Academy of Strategic Management Journal (Print ISSN: 1544-1458; Online ISSN: 1939-6104)

Review Article: 2021 Vol: 20 Issue: 2S

A Study of Public Policy Implementation in E-administration Services

Sri Hartini Jatmikowati, Merdeka Malang University


Apparatus Performance, Service Quality


The objectives in this study are (1) to determine the performance of the government apparatus Tlogosari village in carrying out the task. (2). To know the quality of public service in Tlogosari village in serving people who need the service of village apparatus. The population in this research is the population in this study is the whole community that has been getting service in the village of Tlogosari Tirtoyudo district that amounted to 500 people. The samples in this study were taken from 10-15% of the 50 people. In addition, two informant people are Lurah and secretary of the District head of Tirtoyudo. The results of this study shows that the performance of the administrative apparatus in providing the quality of public service in the village Tlogosari Tirtoyudo subdistrict, the author can conclude that from the results of research and discussion of the performance of the administrative apparatus in providing the quality of public service in the village Tlogosari, in terms of serving the community has not yet walked in accordance with the expectations. Quality of public service is an action by employees to perform tasks/work on the institution Tlogosari village Selopuro subdistrict, with indicators: skills (Reliability), attitudes and behaviors, science (competence), information and customer trust (communication), and facilities and infrastructure (tangible). The lack of facilities in the office of the Lurah village of Selopuro District is able to impede the smooth execution of the task of village governance in serving the community, so that often there is delay in the process of community application that is increasing the day. From the results of the research in the field to the staffs of the village governance shows the low quality of service to the community.


The development and development of regional autonomy will grow as long as regional autonomy is defined as autonomous regional autonomy, while central dependence can be reduced and can become a forum for the community by responding to regional autonomy and active response. Their needs, skills and wants for local communities. The implementation of regional autonomy promotes new ideas of governance and empowerment of effective and competent authorities, which means that the government can maintain democracy. The regions have taken initiatives to improve local welfare, increase the role of entrepreneurs and empower communities to improve community welfare. Besides that, the principle of regional autonomy is also applied, real and responsible. The real principle is the principle which emphasizes that government affairs are carried out based on duties, powers and responsibilities (Waluyo, 2007: 206). In global life accompanied by changing times and increasingly modern human life, technology and others bring about complex changes and impacts. One of the issues that are very interesting to study is related to the low quality of service delivery for the majority.

Government Agencies

In order to provide better public services, efforts must be made to understand changes and changes in the public interest. Changes in the living world that affect the behavior and behavior of the common man are quick to have an impact. In principle, individual public services will increasingly be replaced by user clients and/or community services. But the reality is that improving the quality of public services is not easy (Saifullah, 2008: 28). It is important to think within the sub-district as many expect that the sub-district government can function as a service center for the community. The subdistrett functions as a relevant community service center when it comes to proximity, timeliness, and quality support. If this function is performed consistently, it will gradually have a strategic impact on district health. Generally, reasons are often given for regional expansion to improve and improve service quality. The quality of public services that do not meet public expectations is a feeling that the level of public satisfaction is still low, causing a number of complaints against public service providers.

Administrative, personnel delays or the inevitable costs of service do not reflect public service behavior. Then the complaints are caused by geographical conditions, namely the distance between the customer's residence and the service location which is too far, so that the purpose of holding PATEN (District Integrated Administration Service) is to make the sub-district the center of community service and become a "service node".

Local governments as autonomous regions have sufficient freedom to manage and handle the interests of their people, to facilitate and expand society from time to time. This demand grows together with the knowledge that citizens have the right to serve and the responsibility of government to meet these needs. The challenge faced by the government in providing public services is not only providing affordable services, but also how to facilitate access and create various services for fair and democratic conditions for the people. Government Regulation Number 17 of 2018, is said to be a series of public activities or activities related to goods and services and services to meet the needs of all citizens and legal residents. Public service providers by the government. Public service providers are all state institutions, companies, independent bodies established by law for public services and public service activities for other legal entities.

The district as an autonomous region has sufficient freedom to manage and process the interests of the people to promote it at any time. This demand grows with the knowledge that citizens have the right to serve and be served and as a form of government responsibility to meet the needs of their people. The challenge facing the government in providing public services is not only how to provide affordable services, but also how to promote access to just and democratic conditions of society and create a variety of services. Government Regulation No. 17 of 2018 describes a series of public activities or activities related to goods and services and services to legally meet the needs of all citizens. The government as a Public Service Provider continues to strive to provide the best service to the community. The poor quality of public services provided by government officials is a bad image of the government in society. The scope of the PATEN includes licensed and unlicensed services such as reference letters for identification (KTP), reference letters for temporary residence cards, family cards, building permits (IMB), temporary resident certificates (SKTS) and other government service facilities. The purpose and objective of the District Integrated Service Administration (PATEN) is to realize the district as a community service center that creates a service node for Regency/City One Stop Integrated Service Agency/Office (PTSP).

The Tlogosari Village Office in Tirtoyudo District has many problems in the service department. Regarding the friendliness of the officers, the attitude of the sub-regional office staff is not friendly in providing services. This can be seen when performing services. In addition, those who received services were not served adequately, as some officers chatted with other officers discussing issues unrelated to the services provided. This has a negative impact and hinders the quality of service felt by those who want to come to good service. The second problem is the lack of care and attention in providing services to people who wish to perform services and do not understand the steps and stages of the service flow. As a result, the people performing services do not feel comfortable and can be assisted by service personnel. The descriptions of the steps at the service flow stage and the conditions to be met are not completely open to the public. For example, if you make changes to your Contract of Work, you must first run the flow.

Looking for referral letters from RT/RW and villages or sub-district with empty change KKs, but there are still people with people who come to the district without cover letters for KK changes that are empty, some have not finished the requirements. Management services provided by service providers are still late and exceed the allotted time. For example, the completion of the service introduction book to make the standard time for the resident ID card (KTP) or citizenship card given for 3 days does not follow the existing period. According to Sr.Susilowati, the head of the service department who carried out the review, the standard time given is three days. In fact, it takes time to complete the KTP creation up to 7-30 days, but this happens because the basic ingredients are left empty and waiting for deliveries from the ID spend time. Contradiction of resolution is a sad thing that happens in an organizational environment. It is very dangerous for society. Contradictions leave society disappointed and frustrated.

Service to Provide

The shortage of staff in the Tlogosari Village service department is one of the factors in the length of time the work is completed. The Kerlahan office has four service counters, but four service counters have only three officers. As a result, several executives still multitask simultaneously. According to Sri Susilowati, S.Pd is the head of the service department and has five executives in charge of overall services: the head of the service department, one operator, and three who appear to be still in short supply. A portion is said to consist of Public service officers.

