the sampling and analysis unit from the higher and middle administrative divisions at (EACMC), (46) questionnaires were retrieved at a percentage of 92%, and after examining and checking the retrieved questionnaires, no questionnaire was excluded. The findings of the study indicate that there was a statistically significant impact of strategic planning on the effectiveness of administrative decisions at (EACMC) Moreover, there was a statistically significant impact of continuous improvement on the effectiveness of administrative decisions at (EACMC). The study advise that (EACMC) should pay more attention to the external environmental analysis that reflects the provision of new opportunities and helps avoid the effects of external threats through the optimal exploitation of internal strengths towards supporting the (EACMC) strategic position and achieving superiority over its competitors in the markets.


Strategic Planning, Continuous Improvement, Effectiveness, Administrative Decisions, (EACMC).


The philosophy of continuous improvement requires a commitment to minimize differences, achieve Employees’ satisfaction and it is also an obligation, participation and a feeling of personal responsibility of those who take part in the organizations’ operations. Such enhances one basic principle of total quality management principles that is: All organizations’ staff members from all divisions and at various levels should be involved in the process of continuous improvement. So, they must invest their skills and knowledge to upgrade organizations’ operations and activities through coordination among various departments and divisions to meet the customers’ needs. Over the last two decades, some industrial organizations adopted many approaches for continuous improvement to upgrade their performance and competitiveness. However, their efforts targeted institutions in the sectors of industry and services as they were experiencing the same pressures affecting industrial companies to maintain their competitive position in the market, especially as the companies’ efforts to achieve their goals needs a series of changes to reach their ultimate goal, namely achieving profit (Leah, 2020).

Managers in many organizations have been seeking modern and up-to-date management styles to address challenges facing them and they managed to find their correct path, strategic planning which is considered the most important method to deal with change and development. Many experts in strategic planning argue that strategic planning practices have to be performed at the utmost potentials based on strategic thinking which involves an amalgamation of intuition, creativity, foresight, consistency in future information and an integrated overview for the organization’s future on the long run. (Kahvecia et al., 2012).

Specialists in management issues and researchers confirm that strategic planning is the main key factor for the organizations’ success and one of the basic stages in their administrative practices. Strategic planning is also the best method to help organizations take actions and choose possible options in accordance with available potentials to achieve their long-term goals. This can be achieved through transforming strategic and objective plans into plans, programs and applicable detailed budgets and financial action plans (Ja’far, 2017; Alosani et al., 2019).

Attributed the failure of quality assurance programs in some cases to poor strategic planning process and its inability in the orientation of administrative and executive activities relating to future vision, decision-making of administrative resolutions that are based on internal and external assessments (Zo’aibi, 2014; Yarmohammadiana et al., 2011). Thus, organizations should set integrated strategic plans for continuous improvement in order to achieve their effectiveness and success. Pioneer experts in this domain stressed the importance of establishing a sound correlation between continuous improvement and quality assurance to boost organizations’ efficiency, competency and performance to take right decisions in their quest for achieving their desired goals.

The importance of the study lies in the fact that it deals with issues considered contemporary administrative concepts, as the two topics of strategic planning and continuous improvement are being linked together in the process of directing and integrating administrative and executive activities, developing procedures and processes through a contemporary administrative philosophy (continuous improvement) which aims to support organizations’ internal operations and activities. The problems and challenges facing various organizations and administrative bodies are drastically increasing; because of the acceleration of developments in the business environment, which makes it imperative for these organizations to adopt and apply contemporary management concepts to face these challenges (Al-Doori & Areiqat, 2019).

This can be achieved through effective administrative decisions, since these decisions are the driver and the basic requirement for managing and controlling work procedures and the progress track of (EACMC), (Karel, 2013; Areiqat & Zamil, 2019). So, the study seeks to detect the impact of strategic planning and continuous improvement on the effectiveness of management decisions of (EACMC). The study tries to explore if there is an effect of strategic environmental analysis on the effectiveness of administrative decisions of the (EACMC) and realizes the influence of strategic dimensions (mission and vision) separately on the effectiveness of administrative decisions of the (EACMC).

