Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal (Print ISSN: 1087-9595; Online ISSN: 1528-2686)

Research Article: 2021 Vol: 27 Issue: 6

Transformation of Citizension Education Based On Blended Learning ''Digital Cartoon" As An Integration Strengthener of Nationalism Characters in from Independent Learning

Anita Trisiana, Slamet Riyadi University

Arif Sutikno, Slamet Riyadi University

Anggit Grahito Wicaksono, Slamet Riyadi University

Ryzal Perdana, Universitas Lampung

Citation Information: Trisiana, A., Sutikno, A., Wicaksono, A.G., & Perdana, P. (2021).Transformation of citizension education based on blended learning "digital cartoon" as an integration strengthened of nationalism characters in from independent learning. Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal, 27(6), 1-13.


This research was conducted to produce a Blended Learning Model based on cartoon digital media to strengthen the integration of the national character with the novelty of science and technology, social and cultural products that can be applied in Higher Education. The research method used is Research Development (R&D). Data obtained by means of triangulation of data and sources. Data were analyzed using an interactive analysis model. The results show that the alignment of Citizenship Education transformation with efforts to improve the quality of learning is in accordance with the demands of education in the 21st century and the Industrial Era 4.0, where the expected competencies are the ability and skills to think critically, creatively, collaborate, skills in communication, and related abilities. Technological literacy, has obtained a percentage value of 73%. The alignment of cartoon media with the creativity needs of students as part of its intellectual attitude gets a score of 78%. Alignment of the learning model with character education in tertiary institutions that require development in the implementation of the Free Learning Curriculum obtained a value of 82%. The suitability of the learning model with the basic values developed has a value of 94%. The novelty of this research is the adaptation of learning technology to become a necessity in the process of the Digital Revolution in the world of education, especially the scientific development of civic education, both theoretically and practically.


Citizenship Education, Blended Learning, National Character, Freedom of Learning.


In this modern era, innovation and creativity are very important to develop a more advanced Indonesia. Students must be prepared to be true learners who are skilled, flexible, and resilient (Directorate of Higher Education, 2020). The concept of 'Freedom of Learning' will provide a more meaningful experience for students; of course this will also be accompanied by the concept of ‘Freedom of Teaching’ from lecturers (Siregar, et al., 2020). Freedom of Teaching is expected to be a benchmark for the success of educational programs in the age of digitalization. Lecturers are required to think independently in translating each material competency presented to students. Lecturers must also be able to provide a stimulus for students to collaborate and create creative works. In addition, it provides an insight that the current era demands what they can do, not to know what.

The Blended Learning Model is a learning model that can accommodate efforts to improve the quality of learning according to these demands (Directorate of Higher Education, 2020; Ololube, 2011; Sulistya & Seni, 2019). Through a combination of traditional (face-to-face) learning and online learning, it will provide more variations in the process of providing learning experiences for students (Muhtadi, 2019). Through diverse learning experiences, students are expected to be able to master skills that match the criteria of education in the 21st century and the era of media digitization.

Character education is unique to the individual, character education needs to pay attention to the potential of the individual (Arthur, 2005; Novianti, 2017). Character education based on self-potential is able to guide and also foster students to be productive, innovative, creative, have intellectual competence, mechanical skills, and character building (Khan, 2010; Carr, 2017; Aprianto & Saputro, 2020).This character education can be realized if the appropriate learning model is applied, one of which is the Blended Learning Model. Of course this is because the entire learning process in this learning model will be integrated with technology-based facilities, both in the form of processes and in the form of hardware and software. Technology in the form of this process consists of several aspects, namely structuring the material content and determining learning strategies (Muhtadi, 2019).

One of the alternatives developed in blended learning is animation media. Animation as a learning medium is used to be able to maximize aspects of the visual effect. In addition, this media will provide continuous interaction so that students' understanding of teaching materials can be improved. Animated media in learning has the ability to be able to describe something that is complex and difficult to explain if it is conveyed only with pictures and words (Aprianto & Saputro, 2020; Kessler & Catherine, 2000). Animated media can be used to explain an abstract material by visualizing it so that the material looks real. Based on this, this animation media can be used as a medium for implementing the Blended Learning Model so that the expected learning outcomes in character education can be fulfilled.

