Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences (Print ISSN: 1524-7252; Online ISSN: 1532-5806)

Research Article: 2022 Vol: 25 Issue: 6

Networks of job opportunities in the literature from 2019 to 2022

Enrique Martinez Munoz, Unversidad Autonoma del Estado de Hidalgo

Cruz Garcia Lirios, Unversidad Autonoma del Estado de Hidalgo

Victor Hugo Merino Cordoba, Unversidad Autonoma del Estado de Hidalgo

Citation Information: Munoz, E.M., Lirios, C.G., & Cordoba, V.H.M. (2022). Networks of job opportunities in the literature from 2019 to 2022. Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences, 25(6), 1-8.


Social representations are a structure for the learning of consensus within expert groups. The objective of the present work was to explore the structure of categories, rounds and extracts to infer their relationships. A documentary study was conducted with sources indexed to international repositories, considering the centrality and the informational periphery of the training and the work, although the findings are limited to the design of the research, it is suggested to extend the work to other international repositories such as WoS and Scopus.


Agenda; Security; Propaganda; Social Representations; Attitudes; Identity.


Studies of propaganda, security, warn youth and old age; 1) the systematic dissemination of crimes attributed to political corruption; 2) state propaganda as legitimate security administrator his rectory; 3) the delegitimating of citizens to consider them incapable of preventing crime initiatives; 4) older sectors are excluded by assuming that they are incapable of self - control and self - care. Propaganda, considered a security system that implements the state to legitimize his rectory in terms of crime prevention and the administration of justice, has been studied social sciences in general and psychology in particular (Bautista et al., 2018). Therefore, propaganda has been disseminated in various media including television, radio, press and cinema had skewed the content and set the topics for discussion at a public agenda.

However, with the emergence of the Internet and social networks, state propaganda took on a new face to not only spread images and speeches, but now expressions of anger, fear, anger, surprise or anxiety that intensified helplessness and farsightedness of risk events and threats citizenship (Bustos et al., 2021). Thus, digital networks no longer build an agenda focused on issues but on terms that Internet users adopt to express their discontent or pleasure at any news, message, event or celebrity.

However, traditional propaganda, unlike modern propaganda, generates reflections against and for the guidance of the State (Carreon et al., 2017). This is because impacts differentially young audiences with respect to the largest public. While older adults used the radio and the press to have a close view of your local situation and the television and film to build a representation of the world in any case legitimated the rectory of the state and a nearby authority to represent him, young Netizens use networks to establish two types of threats focused on identity theft and ridicule. Both aspects, the legitimation of state violence by the perception of insecurity and the feeling of helplessness, as well as the representation of the privacy and identity depend on digital networks; reveal state propaganda as omnipresent actor in society.

The theory of social representations is introduced by Serge Moscovici in 1961, from his doctoral thesis called Psychoanalysis his image and his public work addresses the social representation of psychoanalysis and the image of the psychoanalyst in modern French society to analyze the areas where social representations were configured (Carreon, 2017). Moscovici takes as a basis the theoretical contributions of Durkheim collective representations which relate to the forms of thought that dominate a society, consisting of myths, religion, science, the dominant beliefs in a given society, which are incorporated in each one of its individuals.

This theory is recognized as a valuable contribution in the fields of social psychology, education, among others; now it constitutes an important reference for other social sciences for the study of social phenomena so the theory of social representations has been the theoretical foundation in conducting various investigations from various fields (Espinoza et al., 2022). Social representations are guides to action; determine behavior, social practices and dynamics of social relations. Cover retained information, selected and interpreted judgments made about the object and its environment, stereotypes and beliefs. The representation functions as a system of interpretation of reality that governs the relations of individuals between their physical and social environment, and to determine their behavior or practices. It is a guide for action, guides the actions and social relations. It is a system of pre-decoding of reality since it determines a set of anticipations and expectations.

Social representation it is always a representation of someone speaks and shows, communicates and expresses (Garcia et al., 2016). After all it produces and determines behavior, because at the same time defines the nature of the stimuli around us and provoke us, and the meaning of the answers that we give. Social representation is a particular form of knowledge, whose function is the development of behavior and communication among individuals.

The theory of social representations responds to four functions: 1. Functions know. They allow us to understand and explain reality. 2. Function's identity. Define the identity and allow safeguarding the specificity of the groups. 3. Functions Orientation: drive behaviors and practices and 4. justiciars functions can justify a posteriori the postures and behaviors.

