Journal of Entrepreneurship Education (Print ISSN: 1098-8394; Online ISSN: 1528-2651)

Research Article: 2020 Vol: 23 Issue: 5

Level of Entrepreneurship of Students of Universidad Señor De Sipán S.A.C.

Mirko Merino Núñez, Universidad Señor de Sipán S.A.C., Perú

José William Córdova Chirinos, Universidad Señor de Sipán S.A.C., Perú

Jhana Guevara Dávila, Universidad Señor de Sipán S.A.C., Perú

Oscar Eduardo Veliz Lluncor, Universidad Señor de Sipán S.A.C., Perú

Citation Information: Merino, N.M., Córdova, Ch. J.W., Guevara, D.J., & Veliz, Ll.O.E. (2020). Level of entrepreneurship of students of Universidad Señor de Sipán S.A.C. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 23(5).


The present investigation highlighted the following problem: what is the level of entrepreneurship of the students of the Lord of Sipán University? I treat the knowledge of the following dimensions: attitudes, aptitudes, influencing factors and limitations that students have for starting up economic units. The objective is defined in determining the level of entrepreneurship of the students of the Señor de Sipán University, it is a pure descriptive research, therefore I did not conceive hypotheses, under the approach of non-experimental design applied transversally, to a composite population By 12,260 students of the face-to-face modality of the 20 professional schools of the 2019-I cycle, of which a sample of 373 students was established, distributed in the different schools through a stratified random sample. The findings of the exploration will serve to redesign the subjects of the teaching method of each school; provision of an area that promotes and disseminates this type of business actions among its students and specific actions.


Entrepreneurship, Attitudes, Skills, Influencing Factors, Limitations.


The present investigation called the “level of entrepreneurship of the students of the Señor de Sipán University” assumes the objective of determining the level of entrepreneurship of the students of the Señor de Sipán University; as the first specific objective, to determine the most influential attitudes of university students, attitudes towards autonomy, creativity and knowledge of the creation and formalization of companies; the second, to determine the most frequent aptitudes of the students, and if this student has aptitudes of curiosity, assumption of challenges, proactivity and planning of enterprising business actions; the third objective, to determine the influencing factors of the students, as previous experience and if the university influences the entrepreneurial spirit; and lastly, to determine the limitations of the students for conceptualization, formalization and start-up of economic units.

The research work is divided into four parts; In the first part, the introduction, problem situation, problem, previous background, theoretical framework, justification and importance, hypothesis and objectives of the study are expressed.

Part two shows the methodology of the research study, which defines a pure descriptive research, therefore it does not conceive working hypotheses, under the approach of non-experimental design applied transversely, to be able to describe the characteristics of the degree of entrepreneurship of the students of the professional schools of the study house; The population was made up of 12,260 face-to-face students from the 20 professional schools of the 2019-I cycle, applied to a sample of 373 students, distributed in the different schools through stratified random sampling.

In the third section, the research findings and discussion are described. Study and hermeneutics of the derivations, the same that were reflected in tables and figures originated by the market study.

And the last section, the conclusions and recommendations are made according to the purposes of the study designed in part one, in addition to the respective references and annexes.

One of the main engines that all cities have in any corner of the world, is the factor called: key "entrepreneurship" for the growth of all economies, and in Peru it is not the exception, in recent years, according to Serida et al. (2018) indicate that Peru is the 5th place in the global ranking on the entrepreneurial spirit index of 54 investigated countries and the first place in Latin America and the Caribbean of a total of eleven countries studied, this Growth is observed in the Peruvian economy.

Thus, various actors have deemed it advisable to take immediate and decisive action: State-Company-Academy are strengthening the Peruvian ecosystem.