Based on the background of the problems described above, then formulated a main problem that will be discussed, namely:

1. How to Implement the E-Administration Service Policy of Tlogosari Village, Tirtoyudo Malang District based on Government Regulation Number 73 of 2005 concerning Sub-district

2. What is the inhibiting and supporting factors in the implementation of the E-Administration Service Policy of Tlogosari Village, Tirtoyudo Malang District based on Government Regulation Number 73 of 2005 concerning sub-district.

Review of Literature

Public Policy Theory

According to Savannah (2011: 46) "decisions taken by government officials to allow public -interess (public)". In the context of public policy, there are several definitions of public policy offered by experts, including the following:

a) Policy as a decision

Allison (1971) in Sadhana (2010: 53) states C and various entities or departments in the country that have government institutions as key entities related to the context, roles, interests and capabilities of the organization.

b) Policy as a management process

Ripley in Sadhana states that "Suggesting that public policy be seen as a process and seeing the process in a simple model to be able to understand the concentration between actors and the interactions that occur in it".

Public policy is a series of actions that are determined or carried out or not carried out by the government which have goals or are aimed at specific goals for the benefit of the whole society. Based on the definition of public policy above, it is classified as a management process. This is because there are a set of rules and actions, from setting the agenda to the policy restructuring process.

a) Policy as government intervention

Friedrich believes that in a given environment, a series of actions proposed by a person, group, or government can hinder a proposed policy from being used and overcome in order to achieve a certain goal or purpose. And claims offer an opportunity.

b) Policy as democratic governance

Public policies are actions or choices taken by government agencies and other institutions to address problems that arise in society. Public policy is basically made to solve problems that exist in society. Therefore, public policy can be simplified to include the realization of the state and development programs as functions or tasks, and government decisions (formal) to achieve national development goals. Therefore, the characteristics of public policy include the following:

a. Actions are planned, patterned and interrelated.

b. Conducted by government officials.

c. In certain fields.

d. Can be positive or negative.

e. Leads to a specific goal.

Public policy can be summarized as a set of interconnected choices made by governments that are designed to be implemented or not implemented to solve public problems. The effect of choosing "do" or "not" by the government is the same. Existing definitions may be sufficient to describe one aspect, but they tend to fail to describe another.

Public Policy Implementation Theory

According to Van Meter and Van Horn (Agustino, 2006), actions taken by individuals or government officials or government groups, or introduction, formulation and refinement of problems, standard setting, evaluation, identification of alternatives, planning Determine the implementation of policies as/policies, assessment of alternatives, plans/policies, refinement and selection, alternative monitoring policies, and the results of private plans/policies that aim to achieve the objectives outlined in the policy decisions.


Tachjan (2008) explains that by using means (tools) to get results, implementation can be intended in a speculative way as activities related to job completion. When combined with public policy, the term public policy implementation can be interpreted as the completion of public policies or implementation activities that are determined/approved by the use of facilities (tools) to achieve policy objectives. Thus, the implementation of public policies is often associated with the many objectives of management processes and processes that have found organizational activities in those processes and approaches.
Edward III (1980) argues that the policy enforcement process cannot be separated from the various variables and factors that influence it. According to him, there are four important variables that take into account and influence the failure and success of public policy implementation. The four variables are (1) telecommunication (communication), (2) implementation of resources (resource), (3) bureaucratic disposition (disposition), and (4) bureaucracy.

The view of implementation as a general process of administrative action that can be investigated at a specific program level, and its success or failure, can be evaluated in terms of the ability to deliver the program. Therefore, by measuring program results against policy objectives, you can evaluate the overall implementation of the policy. The general process of implementation can only begin when general goals and ideas have been established, programs of action have been designed, and funds have been allocated to implement those objectives. This is a clear basis for implementing public policy. Theoretically, in this case, the policy development process is also driven by the processes that carry out the ongoing policies and programs.

Policy Implementation Model

Policy implementation is a complex activity with so many factors that influence the success of a policy implementation. Nugroho (2014) states that there are nine models in policy implementation with their respective characteristics, namely:

1. Model Van Meter and Van Horn

2. The Mazmanian and Sabatier Model

3. The Hogwood and Gunn model

4. The Goggin Model

5. Grindle Model

6. Model Elmore, et al

7. Model Edward III

8. Model Nakamura and Smallwood

9. Network Model

Edward III's theorizing approach has four variables that determine the success of policy implementation. Namely, (1) communication, (2) resources, (3) disposal and (4) bureaucracy. According to George C. Edward III, communication is the first variable that affects the successful implementation of a policy. Furthermore, he said, communication determines success in achieving the objectives of implementing public policy. Once the decision maker knows what he or she is trying to do, effective implementation takes place. If communication is successful, you need to send (or communicate) all policy decisions and implementation rules to the right people so you know what they are doing. In addition, the communicated policy must be accurate, accurate and consistent. Communication (or communication) is needed so that decision makers and implementers can more consistently enforce all policies applied in society. For George C. Edward III, the third variable that affects the success rate of public policy implementation is temperament. The attitudes and attitudes of policy implementers are the third important component of their approach to public policy implementation. When implementing an effective policy, there is no real bias, because policy implementers must not only know what will be done, but also have the ability to implement it. According to Winarno's Edward III (2005), "trends or dispositions are one of the factors that have important consequences for effective policy implementation." If the implementer has a positive tendency or attitude, or supports policy implementation, it is likely that the policy implementation will be carried out in accordance with the first decision. Conversely, if the implementer refuses to implement the policy because of negative or conflict of interest, the implementation of the policy faces serious obstacles.

As Edward III called the "zone of indifference," the forms of denial can vary. In the opinion of Van Metter and Van Horn of Agustino (2006), "The attitude of accepting or rejecting policy enforcement agents has a significant effect on the success or failure of public policy enforcement. Public policy is usually top-down, and decision-makers are more likely to be inaccessible. by needs, wants, and problems that need to be resolved. The important things to consider with variables are:

a. The appointment of a bureaucrat, the disposition of an enforcer, or the attitude will produce real barriers to policy implementation if existing staff do not implement the policies the senior official wants. Therefore, the selection and appointment of policy implementers must be dedicated to the established policies. More specifically, on the interests of citizens.

b. Incentives, Edwards, stated that one technique that has been proposed to overcome the problem of implementer propensity is to manipulate incentives. Therefore, manipulating incentives by policy makers influences the behavior of policy implementers, because people generally act in their own interests. Adding certain benefits and costs can be a motivating factor for policymakers to execute orders correctly. This is done for personal gain (my own interest) or as an attempt to fulfill the organization.

