Journal of Entrepreneurship Education (Print ISSN: 1098-8394; Online ISSN: 1528-2651)

Research Article: 2023 Vol: 26 Issue: 2

The influence of family environment and entrepreneurship education on student self efficacy

Durinta Puspasari, Surabaya State University

Citation Information: Puspasari, D.(2023). The Influence of Family Environment and Entrepreneurship Education on Student Self Efficacy. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 26(2),1-9.


The purpose of this research is to analyze 1) the direct effect of the family environment on entrepreneurship education; 2) the direct effect of the family environment on self-efficacy; 3) the direct effect of entrepreneurship education on self-efficacy; 4) the indirect effect of the family environment on self-efficacy through entrepreneurship education for Unesa Office Administration Education Study Program students. This research is explanatory research with a population of 183 students. The data analysis technique of this research uses path analysis techniques.

The results of the study show that the family environment has a significant positive effect on entrepreneurship education; family environment has a significant positive effect on self- efficacy; entrepreneurship education has a significant positive effect on self-efficacy; Entrepreneurship education as a mediating variable has a significant positive effect on family environment and self-efficacy.

The importance of self-efficacy for students in entrepreneurship is needed so that students have confidence in their abilities to conduct and manage a business, and are confident in being successful in entrepreneurship. Self-efficacy in entrepreneurship can be done through informal education, namely family (family environment) and formal education, namely entrepreneurship education to form entrepreneurs in students. Besides that, the existence of a family environment and entrepreneurship education can also foster self-efficacy in students to dare to become entrepreneurs or create jobs for others in the future.


Entrepreneurship Education, Self-development, Self-efficacy, Family Environment.


Education is a basic need for every human being carried out with the aim is to educate, and equipping yourself with science and technology so that you can adapt and compete against life's challenges both for now and for the future. Individuals can contribute to self-development, family, the surrounding community, as well as the nation and state through good education and quality. Education is one of the most important factors in the progress of a country that can create an independent and competitive nation. Through education, students can increase their self-confidence so that they have the confidence to do a certain thing. This self-confidence is commonly known as self-efficacy. According to Anggraeni & Nurcaya (2016), self-efficacy is defined as beliefs that a person has based on motivational, cognitive, and internal actions carry out the desired behavior to achieve a result. Self-efficacy can make students confident in carrying out certain activities, for example entrepreneurship. According to Anggraeni & Nurcaya (2016), self-efficacy is considered a person's belief in his ability to do and Manage something effort, and confidence that by doing the effort he will succeed in entrepreneurship.

Self-efficacy in entrepreneurship is influenced by the family environment obtained through informal education, namely family. Family environment has a major influence to shape the motivation that can be support and guidance to children in determining every step is taken and the future that is chosen. The family environment has contributed to forming entrepreneurs in the future will come. Saroni (2012) argues that the family environment has a significant contribution very big in preparing children to become an entrepreneur in the future will come. The family environment can also foster self-efficacy in children who dare to do business or create jobs for others in the future come. A similar opinion was also explained by Alma (2018) who stated that the environment family can influence a person to become an entrepreneur who can be seen in terms of the parental work factor, from parents who work alone and have their own business then their children tend to become entrepreneurs.

