Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences (Print ISSN: 1524-7252; Online ISSN: 1532-5806)

Research Article: 2021 Vol: 24 Issue: 1S

Measuring the Impact of Strategic Planning on the Academic Performance of Jordanian Private Universities

Laith Abdullah Alqhaiwi, Zarqa University


This study aimed to measure the impact of some elements of the strategic planning on the academic performance of Jordanian Private Universities: A case study of Zarqa University. To achieve this objective, a questionnaire consisted of (38) items has been built and developed by the researcher, (23) items have been allocated to five affecting factors on the strategic planning, while the allocation of (15) items to measure the academic performance variable, and the tool sincerity and reliability were tested. Then the questionnaire was applied to a sample study of (70) faculty members, using a stratified random sample the participants were chosen randomly. The present study found a group of results, containing the following: There is a statistically significant impact at the significance level of , for each factor of the strategic planning factors individually on the academic performance of the Jordanian private universities.


Strategic planning, Academic Performance, Jordanian Private Universities


It is very clear that the application of the strategic planning function in Jordanian private universities in general and in Zarqa University in particular. It is one of the most important functions of management and an essential component. Strategic planning is an organized process that relies on the accurate scientific method in work to face the challenges and obstacles in Jordanian private universities. Besides, this can be achieved through serious interaction with the problems of society, and work to define the society needs and establish a general framework for a targeted and realistic plan so that it can be implemented in light of the available capabilities. The reason for applying the strategic planning tools in the Jordanian private universities is due to the complexity of the relations and their intertwining in all economic, political, social, cultural, technological and other fields that affect the performance of the work of Jordanian universities. As today's organizations are exposed to many risks as a result of the situation of uncertainty, especially in the external environment, which implements the strategic planning process necessary to predict what the future conditions will be and prepare to develop plans and programs that ensure the achievement of goals under the expected environmental conditions. Hence, this study came as a step forward to determine the mechanism of applying strategic planning in Jordanian private universities and the factors affecting it.

The General Framework of The Study

Problem and Questions of the Study

Strategic planning is one of the elements of strategic management and one of the most important and guiding principles. This concept appeared in the second part of the twentieth century as a modern method in planning and management, to confront the rapid changes that occur in the world today. Strategic planning is considered as a competent tool used to attain long-term goals as it helps Organizations identify their future and current potentials in a way that maintains their success in a world characterized by complexity and change, as it requires competent use of strategic planning in Jordanian private universities. Accordingly, the problem of the study is summarized in an analysis of the impact of some strategic planning factors on the academic performance of Jordanian private universities: a case study at Zarqa University.

The study problem can be expressed by dealing with the following two questions:

Is there an impact of some strategic planning factors in the academic performance of the Jordanian private universities?

What is the evaluation level of some strategic planning factors from the viewpoint of faculty members at Zarqa University?

Importance of the Study

The current study acquires its importance because of the following:

This study dealt with a very important topic, which is strategic planning, which is one of the recent management concepts that is applied in business organizations.

Analyzing the impact of some strategic planning factors on the academic performance of Jordanian private universities, to keep pace with the accelerating environmental changes.

The results of this study and its recommendations can benefit decision-makers in private Jordanian universities, to be accurate and objective when developing plans and procedures in a manner that contributes to increasing the effectiveness of strategic planning, which in turn will positively reflect on the academic performance of Jordanian private universities.

Objectives of the Study

The essential objective of the present study is to analyze the impact of some factors of strategic planning on the academic performance of Jordanian private universities, by achieving the following sub-goals:

Learn about the concept of strategic planning, the importance of its application and its most essential elements.

Determine which strategic planning factors have more impact on the academic performance of Jordanian private universities.

Presenting some proposals and recommendations to the Jordanian private university’s decision-makers, for their approval by the mentioned universities.

The Default Study Model

In view of the aims of the present study, the following hypothetical study model was built for analyzing the impact of some strategic planning factors on the academic performance of Jordanian private universities. As presented in the below Figure No. 1:

Figure 1: The Default Study Model

Hypotheses of the Study

The present study tries to investigate the validity of the main hypothesis and its sub-hypotheses as (Null) (H0 ) as listed below:

H0: There is no statistically significant impact at the significant level of (α ≤ 0.05) for some strategic planning factors represented in (human competency, information, technology, finance, & legislation) on the academic performance of Jordanian private universities.

H01: There is no statistically significant impact at the significant level of (α ≤ 0.05), for human competency on the academic performance of Jordanian private universities.

H02There is no statistically significant impact at the significant level of(α ≤ 0.05), for the information on the academic performance of Jordanian private universities.

H03: There is no statistically significant impact at the significant level of (α ≤ 0.05)on technology on the academic performance of Jordanian private universities.

H04: There is no statistically significant impact at the significant level of(α ≤ 0.05), for funding on the academic performance of Jordanian private universities.