Based on the results of the preliminary study, to some lecturers of general subjects in Solo City, Central Java Province, Indonesia, and to lecturers who are members of the Central and Regional Level Pancasila and Citizenship Education Lecturers Association, as well as the Citizenship Education Lecturer Association in Indonesia, stated that the current learning situation, especially during this pandemic, is 1) 70% said that learning uses more of the online lecture method so that it makes students bored because it is only an object in learning, is less creative, and they are only busy doing assignments from lecturers other; 2) 60% said that the learning resources used in the classroom were still very limited so that students were not given the opportunity to find materials from various sources other than textbooks which could provide opportunities for creativity and innovation development; 3) 75% said that learning tends to focus on the cognitive realm, and even tends to ignore the achievement of soft skills and character development; and 4) 80% said that cartoon digital media has never been used and has not been developed with blended learning as long as the lecturer is doing the learning

Literature Review

Learning Model Blended Learning

Blended learning is a learning process in which there is a combination of online learning and conventional learning (face to face) (Ololube, 2011; Sulisworo et al., 2020; Kaur, 2013). That is, this learning model uses two different techniques and technologies (Köse, 2010). In this type of learning model, students will be facilitated so that they can carry out learning and repetition of teaching materials, where all of this is done independently using online and offline learning sources, while one other learning session is carried out directly in the classroom. This learning does not only integrate technology in the learning process in the classroom, but instead the existence of this technology is focused on being able to facilitate students to explore teaching materials in depth, and even gain meaningful learning experiences independently. Online sessions and face-to-face (offline) sessions are continuous and complementary. (Muhtadi, 2019) explains that there are three main reasons why teachers choose to use the blended learning model, including 1) improving the quality of student learning because it allows for the application of various kinds of learning strategies with more student involvement that cannot be applied in conventional learning; 2) increase flexibility and access to learning experiences with unlimited learning resources; and 3) increasing the efficiency of the learning process, especially the use of funds and time. In addition, the blended learning model will also provide solutions for lecturers in dealing with learning problems, namely 1) lack of participation; 2) speed of learning; 3) individualization (adjustment to the interests, talents, abilities and goals of each); 4) place; 5) personal interactions; 6) preparation; and 7) feedback (Muhtadi, 2019; Kaur, 2013). The results of a study conducted by (Obiedat, et al., 2014; Bi & Shi, 2019) show that the application of the blended learning model can significantly increase academic achievement and improve teaching quality.

In its implementation, the blended learning model can run by utilizing various kinds of learning system services, especially using the Learning Management System (LMS). These applications can be used for documentation, administration, reporting, tracking, and delivery of training programs. This application is also a learning management which is basically prepared for students and teachers, especially in carrying out the learning process through software. There are several types of LMS software that can be used, namely Canvas, Moodle, Edmodo, Google Classroom, Digital Home Learning Class, and others (Ellis, 2009; Kataoka et al., 2018 ).

The relevance of Cartoon Digital Media in Blended Learning

Cartoon Digital Media can be used to explain concepts and examples in the learning process. For this purpose, auto-run static animation and interactive animation can be used, It is possible for students to take an active role by changing the value or position in certain parts of the animation. The stages of learning activities are 1) observing examples; 2) work on related practice questions; 3) receive information; 4) asking for an explanation; and 5) doing evaluation (Muhtadi, 2019; Sarkadi, et al., 2020; Ogle, et al., 2017). The advantages of cartoon animation media in learning are 1) able to convey complex concepts visually and dynamically; 2) increase the attractiveness of students so that they will pay more attention; 3) able to convey messages better; 4) help provide virtual learning; 5) able to offer a more enjoyable medium; and 6) able to increase learning motivation and stimulate students' thinking skills. The visual and dynamic appearance of animation technology will be able to facilitate in describing a concept application process (Ogle, et al., 2017; Battistich, 2003; Liu & Elms, 2019). The results of a study conducted by (Zheng, 2019) show that the use of cartoon media can improve the quality of learning and improve student learning outcomes.

Development of the Character Education Model

There are 5 objectives of character education, namely 1) developing aspects of the attitude of students as citizens and humans who have universal values on the character of the nation; 2) develop the behavior and habits of students to do praiseworthy so that they are in line with universal values and traditions; 3) instilling a leadership attitude and a sense of responsibility in students; 4) develop the ability of students to become human beings who are independent, creative, and have a national perspective as a learning environment that is safe, honest, full of creativity, friendship, and nationalism; and 5) develop a learning environment that is safe, full of creativity, honesty, a strong and strong sense of nationality, and friendship (Sarkadi et al., 2020).