In addition, the study discusses the effect of continuous improvement on the effectiveness of administrative decisions at (EACMC). Other issues being discussed in this study focus on the role of strategic planning in enhancing the effectiveness of administrative decisions at the (EACMC).

Literature Review

(Alali & Areiqat, 2016) conducted a study to identify the importance of the development of creativity in order to achieve continuous improvement in (14) institutions at the West of Algeria in the provinces of Sa’ida, Sidi Bol Abbas and the state of Wahran. The study findings indicated that the process of shaping and enhancing creative capabilities is the result of the decisions taken by senior management in the targeted institutions and contributed in the development of continuous improvement. The study called for exerting efforts to improve the general environment by placing the right man in the right place and building up self-confidence of people who have the readiness and potential to be creative and helping them resist fear of failure. The study suggested raising awareness of the culture that every person can be inventive if he/she has the appropriate opportunity to work and be creative.

The study of (Clay, et al., 2016), aimed to identify the link between the formal strategic planning process, the flexibility of strategic planning and the ability to innovate. The study concluded that strategic planning process is positively reflected on the performance of companies. The study reiterated the importance of adopting the principle of flexibility in strategic planning and developing adequate and alternative plans.

A study conducted by (Yasir et al., 2015) aimed to identify the role of interpolation and the relationship between strategic planning and organizational performance. The study indicated that despite the scarcity of resources, strategic planning has a strong impact on organizational performance. The study recommended focusing on the development of the workforce performance and conducting a deep study on the internal and external environments because of the rapidly increasing changes and developments.

A study of (Targini, 2015), aimed to determine the effect of strategic thinking on activating and stimulating creative capacities (adaptive ability, absorption capacity) of Saidal Complex Foundation in Algeria. The results of the study indicate that there is a significant influence of strategic thinking including its various dimensions (strategic intention, organizational perception) on the creative capacities of Seidal complex in Algeria. The study recommended holding workshops and organizing conferences to discuss strategic thinking, due to the lack of interest in this issue in the Arab world.

(Zo’aibi, 2014) conducted a study focused on detecting the effect of strategic planning on the performance of higher education institutions (Biskara Company). The study revealed that the level of practicing the process of strategic planning at Biskara Company was high and showed that there was an impact of strategic planning on the performance of the Company. The study advised the Company senior officials to analyze its external environment that may affect its performance in future in order to overcome the threats, face challenges and make it easier to take advantage of available opportunities.

(Salkic, 2014) study focused on detecting the effect of strategic planning on the management of public institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The study showed that the implementation of strategic planning in public organizations increases the efficiency and effectiveness of organizational resources’ management. The study recommended focusing on training programs for officials in these institutions on how to develop and design relevant strategic planning.

A study of (Al Ashi, 2013), aimed to identify the impact of strategic thinking by including its dimensions (future vision, intelligence, organized thinking and the diversified mental patterns) on the performance of senior administrations of NGOs working in the domain of providing services and rehabilitation of people with special needs. The study concluded that strategic thinking of most senior administrators in the targeted organizations needs raising awareness of people on the culture and the concepts relating to strategic thinking. The study recommended developing specialized training courses and programs on the dimensions and components of strategic thinking for managers and Employees in the targeted organizations.

(Karel et al., 2013) conducted a study in order to identify the effect of strategic planning on the institutional performance of small and medium enterprises during the years 2012 and 2013 in the Czech Republic and the findings confirmed that there was a strong correlation between strategic planning and performance standards of these institutions in terms of cost, profit and investments. The study advised to conduct further research on the causes of the high level of work turnover in most institutions and stressed the need to handle this issue and find out its causes.

