Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues (Print ISSN: 1544-0036; Online ISSN: 1544-0044)

Review Article: 2022 Vol: 25 Issue: 2S

Analysis of public service performance at the north Kur island office, Tual city, maluku province-Indonesia

Zainal Abidin Rengifurwarin, Univeristy of Pattimura

Mike Jurnida Rolobessy, Univeristy of Pattimura

Citation Information

Rengifurwarin, Z.A., & Rolobessy, M.J. (2022). Analysis of public service performance at the north Kur island office, Tual city, Maluku province-Indonesia. Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues, 25(S2), 1-8.


Public Service, Process Performance, Outcome Performance


This study aims to analyze and explain the description of the performance of the process and the performance of the results of public services at the sub-district office of Pulau Kur Utara, Tual Islands City. The formulation of the problem in this research is why the performance of the public service process is not optimal at the North Kur Island District Office City of Tual Kepuluan?, and how is the performance of the results of public services at the sub-district office of Pulau Kur Utara, City of Tual Kepualauan? This study uses a descriptive quality approach. Informants of this study amounted to 10 people. The instruments used to collect the required data are observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the analysis show that the condition of the performance of public services is not optimal according to service standards by the organizers at the North Kur Island District office, Tual City, so that it also affects the condition of the performance of public services that have not been optimal in accordance with established service standards and applicable laws and regulations.


The performance of processes and outcomes of public services is an important issue of good governance for local and sub-district governments (Daraba et al., 2018; Niswaty et al., 2020). Public service is essentially a series of activities providing administrative services, goods and services for citizens and residents by the (Papilaya et al., 2015) according to predetermined standards. The purpose of public services is to meet the needs and satisfaction of the community for the services received from local and sub-district government officials. The sub-district government has an obligation to provide services to the community (Nilwana et al., 2015; Padatu & Akib, 2018). Government is not established to serve oneself, but to serve the needs of the community so as to enable every member of the community to develop their abilities and creativity in order to achieve mutual progress (Botituhe et al., (n.d.)).

The condition of the performance of the process and results of public services from the governance of public services by the sub-district government is generally not encouraging (Akil et al., 2020; Souisa et al., 2019). Moreover, the sub-district of Pulau Kur Utara which is located in the outermost area, is 6 hours away by ferry to the city center which is located on the mainland. Complaints about the low performance of public services at the sub-district level have become an issue of daily conversation (Batley & Mcloughlin, 2015; James & Moseley, 2014). The phenomenon that people often face is in the form of sluggish performance of administrative services, such as certificates, permits, recommendations, and others that run slowly, not on time, limited facilities or supporting facilities. As a result, the services provided run slowly, and the time is delayed, causing losses and public dissatisfaction (AM et al., 2020; Arokiasamy & Tamah, 2021; Mana-Ay et al., 2020; Pawar et al., 2020; Shabbir et al., 2021; Suharti et al., 2020).

The government sometimes carries out activities that are not always beneficial to the community. The commitment and role of service providers in a sub-district will determine the optimality of service performance for the community. The government apparatus is relied on to be able to change the image of asking to be served, to be "serving". The change is for the realization of public services that are faster, uncomplicated, easy and in accordance with the needs of the people being served. The task of local and sub-district governments is to provide optimal services to satisfy needs and improve people's welfare (Batley & Mcloughlin, 2015). However, whether or not the performance of the service process at a sub-district office is optimal will affect the performance of public service results according to the service standards that have been set. It is the hope of the community that the public service system is faster, less complicated, easier and according to the needs of the people being served. The above phenomenon is considered interesting and urgent for further study. Because the problems in this research are: why is the performance of the public service process not optimal according to service standards at the Pulau Kur Utara District office, Tual Islands City?

Literature Review

Public Service Performance

The term performance is a translation of the word “performance" which is often interpreted by scholars as "appearance", "performance", or achievement (Batley & Mcloughlin, 2015). Performance or performance is defined as the result of work or work performance. In the study of public administration, performance began to be demanded to be measured since Woodrow Wilson emphasized the efficiency aspect in the design of administrative systems, and since FWTaylor encouraged employees to work efficiently. Today, performance is defined as the efficient and effective use of resources to achieve results.

Performance is about doing the job and the results achieved from that work. Performance is about what is done and how to do it. Performance can be viewed as a process as well as the result of work. Performance is a process of how work takes place to achieve work results. The meaning of more dynamic performance is actually a combination of action/process performance and work results to be achieved and obtained.

Performance is carrying out an activity and perfecting it in accordance with its responsibilities with the expected results. Performance is the qualitative and quantitative results achieved by a person in carrying out the functions with the responsibilities assigned to him (Bond et al., 2013; Porter et al., 2010). Organizational performance is related to various activities in the value chain that exist in the organization. Various factors that affect organizational performance actually provide information about the performance of the activities of organizational units. Organizations need adjustments to all activities in accordance with organizational goals. The successful performance of public organizations is the performance of organizational performance that matches or even exceeds the targets set by public organizations. A successful public organization is also a public organization that is able to meet the expectations of its stakeholders. Organizational performance is related to the appearance of a complete state during a certain period which is illustrated by the results obtained, which are influenced or the ability of public organizations to utilize various resources of public organizations owned.