Self-efficacy in entrepreneurship is also influenced by entrepreneurship education obtained through formal education in universities. To be competitive in the world of work, entrepreneurship education is included in the curriculum to produce consistent output qualified and skilled. This is by Unesa's business plan for 2020-2024 related to Unesa's mission, goals, objectives and program target indicators, where it is wrong one of Unesa's missions is to conduct research in science and or technology that is beneficial for the development of science and the welfare of society aims to produce scientific work and creative work, both in the field of education and superior scientific knowledge as well as being a reference in the application of science and or technology. Based on this, it can be seen that Unesa is an institution of higher education that facilitates research in learning activities, one of which is through entrepreneurship education. Office Administration Education Study Program is one of the study program at the Unesa Faculty of Economics and Business (Surabaya State University) that requires students to take entrepreneurship education through major subject producers namely Entrepreneurship where the output produced is more ready to work and create jobs or entrepreneurship. In the entrepreneurship course, students are equipped with theories and practices about entrepreneurship so it is expected students can have an entrepreneurial spirit to reduce the number of unemployed in Indonesia. This is the opinion of which states that the education offered by universities generally influences the choice of student work. So needed the existence of student self-efficacy to instill the importance of entrepreneurship development to print capable entrepreneurship. Anggraeni & Nurcaya (2016) also stated that the purpose of entrepreneurship education is to form individuals with character, skills, and understanding of being an entrepreneur. Wardani & Nugraha (2021) also states that someone who has confidence in his abilities will make someone more persistent and determined to achieve success. On the contrary, someone who is not sure of their abilities will be an obstacle for themselves to achieving the desired goals. Indriyani & Subowo (2019) in their research explains that entrepreneurship education can influence selfefficacy and self-efficacy can influence entrepreneurial intentions positively and significantly. The purpose of this research is to analyze 1) the direct influence of the family environment on entrepreneurship education for students of the Administrative Education Study Program Unesa Office; 2) the direct effect of the family environment on student self-efficacy Unesa Office Administration Education Study Program; 3) the direct influence of education entrepreneurship on self-efficacy of students of Office Administration Education Study Program Unesa; 4) the indirect effect of family Environment on self-efficacy through Entrepreneurship Education for Unesa Office Administration Education Study Program students.

Theoretical Review Family Environment

In the development of a child's personality, the family environment has a very significant influence; this is because the family environment is the primary environment where a child gets his first education so has a very strong influence compared to the secondary environment (Wiani, et al., 2018). The family environment itself is also considered a form of motivation later will be an encouragement and support the child in determining every step is taken (Kusuma & Nugraha, 2021). In the context of entrepreneurship education, in particular in the development of selfefficacy in students, the family environment also has an influence, because for an entrepreneur self-efficacy will be formed based on whether or not someone can adapt in an entrepreneurial environment (Wibowo, 2016). This statement is reinforced by the opinion that parents who work as an entrepreneur tend to give birth to new entrepreneurial candidates, because they have parents as entrepreneurs who will inspire and motivate someone to become an entrepreneur (Mulyani, et al., 2018). This is due to someone who grew from an entrepreneurial family environment will feel accustomed to this environment and already understand the flow and methods of entrepreneurship (Sri et al., 2021). So not being directly in a family environment like that will make a person have deep self-efficacy in entrepreneurship. Studies conducted at Semarang State University also confirm this relationship between family environment and selfefficacy (Indriyani & Subowo, 2019). Indriyani found that the family environment greatly influences self-efficacy somebody. Because the family has provided material and non-material support material will foster a spirit of courage and high self-efficacy in people. This is supported by research results (Sri et al., 2021) which state that when self-efficacy is influenced by the environment so it will produce a deep reaction in a person's personality, for example when the environment limits or frees up space for movement individual will produce a reaction like that positive or negative. As well when students do entrepreneurship, with positive support from family, opportunities and resources will facilitate and enhance their business results.

Entrepreneurship Education

Entrepreneurship education is a science that discusses values, ability and behavior to experience life's obstacles (Bryan, 2018). In more detail, entrepreneurship education is considered a deep individual learning process that cultivates the ability to recognize commercial opportunities, knowledge, skills and attitude to act (Jones & English, 2004). By studying, someone will be able to self-development, this is by the cognitive social theory developed by Bandura (1986) states that one can learn by observing other people and through learning can bring about changes in one's behavior. One of the behaviors that can be developed with the existence of education entrepreneurship is self-efficacy. This happens because entrepreneurship education is an educational program that views the entrepreneurial dimension as important in providing debriefing to students (Mahbubah & Yonisa, 2022), where the learning process is applied through a lot of practice not just theory (Salami, 2019; Tiwari, et al, 2019) so that selfefficacy has a role in the development of activities learning (Pihie & Bagheri, 2013). From this statement it can be concluded that entrepreneurship education for students is considered capable of providing a positive influence and large impact on self-efficacy Sri et al. 2021, because the main point that students must have after attending entrepreneurship education or training is development knowledge, skills and can transform it as a running simulation and create new businesses (Maresch et al., 2016; Otache, 2019; Puni et al., 2018).