H05: There is no statistically significant impact at the significant level of (α ≤ 0.05) of legislation on the academic performance of Jordanian private universities.

Procedural Definitions

Strategic Planning

It is the process in which the organization's mission is defined and goals, strategies and policies are set, to secure and divide resources to achieve these goals (Glaister & Falshaw, 1999).

Human Competencies

It means the human elements that are distinguished by having new and developed experiences capable of finding solutions to the problems facing the organization.


It means the financial resources needed to implement strategic planning.


It means all the necessary tools, techniques and processes used in converting organizational inputs into outputs (i.e., strategic planning inputs and outputs).


It means the necessary information in the internal and external environments that constitute a major factor in the success of strategic planning operations.


It means the set of laws and regulations that relate to changes in the internal and external environments so that they lead to achieving the desired goals.

Theoretical Framework

This section discusses the theoretical approach to the topic of the strategic planning process.

Planning Concept

Planning is defined as designing the hoped-for future and developing effective steps to achieve it, it is a rational and organized way of making decisions and solving problems, and it provides you with the strength you need to control your future (Sharman, 1998). Planning is also defined as the manager's job, which includes choosing between alternatives from goals, policies, procedures and programs, and therefore it is a decision that defines the future work program in the project or one of its departments (Elwa, 2002).

Strategy Concept

The first to refer to the term strategy in the modern era is Liddell Hart (Hart, 2009), where he mentioned that strategy is the art of employing battle tools to achieve the goal of warfare (Tzu, 2008), after which this term was transferred to the financial and business sector in the 1960s.

The word "strategy" refers to the Greek word “strategos", which means the ability to use armies to conduct war battles for victory. The Dictionary defines strategy as the science of planning and directing military operations(Merriam-webster, 2020).

Whereas, Noiran (Noiran, 2001) sees the strategy as the organization's plan to balance its weaknesses and strengths with external opportunities and threats to maintain a competitive advantage.

Nickols (Nickols, 2016) believes that strategy means “the framework that guides the options that determine the nature of the direction of the organization”, and this explains to us two important things:

Selecting the outputs provided by the organization to the target market.

What are the target markets?

From the above, it is clear that the term strategy has expanded its axes & includes the world of finance & business. Wiggins and Cynthia (Wiggins, 2020) mentioned that the (steering wheel) the basis of the strategy lies in ten powers: the product & the marketing approach, the customer, the distribution approach, the quality of markets, natural resources, product efficiency, the growth factor (size), technology, and finally the return, & that the strategic plan can be formulated or derived from any of these forces.

The Concept of Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is one of the most important elements of strategic management, and its foundation and steering wheel, as this concept appeared in the second part of the twentieth century as a modern method of planning and management, to confront the rapid changes that occur in today's world. Glaister & Falshaw (1999) defined strategic planning as “the process by which an organization's mission, vision, goals, strategies, and policies are defined to secure and divide resources to achieve these goals”.

Strategic planning includes the preparation & implementation of long-term strategies to efficiently tackle opportunities &challenges within the organization's external climate. This is done in view of the strengths & weaknesses of the resources that the organization has within its internal environment, as well as defining the mission of the organization & formulating objectives to be achieved, development and formulation of strategies and guiding policies (Wheelen & Hunger, 2008). Whereas Al-Qatameen (2002) sees strategic planning as the process of developing the plans, mission, goals, & policy of the organization for the next phase. Al-Khafaji (Al-Khafaji, 2003) believes that strategic planning is “the activities that guide the goals & objectives of the organization & the choice of strategies to be achieved”. Whereas Devivo, (DeVivo, 2008) defined it as the main decision-making process, approving actions that would lead the organization into what it wanted to be, what it did, and why it did so.

In light of the above, it can be concluded that some of the principles related to strategic planning Steinen & Miner (Martin & Steinen, 1997):

Strategic planning is concerned with defining long-term future goals & the means employed to obtain these goals, which are represented in strategies.

Strategic planning seeks to achieve harmony between the internal & external environments of the organization.

Strategic planning is a trend and way of life (philosophy) & it is an important part of the management process that managers must constantly take part in all major activities practiced in the organization.

Strategic planning is an integrated system that links strategic plans, medium-term programs, short-term operating plans & budgets.

The Importance of Strategic Planning

The importance of strategic planning stems from being one of the main administrative functions. Rather, it is the first administrative position that precedes all other functions and defines its scope. This means that the goals that are determined at the strategic planning stage are what determine the size and nature of individuals needed to accomplish them and thus the required administrative organization structure is formed according to these objectives. The strategic planning importance also stems from the fact that it allows organizations to identify risks and opportunities in their external environment. In addition to analyzing the weaknesses & strengths in the internal environment of the organization that appropriately identifies alternatives and making the right decisions to obtain the goals that are desired & therefore the strategic planning helps organizations to adapt to its external & internal environment. It is understood that the problem of strategic planning is no longer represented in whether we plan or not? All organizations must plan their work in one way or another, but the problem has become. How do we plan more efficiently? This is so as not to result in wasting the efforts of the organization's employees and wasting time (Elwa, 2002).