According to Edward III, the fourth variable that affects the success rate of implementing public policy is bureaucracy. Even if the resources are available to implement policies and policy implementers know what to do and have the desire to implement policies, there are weaknesses in the bureaucracy, a structure that may not be implemented or realized. According to the cooperation of many people, policies are very complex, and if the bureaucracy is not conducive to the policies available, this will invalidate resources and hinder policy progress. The bureaucracy as a policy enforcer must be able to support policies that are determined politically through good coordination. According to Edward III, two features that can improve bureaucratic performance/better organizational structure are the application of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and the application of fragmentation. SOPs are day-to-day activities that allow employees (or policy enforcers/managers/bureaucrats) to carry out their daily activities according to established standards (or minimum standards required by citizens). Yes, implementation of fragmentation is the responsibility of activities between several work units or employee activities.

Inhibiting Factors for Policy Implementation

According to (Sunggono, 1994), policy implementation has several inhibiting factors, namely:

Content of Policy

First, policy implementation failed because the policy content was still ambiguous. In other words, the objectives are not detailed enough and priority measures and policy applications or programs are either too general or non-existent. Second, there are no internal or external provisions for the policies to be enforced. Third, the policies that you implement also have significant weaknesses. Fourth, another cause of failure to implement public policies can be due to shortages in additional resources, such as time, costs/funds, and labor costs.

a. Information

Public policy implementation assumes that the stakeholders who are directly involved have information that is necessary or highly relevant to be able to play their role properly. This information does not exist, for example due to communication problems.

b. Support

The implementation of a public policy will be very difficult if the implementer is not sufficiently supported for the implementation of the policy.

c. Potential Sharing

The causes related to the failure to implement a public policy also determine the aspect of potential sharing among the actors involved in the implementation. In this case it relates to the differentiation of duties and authorities of the implementing organization. The implementation organizational structure can cause problems if the division of authority and responsibility is not adjusted to the division of tasks or is marked by unclear limitations (Sunggono, 1994).

According to James Anderson in Sunggono (1994), the factors that cause community members to disobey and implement a public policy are:

a. There is the concept of selective non-compliance with the law, where there are several laws and regulations or public policies that are less binding on individuals.

b. Because community members are in a group or association where they have ideas or thoughts that are not in accordance with or contrary to legal regulations and the wishes of the government.

c. There is a desire to seek profit quickly, including members of the community who tend to act by deception or by breaking the law.

d. The existence of legal uncertainty or unclear “measure” of policies that may conflict with one another, which can be a source of non-compliance with the law or public policy.

e. When a policy is sharply opposed (contrary) to the value system adopted by the community at large or certain groups in society.

A public policy will be effective if implemented and have positive benefits for members of society. In other words, human actions or actions as members of society must be in accordance with what the government or state wants. So that if their behavior or actions are not in accordance with the wishes of the government or the state, then a public policy is not effective.

Theory of Service

Service is one of the spearheads of customer satisfaction efforts and is a must that must be optimized both by individuals and organizations, because the form of service provided is reflected in the quality of the individual or organization providing the service. According to Ivancevich, Lorenzi, Skinner & Crosby (Winarsih & Septi, 2015: 2), "services are products that are not visible (can not be touched) that involve human efforts and use of equipment. Services are activities that cannot be defined separately, which are intangible in nature, which fulfill a need and do not have to be tied to the sale of other products or services.
Service is closely related to society. So that service is better known as public service. Public comes from the English word "Public" which means the general public and the State, the word public in Indonesian is defined as the general public and crowded. Decree of the State Minister for State Apparatus Empowerment Number 81 of 1993 concerning Guidelines for Service Administration is: All forms of public services carried out by Government Agencies at the central, regional, and in the environment of State or Regional Owned Enterprises in the form of goods and services, both in the context of efforts to comply with the implementation of statutory provisions. Public service is seen as a representation of the existence of the government bureaucracy, because it is in direct contact with the demands of society's needs. According to Law number 25 of 2009 concerning Public Services, are: Activities or series of activities in order to fulfill service needs in accordance with statutory regulations for every citizen and resident for goods, services and/or administrative services provided by public service providers.

Types of Public Services

Improving the quality of public services implies a change in quality, conditions, from the current state to a better quality. So the quality in this case is dynamic according to the development of the situation and conditions of society. MENPAN Decree Number 63 of 2004 classifies three types of services from government agencies as well as BUMN/BUMD. The grouping of the types of services is based on the characteristics and nature of the activities and service products produced, namely:

1. Administrative services, are types of services provided by the service unit in the form of recording, research, decision making, documentation, and other administrative activities which are produce final products in the form of documents, such as certificates, permits, recommendations, and so on.

2. Goods services are services provided by the service unit in the form of activities of providing and or processing physical tangible goods including distribution and delivery to consumers directly (as units or individuals) in a system. These activities produce tangible (physical) end products such as electricity services, clean water and telephone services.

3. Services, is a type of service provided by the service unit in the form of facilities and infrastructure as well as its support.

4. Government service is a type of community service related to general governmental duties, such as KTP, SIM, tax, licensing, and immigration services.

5. Development services are a type of community service related to the provision of facilities and infrastructure to facilitate the community in carrying out their activities as citizens. This service includes the provision of roads, bridges, ports, and others.

6. Utility service is a type of service related to utilities for the community, such as water supply, telephone, and local transportation.

7. Clothing, food and shelter services are types of services that provide basic necessities for the community and housing needs, such as the provision of rice, sugar, oil, gas, textiles and cheap housing.

8. Community service is a type of service that is seen from the nature and importance of more emphasis on social activities, such as health services, education, employment, prisons, orphanages, and others.

Factors Affecting Service

In the end, good service will be able to provide satisfaction to the community. In the end, optimal service will also be able to improve the image of the organization so that the image of the organization in the eyes of the community continues to increase. There is a good organizational image, then everything is done by the organization will be considered good too. Opinion of Moenir, (2014: 88-119) factors that influence the implementation of services, namely:

1. The Consciousness Factor. Consciousness shows a state in a person's soul, which is the meeting point of various considerations so as to obtain a certainty, tranquility, determination and balance in the soul concerned.

2. Rule Factors. Rules are an essential tool in any action and the actions of people. The role of rules must be made, obeyed and controlled so that they can achieve the goals in accordance with the objectives.

3. Organizational Factors. The organization in question is not solely deep embodiment of organizational structure, but more on arrangements and mechanisms that must be able to produce adequate services.

4. Income Factor. Acceptance of someone as a reward for energy and thoughts that have been devoted to the organization, either in the form of money or facilities for a certain period of time.

5. Skills and Ability Factors. Ability comes from the basic word capable which in relation to work means being able to do work so as to produce goods or services, while skill is the ability to carry out work using available body parts and work equipment.