In this study the indicators of entrepreneurship education were adapted from Anggraeni & Nurcaya (2016) which consists of: a) entrepreneurship education is an important capital for success in entrepreneurship; b) entrepreneurship education is very important to become a provider in the future in entrepreneurship; c) entrepreneurship education can increase knowledge and insight into entrepreneurship; d) entrepreneurship education provides thoughts minimize risks in entrepreneurship; e) entrepreneurship education fosters entrepreneurial desire; f) Entrepreneurship education provides thinking about exploiting opportunities in entrepreneurship.


Self-efficacy is Bandura's social cognitive theory, where the theory states that the success of each individual depends on how deep the interaction occurs between individual behavior, personal factors and environmental conditions (Bandura, 1997). Self-efficacy itself is identified as one of the psychological factors in which a person feels confident and able to complete a behavior (Nursito & Nugroho, 2013; Sukmaningrum & Rahardjo, 2017). This is reinforced by the statement that self-efficacy is a belief as well as a person's assessment of his ability to learn or perform certain tasks (Schunk & Dibenedetto, 2016). In the context of entrepreneurship education, self-efficacy affects several aspects of performance that are important to the learner in terms of effort deployed and persistence in completing tasks (Taipjutorus, 2014). Self-efficacy too has a relationship with academic goals, where students with high self-efficacy tend to pursue higher academic goals (Taipjutorus, 2014). So selfefficacy, as a key element of social cognitive theory, is considered to be a variable significant in student learning, because it affects student motivation and learning (Dinther et al., 2011; Pajares, 2006).

Self-efficacy can also influence the mindsets, feelings, ambitions, and behavior of each individual (Zulkosky, 2009). Therefore self-efficacy is an important factor in stimulating readiness for entrepreneurship. Previous research suggests that self-efficacy has a significant relationship between the family environment and entrepreneurship education (Kusuma & Jaka, 2019; Akbar & Fitria, 2020; Indriyani & Wibowo, 2019).

State of the Art Research

There are several previous studies with a similar theme, but using various application models, analytical methods, research periods, and subjects different research with this research design. Among these previous studies is Sedlan (2017) who examined the effect of entrepreneurship education on self-efficacy within the scope of the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek in Croatia. Sedlan (2017) in his research found that there is a strong correlation between entrepreneurship education which was developed in tertiary institutions with self-efficacy in students. These findings indicate that entrepreneurship education is a good predictor relied upon for self-efficacy in students. Furthermore, research by Sri et al. (2021) investigate the relationship between entrepreneurship education, economic literacy and family environment in SMK students in Jember. Research findings suggest that there is a relationship between entrepreneurship education and family environment with self-efficacy in SMK students. Meanwhile, Dinther et al. (2021) investigates what factors are influencing student self- efficacy in several Dutch and Belgian universities. Results research shows that there is a direct relationship between entrepreneurship education and increasing self-efficacy among students.

The hypothesis in this study:

H1: family environment has a significant direct effect on entrepreneurship education Unesa Office Administration Education Study Program student

H2: family environment has a significant direct effect on student self-efficacy Unesa Office Administration Education Study Program

H3: Entrepreneurship education has a significant direct effect on self-efficacy Unesa Office Administration Education Study Program student

H4: family environment indirectly has a significant effect on self-efficacy through entrepreneurship education for students of the Office Administration Education Study Program Unesa

Research Methods

This research is explanatory research with a population this study were all students of the Office Administration Education Study Program Surabaya State University as many as 183 students. The data collection technique uses a questionnaire, while the data analysis technique used is path analysis (path analysis).

Research Results and Discussion Research Results

Convergent validity: After the questionnaire was tested on the sample, 1 statement item was deleted because the convergent validity value is below 0.30. So the remaining statement items and also declared valid on variable X1 are 6 statements out of a total of 7 statements, variable X2 has 5 statements, and variable Y has 6 statements. For more details, you can be seen Figure 1.


Figure 1: Convergent Validity.

While the loading factor value is based on Table 1, it can be seen that the factor value loading on each indicator ÿ 0.30. And the calculated T value is more than 1.960. And also the value of P Values below 0.05. So it can be stated that each indicator is valid.