The importance of strategic planning is demonstrated by the following benefits Al-Salem (Al-Salem, 2002):

Strategic planning helps organizations achieve long-term goals by implementing strategic plans & objective goals into detailed plans, programs, & implementable budgets.

Increasing competitiveness, because strategic planning focuses on studying environmental factors continuously & taking the necessary measures.

It helps managers to develop appropriate alternatives to the main problems facing the organization.

Donnelly & Schumock (2019) mention the importance of strategic planning as it stems from the following benefits:

Strategic planning helps raise the degree of prediction of the shifts in the surrounding environment.

Shows the organization’s image in front of all stakeholder groups.

Strategic planning serves as a working guide and guides for the organization on what it will seek to achieve.

Elements of Strategic Planning

This study deals with the most important elements of strategic planning (Sousa & Rocha, 2019), which are as follows:

Setting the general framework for the concept of strategy.

Determining goals & targets.

Develop alternative strategies & compare them.

Studying the environmental factors surrounding the organization, whether external or internal.

Choosing a strategic alternative that contributes to achieving the goals & objectives.

Establishing policies, procedures, rules, programs and budgets, whereby long-term goals and objectives are implemented into medium-term goals.

Evaluating performance according to the goals, strategies and plans laid down, and reviewing and evaluating these strategies and plans in light of the surrounding environmental conditions.

Meet the requirements for implementing the strategy, taking into account the achievement of the organization's adaptation to the changes accompanying the strategic decisions.

Academic Performance

Improving academic performance in higher education institutions entails a willingness to lay the foundation for development and modernization and to create creativity and excellence in a world in which human minds are increasingly producing their products. The quality of the services provided by those institutions has been deteriorating for those who monitor the performance of higher education institutions recently. The downturn in the tests and deficiencies in graduate base skills and the increase in student drop-out rates may be confirmed by this deterioration. All of this confirms the need to search for new treatment which will help universities to improve their situation and address it (Ghazi Bani Ubaid Madani, 2011).

There is no ambiguity that the necessity to develop university performance deserves a pause that would bring about a shift in university education and improve the academic performance quality, by adopting mechanisms to improve and renew university performance, including the following: Peter (Fincham, Rhodes & others, 2005):

Renewing the required roles from a member of the teaching staff at the university.

Renewing the university administration philosophical framework.

Innovation in the educational process style and the goals of higher education.

Focusing the orientation towards scientific research.

Renewing the relationship with the student at the university and roles shifting.

Previous Studies

Study of Globocnik et al. (Globocnik, Faullant & Parastuty, 2020), entitled “Bridging Strategic Planning and Business Model Management – A Formal Control Framework to Manage Business Model Portfolio and Dynamics”. The purpose of the study is to establish an integrated management framework that gives a conceptual model of how the specific goal and plan level can be coherent. The study thus breaks down the complex organizational activities into the strategy, business model portfolio, tactics and business activities. Moreover, they define the formal activities and objectives for each level and elaborate on how the levels are mutually determined. The study also discusses how the hierarchical control loops of the higher and lower levels maintain consistency and that the organization's level reacts to environmental changes. Finally, the study discusses how these structured control mechanisms allow the complexities of strategy and business model management to be so well controlled.

Study of Ojha, Patel & Sridharan (2020), entitled “Dynamic Strategic Planning & Firm Competitive Performance: A Conceptualization & an Empirical Test”. The study proposes to scale & test Dynamic Strategic Planning (DSP) for the nomological validity of dynamic strategic planning using OP's as a mediator. Test for the mediation effect on operational abilities (disaster immunity, innovation, product quality, delivery reliability, process flexibility and management) between a dynamic strategic planning scale (clear vision, understanding of core capacity, selection of Strategic Objectives, shared responsibility and financial performance) using a survey of 267 US-based SME's. The conclusions show that dynamic strategic planning has an adverse yet non-important association with financial performance; they do however positively influence financial performance via operational capacity, supporting the nomological case of dynamic strategic planning which is less effective directly and more effectively if demonstrated by operational capacities.