6. Service Facility Factors. All types of equipment, work equipment and other facilities that serve as the main tool in carrying out work.

Service quality is divided into two parts, namely internal and external service quality. According to Atep Adya Barata (2003: 37) each of these parts is influenced by several factors that are quite important, namely as follows:

1. Factors affecting the quality of internal services (organizational employee interaction), namely the organization's general management pattern, provision of supporting facilities, human resource development, work climate and work relationship harmony, and incentive patterns.

2. Factors affecting the quality of external services (external customers), namely service patterns and procedures for providing services, patterns of service distribution services, patterns of service sales services, and patterns of services in service delivery.

Factors that influence customer perceptions and expectations of service according to Nasution (2005: 50) are:

1. Needs and desires related to things perceived by the customer when he is trying to make a transaction with the company.

2. Past experience when using the services of the company.

3. Experience from friends, where they will tell about the quality of service they will receive.

4. Communication through advertisements and marketing also affects the perception of the customer about the services it will receive.

Based on this description, it can be concluded that in order to improve service quality, many factors affect human resources, awareness, rules, organization, skills and abilities, service facilities, and customer experience. Apart from that a factor internal and external factors are also important and influential in realizing quality service for every user.

Public Service Elements

Public services can be defined as services that have elements in it. The elements of the public service process are needed in order to support the desired service. Atep Adya (Barata, 2003: 11) expressed his opinion that there are four important elements in the process public services, namely:

1. Service providers, namely parties who can provide certain services to consumers, either in the form of services in the form of provision and delivery of goods or services.

2. Service recipients, namely those who are referred to as consumers (customers) or customers who receive various services from service providers.

3. Types of services, namely services that can be provided by service providers to parties requiring services.

4. Customer satisfaction, in providing services, service providers must refer to the main goal of service, namely customer satisfaction. Furthermore, (Kasmir, 2005: 34) suggests the characteristics of a good public service which has the following elements:

a. Availability of good employees.

b. Availability of good facilities and infrastructure.

c. Responsible to each customer (customer) from beginning to end.

d. Able to serve quickly and accurately.

e. Able to communicate.

f. Provide a guarantee of the confidentiality of each transaction.

g. Have good knowledge and abilities.

h. Trying to understand the needs of customers (customers).

i. Able to give trust to customers (customers).

Based on some of the opinions presented above, it can be concluded that elements of the public service process are needed in order to support the desired service. These elements consist of service providers, service recipients, type of service, customer satisfaction elements of good service with the availability of employees and good facilities as well as being able to provide satisfaction for service users to determine the direction of public service policy oriented and satisfying customers.

Definition of Application Modifications

The definition of application modification is an attempt to change something from its form or use with the aim of developing and increasing maximum results with computer software that utilizes the ability of a computer directly to perform a task that the user wants which is a service innovation in order to bring closer, simplify, and speed up administrative services licensing/non-licensing at the sub-district level.

Administrative Services

The next administrative service is the administration of public services in the sub-district from the application stage to the publication stage of documents in one place. In the Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs Article 3 Number 4 of 2010 concerning Guidelines for Administrative Services, the purpose of administering application modification Administration Services is to create sub-districts as community service centers and become service nodes for integrated service offices/agencies in districts/cities. In addition, the implementation of application modification Administration Services aims to improve quality and bring services closer to the community. The administrative service standards for application modification include:

a. Kind of service

b. Terms of service

c. Service process/procedure

d. Officials who are responsible for service

e. Service time

f. Service fee

As part of the effort to improve the quality of public services, especially the types of administrative services, the modified Application Administrative Services adheres to the principles of public service in accordance with Law Number 25 of 2009 concerning Public Services. These principles are:

a. Public interest which means that the provision of services by the application modification administrative service officer may not prioritize personal or group interests.

b. Legal certainty means that there is a guarantee for the realization of rights and obligations between service recipients (citizens) and service providers (sub-districts) in administering administrative services modified applications.

c. Equality of rights means that the provision of services in the E-Administration Service does not differentiate between ethnicity, race, religion, class, gender, and economic status.

d. The balance of rights and obligations means that the fulfillment of those rights must be proportional to the obligations that must be carried out, both by the provider and the recipient of the service.

e. Professionalism means that each executor of application modification Administration Services must have competencies in accordance with their field of duty.

f. Participatory means increasing community participation in the administration of modified application administration services by taking into account the aspirations, needs, and expectations of the community.

g. Equal treatment/non-discrimination means that in administering application modification services, every citizen has the right get fair service.

h. Openness means that each service recipient can easily access and obtain information about application modification Administration Services.

i. Accountability means that the process of administering E-Administration Services must be accounted for in accordance with the laws and regulations.

j. Legal facilities and treatment for vulnerable groups means providing convenience to vulnerable groups so that justice in services is created.

k. Timeliness means that the completion of each type of service that is managed is carried out on time in accordance with the administrative service application modification standards.

l. Speed, ease, and affordability mean that each type of service in the Administrative Services application modification is carried out appropriately, easy, and affordable for the people who receive the services.

E-Administration Service is the implementation of public services in urban villages whose management processes, from the application to the issuance stage of documents, are carried out in one place. This one place here means enough through one table or service counter. This system places community members only in contact with desk staff/service counters in the sub-district.

Government Regulation Number 73 of 2005 Concerning Sub-District

Policy implementation is a crucial stage in the public policy process. A policy or program must be implemented in order to have the desired impact or purpose. Policy implementation is seen in a broad sense as a tool of public administration in which actors, organizations, procedures, techniques and resources are organized together to carry out policies in order to achieve the desired impact or goal. According to Article 1, paragraph 5, Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 73 of 2005, a sub-district is the working area of the lurah as the apparatus of the regency/city in the sub-district working area. The sub-district is led by a lurah who is assisted by a sub-district apparatus who in carrying out its duties receives a delegation from the regent/mayor. Apart from that the lurah has the following tasks:

1. Implementation of village administration activities

2. Community empowerment

3. Community service

4. The implementation of public order and order

5. Maintenance of public infrastructure and facilities.

Sub-district is the initial stage which is usually visited in carrying out service activities. Basically every human being needs service, even in the extreme it can be said that service cannot be separated from human life. For example, it can be seen from the process of a baby. When the baby was born, he would cry because he was facing very different situations when he was still in the womb. The baby scream needed service from its mother. When receiving service (affection) from the mother, the baby will feel comfortable and stop crying, otherwise he will smile happily. This birth process shows how pleasant a mother's service is needed. The same thing was also stated by Budiman Rusli, who argued that during his life, humans always need service. According to him, services are in accordance with the Life Cycle Theory of Leadership (LCTL) that at the beginning of human life (infants) physical services are still high, but along with human age the services needed will decrease. Society every time demands quality public services from bureaucrats, although these demands are often not in accordance with expectations because empirically the public services that have occurred so far are still characterized: convoluted, slow, expensive, and tiring. This tendency occurs because the community is still positioned as the party that "serves" not the one served. In order to improve the image, work and performance of government agencies towards professionalism and to support the creation of good governance (good governance), it is necessary to unify directions and views for all levels of government employees which can be used as guidelines or references in carrying out both managerial and operational tasks in all areas of work and organizational units. Government in an integrated manner.