And the State, plays a leading role in this development, through the establishment of state policies, the implementation of the Innóvate Peru Program has been decisive, which aims to finance business innovation, productive development, entrepreneurship and institutional projects through the promotion of national competitions, giving a good amount of non-refundable money. This is a clear indicator that our economy has had sustained growth in Latin America, and that the tax rules will have to be coupled with this growth, and start-ups are no stranger to this. And to complement this path, the Congress of the Republic of Peru (2014) promulgated the new university law, in article 52 which indicates that the academy within its functions is obliged to create business incubators that promote the initiative to students in the creation and formalization of companies as part of training activity.

A few years ago, Merino & Quiroz (2017) carried out a research work, evaluating the degree of entrepreneurship of the university students of the EAP of Administration of the FACEM-USS, in this study you can see the high level of motivation of these students for the generation of business plans in the first cycles, which decrease in the students of the last cycles, which is why the research group decided to establish whether the same perception existed in all the students studying at this university campus.

Thus, entrepreneurship appears as a significant expectation that has tolerated lowering of scarcity and the reproduction of occasions for a high area of the community from developing countries.

According to information from the INEI (2016) in the National Household Survey (ENAHO 2016: 53-54), of the maximum number of the economically active inhabitant (PEA) who has their job in Peru, in the 1st quarter of 2010, 5.9% are owners or contractors, 32.1% are independent labor, 28% work as a dependent, 22.5% are working class and, lastly, 11.6% work in other things. Consequently, most of the PEA works as an independent and, in this way, achieves its benefits.

Nowadays, undertaking means going through a path full of difficulties. Taking into account that each case is different, from multiple experiences and that in each of them different problems were pointed out. However, there are a set of obstacles that the entrepreneur must be aware of and that these represent the real problems for them.

It has been identified that we are all apt to undertake, however some students fail, often indicating that financial, political and tax difficulties are the reason for their failure. In reality, none of this is decisive like these other situations.

The main obstacle for the entrepreneur is to provide a feasible, profitable and sustainable business model. Students have several ideas but they do not have a specific idea defined; It is also observed that they copy models that they consider to work to other companies without analyzing if they will be successful in their businesses; they feel motivated by the opportunity to undertake, in a difficult situation they do not continue with this same commitment; It is also observed that they do not elaborate a systematic procedure that includes the entire process in such a way that everything is coherent and that allows them to be prepared for a contingency; it is observed that they are fearful and do not show dedication in taking risks; they carry out their procedures empirically without determining strategies that guarantee them to fulfill the objective; there is no quick adaptation to changes in the market; they do not have a good orientation towards where they want to go and they show perseverance until a certain time; and given a difficulty they give up on the process of undertaking.

From this excuse, it is possible to mark that the concentrated drawback of the exploration is to calculate the following: what is the level of entrepreneurship of the students of the Lord of Sipán University?

The main reason for the research is: to establish the degree of Entrepreneurship of young people at the Universidad Señor de Sipán in search of knowledge of attitudes, skills, influencing factors and limitations of these for the promotion, creation and formalization of creative ventures.

Chávez et al. (2017) carried out a study regarding entrepreneurship in Ecuador. They carried out a descriptive quantitative approach, with a non-experimental design, using the survey as a technique and the questionnaire as an instrument for a sample of 290 people in 5 of the 7 cantons of the Cañar province. They concluded: In the Azogues and Cañar cantons, the undertakings disappeared from the popular economy sector. The impact with respect to the ventures was 21%, which considerably damaged business ideas. On the other hand, the level of sales fell by 21%, with a negative impact of 29%.

Cumpa & Martínez (2018) studied the entrepreneurial trait of the business administration students of the Inca Garcilaso de la Vega Lima University; of a non-experimental, quantitative, descriptive type, using the survey and the questionnaire for a sample of 235 students. They concluded: The vast majority of students have innovative characteristics to be able to start a business, however, it has no relation to the year they study. Students enhance their entrepreneurial spirit as they go through higher cycles at university, which is why they feel motivated to undertake finishing their Administration career.