Study of Hasan (2020) entitled “The Degree of Employing the Requirements of Strategic Planning at the University of Zaytuna, Jordan, from the Viewpoint of Faculty Members.”. The study tried to investigate the requirements’ employing the degree of strategic planning at the University of Zaytoonah from the viewpoint of faculty members. The study followed a descriptive survey method. The study sample consisted of (117) faculty members at the University of Al Zaytoonah of Jordan for the academic year 2018/2019, and to achieve the goals of the study, a questionnaire consisting of (35) paragraphs distributed over four areas was developed: human requirements, administrative requirements, organizational requirements, and the physical requirements for Strategic planning. The results showed that the degree of employing the requirements of strategic planning for the four domains was large, and the results showed that there were no statistically significant differences at the level of significance (α≤0.05) in the responses of the study sample individuals due to the variables of the college, academic rank or assigning administrative work. In light of these results, a set of recommendations was reached, the most important of which are: working to sustain the provision of administrative, organizational, human and material requirements that support the success of strategic planning, conduct more reference comparisons and studies during the process of analyzing and generalizing the internal-external environment. Adopting a system and adequate financial allocations for long-term incentives and bonuses and circulating it to faculty members and workers.

Study of Alzahrani (Alzahrani, 2020), entitled “The Role of Strategic Planning in Improving the Performance of Public Education Departments in Makkah, in light of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s 2030 Vision.”. This study aimed to identify the weaknesses and shortcomings in the level of strategic planning in the public education departments in the Makkah region and how to overcome them, to improve their performance in light of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2030 vision. The study used the descriptive analytical approach on documents, and the tool was to refer to books, researches, studies and specialized literature on the subject of research, and the research consists of three main chapters. The first chapter dealt with the general framework of the research, and the second: the theoretical framework and previous studies, As for the third chapter, includes the conclusion, recommendations and proposals. The results showed the importance of strategic planning in improving the performance of public education departments and the performance of their employees, in addition to many benefits that ultimately lead to the quality of education outcomes, which have become an urgent necessity; required by the current stage, to ensure the achievement of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2030 vision, and to maintain its leadership position regionally and globally. In light of the results, a set of recommendations and proposals were presented: to activate the strategic planning methodology to improve the performance of educational departments and schools in Makkah and other regions throughout the Kingdom.

Study of Hu, Liu, Chen & Qin (2018), entitled “Strategic Planning and the stratification of Chines higher Education institutions”. This analytical study aimed to reveal the differences in levels and models of strategic planning in Chinese universities as an important tool in university management, by identifying the degree of awareness of strategic planning, types of strategic plans, and groups influencing planning in these universities. The results showed that most universities employ strategic planning that adopts the five-year plan, and that university heads and faculty are the most influential in the strategic planning process. Finally, the results showed that higher education institutions and vocational colleges are more jobs oriented and adopt strategic planning.

Al-Saleh and others study (Alsaleh Muhammad, 2017), entitled “The Effect of Strategic Planning on the Performance and Productivity of the Public and University Education Sectors in Al-Jouf Region”. This study tried to investigate the impact of strategic planning on the productivity and performance of both the public and university education sectors in the Region of Al-Jouf, where this study followed the descriptive and standard approaches. Among the most important results of the study is the presence of deficiencies in discovering students ’talents and caring for them in schools, and the presence of deficiencies in the involvement of beneficiaries and entities related to educational services. And there are deficiencies in terms of coordination and continuity, and the degree of commitment to the plan, and monitoring of the plans in the field and following up their funding, and conducting extra focused research in the various strategic planning areas in educational work at all stages.

Abdul Rashid, et al., (2016) study entitled “The Importance of Perceived Leadership Elements in Strategic at Public University”. This study aims to study the importance of perceived leadership elements, which is management decision-making, management style and flexibility in leadership change. The research was conducted by academics in one of Malaysia's public universities. There were 150 questionnaires administered across different academic staff levels. Correlation and regression analyzes were performed so the results show that the leadership decision-making process (r=0.55, p=0.001), compared to the other two variables, is the highest positive significant strategic planning outcome.

Methods and Procedures

Study Approach

In view of the essence of the study problem and its objectives, the present study adopted the descriptive-analytical method, to explain the sample's relevant responses related to the researched variables, as well as, analyzing the impact of some strategic planning factors on the academic performance of private Jordanian universities.

Study Community

The population of the study consisted of all 303 faculty members at Zarqa University, a random stratified sample was chosen with a percentage of (25%) of the size of the community, where the sample size reached (75) faculty members. (75) Questionnaires were distributed, (70) forms were retrieved, with a retrieval rate of (93.3%), while the number of valid forms for statistical analysis was (70).

The Tool of the Study

Depending on previous studies and administrative literature relevant to the topic of strategic planning, the researcher prepared and developed the study tool and tested its validity and reliability, as follows:

The Validity of the Study Tools

To verify the study validity tools, it was presented to a group of arbitrators with a specialization in administrative sciences from faculty members in Jordanian universities, as some adjustments were made in light of the arbitrator’s recommendations. The questionnaire in its final form included (38) items distributed on five factors for the dependent variables of strategic planning and academic performance. The researcher employed a 5-grade Likert scale to estimate the responses of the study sample individuals. The questionnaire was divided into three sections. Section 1 consists of four demographic variables, which are (gender, educational qualification, academic rank, and years of experience). Section 2 consists of (23) items that measure strategic planning factors, while the third section consists of (15) deals with the variable of academic performance of Jordanian private universities.