A social representation is composed of two elements. 1. The objectification regard to the development and operation 2. The anchoring of social representation. They can be analyzed in three dimensions: 1. The information relates to the organization of the knowledge possessed by a group regarding a social object. 2. The field of representation or image refers to the idea of image, social model, the specific and limited content of the proposals which relate to a specific aspect of the object of representation and 3. The attitude has to do with favorable or unfavorable in relation to the object of social representation global orientation.

Man is a product in a very complex plot of ties and social relations; produced while determined, but at the same time producer, actor, protagonist (Carreon et al., 2017). This complexity of relationships becomes tangible for the subject from its concrete conditions of existence or what is the same, from particular areas in and through which objectivity is constructed so that the conditions of society penetrate to the center itself individuality constructing a subjectivity permanently crossed by a particular social belonging.

However, the "effect" on "the members of each society have a social reality that apparently share appears mediated by a complex network of links and meanings from which the" social "is emerging with a symbolic dimension that paralyzes any attempt mechanist to attribute a generic to a dialectical process of double construction "objectivity. Subjectivity is understood as a socio - psychological construction that stands as the product of a permanent interpretation of the individual, the group and the social and projects in specific social contexts and ways of acting, thinking and feeling from which, they are organized and they made tangible individualities that accompany tour of the human within its largest and most complex construction: society (Hernandez & Garcia, 2019).

If propaganda highlights the importance of identity and privacy while younger you are with respect to perceptions of insecurity of the elderly, then aging, youth and old age are transient categories set based on trust towards the contacts of the digital networks or in the case of the elderly, from their ability to represent their capabilities and resources, security, skills and knowledge (Juarez et al., 2019). Dementia is a syndrome characterized by a progressive deterioration of cognitive functions accompanied by psychiatric symptoms and behavioral disturbances resulting in progressive disability the patient.

In Mexico City, the prevalence of dementia in people 65 and older is 4.7% and 3 to 6% in Latin America (Limon et al., 2019). This figure can be anywhere from 20-30% when individuals are older. In Mexico there are programs designed by major public institutions such as the National Institute of Geriatrics, Care National Institute on Aging, Department of Health, etc., to serve the elderly, but from a very small picture, without offering an integrative approach, regardless of the patient, diagnosed with dementia, such as a human being who deserves respect and inclusion.

There is currently no curative treatment for people with dementia and care focuses on promoting wellness and improves the quality of life. Older adults are a vulnerable group to present a series of physical, biological and psychological characteristics that put them at greater disadvantage (Llamas et al., 2019). The care of these children lies with the (mostly women) and to a lesser extent siblings, or by institutions, if the economic level allowed; and may be the case that they are abandoned.

In the Federal District, institutions have focused only provide seniors "certain" benefits that allow them to meet their basic needs, however, no specific public policies for the care of those diagnosed with AD, offering them a Quality service. Also, there are no models for care that allows them to improve their quality of life (Juarez et al., 2020). Magdalena Contreras demarcation is one of the 16 delegations in the Federal District is divided. As governing bodies of the capital of the Republic they are decentralized delegations of the Federal District. It is located south west of Mexico City. Of the 16 delegations Magdalena Contreras ranks ninth in extension, with a land area of 7458.43 hectares, accounting for 5.1% of total territorial Federal District. Of this area, 82.05% (6,119.46 hectares) is ecological conservation area and the remaining 17.95% (1,338.97 hectares) is urban area

From this context it is necessary to carry out the study of social representations of the elderly in general and care of Alzheimer's in particular, since the media generate information that those involved in aging and care dementias assimilated as part of their cultural repertoire, which will define their strategies for treatment and prevention of mental illness (Lopez et al., 2019). Thus, the culture of respect for the elderly will determine family care as an inherent process to their family and groups of friends, but a culture that ponders youth over old age represents an abuse. Social representations are instances of processing information around which time is considered as a cultural process, but such is the influence of the group of belonging to the care of the elderly will be determined by the SCPs such as: "But know the devil that old devil "," as you see I saw, as I see I see "," If you want to grow old, then the tontejo haste ".

Therefore, the study of social representations from Alzheimer generates a comprehensive picture of the image of the caregiver against the attitudes of the elderly regarding the SCPs (Martinez et al., 2019). The diagnosis of social representations of Alzheimer care possible to anticipate scenarios of conflict between the elderly and the caregiver. In this sense, it will be feasible to explain the changes that are generated in the interplay between actors and propose models for intervention to reduce the effect of SCPs in the attitudes of the elderly and social representations of Alzheimer care.

