Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal (Print ISSN: 1087-9595; Online ISSN: 1528-2686)

Research Article: 2020 Vol: 26 Issue: 3S

On the Relationship between "Part" and "Whole" in Psychological Research as Part of Entrepreneurship Activity

Igor V, Lebedev, Center for Information and Psychological Security

Alexander Yu. Kuznetsov, Center for Information and Psychological Security


Aim of the study: The life of modern society is closely linked to various risks: political, social, economic, financial, technological and others. Psychological aspects of people's behavior in a situation of risk were in the center of attention of psychologists at the beginning of the formation of Applied Psychology. Psychological readiness for risk was considered as a personal property, acting as a professionally important quality in dangerous professions or as an undesirable quality, contraindications in professions where it is necessary to exercise caution, prudence. In the context of the energy crisis and The Associated economic downturn, firms and manufacturing organizations were competitive, ready for flexible changes in product types, as well as for organizational and technological innovations. In this regard, researchers began to study a new type of risk - economic risk. Methodology: Traditionally, entrepreneurship is perceived by the general public as a risky, unpredictable and emotionally stressful activity. However, the person who likes it sees it as an outstanding value, an opportunity for professional and personal self-realization. She is clearly aware that business, like any other job, has its own goals, objectives and interests, which are quite closely combined with economic and psychological components. If profitability and profit are indicators of the economy, then self - realization of the individual is an indicator of psychological success. And money performs not only economic functions, but also becomes an important factor in the formation of the human psyche. Hence, it is absolutely logical that success in entrepreneurial activity depends on the psychological readiness of the individual for economic risks. Conclusion: The strategy of economic activity for the material support of one's life has a significant impact on such readiness. Therefore, the main obstacles to starting their own business, according to the unemployed themselves, are lack of funds, complex and contradictory legislation, large and unfair competition, as well as the dependence of small and medium-sized businesses on the political situation in the country, and so on.


The Principle of Holography of the Human Psyche, Non-Local Holographic Resonance, Levels of Understanding of the Whole in Psychological Science,, "Psyscanner", "Encoder", Identification of Business and Negative Personal Qualities.


An individual's readiness for economic risks is not a specific feature or feature, but an integral characteristic. It is built on the basis of human needs and individual psychological characteristics that meet the requirements of entrepreneurial activity.

A small business entrepreneur, where the unemployed mostly start, must also meet certain requirements, namely, have the necessary level of professional training, erudition and culture, developed social and moral qualities, a sense of professional honor and social responsibility for the results of work. You cannot do without an appropriate intellectual worldview, organizational skills, and analytical thinking. And their own business will also force them to show an active interest in management activities (have leadership skills), be able to be sociable, independent in making and implementing decisions, and have a sense of tact.

Modern business requires the person who is engaged in it, constant activity, the ability to flexibly and timely change the strategy of activity depending on the constantly changing conditions, as well as to be persistent and persistent in achieving the goal. And the most important thing is to have a great desire to create something new, that is, to constantly conduct innovative searches.

Enthusiasts who belong to the cohort of entrepreneurs are traditionally considered riskaverse. To achieve this goal, they are not afraid of even the loss of social stability. That is why not everyone will dare to take these pragmatic, but often dangerous steps.

The problems of risk psychology were and still are relevant for all psychology. At the same time, there is reason to believe that there are still issues in this area that require general psychological, theoretical and empirical research. In particular, there are no data on the limits of variability of risk propensity in ontogenesis, at different age stages, on the impact on risk propensity of the leading activity of the individual, its socio-professional status and the social situation of development in general.

At the present stage of society's development, there is a continuous increase in the number of risks affecting human life in various fields of activity. The development of a market economy leads to an increase in social significance and an increase in the number of specialists whose professional activity is associated with the need to act in conditions of uncertainty and make risky decisions.


The improvement of production technologies and the development of Science in general is manifested not only in a decrease, but often, on the contrary, in an increase in labor intensity, which requires the ability and willingness to act in difficult conditions. All this contributes to increasing the attention of scientists in various scientific fields to the problem of economic risk and psychological readiness for it.

Despite its sufficient prevalence in the Social Sciences, in general, risk and willingness to take economic risk are clearly insufficiently studied. The study of these very complex phenomena in many areas of scientific knowledge is applied and largely fragmentary, which does not allow us to form a complete and holistic view of them.

Let's give a few definitions of the concept. Risk is a situational characteristic of an activity that consists in the uncertainty of its outcome and can have adverse consequences in the event of failure. Risk is an action whose performance threatens the satisfaction of some rather important need or threatens the subject with loss - loss, injury, loss. Risk also acts as a situation of choosing between two (or even more) possible options for action, the result of which is problematic and associated with possible adverse consequences: less attractive, but more reliable and more attractive, but less reliable.