The Study Tool Reliability

To verify the reliability of the instrument, the researcher employed the Alpha Cronbach's Alpha coefficient to measure (the questionnaire items’ internal consistency), which reached the overall instrument (0.961), and this ratio is good for administrative

The validity of the Study Tools

To verify the study validity tools, it was presented to a group of arbitrators with a specialization in administrative sciences from faculty members in Jordanian universities, as some adjustments were made in light of the arbitrator’s recommendations. The questionnaire in its final form included (38) items distributed on five factors for the dependent variables of strategic planning and academic performance. The researcher employed a 5-grade Likert scale to estimate the responses of the study sample individuals. The questionnaire was divided into three sections. Section 1 consists of four demographic variables, which are (gender, educational qualification, academic rank, and years of experience). Section 2 consists of (23) items that measure strategic planning factors, while the third section consists of (15) deals with the variable of academic performance of Jordanian private universities.

The Study Tool Reliability

To verify the reliability of the instrument, the researcher employed the Alpha Cronbach's Alpha coefficient to measure (the questionnaire items’ internal consistency), which reached the overall instrument (0.961), and this ratio is good for administrative and humanitarian research. And Table No. (1) Shows that:

Table 1
Cronbach's Alpha (Internal Consistency of Resolution Clauses)
Stability ratio (%) Cronbach's Alpha Paragraphs’ number Study variables
%81.1 0.811 5 Human competence
%77.3 0.773 4 Information
%83.8 0.838 4 Technology
%89.7 0.897 5 Finance
%80.6 0.806 5 Legislations
%90.3 0.903 15 Academic Performance
%83.8 0.838 38 Total Performance

In view of the above, the data obtained by applying the research method are appropriate for statistical analysis and statistical indicator estimation purposes for answering the research question and testing the hypotheses.

Statistical Analysis of The Data

To perform statistical analysis of the data and check the hypotheses of the study, the researcher employed several analytical and descriptive statistics methods using Social Sciences Statistical Package (SPSS) software, to describe the responses of the study sample individuals to the study variables and test their hypotheses, as listed below:

Results Dealing with Answering the Study Question

What is the evaluation level of some strategic planning factors from the viewpoint of Zarqa University faculty members?

For answering the questions of the study, arithmetic standard deviation and mean were estimated to determine the level of their evaluation by the faculty members of some of the strategic planning factors in private universities in Jordanian represented in (human competence, information, technology, finance, and legislation). As shown in the following Table (2):

Table 2
The Means and Standard Deviations of Some Strategic Planning Factors in Jordanian Private Universities
Relative importance arrangement Standard Deviation Means Independent Variables No.
1 0.56 4.09 Human Competence 1
5 0.62 3.15 Information 2
3 0.81 3.94 Technology 3
2 0.78 3.95 Finance 4
4 0.68 3.86 Legislations 5

It is clear from the results mentioned in the above Table (2), that after (human competence) obtained the (first) rank in terms of its importance for the members of the study sample, with an average mean of (4.09)and a standard deviation of (0.56). While (Finance) came in the (second) rank, with an average of (3.95) and a standard deviation of (0.78), and (technology) got the (third), with a standard deviation of (0.81) and an average of (3.94). Whereas (legislation) ranked (fourth), with an average of (3.86) and a standard deviation of (0.68). Finally, "human competence" ranked (fifth) and last on the scale of the study sample individuals’ priorities in Jordanian private universities, with a standard deviation of (0.62) and an average score of (3.15). As far as the researcher knows and is aware of previous studies related to the topic, no study has been found whose results are consistent with or different from the results of this study.

Results Related to the Main Study Hypothesis Test

H0: There is no statistically significant effect at the significant level of (α ≤ 0.05) for some strategic planning factors represented in (human competency, information, technology, finance, and legislation) on the academic performance of Jordanian private universities.

To testing the third sub-hypothesis validity or otherwise, a stepwise multiple linear regression analysis was applied as shown in Table 3:

Table 3
Outcomes of Progressive Multilinear Regression Analysis to Estimate The Effect of Some Strategic Planning Factors on The Academic Performance of Jordanian Private Universities
Influencing factors Regression coefficients(β) Calculated value(t) Statistical significance
Fixed limit (β0) >0.563 >2.105 >0.039
Human competence 0.327 4.211 >0.000
Finance 0.225 3.135 0.003
Technology 0.168 >2.464 >0.016
Legislations 0.170 >2.046 >0.045
Multiple correlation coefficient (R)=0.886 Determination Coefficient (R2)=0.785
Calculated value (F)=59.074 Statistical significance (.Sig)=0.000

Table value (F) in the degrees of numerator and denominator (4, 65), at the level of significance 2.52

Tabular value (t) with a degree of freedom (65), at the level of significance, test with two sides=2.00

From the results presented in Table (3), the following is clear:

The researcher assured that the multiple linear regression model’s validities are confirmed. This is reinforced by the calculated value (F) of which is greater than the tabular value (F) of (2.52), Also, the value of the statistical significance (.Sig) is less than the significance level.