Ocama (2017) carried out a diagnosis of university entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial purpose in the disciples of Administration of the Universidad del Altiplano; descriptive, non-experimental design, and quantitative approach; using the survey and the questionnaire to a sample of 153 students. He concluded: The students report that they possess the elementary knowledge in relation to business ideas; The dimensions of entrepreneurial purpose that are most prevalent in students are: the intrinsic rule with 86.71% showing that the feeling of the environment is significant for students and the behavioral exam appreciated with 78% showing that they have control.

This business representation completes a world view and investigative competence of representatives who provide or belittle a business plan. And the prospect even reaches the point of not only observing a business circumstance, but also how to preserve and develop it.

The European Commission defined the entrepreneurial impulse as “the preference to provoke cambalaches in a similar one, the possibility of admitting and favoring the novelty caused by components from abroad, of granting welcome to barter, of taking responsibility for particular negative or positive acts, of to conclude what is being started, to be aware of which path is going, to institute goals and carry them out and to enjoy the essential motivation to achieve victory”.

The main problem of the research work is the following: What is the level of entrepreneurship of the students of the Universidad Señor de Sipán?

These are the specific problems: What are the most frequent attitudes of the students of the Universidad Señor de Sipán? What are the most frequent aptitudes of the students of the Lord of Sipán University? What are the influencing factors of the students of the Señor de Sipán University? What are the limitations of the students of the Señor de Sipán University?

The research study is important because it will allow to determine the real diagnosis of entrepreneurship that the students of the USS have, since the entrepreneurship at present, has managed to reach a high social level due to the enormous need of people to get their autonomy and economic firmness; It is also important for the entrepreneurial action of people to have an innovative vision to create new things, in such a way that they optimize their life situations, obtaining products with added value to the market, also because it will generate more jobs for the benefit of all settlers. The present investigation does not have hypotheses because the work is of a pure descriptive type. Whose general objective is: to determine the level of entrepreneurship of the students of the Señor de Sipán University and specific objectives: To determine the most frequent attitudes of the students of the Señor de Sipán University. To determine the most frequent aptitudes of the students of the University Lord of Sipán. Determine the influencing factors of the students of the Señor de Sipán University. and determine the limitations of the students of the Señor de Sipán University.


The present work is descriptive, since the reality of the level of Entrepreneurship in the students of the USS, according to the context in which the objects of study are developed, according to Hernández & Baptista (2014). “It is of a non-experimental type with a transactional design.; this design is used to diagnose and know the particularities, properties, traits and characters of an action or phenomenon according to the circumstances at a given moment”. The population was made up of 12,260 face-to-face students from the 20 professional schools of the 2019-I period of the USS. In this case, a sample of 373 students was chosen, the same to be distributed in the different schools through stratified random sampling. (Large population surveys that are spread over a large area are typically more complex than simple random sampling, David S. Moore.). According to Sánchez and Reyes (2000) "technique is the resource with which the researcher begins to collect the required data of a phenomenon in relation to the research objectives" (p.149). The technique used in this investigation was the survey. The instrument applied in this report was the questionnaire formulated based on 40 items, according to the dimensions of entrepreneurship: attitudes, aptitudes, influencing factors, limitations.

Discussion of Results

Logically, the results are presented according to how they were found during the investigation.

The level of entrepreneurship perception of the USS students was basically elaborated with 10 indicators of the 4 dimensions: attitude, aptitude, influencing factors and limitations. In this sense, the resulting indicators reflected a photograph of the lack of students' level of perception regarding entrepreneurship. In order to make the students of said university visible, this study addressed the measurement of the level of perception about entrepreneurship (Tables 1 and 2).