(Daboon, 2012) aimed to identify the role of continuous improvement in the effectiveness and quality of health services. The findings of the study indicated that there was a high level of cleanness in the above-mentioned hospital, despite some obstacles facing the improvement of the quality of health services, including weak financial funds for this institution. The study suggested adopting some administrative and organizational strategies in the management of human resources at hospitals and health care institutions.

Tools and Methods

(50) questionnaires were distributed to the sampling and analysis unit, (46) questionnaires were retrieved at a percentage of 92%, and after examining and checking the retrieved questionnaires, no questionnaire was excluded.

Table 1 shows the demographic aspect of surveyed Head of Dept and managers of the (EACMC). Table 1 shows that most of Head of Dept and managers 95.6% were male and most of them 58.7% were from an age group of 31-40 years. Education profile shows that most of respondents 78.3% are carrying the bachelor’s degree and 21.7% are also carrying a highest degree PhD. To test the effectiveness of administrative decisions, data was collected from 47.8% Head of Dept and from 52.2% Assistance Manager and Managers out of total respondents. Lastly, the experiencs distribution is well distributed among all targeted experience-groups.

Table 1
Demographic Aspects
Gender Male Female
7559 354
Age 25-30 31-40 41-50 More than 51
13.0 58.7 21.8 6.5
Education Bachelor Master PhD
78.3 7159 0
Experience 0-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 More than 20
17.4 28.3 21.7 19.6 13.0
Job Manager Assistance Manager Head of Dept
1953 4353 3953

After demographic information discussions, Cronbach Alpha test is applied to test the strength of relationship among the items in each construct. We find that all independent and dependent variables have Cronbach Alpha at least more than 0.80 except the Internal and external environment analysis which has Cronbach Alpha 0.778. Moreover, our objective is to test the effects of environment analysis dimension, mission dimension, vision dimension, strategic choice dimension and continuous improvement dimension on the effectiveness of administrative decisions. So, we construct all domains variable by combining all 73 items of independent and dependent variables and its Cronbach Alpha value is 0.84 which show an excellent strength of relationship. Overall, the all the constructs are shown the validity to proceed for further analyses (Table 2).

Table 2
Cronbach Alpha
Var Variable Description No. of Items Cronbach Alpha
Ind1 Internal and external environment analysis 12 0.778
Ind2 mission 16 0.862
Ind3 vision 10 0.869
Ind4 strategic choice 9 0.870
Ind5 continuous improvement 11 0.850
Dep2 effectiveness of administrative decisions 15 0.862
All domains/dimensions together 73 0.840

Data Analysis

The environmental analysis dimension of the (EACMC) is shown in the Table 3. The average responses on environmental analysis dimension are greater than 4 for 9 out of 12 items. The overall average of environmental analysis dimension is 4.0833 with a SD 0.8251 which shows the acceptance level about overall environmental analysis dimension. So, it shows that (EACMC) are well-performing in environmental analysis matters. A highest average score 4.3478 is found for an item “An external environment analysis enables the Company to take advantage of available opportunities and avoid threats”. It means that (EACMC) take advantage of available opportunities and avoid threats is found most effective in the environmental analysis dimension of the company. The least average score 3.7826 is found for item “The Company analyzes the internal environment to identify the strengths and weaknesses”. It means that (EACMC) could not give proper attention to the environmental analysis in the company’ internal environment to identify the strengths and weaknesses.

Table 3
Environment Analysis Dimension
S. N Item Min Max Mean S.D.
1 The Company relies on analyzing the external environment when determining the strategies to be followed. 3 5 4.2174 0.728
2 The Company uses the external environment analysis to document the necessary data and information. 2 5 4 0.894
3 The Company determines the results of probabilities and expectations by analyzing the external environment. 3 5 4.2391 0.736
4 An external environment analysis enables the Company to take advantage of available opportunities and avoid threats. 3 5 4.3478 0.674
5 The Company analyzes the external environment to identify the various variables that may affect it in the future 2 5 4.0652 0.929
6 The Company analyzes the internal environment to identify the strengths and weaknesses 2 5 3.7826 0.941
7 The Company operates according to a clear vision to develop and invest sources of strength and overcome weaknesses 2 5 3.869 0.909
8 The Company administration determines the opportunities available in the external environment for investment 2 5 4.1304 0.909
9 The Company administration is working to identify threats in the external environment to avoid or limit their effects 2 5 4.217 0.728
10 The Company identifies sources of strength to be used to improve its products and services 2 5 3.8696 0.909
11 The Company aims, through strategic analysis, to link the analysis of the internal and external environment. 2 5 4.065 0.712
12 The Company makes its strategic plans based on an analysis of the elements of the internal and external environment 2 5 4.1957 0.833
avg Environment analysis 358344 85375