Character education is carried out for three functions, namely 1) forming and developing the potential of students to have noble morals, think, and behave in accordance with the Pancasila philosophy; 2) reforming and strengthening the role of the family, educational institutions, community environment, and the role of the government to be responsible in developing the potential of citizens towards an independent, advanced and prosperous nation; and 3) sorting and filtering the culture of one's own nation and the culture of other nations which are inconsistent with the cultural values and character of the nation (Carr, 2008). All these functions are carried out through 1) establishing Pancasila as a philosophy and ideology; 2) strengthening the values and norms in the 1945 constitution; 3) strengthening the commitment as a unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia; 4) strengthening values in accordance with the concept of Bhineka Tunggal Ika; and 5) strengthening the nation's competitiveness in a global context.

The Implementation of Free Learning at the Campus

The Freedom Campus is one of the government's policies to encourage students to master various disciplines which will later be useful for entering the world of work Directorate of Higher Education, 2020). Freedom Campus will provide more opportunities for students to be able to choose which courses to take. The concept of self-study that is applied aims to make students more flexible to be able to study outside campus. This concept is still being developed by the Ministry of Education and Culture in order to get qualified future leaders. The Freedom campus will be able to provide challenges and opportunities to develop capacity, creativity, needs, personality, and independence in finding knowledge according to reality and dynamics in the field (real problems, ability needs, collaboration, social interaction, self-management, targets, performance demands, and their achievements (Directorate of Higher Education, 2020). For this reason, the government must prepare students to be able to face the world of work, social, cultural changes, and rapid technological advances by fulfilling competencies that are relevant to the needs of the times. In this case, universities are required to be able to design and carry out creative and innovative learning. This is adjusted to the provisions of Law Number 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education which explains that the tertiary education curriculum must be designed and refers to the goals of national higher education standards which include the development of intellectual intelligence, noble character, and skills.


Research Design

This research is a type of research and development (R & D). The research implementation refers to the R&D stage proclaimed by (Borg et al., 1996) are (1) collecting data as a basis for needs analysis; (2) product planning; (3) designing the initial draft of the product; (4) field trials involving experts; (5) revision of the initial product design; (6) limited initial field trials; (7) limited revisions to the field test results; (8) extensive trials; (9) product revision based on extensive trials; (10) dissemination and implementation (Sukmadinata, 2015). Visually, the research and development steps that have been modified and used in this study can be seen in (Figure 1).

Figure 1 Development Research Steps

Research Data

The data used are primary data and secondary data. Primary data is obtained through observations of informants, places, and events (through site inspection). The informants involved were lecturers, students, and related stakeholders. Meanwhile, secondary data was obtained through the study of appropriate documents from each institution implementing character education covering the regions of Java and Bali.

Data Collection

Data were collected using several methods, namely 1) field observations (observing the implementation of Citizenship Education learning in Higher Education in Yogyakarta, Java, and Bali); 2) Focus Group Discussion to get a comprehensive picture of the draft of the blended learning model based on digital media; 3) in-depth interviews with policy makers who implement an independent learning curriculum; and 4) documentary method by analyzing the results of the learning tools and Citizenship Education learning media.

Data Analysis

The analysis was carried out qualitatively with the Interactive Analysis Model (Huberman & Miles, 2002). In this analysis model, researchers always make data reduction and present the data obtained continuously until they are arranged to draw a conclusion.

Results and Discussion

Analysis of Citizenship Education Transformation Needs

The reality in the field shows that learning problems in the use of learning models are a factor in the weakness of lecturers in developing innovative learning models that are able to integrate character values as a whole and increase the achievement of goals in learning. Most of the lecturers who are members of the Citizenship Education Lecturer Association in the preliminary study activities state that the implementation of the independent learning curriculum does not understand much about the holistic approach as a change in mind-set to achieve Main Performance indicators. So that the lecture method still dominates in learning. This is because they are pursuing the achievement of completing learning materials that must be completed in one semester so that the overall assessment process that leads to attitude assessment is rarely carried out (Interview Results, October 2020). This, further strengthens that lecturers need the use of innovative learning models that are able to integrate character education in the independent learning curriculum. The learning process must be humanistic so that it is able to develop all the potential of students so that they become citizens who are noble, intelligent, participatory, democratic and responsible.

Based on research conducted by (Abd Mukti & Hwa, 2004), the field of education is faced with various challenges with the demands of teaching and learning for the 21st century. The work produced in the research conducted by Mukti & Hwa, 2004 is an interactive multimedia courseware package for the education of moral values called CITRA. This is a didactic tool for the learning process that aims to transfer good moral values presented in interactive multimedia. The difference with this study is the attitude aspect which is used as the focus of the application of the independent learning curriculum where the process is applied through core competencies and renewal of intellectual attitudes.