Regardless of the scope of occurrence, the genesis of the concept of "risk" is associated with a state of uncertainty, which is studied by both philosophy and the Natural Sciences.

The information approach identifies two external sources (classes) of uncertainty: information deficit and excess. A lack of information can be caused by its unreliability, inconsistency, distortion, inability to evaluate; and an excess can be caused by a large volume.

Modern research in the field of decision-making psychology links factors of subjective uncertainty (as an internal cause of uncertainty) with confidence in choice, which depends on both personal properties and subjective features of causality catheterization.

Risk-decisions or actions from the point of view of the subject characteristic of uncertainty, that is, where not only a person has identified a discrepancy between the necessary or potential opportunities in managing the situation, but also where the assessment of the potential itself is uncertain. Accordingly, readiness for economic risk will mean readiness to decide and act in conditions of subjective uncertainty. We are not talking about refusing to deploy intellectual orientation in a situation, but about a willingness to self-control actions in conditions of obvious incompleteness or unavailability of the necessary guidelines, as well as a willingness to rely on one's own potential.

Speaking about readiness for economic risk, it should be noted that a person's psychological readiness for activity in general is an integral psychological formation - a manifestation of the mental state and stable characteristics of the individual, which are prerequisites for effective activity. We understand readiness not only as an active and effective state of the individual, but, first of all, as a deep process of activity that reflects the content, sets tasks and conditions for future performance.

In Europe, in the 20-30s of the XX century, there are a number of schools proclaiming the principle of integrity in contrast to elementarism. Let's just name these schools, without going into the specifics of their approaches to the problem of integrity. This is the Austrian, so-called, Graz school of psychology, this is the" second " Leipzig school and, of course, the Berlin school of Gestalt psychology. Note, however, that the term "Gestalt" (it. form, structure) appeared 20 years before the emergence of " Gestalt psychology "in 1890 (in the same year with the advent of tests as new research methods) in the article of the psychologist of the Graz school Ehrenfels"On Gestalt qualities".

German psychologists, representatives of "holistic" psychology somewhat "strengthened" the understanding of integrity (M. Wertheimer, K. Koffka, V. Keller). They pointed out in their research that it is not the elements of consciousness that determine the content of the whole, but on the contrary: integrity affects the qualities displayed by the elements (Abramov, 2017).

Thus, we can say that there are several levels of understanding of the "whole"in the history of science.

First level. The whole is understood as a certain group of elements located together in a certain area, as the sum of some units. For example, four consists of four units, these units each have their own characteristics, which does not change depending on where this unit is located. A pile of stones is just a vivid representative of this understanding of the whole.

The second level of understanding of the whole is a system of a more complex order. There are elements in it, the connections between the elements are closer than the connections of the elements with the "external" world. Elements before entering the system had some properties, and after entering other properties (Gorelov, 2004). The system itself consists not only of elements, but also of subsystems (floors). Connections in the system are made both horizontally and vertically. A striking example of such a system is an atom or molecule.

The integrity of the third level is due to the fact that the elements included in the system acquire radically different qualities than before entering it. The system as a whole acquires completely different characteristics than the properties of the elements it consists of. An example of such a complex system is a living cell.

The fourth level of integrity development is a situation in which elements exist only in the system, forming a kind of universal device that does not arise by itself, but only when certain conditions are met. An example of such complex integrity is the structure of a proton consisting of three quarks and a gluon connecting them. When a proton decays, as is known, its elements cease to exist, turning into energy (Jung, 1997).

At the highest fifth level of integrity, there is a situation where integrity exists, but the elements that should be included in it are absent. At the same time, integrity of this kind in the material world almost does not exist, but is the prerogative of mainly mental reflection, for example, a mental image. If we talk about the material world, such phenomena occur in holograms.

Results and Discussion

A hologram is a whole that does not consist of primary elements. Both physical holograms and mental images are constructed as structurally non-localized phenomena. Any point of the holographic carrier (plate) contains a complete set of information about the entire integrity. But this is from a purely spatial point of view, and if we try to consider the hologram from a temporary position, we will discover its equally interesting properties (Lubysheva, 2014).

For example, a mental image is a hologram that contains a certain set of information about an object, and all the information can be recorded in two-dimensional space.

If this information is presented "partially" from a two-dimensional medium, i.e. for a very short time interval, then the psyche, building a three-dimensional form (three-dimensional), will still restore the whole by any tiny spatial or temporal component.

For example, if you "write" some information on a computer (figurative or semiotic), and then in a very short time it is presented to a person, it turns out that his psyche reacts to such presentation by building a complete image, which can be evidenced by certain motor reactions of a person.