The researcher assured that a significant statistical for the regression coefficients of four factors (human efficiency, finance, technology, and legislation), on which there is a statistically significant effect at the level of significance of the factors mentioned in the academic performance of private Jordanian universities. This is supported by its calculated values (t) (4.211, 3.135, 2.464, 2.046) respectively, all of which are greater than the tabular value (t) of (2.00), and also the values of the statistical significance (.Sig) of the mentioned factors are less than the level Moral (a=0.05).

The value of the determining factor 2of indicates that the factors involved in the model, which are (human competence, finance, technology, and legislation), explain (78.4%) of the changes that occur to academic performance. Other variables which were not included in the multiple linear regression models represent a remaining percentage.

In view of the above-listed results, the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected, and the alternative hypothesis (H1) was accepted, This means the statistically significant effect at significance level exists , due to some factors represented in (human competency, finance, technology, and legislation), on Academic performance of Jordanian private universities. To the extent that the researcher knows and is aware of previous studies on the topic, no study has been found whose results are consistent with or different from the results of this study.

After the researcher has finished testing the main study hypothesis and verifies the presence of four factors (human competence, finance, technology, and legislation) on the academic performance of Jordanian private universities, the impact of each of the above factors should be tested separately in each academic performance, which is as follows:

First Sub-hypothesis Test Results

H01: There is no statistically significant effect at the significant level of (α ≤ 0.05), for human competency on the academic performance of Jordanian private universities.

To check the third sub-hypothesis validity, a simple regression was used as shown in Table 4:

Table 4
Regression Results to Assess The Impact of Faculty Competence on Academic Quality at Jordanian Private Universities
Independent variable Regression coefficients (β) Calculated value (t) Statistical significance
Fixed limit (β0) 1.050 2.830 0.006
Human competence 0.747 8.319 0.000
Correlation coefficient (R)=0.710 Determination Coefficient (R2)=0.504
Calculated value (F)=69.213 Statistical significance (.Sig)=0.000

Table value (F) in the degrees of numerator and denominator (1, 68), at the level of significance (α=0.05) = 3.99

Tabular value (t) with a degree of freedom (68), at the level of significance (α=0.05) , test with two sides=1.99

From the results mentioned in Table (4), it is clear that

The researcher assured that the Simple Linear Regression (SLR) model’s validity is proven. The calculated value of (F) is supported by (69.213), which is greater than the tabular value (F) of (3.99), and also that the value of statistical significance (.Sig) is less than the level Moral.

The researcher assured the statistical significance of the regression coefficient (β) for (human competence), which has a statistically significant impact at the significant level (α = 0.05)of the mentioned dimension on the academic performance of private Jordanian universities. This is reinforced by the calculated value of (t) of (8.319) which is greater than the tabular value (t) of (1.99), and also the value of the statistical significance (.Sig) of the said dimension is less than the level of significance (α = 0.05).

The value of the coefficient of determination (R2) of (0.504) shows that the dimension included in the model represented by the dimension of (human competence), explains what is (50.4%) of the changes in academic performance, while the remaining (49.6%) is attributed to other variables not included in the SLR model.

In view of the results presented, the first (H01) hypothesis was rejected, and the second (H11) hypothesis was accepted., according to which, a statistically significant effect was found for academic performance at the level of significance (α=0.05), for Jordanian private universities, using human efficiency as the experimental control variable (human efficiency). As far as the researcher knows and is aware of previous literature related to the topic, no study has been found whose results are consistent with or different from the results of the present study.

Second Sub-hypothesis Test Results

H02: There is no statistically significant effect at the significant level of (α ≤ 0.05), for the information on the academic performance of Jordanian private universities.

Third sub-hypothesis validity or otherwise, SLR analysis was used as presented in Table 5.

Table 5
Outcomes of SLR Analysis to Estimate The Influence of Information on The Academic Performance of Jordanian Private Universities
Independent variable Regression coefficients (β) Calculated value (t) Statistical significance
Fixed limit (β0) 1.362 3.995 0.000
Information 0.665 8.147 0.000
Correlation coefficient (R)=0.703 Determination Coefficient (R2)=0.494
Calculated value (F)=66.380 Statistical significance (.Sig)=0.000

Table value (F) in the degrees of numerator and denominator (1, 68), at the level of significance (α = 0.05)=3.99

Tabular value (t) with a degree of freedom (68), at the level of significance(α = 0.05), test with two sides=1.99

From the results mentioned in Table (5), it is clear that:

The researcher assured that the SLR model’s validity is proven. This is reinforced by the calculated value of (F) of (66.380), which is greater than the tabular value (F) of (3.99), and also that the value of statistical significance (.Sig) is less than the level Moral (a = 0.05).