Research Methods

Research is basically an attempt to understand the phenomena that occur in an object, where in understanding it must be supported by a correct methodology so that it will produce objective information. The step in choosing this approach can actually be placed more precisely after the researcher has firmly determined the research variables. The research method chosen by the writer in this research is descriptive research method with a qualitative approach. (Sugiono, 2010: 11). The research location is the Tlogosari village office, Tirtoyudo District, Malang Regency. According to Arikunto (2014: 172) states that "what is meant by data sources in research is the subject from which data can be obtained: If the research uses questionnaires or interviews in data collection, then the data source is called the respondent, namely the person who responds to or answers the researcher's questions, both written and oral questions. In this study, the data sources used were: Primary data sources, namely interviews with the necessary parties. Secondary Data Sources, is the origin of data that can provide and inform indirectly. This data is obtained from documents related to research, books and other reports.

According to Sugiyono (2003: 118), in principle, "researching is measuring the existing social and natural phenomena". Measuring instruments in research are usually called research instruments. So the research instrument is a tool for measuring natural and social phenomena observed by researchers. In this study, researchers used instruments such as: Interview/Interview, Observation and Documentation. Data were analyzed using several steps according to Miles' theory, Huberman & Saldana (2014), namely analyzing data in three steps: data condensation, present data (display data), and draw conclusion or verification (conclusion drawing and verification). Data condensation refers to the process of selecting, focusing, simplifying (simplifiying), summarizing (abstracting), and transforming data (transforming).

Research Results and Discussion

Presentation of Data

Implementation of E-Administration Service policy based on Government Regulation Number 73 of 2005 with indicators:


The term policy or some people term policy is often equated with the term policy. This is perhaps because until now the exact translation of the term policy into Indonesian is not known. According to Hoogerwerf in Sjahrir (1988), in essence the notion of policy is a kind of answer to a problem, is an attempt to solve, reduce, to prevent a problem in a certain way, namely by directed action. Meanwhile & Anderson (2003) provides policy formulation as the behavior of a number of actors (officials, groups, government agencies) or a series of actors in a particular field of activity. From some of the definitions of policy that have been put forward by these scientists, it can be drawn the conclusion is that in essence the study of policy includes questions: what, why, who, where, and how. All of these questions concern problems faced by institutions that make decisions regarding the content, methods or procedures determined, strategies, when decisions are taken and implemented. Policy is a series of concepts and principles that serve as guidelines and basis for plans in carrying out a work, leadership, and how to act. This term can be applied to governments, private sector organizations and groups, and individuals. Policy is also a program to achieve goals, values and directed actions and policies are also a series of actions proposed by a person, group or government in a certain environment by showing the difficulties and possibilities of the proposed policy in order to achieve certain goals.

In the case of administrative service implementation policies in urban villages according to government regulation no 73 of 2005 in Tlogosari village, it can be presented with the results of the interview. Implementation of administrative services in sub-districts is a process of bookkeeping, inventory and reporting in accordance with statutory provisions. So that if the administration is not in accordance with existing procedures it will result in less than optimal service in the community.

So based on the results of the interview, it was obtained that the Tlogosari village in terms of administrative services had implemented policies in accordance with existing regulations. Administrative service guidelines policy in the sub-district is a very important matter in administrative governance because administrative services are a significant thing that happens to services in the community. So that with this policy, it is hoped that the management of administrative services in the Tlogosari village is managed properly so that it is no longer wrong in the implementation of administrative services in the community.

Government Commitment

The definition of commitment is a form of dedication or obligation that binds a person to another person, certain things, or certain actions. Commitments can be voluntary or forced, depending on each person's situation. In fact, commitment is easier said than done. Carrying out commitments is a form of responsibility towards oneself and others. There is a lot of experience regarding this commitment. There are some people who commit to something because they love what they do. Some other people commit because they feel afraid of losing when they don't live up to that commitment. Others are committed because they feel they have a sense of responsibility to carry it out. In terms of government commitment, it is a sense of responsibility and obligation that must be carried out by the government towards the development process in a government. High government commitment in efforts to increase the development of a region is one of the keys to success in carrying out all existing policies and regulations, so that the objectives can be achieved.
The government's commitment to the implementation of Government Regulation Number 73 of 2005 is to provide guidance and establish policies. In this case, the government provides guidance to officers in providing administrative services in urban villages. Guidance is an effort or activity through guidelines, guidance, training and supervision. Development carried out by the government is by conducting training and socialization meetings concerning administrative services.


Implementation will run effectively if the size and policy objectives are understood by individuals who are responsible for achieving policy objectives. Clarity of size and policy objectives therefore need to be communicated appropriately with the implementers. Communication in an organization is a very complex and complicated process. Someone can hold it only for certain purposes, or disseminate it. Besides, different sources of information will also produce different interpretations. In order for implementation to be effective, who is responsible for implementing a decision must know whether they can do it. In fact, policy implementation must be accepted by all personnel and must clearly and accurately understand the aims and objectives of the policy.

Information officers are tasked with communicating with the public about the services they are proposing or providing information to people who are not aware of PATEN services and so on. The counter clerk/file recipient is in charge of serving the registration counter and receiving files from the public who will provide services, the computer operator officer is usually in front of the computer, and the part that holds an amount of money is the duty of the cash holder.

The implementation of PATEN adheres to the principles of public service including the principle of public interest which means that the provision of services by the implementing officers of the PATEN must not prioritize personal interests or the principle of a balance of rights and obligations which means that the fulfillment of these rights must be in proportion to the obligations that must be carried out, both by the recipient of the service. This is in accordance with the implementation of PATEN in the sub-district especially in the Tlogosari village. Communication is one that must be obtained by the community when doing services in a government agency, because communication is related to the attitude of officers when serving and information, and others.