Thus, any person can be studied, corrected, helped to get rid of unnecessary habits, etc.

The device in question has already been created, passed practical testing, and has positive results and reviews (Niebur, 2007). We call this method of psycho-diagnostics and psychocorrection "system holographic resonance", and the instruments themselves are called: a holographic device diagnostics "PsyScanner" and the unit of psychotherapy "Encoder»

The theoretical basis of the principle of operation of these tools and techniques was the basic principles of quantum physics, such as holography, i.e. the ability to preserve and restore the integrity of the human Self and the information accumulated by it, and the phenomenon of "quantum entanglement", a special case of which can be considered young's synchronicity.

In addition, in the practical development of our method, we relied on the fundamental theoretical propositions of Carl Gustov Jung about the collective unconscious, archetypes, and the phenomenon designated by Jung as synchronicity (Pauli, 1955).

When organizing our own experimental studies of our methodology, we used point-based information nano-micro-effects on the object of study. These point-based informational nanomicro- effects cause phenomena that we call non-local holographic resonance and recreate a complete picture of the psyche, which can be recorded with the help of appropriate tools.

As a result of research on the non-locality of the human psyche, we came to the conclusion that an important condition for the appearance of holographic resonance is the phenomenon of amplification of signals coming from subthreshold sensations of a person (Pribram, 2002).

In practical research using the PsyScanner technique, we used point-based information nano-micro-effects on the object of study. These point-based informational nano-micro effects cause the phenomena of non-local holographic resonance and are recorded using the PsyScanner tool, which determines the reaction rate to subthreshold images in the process of non-local holographic resonance that occurs in the "researcher – measurement procedure – test subject" system»

In the course of research, images embedded in the psyche resonate with images embedded in the computer program, i.e. point-based information micro-effects on the object of research cause the phenomenon of non-local psychosemantic resonance and are recorded using PsyScanner.

To solve these problems, we have developed: a complex of non-local holographic resonance, which includes the means of psychodiagnostics of the psyscanner APK and the means of psychocorrection of the "Encoder" APK»

Software and hardware complexes are modern fully automated means of psychodiagnostics and psychocorrection, designed to quickly determine the psychological characteristics and true motives of behavior, predict the degree of reliability and predictability, assess attitudes to a particular event, phenomenon or person, with the ability to document, in-depth analysis of programs and automated data exchange with a remote user using the Internet (Smirnov, 1995).

All software and hardware complexes have been tested and verified for more than ten years in the selection and training of employees of various structures, identification of business and negative personal qualities of personnel, training of highly qualified athletes, including Olympic and World Champions. The main advantages of these tools, created on the basis of non-local holographic resonance, are high reliability, ease of use, ease of interpretation of results and very high performance - in 15 - 20 minutes, the test subject answers 2000 – 2500 questions.

When performing psychocorrection, we synchronize the mental state with the non-local reality of the external world using the holographic effect of point nano effects.

In contrast to the spontaneous, unpredictable synchronization process, to achieve our goals, we use a controlled synchronization process with the semantic space that corresponds to the final result of the goal that is set for us.

This process includes several stages. First, we form the semantic space that corresponds to the goal.

Having formed the semantic space of the set goal, we use the tools of non-local holographic resonance to identify an individual psychosemantic driver, which will be an artificial interface with the area of non-local space that corresponds to the value of the information that makes up the individual behavioral program (Tsuchiya, 2008).

In parallel, a key stimulus is identified that is necessary for reproducing a behavioral program into the structure of a semantic driver. This individual key stimulus is designed to remove inhibition from the mental centers and ensures the implementation of the corresponding reaction that causes the" launch " of internal processes aimed at achieving the goal. This role can be played by signals of any modality: colors, smells, sounds, visual images, etc.


After identifying the psychosemantic driver and key stimulus, a special psychocorrection program is compiled, which is designed to start the process of synchronizing the human psyche with the non-local space in order to achieve the goal.

After synchronization occurs, as a result of the confusion of the psyche (human consciousness) and the simulated holographic image, the process of correcting the individual semantic space starts, which leads to a change in the inner world or subconscious of the person.

When we talk about synchronization, we are talking about the fact that the synchronization of our psyche occurs at the moment of performing an action with a non-local reality. If such synchronization suddenly occurs, then the person feels it as receiving additional energy to perform an action, and the energy can be even fantastic, it can be very much.

Thus, we can say that the principle of holography of the human psyche passes from the theoretical to the practical plane and using the tools of non-local holographic resonance from any person can be studied and corrected, help to get rid of unnecessary habits, etc.


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