Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues (Print ISSN: 1544-0036; Online ISSN: 1544-0044)


Legal and Ethical Aspects beyond Commercial Surrogacy: Modern Form of Human Trafficking

Author(s): Fatma Mohamed Abdullah

The current revolution in technology and science has brought a top-notch exchange in the existence of human beings. The biotechnology studies have assisted the humanity to detect sex determination strategies and exceptional medical developments like DNA, fingerprint, and many others to aid the management of justice. On the other hands, it has additionally added large demanding situations and problems which have been otherwise remarkable. The problem of “ARTs" has affected human existence in various methods. The definition of motherhood is seriously affected and modified into genetic and surrogate mother. Surrogacy is in no manner or social progress as some stated. On the contrary, it is a modern semblance of human trafficking of women and children, which turns children into a commercial commodity. And open the door for exploitation and abuse. This study aims to review and discuss the ethical and legal issues in surrogacy and the current state of surrogacy laws. Finally, it is connection with human trafficking

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