From the results of the interview, it shows that for communication when the community performs service it is sufficient, it meets the criteria desired by the community. The appearance of the officer is also one of the more points or values in service. Because if the appearance of the officers is not neat, the public will be uncomfortable seeing it. A government agency officer is indeed demanded to be neat, because in essence they are the role models of the community. Based on the interview, it can be said that the government's commitment in implementing administrative service policies in Tlogosari Village runs according to existing government regulations. Thus administrative services to the community run as they should. With this good government commitment, it is hoped that the community can get good and satisfying services.
Supporting and inhibiting factors in the implementation of the E-Administration Service policy at the Tlogosari Village Office, Tirtoyudo District, Malang Regency based on Government Regulation Number 73 of 2005:

Supporting Factors


Regulatory theory was presented by Stigler (1971) who said that activities around regulation depict the brotherhood between political forces of interest groups (executive/industry) as the demand/demand side and the legislature as supply. This theory argues that rules or regulations are needed in the company. The company needs its role to set the provisions for what the company must do to determine information. Provisions are needed so that all users and presenters get the same and balanced information. According to Scott (2009) there are two regulatory theories, namely the public interest theory and the interest group theory. Public interest theory explains that regulation must be able to maximize social welfare and interest group theory explains that regulation is the result of lobbying from several individuals or groups who defend and convey their interests to the government. Regulatory theory shows the results of public demands for corrections to market failures. In this theory, the central authority including the regulatory oversight body is assumed to have the best interest in the hearts of the public.

The Tlogosari Urban Village Office, Tirtoyudo District is one of the government offices whose activities are to provide public services to the community with the policy of the District Administration Service (PATEN). The forms of services provided include an Cover Letter for Making a Resident Identity Card (KTP), a Temporary Resident Certificate, a Cover Letter for Making a Family Card, a Cover Letter for Making a Building Permit (IMB), a Temporary Residence Certificate (SKTS) and other government service facilities. Purpose and Objectives of the District Integrated Administrative Service (PATEN) is to realize the sub-district as a community service center that creates a service node for service agencies/offices. The District Integrated Administrative Service (PATEN) is also to improve quality and bring services closer to the community. Tlogosari Village is one of the 20 sub-districts called in Malang Regent Decree No. 221 of 2013 as the provider of PATEN implementation services. Integrated District Administration Service (PATEN) is the provider of public services in urban villages from the application stage to the stage of issuing documents in one place. In accordance with Ministerial Regulation No. 4 of 2010 the intent and purpose of holding District Integrated Administrative Services (PATEN) is to realize the sub-district as a community service center and to become a service knot for integrated service offices/agencies in the Regency/City to bring services closer to the community.

In administering the PATEN, there are substantive requirements, namely the delegation of part of the authority of the regent/mayor to the camat. The delegation of part of the regent/mayor's authority is carried out so that the efficiency and effectiveness of the service delivery is achieved. Partial delegation of authority is stipulated as a regent/mayor regulation.

The delegation of part of the authority includes services in the field of licensing and non-licensing. Based on the results of the interview above, the licensing services and non-licensing services are different. Because indeed each of each field has its respective sub-sections. With the issuance of Law Number 25 of 2009 concerning Public Services, all public service providers are required to formulate, determine and implement service standards. This is strengthened by the passing of Minister of PANRB Regulation Number 36 of 2012 concerning Technical Guidelines for the Preparation, Determination and Application of Service Standards as the implementing regulations of Law Number 25 of 2009.

Service Standards are benchmarks that are used as guidelines for service delivery and reference for evaluating service quality as obligations and promises of service providers to the public in the framework of quality, fast, easy, affordable, and measurable services. Service standards are a measure that must be owned in the provision of public services that must be obeyed by provider’s service recipient. Based on the results of the interview above, it is true that service standards are a measure that must be owned in the delivery of public services that must be obeyed by service providers.


According to Darsono experts, the environment is all objects, conditions, including humans and their activities, which are contained in a space where humans affect the survival and welfare of humans and other living bodies. Based on the above understanding, it can be concluded that the environment is one of the supporting factors in service, because the environment greatly affects the survival and welfare of humans. With a safe environment in Tlogosari village, it will provide comfort to people who are providing services in the village. The community will feel satisfied if a clean and safe environment is created.
Based on the results of the interview presentation above for the conditions. Until now, security in the Tlogosari sub-district is still fine. There has never been any crime. However, sometimes people often feel anxious because recently there have been frequent crimes, such as mugging cases.

Obstacle Factor

Human Resources

Human resources apart from being a supporting factor in policy implementation can also act as obstacles in this implementation. Human resources are an inhibiting factor if their implementation actually makes policies slow in implementation. Human resource management is a process related to the implementation of indicators of management or management functions that play an important and effective role in supporting the achievement of individual, institutional, and organizational or company goals. For an organization, human resource management involves the overall affairs of the organization and the objectives that have been set. All existing components or elements focus on planning related to staffing, establishing a job training program and so on. This needs to be done to anticipate the short and long-term development of an organization, especially those concerning the readiness of its human resources. Another reason is that a management of human resources in an organization cannot be separated from the internal and external environment, which at one time will be able to influence the existence of the organization. The government is essentially a service provider. n community, not to serve themselves, but also to serve the community and create conditions that allow every member of the community to develop their abilities and creativity to achieve common goals. Service providers are one of the standards of public service. The competence of service providers must be determined appropriately based on knowledge, expertise, As we know that the government has an important role in a country, where every government apparatus has their respective main duties and functions, especially in the form of services. Public service is basically a very broad aspect of life. Especially when people are increasingly aware of what are their parties and obligations as citizens in living as a community, nation and state. The public is increasingly brave to control what their government does.

Thus it can be concluded that the service officers in the Tlogosari sub-district are sometimes not rated well in providing services to the community. The service provider officer is one of the service standards, therefore the service provider must be able to provide good service to the community in order to achieve the satisfaction index desired by the community. If the community is satisfied, then the agency and officers/officials will be of good value in the eyes of the community. Based on the results of the interview above, the complaints expressed by the community were only due to old problems in terms of typing, even then in ancient times, because there was no application for correspondence services. So that the length of waiting is the complaint in service.
The knowledge ability of service officers/officials is also one that is valued by the community. Service officers/officers must have more knowledge, especially if they play an important role in the realization of good service and in accordance with the Community Satisfaction Index (IKM). For example, as mentioned in the interview above, service officers/officers must also have knowledge in the field of computers, they are biased to adjust/follow the current developments.

Bureaucratic Structure

Bureaucratic structures are characteristics, norms, and patterns of relationships that occur repeatedly in executive bodies that have a potential or real relationship with what they have in implementing policies. The organizational structure in charge of implementing policies has a significant influence on policy implementation. One of the important structural aspects of any organization is the existence of standard operating procedures (standard operating procedures or SOPs). SOPs serve as guidelines for each implementer in action. A long organizational structure will tend to weaken supervision and lead to red tape, namely complicated and complex bureaucratic procedures. So that in turn it causes inflexible organizational activities.