Table 1 Have or Had a Business Idea
Business idea Frequency Percentage
Yes 206 54.2
No 174 45.8
  380 100.0
Table 2 When you hear the Term Entrepreneurship, you relate it to
Entrepreneurship term Frequency Percentage
Dreams 142 37.4
Knowledge 107 28.2
Habit 8 2.1
Economy 43 11.3
Leader 80 21.1
  380 100.0

Regarding the finding in the attitude dimension, we can say that in the Autonomy indicator of 82.4% of the percentage of students, they think they did think about creating a company; 65.3% think that setting up a company is an opportunity to develop all professional skills, in the same way we have that the majority of students from the USS with a percentage of 65.3% think that starting a company develops all formal skills. Regarding the creativity indicator, we can deduce that 35% of students consider themselves an entrepreneur since they enjoy doing new things. And in the Knowledge indicator we can deduce that 73.7% of the students do believe that there are opportunities for entrepreneurship in Peru. In conclusion, in the attitude dimension, students have the initiative and the disposition to create a business or company, since attitude is the faculty of forging or starting a new company, plan, or method of life, beating security In itself as a game of inspiration, the value of proceeding positively in pursuit of our longed-for dreams, constantly fighting daily until they become real (Tables 3-6).

Table 3 You have Thought about Creating Your Own Company
Create own company Frequency Percentage
Yes 313 82.4
No 67 17.6
  380 100.0
Table 4 Setting up a Company is an Opportunity
Setting up a company Frequency Percentage
Make box, fast 21 5.5
Develop all professional skills 248 65.3
Change of Life 55 14.5
Don't know, don't think 20 5.3
Gain experience 36 9.5
  380 100.0
Table 5 You Consider Yourself an Enterprising Person
You consider yourself an entrepreneur Frequency Percentage
Yes i was born to succeed 109 28.7
Yes, I have made a business plan 76 20.0
Yes i enjoy starting new things 133 35.0
No, because I have not had any idea 28 7.4
No, because there are not many difficulties 6 1.6
No, because I don't have enough money 28 7.4
  380 100.0
Table 6 In Peru there are Opportunities for the Creation of a Company
Opportunities in Peru Frequency Percentage
Yes 280 73.7
No 100 26.3
  380 100.0

Regarding the finding in the Aptitude dimension, we can say that the USS students in the Curiosity indicator, 54.2% of the percentage of students have a business idea, with 11.8% wanting to put a Merchant company. In the Assume challenges indicator, 40.8% of the percentage of the students of the USS frequently consider the failures as learning that produce lessons to continue promoting themselves. In the Proactivity indicator we can deduce that 54.5% If you must make the most of a novel situation. And in the Planning indicator, 41.8% of the students of the USS do not know does not think about the tax regime that must belong. In conclusion, we can determine that the skills of research students must be sincere, optimistic, willing to change, collaborative human beings, in need of learning about innovative technologies and procedures (Tables 7-11).

Table 7 Have or Had a Business Idea
Business idea Frequency Percentage
Yes 206 54.2
No 174 45.8
  380 100.0
Table 8 Business Idea
Business idea Frequency Percentage
Merchant 45 11.8
Hotels 22 5.8
Mail shop 16 4.2
Restobar 29 7.6
Clothing store 39 10.3
Builder 21 5.5
Liquor store 10 2.6
Psychological Consultant 20 5.3
Clinic 28 7.4
Company Sausages 10 2.6
Library 8 2.1
Rehabilitation center 8 2.1
Multilevel Company 16 4.2
Telecommunication 20 5.3
NGO 11 2.9
Engineering 13 3.4
Pharmacy 13 3.4
Girl spa 8 2.1
Bazaar 14 3.7
College, institute, university 15 3.9
Accounting study 14 3.7
  380 100.0
Table 9 Consider Failures as Learning to Continue Driving me
Consider failures as learning Frequency Percentage
Very frequent 114 30.0
Frequent 155 40.8
Sometimes 100 26.3
Never 11 2.9
  380 100.0
Table 10 Try to make the most of a Novel Situation
Novel situation Frequency Percentage
Yes 207 54.5
Sometimes 165 43.4
No 8 2.1
  380 100.0
Table 11 Tax Regime you want to belong to
Tax regime Frequency Percentage
New regime 58 15.3
Special regime 69 18.2
General Regime 94 24.7
Don't know don't think 159 41.8
  380 100.0