The mission dimension of the (EACMC) is shown in the Table 4. The average responses on mission dimension are greater than 4 for 15 out of 16 items. The overall average of mission dimension is 4.2081 with a SD 0.7629 which shows the acceptance level about overall mission dimension. So, it shows that (EACMC) are well-performing in mission matters. A highest average score 4.5652 is found for an item “The trends defined by the message form are in line with the economic aspirations of the country”. It means that (EACMC) are in line with the economic aspirations of the country is found most effective in the mission dimension of the (EACMC). The least average score 3.9783 is found for item “The goals set for the Company are consistent with its mission”. It means that (EACMC) could not give proper attention to the goals to be consistent with mission.

Table 4
Mission Dimension
S. N Item Min Max Mean S.D.
13 The Company’s mission helps its personnel make effective decisions. 3 5 4.1304 0.619
14 The Company mission is prepared in parallel according to the available resources and available capabilities. 2 5 4.2174 0.786
15 The mission of the Company aims to identify outputs that meet the desired objectives 2 5 4.0217 0.882
16 The Company aspires to deliver its mission to all its employees. 2 5 4.0435 0.868
17 The Company’s mission is a framework that distinguishes it from other competitors. 2 5 4.2609 0.801
18 The Company's mission reflects the prevailing values and beliefs in it. 2 5 4.26 0.905
19 The Company focuses in its mission on achieving its strategies and ambitions. 2 5 4.1739 0.877
20 The Company has a clear written mission. 3 5 4.5217 0.658
21 There is a close relationship between the mission and all activities of the Company of interest. 3 5 4.1739 0.57
22 The Company's mission is in line with strategic planning processes. 3 5 4.2609 0.575
23 The Company's aspirations are clearly formulated to guide planning and administrative decision-making in line with the Company's mission. 2 5 4.1304 0.859
24 The formula in which the thesis was formulated is consistent with the practical nature of the Company, and what is expected of it. 2 5 4.0652 0.712
25 The trends defined by the message form are in line with the economic aspirations of the country. 3 5 4.5652 0.544
26 The thesis outlines are necessary to guide the decision-making process and choose the appropriate development policy for the Company. 2 5 4.1739 0.825
27 The goals set for the Company are consistent with its mission. 2 5 3.9783 1.022
28 The Company's mission is well known and announced to the internal, local and external community. 3 5 4.3478 0.706
avg Mission 4.2081 0.763

The vision dimension of the (EACMC) is shown in the Table 5. The average responses on vision dimension are greater than 4 for 3 out of 10 items. The overall average of vision dimension is 3.9238 with a SD 0.8958 which shows the acceptance level about overall vision dimension. So, it shows that (EACMC) are well-performing in vision matters. A highest average score 4.3696 is found for an item “The Company’s decisions are in line with its strategic vision”. It means that (EACMC) decisions are in line with the strategic vision is found most effective in the vision dimension of the (EACMC). The least average score 3.695 is found for item “The Company has a clear and defined strategic vision for future ambition”. It means that (EACMC) could not give proper attention to defined strategic vision for future ambition.