The statistical significance of the regression coefficient of the (information) element has been confirmed. Therefore, there is a statistically significant effect at the level of significance (α = 0.05) of the mentioned dimension on the academic performance of Jordanian private universities. This is reinforced by the calculated value (t) of (8.147) which is greater than the tabular value (t) of (1.99). Also, the value of the statistical significance (.Sig) for the said dimension is less than the significance level (α = 0.05) In light of the previous results, the second sub-null hypothesis (H02) was accepted, and the alternative hypothesis (H12)was accepted, according to which: There is a statistically significant effect at the level of significance (α = 0.05) for the (information) element on the academic performance of Jordanian private universities.

The value of the coefficient of determination (R2) of (0.494) shows that the dimension included in the model represented by the (information) dimension explains what is (49.4%) of the changes that occur in applying strategic planning. As for the remaining percentage (51.6%), it is due to other variables that were not included in the SLR model.

As far as the researcher knows and is aware of previous literature related to the topic, no study has been found whose results are consistent with or different from the results of the present study.

Third Sub-hypothesis Test Results:

H03: There is no statistically significant effect at the significant level of (α ≤ 0.05) on technology on the academic performance of Jordanian private universities.

To test the third sub-hypothesis validity or otherwise, SLR analysis was used as presented in Table 6:

Table 6
The Results of Multilinear Regression Analysis to Measure the Impact of Technology on the Academic Performance of Jordanian Private Universities.
Independent variable Regression coefficients (β) Calculated value (t) Statistical significance
Fixed limit (β0) 1.945 8.627 0.000
Technology 0.549 9.799 0.000
Correlation coefficient (R)=0.765 Determination Coefficient (R2)=0.585
Calculated value (F)=96.016 Statistical significance (.Sig)=0.000

Table value (F) in the degrees of numerator and denominator (1, 68), at the level of significance(α = 0.05) = 3.99

Tabular value (t) with a degree of freedom (68), at the level of significance(α = 0.05) , test with two sides=1.99

From the results mentioned in Table (6), it is clear that:

The researcher assured that the SLR model’s validity is proven. This is reinforced by the calculated value of (F) of (96.016), which is greater than the tabular value (F) of (3.99), and also that the value of statistical significance (.Sig) is less than the level Moral(α = 0.05).

The statistical significance of the regression coefficient(β)of the (Technology) element has been confirmed. Therefore, there is a statistically significant effect at the level of significance (α = 0.05) of the mentioned dimension on the academic performance of Jordanian private universities. This is reinforced by the calculated value (t) of (9.799) which is greater than the tabular value (t) of (1.99). Besides, the value of the statistical significance (.Sig) for the said dimension is less than the significance level (α = 0.05).

The value of the coefficient of determination R2 of (0.585) shows that the dimension included in the model represented by the (Technology) dimension explains what is (58.5 % ) of the changes that occur in applying strategic planning. As for the remaining percentage (41.5%), it is due to other variables that were not included in the SLR model.

In view of the above-listed results, the third sub-null hypothesis (H03) was rejected, and the alternative hypothesis (H13) was accepted, according to which: There is a statistically significant effect at the level of significance (α = 0.05) for the (Technology) element on the academic performance of Jordanian private universities. As far as the researcher knows and is aware of previous literature related to the topic, no study has been found whose results are consistent with or different from the results of the present study.

Fourth Sub-hypothesis Test Results

H04: There is no statistically significant effect at the significant level of (α ≤ 0.05), for funding on the academic performance of Jordanian private universities.

To test the fourth sub-hypothesis validity or otherwise, SLR analysis was used as presented in Table (7) below.

Table 7
The Results of Multilinear Regression Analysis to Measure The Impact of Finance on The Academic Performance of Jordanian Private Universities
Independent variable Regression coefficients (β) Calculated value (t) Statistical significance
Fixed limit (β0) 1.755 7.843 0.000
Finance 0.597 10.723 0.000
Correlation coefficient (R)=0.793 Determination Coefficient (R2)=0.629
Calculated value (F)=114.987 Statistical significance (.Sig)=0.000

Table value (F) in the degrees of numerator and denominator (1, 68), at the level of significance (α = 0.05) = 3.99

Tabular value (t) with a degree of freedom (68), at the level of significance (α = 0.05) test with two sides=1.99

From the results mentioned in Table (7), it is clear that:

The researcher assured that the SLR model’s validity is proven. This is reinforced by the calculated value of (F) of (114.987), which is greater than the tabular value (F) of (3.99), and also that the value of statistical significance (.Sig) is less than the level Moral (α = 0.05).