Regarding the Influential Factors dimension, we can say that in the indicator Previous experience, 30.8% of the percentage of students to create a company, the main thing is to have a business idea; in the University Influence Indicator, 49.7% of students think that sometimes the community University develops meetings, conferences, expo fairs, talks that promote entrepreneurship. And in the same way, 50.5% of students think that some of these talks and trainings serve to develop the entrepreneurial spirit. In conclusion, it is said that the cooperation project of future entrepreneurs is born in schools, institutes, universities and the social environment since all these factors reinforce the culture of the entrepreneurial spirit that we possess (Tables 12-14).

Table 12 The Main Thing to Create a Company
Do you think it is essential Frequency Percentage
Business idea 117 30.8
Financing 57 15.0
Professional experience 65 17.1
Good training 42 11.1
View 87 22.9
Imagination 12 3.2
  380 100.0
Table 13 Holds Talks, Trade Fairs, Conferences on Entrepreneurship
University community Frequency Percentage
Yes 173 45.5
Sometimes 189 49.7
No 18 4.7
  380 100.0
Table 14 Training on Creation, Development and Promotion for the Creation of Your Own Company
Trainings Frequency Percentage
Yes 173 45.5
Some 192 50.5
No 15 3.9
  380 100.0

Regarding the Limitations dimension, we can say that students, 57.4% of the percentage of students, believe that the difficulties that arise when deciding to create a company is Financing. And that the most common mistake when starting a business with 60.5% is misinformation. In conclusion, with respect to the Limitations indicator, each entrepreneur manages to feel intensely stimulated to start a business event, however, contexts of exceptional dilemmas affected by various causes in their journey that hinder success are shown (Table 15 and Table 16).

Table 15 The Difficulties that arise when deciding to Create Your Company
Difficulties of creating a company Frequency Percentage
Financing 218 57.4
Processing 42 11.1
Taxation 35 9.2
Competitiveness 85 22.4
  380 100.0
Table 16 The Most Common Mistakes when Starting a Business
Common mistakes Frequency Percentage
Disinformation 230 60.5
Adequate staff 77 20.3
Little liquidity 73 19.2
  380 100.0


According to the fulfilment of the main objective of the investigation, it could to conclude that the level of entrepreneurship of the university students could be described, that is, the vast majority of students consider themselves entrepreneurs as shown in Figure 36; 35% of students enjoy starting new things; 28.7% indicate that they were born to succeed and 20% have made and made business plans to start new companies and less than 7% of the students have had no ideas, or enough money, but if you win and the ability to conceptualize, create and formalize companies. In addition, more than 75% clarify that they have the profile of being visionaries and investors complemented by the following values and principles of leadership and a high self-esteem in order to achieve their dreams and ventures, capable of organizing organizational structures of any kind.

In relation to the first specific objective, it can be seen that the most frequent attitudes of these are autonomy, creativity and have the necessary knowledge for the conceptualization, establishment, formalization and operation of any undertaking.

According to the second objective of the research, it was possible to determine the most frequent aptitudes of the students: curiosity, taking on challenges, proactivity and planning capacities for any type of enterprise in the country.

The third objective shows us that the influential factors that the students have in their favor is previous experience, because the vast majority are working in family businesses and recognized companies in the country. In addition to the university influence through its teachers who promote the entrepreneurial spirit.

And the last objective is to observe the limitations that exist in the university is disinformation, it does not have adequate personnel for this type of business incubation, and on the part of the students they do not have enough money, but if they want to do it. The findings of the present investigation should be implemented by the authorities of the academic faculty and redesign the subjects within the curriculum of each school; Have an area that promotes and spreads this type of business actions among its students and specific actions

In addition, it will serve for future national research to redefine the Peruvian entrepreneurial ecosystem for university students.


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