Table 5
Vision Dimension
S. N Item Min Max Mean S.D.
29 The Company announces its vision of the local and external internal community. 2 5 3.6957 1.051
30 The strategic vision of the Company aims to improve and consolidate its relationship with the external environment. 2 5 3.7174 1.004
31 The Company has a clear and defined strategic vision for future ambition. 2 5 3.695 0.916
32 The Company's vision is measurable by how much progress you are making. 2 5 3.9565 0.918
33 The Company vision leads the process of administrative change towards the desired situation. 2 5 3.7609 0.97
34 The Company's senior management works to persuade its employees and motivate them to believe in its strategic vision. 2 5 4.0652 0.879
35 The Company's strategic vision seeks to establish participatory by all its employees. 2 5 3.7391 0.953
36 The Company is working to transform the vision into a workable reality within its mission and goals. 2 5 3.9348 0.8
37 The Company uses its vision to unify the efforts of Employees towards achieving goals and taking appropriate decisions. 3 5 4.3043 0.756
38 The Company’s decisions are in line with its strategic vision. 3 5 4.3696 0.711
avg Vision 457743 85370

The strategic choice dimension of the (EACMC) is shown in the Table 6. The average responses on strategic choice dimension are greater than 4 for 4 out of 9 items. The overall average of strategic choice dimension is 3.9855 with a SD 0.8640 which shows the acceptance level about overall strategic choice dimension. So, it shows that (EACMC) are well-performing in strategic choice matters. A highest average score 4.4783 is found for an item “The Company strives to continuously search for new opportunities through new projects and expand existing business”. It means that (EACMC) search for new opportunities through new projects and expand existing business is found most effective in the strategic choice dimension of the (EACMC). The least average score 3.6739 is found for item “The Company administration applies clear criteria and indicators to judge the strategic plan”. It means that (EACMC) administration could not give proper attention to applies clear criteria and indicators to judge the strategic plan.

Table 6
Strategic ChoiceDimension
S. N Item Min Max Mean S.D.
39 The Companyadministration participateswith all employees in preparing the implementation plan. 2 5 4.0435 1.01
40 The Companyadministration applies clearcriteria and indicators tojudge the strategic plan. 2 5 3.6739 1.034
41 The Companymakes strategic decisions emanating from pre- established and approvedplans. 2 5 3.7391 0.953
42 The Company has standards for measuring theperformance of all components and components of the strategic plan. 2 5 3.6957 0.813
43 The Companyadministration focuses on the suitability of the strategic choice with the surrounding environment. 2 5 3.8043 1.003
44 The Companyis constantly looking for opportunities to enter newmarkets. 3 5 4.3478 0.706
45 The Companyseeks to provide new products and services in addition to its current products and services. 3 5 4.3261 0.701
46 The Companywants to develop its existing products by focusing oninnovation in new products. 2 5 3.7609 0.899
47 The Company strives to continuously search for new opportunities through new projects and expandexisting business. 3 5 4.4783 0.658
avg strategic choice 3.9855 0.864

The Continuous improvement dimension of the (EACMC) is shown in the Table 7. The average responses on Continuous improvement dimension are greater than 4 for 7 out of 11 items. The overall average of Continuous improvement dimension is 4.0691 with a SD 0.8360 which shows the acceptance level about overall Continuous improvement dimension. So, it shows that (EACMC) are well-performing in Continuous improvement matters. A highest average score 4.3696 is found for an item “The development of the skills of Company employees contributes to improving services for clients”. It means that (EACMC) develop the skills of employees to improve services for clients is found most effective in the Continuous improvement dimension of the (EACMC). The least average score 3.6957 is found for item “Reviewing inputs by assessing performance for all employees increases our opportunities for improvement”. It means that (EACMC) could not give proper attention to Review inputs by assessing performance for all employees to increase the opportunities for improvement.

