Journal Submission Instructions
There are two approaches to manuscript submission for any of our family of journals. The first approach is the traditional one, which we call Direct Submission. The second is to submit a manuscript which has been accepted for presentation at one of our conferences for journal publication consideration, a process we call Accelerated Journal Review (AJR) process Download Aplikasi WPS Office Premium | Most Popular and Best Drawing Learning Sites 2021
Direct Submissions | Accelerated Review Submissions | General Comments
Direct Submissions
Allied Business Academy Journals use Registration form to receive manuscripts directly (the contact author will need to have a user profile and be prompted to log in to access this form). You will receive a confirmation E-mail at that time to let you know that your submission has been received by the journal Co-ordinator to use for future inquiries.
Direct submissions are accepted all through the year, regardless if submitted for the conferences, then articles are accepted for receipt before one week of the conference dates.
There are no formatting or length requirements for direct submissions, however, we do prefer manuscripts to be single spaced and include a title page. Any manuscript accepted for publication in a journal must be formatted in accordance with our Publication Guidelines and must fall within our other guidelines with respect to language, grammar and length.
In general, our Editors strive for a 30% acceptance rate on direct submissions. The referee process normally requires about one to two months. There is no submission fee, but All authors of manuscripts which are accepted for publication must become an ardent author of the appropriate Academy prior to publication of the manuscript. Article Processing fees are payable online at the Academy page.
As is the case with other journals, we do require the work to be original and unpublished. We also expect that manuscripts submitted for consideration will not be under review at any other journal. Prior presentation of the material at a conference and/or publication in a proceedings does not preclude consideration for journal publication.