Table 1 Factor Value Loading
  Original Sample (O) Sample Means (M) Standard Deviation (STDEV) T Statistics (|O/STDEV|) Values P
X1_2 0.443 0.442 0.089 4,948 0 0.00
X1_3 0.797 0.792 0.062 12,786 0 0.00
X1_4 0.657 0.653 0.073 9053 0 0.00
X1_5 0.610 0.605 0.083 7,352 0 0.00
X1_6 0.845 0839 0.055 15,405 0 0.00
X1_7 0.859 0.853 0.051 16,804 0 0.00
X2_1 0.690 0.687 0.070 9,826 0 0.00
X2_2 0.791 0.790 0.044 18,169 0 0.00
X2_3 0.842 0.843 0.028 30,261 0 0.00
X2_4 0.804 0.804 0.045 17,875 0 0.00
X2_5 0.736 0.738 0.050 14,624 0 0.00
Y1_1 0849 0.851 0.039 21,678 0 0.00
Y1_2 0913 0912 0.017 54,378 0 0.00
Y1_3 0.922 0.923 0.014 66,749 0 0.00
Y1_4 0913 0913 0.015 61,293 0 0.00
Y1_5 0.908 0.907 0.015 59,575 0 0.00
Y1_6 0867 0.866 0.025 34,574 0 0.00

Discriminant Validity

It can be seen that based on the cross loading value in Table 2, if the indicator that makes up each variable in this study has fulfilled discriminant validity is due to the outer loading value of each variable which formed the biggest from variable other, because that discriminant validity on each indicator on variables already fulfilled.

Table 2 Discriminant Validity
  Family Environment Entrepreneurship Education Self-Efficacy
X1_2 0.443 0.192 0.247
X1_3 0.797 0.204 0.360
X1_4 0.657 0.253 0.294
X1_5 0.610 0.232 0.291
X1_6 0.845 0.196 0.432
X1_7 0.859 0.248 0.474
X2_1 0.129 0.690 0.198
X2_2 0.204 0.791 0.293
X2_3 0.262 0.842 0.390
X2_4 0.244 0.804 0.372
X2_5 0.277 0.736 0.561
Y1_1 0.451 0.435 0.849
Y1_2 0.418 0.477 0.913
Y1_3 0.470 0.463 0.922
Y1_4 0.438 0.503 0.913
Y1_5 0.482 0.459 0.908
Y1_6 0.430 0.412 0.867

Based on Table 3 could be seen if the output loading from each construct (0.717; 0.774; 0.896) can be seen the score construct each loading is bigger than the construct other. So it can be that can be concluded that the indicators on each variable have sufficient discriminant validity.

Table 3 Output Loading
  Family Environment Entrepreneurship p Education Self-Efficacy
Family Environment 0.717    
Entrepreneurship Education 0.306 0.774  
Self-Efficacy 0.501 0.513 0896

Composite Reliability

Based on Table 4, the AVE value in each construct according to the criteria above 0.50 then it can be stated that discriminant validity is good besides that also has good reliability due to cronbach's alpha and composite results greater reliability of 0.60.

Table 4 Composite Reliability
  Cronbach's Alpha rho A Composite Reliability Average Variance Extracted
Family Environment 0.799 0.829 0.859 0.514
Entrepreneurship Education 0.841 0.868 0.882 0.600
Self-Efficacy 0.950 0.952 0.960 0.802

Structural Model (Inner Model)

In Table 5 it can be seen that the R-square results on the variable self-efficacy (Y), namely 0.393. This shows that 39 percent of self-efficacy variables have an impact family environment variable and entrepreneurship education variable. While 61 percent of others self-efficacy is influenced by other factors. Next is the education variable entrepreneurship results obtained by 0.094 or 9 percent are influenced by family environment and there are 91 percent other factors that influence education entrepreneurship.

Table 5 Structural Model (Inner Model)
  R Square R Square Adjusted
Entrepreneurship Education 0.094 0.089
Self-Efficacy 0.393 0.387


The Effect of Family Environment on Entrepreneurship Education Students Office Administration Education Study Program Unesa

The family environment takes an effect positive significant to entrepreneurship education. The results of the path coefficient are 0.306 and the t-statistic several 4.522 or ÿ of 1.96, and P Values of 0.000 or ÿ 0.05 Table 6. From the test results it can be concluded that the first hypothesis in this study was declared accepted or that there is a significant effect. This is supported by Nusannas (2018), which states that entrepreneurship education and family environment have a positive effect on interest in entrepreneurship among students. Research by Famila et al. (2021), states that entrepreneurship education and family environment have a significant effect simultaneously and significantly to students' interest in entrepreneurship.