Table 7
Continuous Improvement Dimension
S. N Item Min Max Mean S.D.
48 Continuous improvement is a comprehensive process for all Company departments, departments and activities. 3 5 4.3043 0.695
49 Customer ideas and suggestions are an important aspect of the continuous improvement process at the Company. 2 5 4.2826 0.807
50 Company management focuses on optimizing the time, which contributes to the continuous improvement of the services provided. 2 5 3.913 0.939
51 Seminars and training sessions are organized for Company employees to introduce them to the concept of continuous improvement and overall quality. 2 5 4 0.843
52 Training of Company employees contributes to the development and improvement of our services. 3 5 4.1957 0.778
53 The development of the skills of Company employees contributes to improving services for clients. 3 5 4.3696 0.711
54 Continuous improvement is one of the strategies the Company adopts to maintain its competitive edge. 2 5 4.087 0.839
55 The continuous improvement in after-sales services is the main axis that the Company is committed to. 3 5 4.1739 0.74
56 The Company is committed to ensuring continuous improvement based on data and information analysis. 2 5 3.9565 0.965
57 The Company seeks to identify and analyze the problem to improve the service provided to customers. 2 5 3.7826 0.917
58 Reviewing inputs by assessing performance for all employees increases our opportunities for improvement. 2 5 3.6957 0.963
avg continuous improvement 4.0691 0.836

The effectiveness of administrative decisions dimension of the (EACMC) is shown in the Table 8. The average responses on effectiveness of administrative decisions dimension are greater than 4 for 6 out of 15 items. The overall average of effectiveness of administrative decisions dimension is 3.9536 with a SD 0.7558 which shows the acceptance level about overall effectiveness of administrative decisions dimension. So, it shows that (EACMC) are well- performing in effectiveness of administrative decisions matters. A highest average score 4.3478 is found for an item “Senior management at the Company develops possible alternatives related to administrative decisions”. It means that (EACMC) develop possible alternatives related to administrative decisions is found most effective in the effectiveness of administrative decisions dimension of the (EACMC). The least average score 3.6522 is found for item “The Company depends on previous experiences before the decision-making process”. It means that (EACMC) could not give proper attention to depends on previous experiences before the decision-making process.

Table 8
Effectiveness Administrative Decisions Dimension
S. N Item Min Max Mean S.D.
59 The Company's senior management collects the necessary information before making administrative decisions there. 2 5 3.7826 0.964
60 Opinions are exchanged to reach the best possible alternatives related to administrative decisions. 3 5 4.1522 0.759
61 Senior management at the Company develops possible alternatives related to administrative decisions. 3 5 4.3478 0.706
62 The Company can make decisions that pre-empt crises and prepare them to face them. 2 5 3.7609 0.923
63 The Company depends on previous experiences before the decision-making process. 2 5 3.6522 0.766
64 Senior management can make critical decisions that affect the future of the Company. 2 5 3.8043 0.934
65 The Company uses brainstorming to reach appropriate management decisions depending on the future vision. 2 5 3.8261 0.709
66 The administrative decisions taken by the Company are related to the predetermined goals. 3 5 4.1739 0.769
67 The Company's senior management assures that administrative decisions are not inconsistent with regulations and regulations. 3 5 4.1304 0.582
68 The decisions to be taken are discussed collectively. 2 5 3.8478 0.729
69 Appropriate means of communication are used to announce the decisions taken. 2 5 3.6739 0.79
70 The Company’s senior management determines the appropriate time and opportunity to implement the administrative decision it has taken. 3 5 3.9565 0.631
71 Decisions are corrected if the results are not valid. 3 5 4.2174 0.728
72 The Company administration is studying the implications of decision- making. 2 5 3.8478 0.729
73 The administration assists the Company Employees in the methods of implementing the decision. 3 5 4.1304 0.619
avg effectiveness of administrative decisions 3.9536 0.756

Table 9 shows the regression results of the effects of environment analysis dimension, Mission dimension, Vision dimension, strategic choice dimension, and continuous improvement dimension on the effectiveness of administrative decisions of the (EACMC). At first, goodness of fit F-value shows that model is good fitted at 1% level of significance. The coefficient of determination (R2) showed that 48% effectiveness of administrative decisions is explained by the regressed determinants.