Based on the results of the interview above, it shows that the bureaucratic structure has a very important role in the running of a program/activity. If in carrying out an unstructured activity neatly the organizational structure, an institution/agency will not be efficient in carrying out these activities, its goals, objectives and objectives will not be achieved. The bureaucratic structure is one of the factors influencing the implementation of integrated sub-district administrative services (PATEN). The bureaucratic structure is also an inhibiting factor in the implementation of administrative services in urban villages.


Implementation of E-Administration Service Improvement Policy in Tlogosari Urban Village Office, Tirtoyudo District, Malang Regency based on Government Regulation Number 73 Year 2005 with indicators:


Regulatory theory was presented by Stigler (1971) who said that activities around regulation depict the brotherhood between political forces of interest groups (executive/industry) as the demand/demand side and the legislature as supply. This theory argues that rules or regulations are needed in the company. The company needs its role to set the provisions for what the company must do to determine information. Provisions are needed so that all users and presenters get the same and balanced information. According to Scott (2009) there are two regulatory theories, namely: public interest theory and interest group theory. Public interest theory explains that regulation must be able to maximize social welfare and interest group theory explains that regulation is the result of lobbying from several individuals or groups who defend and convey their interests to the government. Regulatory theory shows the results of public demands for corrections to market failures. This central authority including the regulatory oversight body is assumed to have the best interests of the public.

The Tlogosari Urban Village Office, Tirtoyudo District is one of the government offices whose activities are to provide public services to the community with the policy of the District Administration Service (PATEN). The forms of services provided include cover letters for making Identity Cards (KTP), Temporary Resident Cards and cover letters for making Family Cards, cover letters for making building permits (IMB), Temporary Residence Certificate (SKTS) and other government service facilities. Purpose and Objectives of the District Integrated Administrative Service (PATEN) is to realize the sub-district as a community service center that creates a service node for the One Stop Integrated Service Agenc /Office (PTSP) in the Regency/City. The District Integrated Administration Service (PATEN) is also to improve quality and bring services closer to the community. Tlogosari sub-district is one of several sub-districts mentioned in Malang Regent Decree No. 221 of 2013 as the provider of PATEN implementation services. Integrated District Administration Service (PATEN) is the provider of public services in urban villages from the application stage to the stage of issuing documents in one place. In accordance with Ministerial Regulation No. 4 of 2010 the intent and purpose of holding District Integrated Administrative Services (PATEN) is to realize the sub-district as a community service center and to become a service knot for integrated service offices/agencies in the Regency/City to bring services closer to the community.

In administering the PATEN, there are substantive requirements, namely the delegation of part of the authority of the regent/mayor to the camat. The delegation of part of the regent/mayor's authority is carried out so that the efficiency and effectiveness of the service delivery is achieved. Partial delegation of authority is stipulated as a regent/mayor regulation. The delegation of part of the authority includes services in the licensing and non-licensing sectors. Based on the results of the interview above, the licensing services and non-licensing services are different. Because indeed each of each field has its respective sub-sections. With the issuance of Law Number 25 of 2009 concerning Public Services, all public service providers are required to formulate, determine and implement service standards. Service Standards are benchmarks used as guidelines for service delivery and reference for evaluating service quality as obligations and promises of Providers to the public in the framework of quality, fast, easy, affordable, and measurable service. Service standards are a measure that must be owned in the implementation of public services that must be obeyed by service providers and recipients. Based on the results of the interview explanation above, it is true that service standards are a measure that must be owned in the implementation of public services which must be obeyed by service providers.


The term policy or some people term policy is often equated with the term policy. This is perhaps because until now the exact translation of the term policy into Indonesian is not known. According to Hoogerwerf in Sjahrir (1988), in essence the notion of policy is a kind of answer to a problem, is an attempt to solve, reduce, to prevent a problem in a certain way, namely by directed action. Meanwhile & Anderson (2003) provides policy formulation as the behavior of a number of actors (officials, groups, government agencies) or a series of actors in a particular field of activity. From some of the definitions of policy that have been put forward by these scientists, it can be drawn the conclusion is that in essence the study of policy includes questions: what, why, who, where, and how. All of these questions concern problems faced by institutions that make decisions regarding the content, methods or procedures determined, strategies, when decisions are taken and implemented. Policy is a series of concepts and principles that serve as guidelines and basis for plans in carrying out a work, leadership, and how to act. This term can be applied to governments, private sector organizations and groups, and individuals. Policy is also a program to achieve goals, values and directed actions and policies are also a series of actions proposed by a person, group or government in a certain environment by showing the difficulties and possibilities of the proposed policy in order to achieve certain goals.

In terms of the policy of implementing administrative services in the urban village according to government regulation No. 73 of 2005 in the Tlogosari village, it can be presented with the results of the interview. Implementation of administrative services in sub-districts is a process of bookkeeping, inventory and reporting in accordance with statutory provisions. So that if the administration is not in accordance with existing procedures, it will result in less than optimal service in the community. So based on the results of the interview above, Tlogosari village in terms of administrative services has implemented policies in accordance with existing regulations. Administrative service guidelines policy in the sub-district is a very important matter in administrative governance because administrative services are a significant thing that happens to services in the community. So that with this policy, it is hoped that the management of administrative services in the Tlogosari village is managed properly so that it is no longer wrong in the implementation of administrative services in the community.

Government Commitment

The definition of commitment is a form of dedication or obligation that binds a person to another person, certain things, or certain actions. Commitments can be voluntary or forced, depending on each person's situation. In fact, commitment is easier said than done. Carrying out commitments is a form of responsibility towards oneself and others. There is a lot of experience regarding this commitment. There are some people who commit to something because they love what they do. Some other people commit because they are afraid of losing when they don't live up to that commitment. As for others, they are committed because they feel they have a sense of responsibility to carry it out. In terms of government commitment, it is a sense of responsibility and obligation that must be carried out by the government towards the development process in a government. High government commitment in efforts to increase the development of a region is one of the keys to success in carrying out all existing policies and regulations, so that the objectives can be achieved.

The government's commitment to the implementation of Government Regulation Number 73 of 2005 is to provide guidance and establish policies. In this case, the government provides guidance to officers in providing administrative services in urban villages. Guidance is an effort or activity through guidelines, guidance, training and supervision. Development carried out by the government is by conducting training and socialization meetings regarding administrative services.