Specify a model for studying the effects of propaganda security in the social representations of aging, youth and old age (Molina et al., 2019). The model includes three assumptions that explain the correlations between four constructs inferred by seven indicators set each as structural modeling criteria.

The social representations of the guidance of the State security affect collective representations of solidarity and cooperation of the largest identities (Morales et al., 2019). The trajectory anticipated scenarios legitimization of violence of institutions committed to crime prevention and combating crime, even if the administration of justice is not guaranteed. The logical route explains the process in which older adults assimilate their dependence on the state and local authorities in order to establish law and order. Such trail warns that differences between youth identities and older identities involves two types of governance than in the case of older identities is only possible through the use of violence against those who violate the laws and in the case of youth identities They employ the ideological apparatuses such as the media.

Social Security representations affect digital representations of youth identities privacy (Molina et al., 2021). It is a path that explains the influence of traditional media in digital networks, as disseminate information concerning the harassment (stalker, buller, troler) which would affect confidence towards the contacts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp Messenger or the main networks of interrelation among young identities.

Although collective representations and digital representations are differentiated instruments of legitimation of State may be conjoined with the purpose of influencing any identity is juvenile or greater (Quintero et al., 2018). This is the case of policies of common resources - information on environmental threats and risks, financial or social, that not only affect one sector or another, but could also affect future generations. The aim of this study is to specify a model for the study of social representations of aging, youth and old age as a result of the propaganda of public safety.

The objective of this work was to establish the research agenda around habitus as a social response to the pandemic and anti-COVID-19 policies focused on the distancing and confinement of people, as well as the use of preventive devices.

Are there significant differences between the findings reported in the literature from 2019 to 2022 and the evaluations of expert judges in habitus?

The premises that guide this work suggest that the habitus before COVID-19 is a comprehensive response of society to a risk event (Quiroz et al., 2020). In this sense, the habitus refers to a symbolic negotiation between the parties involved in order to reduce the impact of the health crisis (Sanchez et al., 2020). In this way, the habitis is inferred from dispositions against or in favor of expressions such as the stigma of health professionals, the flow of information in socio-digital networks, treatment and immunization alternatives, as well as the evaluation of management, control and risk management (Rincon et al., 2019). Therefore, the habitus can be seen in the ethical, aesthetic, logical and expressive dispositions of the parties involved in the face of the epidemic contingency (Sanchez et al., 2019). Ethical provisions refer to the principles that guide the avoidance of contact, distancing and confinement of people. The aesthetic provisions refer to the rejection or acceptance of the use of anti-COVID-19 devices such as masks, gloves and face shields. The logical dispositions suggest the probabilities of travel considering the risk exposure as it is the case of the costs and benefits of using public transport. Expressive dispositions indicate depersonalization or exhaustion in the face of solidarity in the face of the pandemic.


For this purpose, a non - experimental, retrospective and exploratory study was conducted with a nonrandom selection of indexed sources -Dialnet, Latindex, Redalyc-. The information was selected considering the conceptual dependency relationships between the explanatory variables of security and age. Subsequently, the information was processed into arrays of content analysis in order to establish the model (Rivera et al., 2015). Then, the selected variables were included in the model from hypothesizing. Finally, he described the model was developed with the assumptions paths correlations.

A non - experimental, retrospective and exploratory study was conducted with a nonrandom selection of indexed sources-Dialnet, Latindez, Redalic- the discretion of explanatory paths correlations between variables. The model included three hypotheses to explain the paths of correlations between four constructs and seven indicators for each. The revised theoretical, conceptual and empirical frameworks warn the inclusion of other variables such as helplessness, self - control, farsightedness, beliefs, attitudes and intentions that would complement the specified model. A comprehensive model would explain the correlations paths from theoretical frameworks that establish the difference between crime prevention capabilities, systematic observation of corruption with emphasis on impunity.

A documentary study was carried out with a non-probabilistic selection of sources indexed to international repositories, considering: Type A Literature: Reports of the positive effects of academic training on social representations of work. Literature type B: Reports of negative effects of academic training in social representations of work. Literature type C. Positive effects of professional training in social representations of work. Type D literature. Negative effects of professional training in the social representations of work. Literature type E Positive effects of job training in social representations of work. Literature type F: Negative effects of social representations of work.