Table 9
Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
Regression Coefficients Dependent Variable R R2 F Prob. F
First Independent Variable (Strategic Planning B T Sig Prob t.
Analysis of internal and external environment 0.781 2.695 0.010 0.694 0.481 12.988 0.000
Vision 0.813 2.348 0.024
Mission 0.796 1.090 0.002
Strategic choice 0.718 2.300 0.001
Second Independent variable (continuous improvement) 0.739 2.695 0.010 0.807 0.652 14.174 0.000

The following Table 9 is multiple linear regression analysis and the results emanating from the analysis table for the topic ‘Impact of Strategic Planning and Continuous Improvement on the Effectiveness of Administrative Decisions.


The results of the analysis can be summarized as follows:

1- There is a statistically significant impact at the significance level (α≤0.05 ) of strategic planning with combined dimensions (strategic analysis of the internal and external structure, vision, mission, and strategic choice) on the administrative decision-making process in (EACMC) and this result is consistent with the studies of each of Al-Sheyyab (2017, Clay, et al., 2016).

2- There is a statistically significant effect at the level of significance (α≤0.05) for continuous improvement in the effectiveness of administrative decisions in (EACMC). This result intersects with a study (Ja’far, 2017, & Alosani et al, 2019).

3- There is a statistically significant effect at the significance level (α≤0.05) of the strategic analysis of the internal and external structure on the effectiveness of administrative decisions in (EACMC).

4- There is a statistically significant effect at the significance level (α≤0.05) of the dimension of vision in the effectiveness of administrative decisions in (EACMC).

5- There is a statistically significant effect at the level of significance (α≤0.05) of the message dimension on the effectiveness of administrative decisions in (EACMC).

6- There is a statistically significant effect at the level of significance (α≤0.05) of the strategic choice on the effectiveness of administrative decisions in (EACMC), and this result is consistent with the study of (Abdul Rahman & Ahmad 2013, Dibboon’s 2012).

Conclusion and Recommendations

(EACMC) must carry out an analysis of the internal environment in order to identify areas of weakness to develop appropriate strategies, overcome, address, and focus on the causes of its strengths, by attracting qualified and specialized cadres in strategic analysis. It is imperative to design and develop a relevant strategy that helps understand regional and international environmental variables in explaining the nature of regional interactions taking place at the level of the external environment (Areiqat & Zamil, 2011).

As it is advised to identify areas of weaknesses, to identify and address their causes, give more attention to the external environmental analysis, as it provides new opportunities and also try to avoid the effects of external threats, by optimal utilization of internal strength areas towards supporting the (EACMC) strategic position and facing its competitors in the markets (Areiqat, Mahrakani, Zamil & Abu-Rumman, 2019).

Increase the (EACMC) managers’ awareness of the concepts of strategic planning through engaging them in training programs and enabling them to increase their skills and capacities in dealing with environmental changes.

The study advised that (EACMC) administrators take the following actions:

1- Holding workshops on communication skills, in order to encourage social activities and relationships between its Employees. (Areiqat & Zamil, 2011).

2- Encouraging Employees to participate in developing all-encompassing plans related to their field of work or business type and explore their attitudes and views before endorsing the (EACMC) plans. Such step will make them feel they are deeply appreciated and have a significant impact on the (EACMC), and such, will be positively reflected on the efficiency of their performance. (Areiqat, Abdelhadi, & Al-Tarawneh, 2016).

3- Increasing interest in dealers and customers’ satisfaction with the quality of the various products and services provided by the (EACMC), and this will generate a clear vision or idea of the feasibility of improvement process.

4- Promoting interaction between (EACMC) and the external environment in order to recognize the customers’ actual needs and desires. (Areiqat & Naji, B. 2016).

5- The senior administration of the (EACMC) should have an insight beyond the current work environment in order to learn from the experiences from the outside world and acquire new skills and knowledge to improve the performance and upgrade the quality of the (EACMC) products and services. (Areiqat, Hamdan, Zamil & Aldabbagh, 2020).


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