The data in Table 1 shows that Citizenship Education has an important role in building the character of the nation. A total of 24 tertiary institutions in this study (73%) answered strongly about this. This proves that Citizenship Education has a role and contribution in improving the character of the nation, especially the morality of educators and students. The rest, as many as 4 tertiary institutions (12%) agreed that Citizenship Education plays a role in building the character of the nation which is supported by government policies, and as many as 2 universities (6%) expressed doubt due to inconsistent government policies towards national character education. And as many as 3 universities (9%) disagree. This shows that even though the character education policy has been well socialized, the targets and focus of the policies made must be right on the intended object. From the data in Table 1, it can also be seen that the problem of learning Citizenship Education in Higher Education (as much as 78%) is dominated by cognitive attainment alone, while the remaining 22% disagree.

Table 1 Citizenship Education has an important role in building the character of the nations.

Regarding the development of a character education learning model, 27 universities (82%) strongly agree so that lecturers support government policies that care about character development. As many as 4 universities (12%) agreed because they depend on higher education policies. And the remaining 2 universities (6%) expressed doubts because they saw the facilities and infrastructure in higher education.

Regarding the development of character education learning tools, as many as 31 universities (94%) answered strongly agree, namely by fully supporting the strategy of developing the grand design of character education in Citizenship Education learning in order to support the implementation of the Free Learning curriculum. While the remaining 2 tertiary institutions (6%) answered agree because they considered the need for socialization of the implementation of the Merdeka Learning policy to strengthen the implementation of character education.

An analysis of the needs for an innovative learning model that is in line with the digital revolution is needed. This can strengthen the character building of students, not only in the classroom, but also outside the classroom through living with character activities. This has an effect on the use of the learning model used by lecturers. The development of character education learning models in tertiary institutions should be carried out a lot based on the creativity and competence of lecturers in developing learning models in the classroom. As in the results of the preliminary study in Table 1, 82% of the lecturers stated that creativity and competence of lecturers greatly influenced the development of learning models and had an impact on the learning process. So that the Citizenship Education learning process can achieve competence and the use of innovative learning models has a direct and indirect impact on learning, as an alternative in this study is the Blended Learning model.

Table 1 Citizenship Education
Criteria Jumlah Responden Hasil Penilaian
Strongly Agree Agree Doubt Disagree
Citizenship Education has an important role in building the character of the nations 33 73 % 12 % 6 % 9 %
Problems Learning Citizenship Education in Higher Education is dominated by the cognitive domain 78 % 0 % 0 % 22 %
Development of Learning Models for Character Education 82 % 12 % 6 % 0 %
Development of Learning Tools in Character Education 94 % 6 % 0 % 0 %

Blended Learning Transformation in Citizenship Education

The characteristics of Blended learning are 1) combining various educational models, methods of delivery, and learning styles using technology-based media; 2) combining direct learning (face to face), independent learning, and learning using an online system; and 3) equality of roles between teachers (facilitators) and parents (supporters) (Muhtadi, 2019; Prayitno, 2015; Kaur, 2013;Christensen et al., 2013) stated that there are many models that teachers can use to apply online and face-to-face learning activities in blended learning, namely:

1. Class Station Rotation Model. As the name implies, in this learning model there are several places or stops (stations) where students can take turns in according to the agreement or direction of the teacher. At one of the stops (station), students and teachers can discuss with each other to solve problems encountered by students. This learning model is often used in learning at Higher Education.

2. Whole Group Rotation Model. In contrast of the class station rotation model where the movements made by students are still in the same room, in the class lab/ whole group rotation model, students will be arranged to move from one room to another. One room is used for online learning sessions while the other room is used for other activities. In this class model, the role of the lecturer is not only limited to one small group in one stop (station). But here, the teacher has a role to facilitate and help students individually when learning to use electronic devices.

3. Classroom Flipped Model. Usually, in a conventional learning, students learn a material in class. Then students will get assignments related to these materials to work on after class hours are over. However, what often happens is that students often experience confusion because of the unavailability of teaching resources and materials that can help them complete their homework. The learning flipped classroom model reverses the cycle that usually occurs. Before students start class, they will get live teaching by online video.

4. Rotation Individual Model. In this model, students receive a schedule tailored to each individual to be able to learn independently. This schedule can be arranged either by the teacher or arranged online. The individual rotation model is different from other rotation models because students do not move from one place to another.