Based on the interview above, it can be said that the government's commitment in implementing administrative service policies in Tlogosari Village runs according to existing government regulations. Thus administrative services to the community run as they should. With this good government commitment, it is hoped that the community can get good and satisfying services.
Supporting and inhibiting factors in the implementation of the E-Administration Service Improvement policy at Tlogosari Village Office, Tirtoyudo District, Malang Regency based on Government Regulation Number 73 of 2005:

Supporting Factors


Implementation will run effectively if the size and policy objectives are understood by individuals who are responsible for achieving policy objectives. Clarity of the size and objectives of the policy thus needs to be communicated appropriately with the implementers. Communication in organizations is a very complex and complex process. Someone can hold it only for certain purposes, or disseminate it. Besides, different sources of information will also give birth to different interpretations. For implementation to be effective, who is responsible for implementing a decision must know whether they can do it. In fact, policy implementation must be accepted by all personnel and must clearly and accurately understand the aims and objectives of the policy.

Information officers are tasked with providing communication to the public regarding the services they are proposing or providing information to people who are not aware of PATENT services and so on. The counter clerk/file recipient is in charge of serving the registration counter and receiving files from the public who will provide services, the computer operator officer is usually in front of the computer, and the part that holds an amount of money is the duty of the cash holder.

The implementation of PATEN adheres to the principles of public service including the principle of public interest which means that the provision of services by the implementing officers of the PATEN must not prioritize personal interests or the principle of a balance of rights and obligations which means that the fulfillment of these rights must be in proportion to the obligations that must be carried out, both by the recipient of the service. This is in accordance with the implementation of PATEN in the sub-district especially in the Tlogosari village. From the results of the interview, it shows that for communication when the community performs service it is sufficient, it meets the criteria desired by the community. The appearance of the officer is also one of the more points or values in service. because if the appearance of the officers is not neat, the public will be uncomfortable seeing it. An officer of a government agency is indeed demanded to be neat because in essence they are a reflection of the community. Based on the results of the interview explanation above, it can be concluded that according to him in terms of appearance the officer/official is appropriate, neat and nice to look at.


According to Darsono experts, the environment is all objects, conditions, including humans and their activities, which are contained in the space where humans are and affect the survival and welfare of humans and other living bodies. Based on the above understanding, it can be concluded that the environment is one of the supporting factors in service, because the environment greatly affects the survival and well-being of humans. With the existence of a safe environment in Tlogosari village, it will provide comfort to people who are providing services in the village. The community will feel satisfied if a clean and safe environment is created. Based on the results of the interview above, for the safety conditions in the Tlogosari sub-district environment, until now, there has been no crime. However, sometimes people often feel anxious because recently there have been frequent criminal acts, such as the mugging case a few months ago.

Obstacle Factor

Human resources

Human resources apart from being a supporting factor in policy implementation can also act as obstacles in this implementation. Human resources are an inhibiting factor if their implementation actually makes policies slow in implementation. Human resource management is a process related to the implementation of indicators of management or management functions that play an important and effective role in supporting the achievement of the goals of individuals, institutions, or organizations or companies. For an organization, human resource management involves the overall affairs of the organization and the objectives that have been set. All existing components or elements focus on planning concerning staff preparation, determination of job training programs and so on. This needs to be done to anticipate the short and long term development of an organization, particularly regarding the readiness of its human resources. Another reason is that a management of human resources in an organization cannot be separated from the internal and external environment, which at one time will be able to influence the existence of the organization. To create conditions that allows every member of the community to develop their abilities and creativity to achieve common goals. Service providers are one of the standards of public service. The competence of service providers must be determined appropriately based on the knowledge, expertise, skills, attitudes and behavior needed to provide quality services. We know that the government has an important role in a country, where every government apparatus has their respective main duties and functions, especially in the form of public services. it concerns a very broad aspect of life. Especially when people are increasingly aware of what are their parties and obligations as citizens in living as a community, nation and state. The public is increasingly brave to control what their government does. Thus it can be concluded that the service officers in the Tlogosari sub-district have not been rated well in providing services to the community. The service provider officer is one of the service standards; therefore the service provider must be able to provide good service to the community in order to achieve the satisfaction index that the community wants. If the community is satisfied, then the agency and officers/officials will be of good value in the eyes of the community. Based on the results of the interview above, the complaints expressed by the public were only due to queuing problems, even then in ancient times, because queuing numbers were not provided. So that those who queue first are sometimes taken away by new arrivals. The attitude of officers when correcting the community becomes a complaint in this service. The knowledge ability of service officers/officials is also one of the values by the community. Serving service officers/officers must have more knowledge, moreover they play an important role in the realization of good service and in accordance with the community satisfaction index. For example, as mentioned in the interview above, service officers/officers must also have knowledge skills in the field of computers, they are biased to adjust/keep up with the times at this time.

Bureaucratic Structure

Bureaucratic structures are characteristics, norms, and patterns of relationships that occur repeatedly in executive bodies that have a potential or real relationship with what they have in implementing policies. The organizational structure in charge of implementing policies has a significant influence on policy implementation. One of the important structural aspects of any organization is the existence of standard operating procedures (standard operating procedures or SOPs). SOPs serve as guidelines for each implementer in action. A long organizational structure will tend to weaken supervision and lead to red tape, namely complicated and complex bureaucratic procedures. So that in turn it causes inflexible organizational activities.

Based on the results of the interview above, it shows that the bureaucratic structure has a very important role in the running of a program/activity. If in carrying out an unstructured activity neatly the organizational structure, an institution/agency will not be efficient in carrying out these activities, its goals, objectives and objectives will not be achieved. The bureaucratic structure is one of the factors influencing the implementation of integrated sub-district administrative services (PATEN). The bureaucratic structure is also an inhibiting factor in the implementation of administrative services in urban villages.


Based on the research results that have been discussed and discussed in the previous chapters, the researcher concludes as follows:

1) Administrative service guidelines policy in sub-district is a very important matter in administrative governance because administrative services are a significant thing happening to services in the community. So that with this policy, it is hoped that the management of administrative services in the Tlogosari village is managed properly so that there are no longer mistakes in implementing administrative services in the community.

2) The government's commitment to implementing administrative service policies in Tlogosari Village runs according to existing government regulations. Thus administrative services to the community run as they should. With this good government commitment, it is hoped that the community can get good service and in accordance with applicable regulations. Communication when the community provides services is sufficient, meeting the criteria desired by the community. The appearance of the officer is also one of the more points or values in service. Because if the appearance of the officers is not neat, the public will be uncomfortable seeing it.

3) The service officers in the Tlogosaris village are quite good in providing services to the community. The service provider officer is one of the service standards, therefore the service provider must be able to provide good service to the community in order to achieve the satisfaction index desired by the community. If the community is not satisfied, then these agencies and officers/officials will be considered bad in the eyes of the community and will become an inhibiting factor in the implementation of administrative service policies in Tlogosari Village. The bureaucratic structure is one of the factors that influence the implementation of administrative services. The bureaucratic structure is also an inhibiting factor in the implementation of administrative services in the sub-district, if there is no delegation according to its authority from the Head of the Village to the Secretary or Heads of Heads.


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