The statistical significance of the regression coefficient (β) of the (Finance) element has been confirmed. Therefore, there is a statistically significant effect at the level of significance (α = 0.05) of the mentioned dimension on the academic performance of Jordanian private universities. This is reinforced by the calculated value (t) of (10.723) which is greater than the tabular value (t) of (1.99). Also, the value of the statistical significance (.Sig) for the said dimension is less than the significance level (α = 0.05).

The value of the coefficient of determination (R2) of (0.629) shows that the dimension included in the model represented by the (Technology) dimension explains what is (62.9%) of the changes that occur in applying strategic planning. As for the remaining percentage (37.1%), it is due to other variables that were not included in the SLR model.

In view of the above-listed results, the fourth sub-null hypothesis (H04) was rejected, and the alternative hypothesis (H14) was accepted, according to which: There is a statistically significant effect at the level of significance (α = 0.05) for the (Finance) element on the academic performance of Jordanian private universities. As far as the researcher knows and is aware of previous literature related to the topic, no study has been found whose results are consistent with or different from the results of the present study.

Fifth Sub-hypothesis Test Results

H05:There is no statistically significant effect at the significant level of (α ≤ 0.05) of legislation on the academic performance of Jordanian private universities

To test the fifth sub-hypothesis validity or otherwise, SLR analysis was used as presented in Table No. (8) Below

Table 8
The Results of Multilinear Regression Analysis to Measure The Influence of Legislation on The Academic Performance of Jordanian Private Universities
Independent variable Regression coefficients (β) Calculated value (t) Statistical significance
Fixed limit (β0) 1.673 6.112 0.000
Legislation 0.631 9.039 0.000
Correlation coefficient (R)=0.739 Determination Coefficient (R2)=0.546
Calculated value (F)=81.708 Statistical significance (.Sig)=0.000

Table value (F) in the degrees of numerator and denominator (1, 68), at the level of significance (α = 0.05) =3.99

Tabular value (t) with a degree of freedom (68), at the level of significance (α = 0.05) test with two sides=1.99

From the results mentioned in Table (8), it is clear that:

The researcher assured that the SLR model’s validity has been shown. This is reinforced by the calculated value of (F) of (81.708), which is greater than the tabular value (F) of (3.99), and also that the value of statistical significance (.Sig) is less than the level Moral (α = 0.05).

The statistical significance of the coefficient of regression (β) (Legislation), the element has been confirmed. Therefore, there is a statistically significant effect at the level of significance (α = 0.05) of the mentioned dimension on the academic performance of Jordanian private universities. This is reinforced by the calculated value (t) of (9.039) which is greater than the tabular value (t) of (1.99). Also, the value of the statistical significance (.Sig) for the said dimension is less than the significance level (α = 0.05).

Given the above results, it was rejected the fifth hypothesis (H05) and accepted the alternative hypothesis (H15), which stated that: There is an effect on the academic functioning of Jordan's private universities that is statistically significant at meaning level (α+0.05) for (legislation). To the extent that the researcher knows and is aware of previous research on the topic, no study has been found whose results are consistent with or different from the results of the present study.

The value of the coefficient of determination (R2) of (0.546) shows that the dimension included in the model represented by the (Legislation) dimension explains what is (54.6%) of the changes that occur in applying strategic planning. As for the remaining percentage (45.4%), it is due to other variables that were not included in the SLR model.

Conclusion and Recommendations


A number of results have been achieved in this study:

The results of the analysis indicated that there was a statistically significant effect at the significance level of (α = 0.05) for human competence on the academic performance of Jordanian private universities.

The results of the analysis indicated that there was a statistically significant effect at the significance level of (α = 0.05) for the information on the academic performance of Jordanian private universities.

The results indicated the presence of a statistically significant effect at the significance level of (α = 0.05) for technology on the academic performance of Jordanian private universities.

The results of the analysis indicated that there was a statistically significant effect at the significance level of (α = 0.05) for Finance on the academic performance of Jordanian private universities.

The results of the analysis indicated that there was a statistically significant effect at the significance level of (α = 0.05) for the legislation on the academic performance of Jordanian private universities.


In light of the results of this study, the researcher recommends the following:

The necessity of working to increase the interest of Jordanian universities regarding the dimension (information), and holding training courses and workshops to clarify its importance, given that it obtained the last rank on the scale of faculty members estimates.

The necessity of emphasizing the use of technology and modern technologies, as they have a clear impact on the academic performance of Jordanian private universities.

The study recommends the necessity of conducting future studies similar to the present study aiming to investigate the impact of other factors on the academic performance of private Jordanian universities, taking into account the use of statistical methods that differ from those used in this study.


This research has been supported by Zarqa University, Jordan.


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