5. Self-Blend Model. In this model, learners can take one or more online learning activities in addition to-face learning activities that have been carried out.

6. Enriched Virtual Model. In this learning class model is divided into two sessions, face-to-face learning and online learning. Originally the -enriched-virtual fully classroom model was the online classroom model. However, in its development, added blended learning model is to facilitate students through face-to-face learning. The enriched-virtual model is different from the flipped model because face-to-face learning in the enriched-virtual model not done every day. This class model is also different from the Self-Blend model because the learning offered is a whole learning activity, not a specific material.

Design of Blended Learning Model Based on Cartoon Digital Media

In designing a blended learning model, teachers need to master how to integrate online learning with face-to-face learning. Some of the abilities that need to be mastered in the process of integrating these two lessons include the ability to utilize data on student characteristics and teaching techniques. The important thing that needs to be considered in learning that uses a blended learning model based on cartoon digital media is the interaction between students and learning content, students and lecturers, and interactions between students and other students. When designing learning that uses a blended learning model based on cartoon digital media, the lecturer must combine the types of interactions above, both in online learning and face-to-face learning. There are three important components that must be considered in designing and developing learning activities with a blended learning model, including:

(a) Achievement standards and learning objectives. Achievement standards are determined by the national curriculum and describe in general the results that must be achieved by students after learning. When designing a learning activity, it would be better if the learning outcome standards were broken down into several more specific goals that could be achieved through a single learning activity. Learning objectives usually begin with the phrase "At the end of the lesson, students are able to". Learning objectives are used as a reference for determining content, activities, and the assessment process in learning.

(b) Assessment. To be able to measure the level of understanding of the material and the ability of students and determine whether students have been able to achieve the achievement standards and learning objectives, an assessment procedure is needed. The assessment procedures used can be in the form of written assessments (tests, quizzes, and essays), performance appraisals (project creation and presentations), formative assessments, and summative assessments.

(c) Learning Activities. During learning activities, an assessment of the process, activeness, and participation of students can be carried out. For example, during discussion activities, reading activities or listening to material explanations. These three components must be in harmony with one another. The Cartoon Digital Media Model of Islamic Value is a learning media model developed following the Research & Development (R & D) method with the model formulated by (Borg et al., 1996). At the product development stage, the Cartoon Digital Media Model of Islamic values is produced through three main stages, namely the pre-production stage, the production stage, and the post-production stage. The following is an explanation of each stage:

(d) Pre-Production Stage. At this stage, an analysis of the need for learning media is carried out. This analysis was carried out to explore the fundamental problems of the development of learning media, namely the integration of Islamic values in learning Citizenship Education in Higher Education. This Cartoon Digital Media Model of Islamic Values is in the form of cartoon animation videos with story ideas about student activities at the Slamet Riyadi University campus which are able to bring out the values of the hero characters in the story. After the story idea is determined, the next step is to compile the grid for the Cartoon Digital Media Model of Islamic Values on the material "Pancasila as a Philosophical System" which can be seen in (Table 2).

Table 2 Grid for Digital Media Material for Cartoon Digital Media
Indicators Themes
 Riyadi’s Value
Place of
Current Issues
The ability to
implement ethical and legal norms based on Pancasila in accordance
with the profession.
1. Explain the principal position of Pancasila for the Indonesian state
2. Explain the meaning of each value in Pancasila
3. Making examples of norms based on the values of Pancasila
4. Distinguishing ethical and
legal norms in statelife
5. Give examples of behaviour that deviates from ethical norms and their sanctions.
6. Give examples of behaviour that deviates from legal norms and their sanctions.
7. Demonstrate behaviour in
accordance with the
professional code of ethics.
of Learning Pancasila
1. Bold and
assertive (Assertive)
2. Concemed
with the greater interest (Greater interest)
3. The spirit of
never giving up (High-spirited)
4. willing to
sacrifice and selfless (Sacrifiece and selflessly).
students chatted
casually while
eating discussing the
philosophy of Pancasila.
existence of Pancasila Ideology

Table 2 Grid for Digital Media Material for Cartoon Digital Media for Islamic Values "Pancasila as a Philosophical System"

After the grid of the Digital Cartoon Value Media Model material on the material "Pancasila as a Philosophical System", the next step is to create a character that can represent the values of Slamet Riyadi's character. There are 4 characters that are determined, namely Slamet, Riya, Adi, and Bram. The character of this character has a philosophy representing the name of the hero "Slamet Riyadi" himself. The four character characters represent Slamet Riyadi's different character values. Slamet's character is a student who is innocent, simple, loves the country, has good character, is honest, and intelligent. Riya's character is a female student who is beautiful, careful, smart, has an unyielding spirit, and is willing to sacrifice. Adi's character is a handsome, brave, assertive student, has strong principles, is disciplined, and always prioritizes common interests. Bram's character is a student who is whiny, not serious, confident, and often disconnects. The initial sketches of the four figures can be seen in (Figure 2).