The information was coded from the typology of the literature from 1 to 6 in the established order. The most representative and peripheral findings were selected for their qualification by expert judges in the themes, during three feedback rounds. The data were processed in the qualitative analysis package, version 4.0 estimating the parameters of normality and contingency.


Table 1 shows the values that show the normal distribution, as well as the contingent relationships between the informative extracts and the evaluation of the expert judges, considering three rounds of feedback and adjustment of the information to the consulted criteria.

Table 1
Descriptive Data
E M S W K A C1 C2
R1           X2 df p X2 Df p
e1 0.782 0.187 0.134 0.124 0.143 13.24 12 >0.05 - - -
e2 0.793 0.165 0.154 0.145 0.128 - - - - - -
e3 0.704 0.156 0.189 0.128 0.109 - - - - - -
e4 0.678 0.109 0.104 0.109 0.156 - - - - - -
e5 0.745 0.185 0.125 0.156 0.134 - - - - - -
e6 0.692 0.149 0.156 0.145 0.125 - - - - - -
R2           - - - - - -
e1 0.657 0.15 0.145 0.143 0.108 15.43 16 >0.05 - - -
e2 0.783 0.179 0.136 0.129 0.176 - - - - - -
e3 0.672 0.145 0.175 0.178 0.154 11.57 16 >0.05 - - -
e4 0.567 0.165 0.135 0.109 0.145 - - - 14.51 17 >0.05
e5 0.503 0.108 0.189 0.145 0.136 - - - - - -
e6 0.678 0.145 0.132 0.156 0.109 - - - - - -
R3 - - - - - - - - - - -
e1 0.439 0.103 0.146 0.123 0.124 17.32 13 >0.05 - - -
e2 0.672 0.16 0.154 0.143 0.143 15.48 13 >.05 - - -
e3 0.793 0.148 0.124 0.198 0.135 12.3 13 >0.05 - - -
e4 0.67 0.137 0.189 0.105 0.186 - - - - - -
e5 0.742 0.108 0.104 0.145 0.145 - - - 18.06 15 >0.05
e6 0.589 0.156 0.145 0.135 0.136 - - - 14.36 15 >0.05

The structure of significant descriptive and contingent relationships as the qualifying rounds happens, allowed estimating the relationships between extracts and categories in order to observe the structure of trajectories (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Networks Of Job Opportunities In The Literature From 2019 To 2022.

The structure of rounds, categories and extracts suggests a network of spurious learning, although they show a consensus regarding the central and peripheral categories of labor social representations (Garcia Lirios et al., 2017).


The contribution of this work to the state of knowledge lies in the specification of a model for the study of the incidence of social representations in collective representations, digital representations and youth identity or the identity of the elderly with regard to safety and privacy spread in the media. However, from other theoretical and conceptual frameworks -self-control, agenda setting, elaboration likelihood, reasoned action, planners' explanatory behavior trajectories dependency relationships between variables -indention, farsightedness, beliefs, attitudes are noted, intentions that could complement the specification of this work. Some specified models have shown that the messages of the traditional media have more influence on audiences older than youth identities. This is because security policies are focused on the emotions of the audience and manage to penetrate their emotions more easily through television, as images and speeches are instruments of greater influence than the data in sectors with low educational and older, although increasingly persuasion strategies are focused on the messages on local corruption administered by a federal entity, generating a socio - political identity and no difference age groups, but processing capabilities.

However older adults feel more guilt than youth with respect to insecurity, and they attribute to their age committing crimes against them. This means that the state propaganda directed to hold the non - citizen crime prevention, it affects mostly older adults who feel unable to confront the violence of civil courts. Therefore, a comprehensive model not only incorporate theoretical, conceptual and empirical frameworks, but also the perspective of young and older adults who watch propaganda differentially security, plus their perspective capacity generates an identity crime prevention but they may not always achieve that goal given the surrounding information regarding security at different levels and modalities.


The contribution of this work to the state of the matter lies in the specification of a model for the study of labor representations, considering two categories, a central and peripheral around the learning of consensus among expert judges in the areas that qualified six excerpts Synthetic findings.


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Received: 12-Aug-2022, Manuscript No. JMIDS-22-12451; Editor assigned: 15-Aug-2022, PreQC No. JMIDS-22-12451(PQ); Reviewed: 29-Aug-2022, QC No. JMIDS-22-12451; Revised: 13-Sep-2022, Manuscript No. JMIDS-22-12451(R); Published: 20-Sep-2022

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