Table 6 Testing Hypothesis
  Original Sample (O) Sample Means (M) Standard Deviation (STDEV) T-Statistics (|O/STDEV|) Values P
X1 -> X2 0.306 0.318 0.068 4,522 00 0.0
X1 -> Y 0.379 0.382 0.060 6,367 00 0.0
X2 -> Y 0.396 0.400 0.064 6.151 00 0.0
X1 -> X2 -> Y 0.121 0.127 0.033 3,639 00 0.0

The Effect of Family Environment on Self-Efficacy of Students Office Administration Education Study Program Unesa

Family environment has a significant positive effect on self-efficacy. Coefficient results path namely 0.379 and the t-statistic of 6.367 or ≥ of 1.96, and P Values of 0.000 or ≤ 0.05. From the test results it can be concluded that the second hypothesis in the study is declared accepted or there is a significant effect. It is supported by research by Sari & Rusdarti (2020) which states that the mediating variable is self-efficacy accepted as a mediating variable between the family environment and the interest in being a teacher. Shoimah (2019) revealed that the variable selfefficacy, environment Family and entrepreneurship education affect the interest in entrepreneurship mediation relationships partially or simultaneously.

The Effect of Entrepreneurship Education on Self-Efficacy Students Office Administration Education Study Program Unesa

Entrepreneurship education has a significant positive effect on self-efficacy. A result the path coefficient is 0.396 and the t-statistic is 6.151 or ≥ 1.96, and P Values of 0.000 or ≤ 0.05.

From the test results it can be concluded that the third hypothesis in this study is declared accepted or there is a significant effect. This matter is supported by Yanti (2019) which states that there is a positive influence and significant entrepreneurship education, self-efficacy, locus of control and entrepreneurial character on the interest in entrepreneurship of students of the University's Faculty of Economics and Business Muhammadiyah, North Sumatra. Research by Lesmana et al. (2018) shows that the variable of entrepreneurship education effects on selfefficacy, Entrepreneurship education influences interest in entrepreneurship, self-efficacy influences interest in entrepreneurship, and influential entrepreneurship education on interest in entrepreneurship through self-efficacy.

The Effect of Family Environment on Self Efficacy through Entrepreneurship Education Students Office Administration Education Study Program Unesa

Entrepreneurship education as a mediating variable has a positive effect significantly on the family environment and self-efficacy. Educational variable value entrepreneurship on family environment and self-efficacy with a path coefficient of 0.121, t-statistic of 3.639 ≥ 1.96 and P Values 0.000 ≤ 0.05, then the fourth hypothesis on this research is declared accepted or there is a significant effect. It is supported by research by Anand & Meftahudin (2020) which shows that the family environment is positive effect on interest in entrepreneurship, influential entrepreneurship education positive on interest in entrepreneurship, self-efficacy has a positive effect on interest in entrepreneurship, and motivation has a positive effect on entrepreneurial interest. Study Puspitaningsih (2016) suggests that there is an influence of entrepreneurship education on self-efficacy. Entrepreneurship education that starts from the family can affect selfefficacy, namely how to grow children's awareness and improve their ability to meet their own needs.


Based on the results and discussion it can be concluded that the family environment has an effect significant positive effect on entrepreneurship education; family environment has a positive effect significant to self-efficacy; Entrepreneurship education has a significant positive effect on self-efficacy; Entrepreneurship education as a mediating variable effects on significant positive effect on family environment and self-efficacy.


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Received: 16-Dec-2022, Manuscript No. AJEE-22-13001; Editor assigned: 19-Dec -2022, Pre QC No. AJEE-22-13001(PQ); Reviewed: 02- Jan-2023, QC No. AJEE-22-13001; Revised: 09-Jan-2023, Manuscript No. AJEE-22-13001(R); Published: 16-Jan-2023

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