Figure 2 Initial Sketches of the Four Characters

After sketching each character, then compiling a dialogue scenario for each character into a story. The scenario tells about the activities of students after college who are discussing the "Benefits of Learning Pancasila" at Mami's Canteen, Slamet Riyadi University. The scenario consists of six scenes. The dialogue in the first scene is between Riya and Slamet in mom's canteen while talking waiting for their two friends. The dialogue in the second scene is between Bram and Adi in the hallway of the building while chatting. The dialogue in the third scene is between the four characters, namely Slamet, Riya, Adi, and Bram who are in mom's canteen to eat and just chat. The dialogue in the fourth scene is between the four characters, namely Slamet, Riya, Adi, and Bram who are in mom's canteen while chatting casually. The dialogue in the fifth scene is between the four characters, namely Slamet, Riya, Adi, and Bram who are in mom's canteen while chatting seriously. The dialogue in the sixth scene is that the four characters, namely Slamet, Riya, Adi, and Bram say goodbye to return to their respective activities.

After the Cartoon Digital Media Storyboard of Islamic Values is complete, the next step is to take the voice for each voice. The tools used in the voice filling of the characters are Soundcard V8 Audio Mixer External, Smartphone, Mic Condenser, and Earphones. This equipment is used as a support in the process of taking voice or dubbing the voice of each character.

Production Stage

The design in the pre-production stage is realized into a product of the Cartoon Digital Media Model of Islamic Values. The main software is CrazyTalk Animator with the help of Paint applications, Paint Tool SAI, and Photoshop. The first stage is sketching all the characters and coloring them also using the Paint application, Paint Tool SAI, and Photoshop. The sketch results can be seen in Figure 3.

Figure 3 Bram and Slamet Figures

The second stage is to create the background and coloring it using Paint, Paint Tool SAI, and Photoshop. The backgrounds made are Mami's Canteen and Building Hallway. The third stage is the animation process using a computer with the CrazyTalk Animator software, starting with the provision of frames on the images of each character that have been made. The process of giving a frame to the Bram character can be seen in Figure 4 (a).

Figure 4 (A) Giving Bone to the Character's Body
(B) Giving Facial Wireframe for the Face of the Character

After giving bone to the character's body part, facial wireframe is given to the character's face. This is to be able to express the facial expressions of the characters to be visible (see Figure 4 (b)). The last stage is to animate the characters using the CrazyTalk Animator software. In addition, it is also done inserting character voice dialogues and inserting dialog explanatory text on the existing animation results. The final result at this stage is the cartoon digital media animation.

Post Production Stage

At this stage, the results of the animated cartoon digital media undergo an editing process into one complete story. The next stage is the process of inserting back sound and sound effects through the CrazyTalk Animator software on the animated results of cartoon digital media. When finished, the next step is to save the animation results. At the time of saving, select the video as a result of the storage so that when saving the video "Render" process will occur. Wait a few minutes for the rendering process to finish. If the Rendering process is complete, the animated cartoon digital media video is ready.


Citizenship Education Transformation needs to go hand in hand with the transformation of Higher Education in implementing the Free Learning Curriculum. The relevance of strengthening the integration of national character is a necessity and a necessity to support a change in the mindset of Higher Education, in achieving the main performance indicators of independent learning. The process of preparing learning activities is adjusted to the blended Learning model based cartoon digital media on selected as well as several characteristics such as learning facilities, availability of access to technology, age and ability of students, and duration of lesson hours. In addition, in compiling and combining face-to-face and online learning activities, lecturers need to master ICT skills, which are supported by a strong understanding of the main performance indicators of the independent learning curriculum.


The researcher would like to thank the Ministry of Cultural Education, and the Slamet Riyadi Surakarta Education Foundation for supporting this research activity, it is hoped that the results of this study will become a reference frame for similar research, namely in strengthening the implementation of independent learning policies, and adapting new habits in developing learning models.


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