Good public service performance is the dream of all citizens but this is not an easy job. Public service performance is the procedure for administering public services and the results of the functions, duties, responsibilities carried out in accordance with predetermined standards. Public service performance is a description of the level of achievement of the implementation of an activity, program, policy in realizing the goals, objectives, vision and mission of a public organization that has been previously set. performance of public services as the process and results of services by the implementing apparatus in public service organizations to meet the needs and expectations of the public according to the standards that have been set. Basically the performance of public services is a description of all actions, actions or processes of providing goods or services for the community or residents in need and the results of providing services received by the community or residents by government officials. the goals, vision and mission of the organization have been set.

Public Service

Public service is one of the important study orientations or focus of the study of public administration, has several diverse and varied meanings put forward by experts (Porter et al., 2010). The use of the term public service (public service) in Indonesia is considered to have the same meaning with the term public service or community service. These three terms are used concurrently. Public services can simply be understood as services provided by the government. Public services function as a system that provides everything needed by the community (Ramseook-Munhurrun et al., 2010). Public service is the provision of services (serving) the needs of people or communities who have an interest in the organization according to the basic rules and established procedures (Osborne et al., 2013).

Public service is defined as the provision of services (serving) the needs of people or communities who have an interest in an organization in accordance with the basic rules and procedures that have been set. Or public services are state services to fulfill the basic needs and civil rights of every citizen for goods, services and administrative services provided by service providers. Public service is every activity carried out by the government for a number of people who have every activity that is profitable in a group or unit, and offers satisfaction even though the results are not tied to a physical product . Public services are all activities carried out by public service providers as an effort to fulfill public needs and implement the provisions of laws and regulations.

In the implementation of public services, government officials are responsible for providing the best service to the community in order to create public welfare. The community has the right to get the best service from the government because the community has provided funds in the form of paying taxes, levies, and various other levies. Public services are services/givings to the community in the form of the use of public facilities, both services and non-services, which are carried out by public organizations, namely the government. Recipients of public services are individuals/groups of people and/or legal entities that have rights and obligations to a public service.

Public service as the provision of goods or services either by the government, private parties on behalf of the government, or private parties to the community, with or without payment to meet the needs and or interests of the community. Public services are defined as all service activities carried out by public service providers as an effort to fulfill public needs in implementing the provisions of laws and regulations. Public service is an activity or series of activities in the context of meeting the needs of activities in the context of fulfilling service needs in accordance with the laws and regulations for every citizen and resident of goods, services, or administrative services provided by public service providers (UU. No. 25/ 2009. So basically public service is a series of activities carried out by government officials and local government providers of public services in an effort to meet the expectations and needs, services, or administrative services for citizens or residents in accordance with the provisions of applicable laws and regulations.

The process of public service in the regions must meet the principles of good governance, including being transparent, non-partisan, efficient and accountable. In governance, the administration of government, including the process of public services to achieve its goals, specifically for the benefit of the community. Stakeholders are actively and even proactively involved in thinking, deciding, implementing as well as supervising, and assessing and determining the performance of government services and their bureaucracy.

Dimensions of Public Service Performance

Public service performance can be measured through a number of dimensions or aspects developed by various groups according to their respective tendencies (Boyne & Walker, 2010). Performance can be assessed according to actors and the results achieved by individuals (individual performance), groups (group performance), institutions (organizational performance), and by a program/policy (program/policy performance). Individual performance describes to what extent a person has carried out his main tasks so that he can provide the results set by the group/organization. Group performance describes the extent to which a group has carried out the tasks of its main activities so as to achieve the results as determined by the institution. Institutional performance is related to the extent to which an institution has carried out all the main activities so that the mission or vision of the institution is achieved. Program/policy performance relates to the extent to which the activities in the program or policy have been implemented so as to achieve the objectives of the program/policy (Nielsen, 2014).

Performance can be measured from the implementation of activities, systems and procedures that have been determined according to the paradigm of The Old Public Administration (OPA), while measuring the level of achievement of results adheres to the paradigm of NPM or New Public Management . In the behavioral approach, the application of ways to produce something desired becomes the center of attention of the rater. The main parameter that is often used in assessing this method is the cost (money, time, effort, and energy) spent in the process compared to the results achieved or known as the efficiency perspective. Meanwhile, in the results approach, what is assessed is the accuracy of the results in accordance with expectations or plans, or popularly called the effectiveness criteria (effectiveness perspective).

Seven dimensions become measures that are oriented towards the performance of the public service process: 1) Responsiveness, is the ability of the government to recognize community needs, develop service agendas and priorities, and develop service programs in accordance with community needs and aspirations, 2) Responsibility, which is a measure that shows level of conformity between government administration and established laws or regulations and procedures, 3) Accountability, the measure shows the level of conformity between government administration and external measures that exist in society and are owned by stakeholders, such as values and norms that develop in society, 4) Adaptability, is a measure of the government's responsiveness to the demands of changes that occur in its environment, 5) Survival, is how far the government or service program can show the ability to continue to grow and survive in competition with regions or regions. other programs, 6) Openness/transparency, are procedures/procedures for administering government and other matters relating to the public service process that must be informed openly so that it is easily known and understood by the public, whether requested or not, and 7) empathy, namely the government's treatment or attention to actual issues that are developing in society.


This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach, taking the research location at the Pulau Kur District office, Tual Islands City (Hunter et al., 2019; Lambert & Lambert, 2012). There were 10 informants for this research, and taken purposively, there are parties who are considered close and know the problem being studied, consisting of the sub-district head and the sub-district secretary, three Section Heads/Kasie (government, public and personnel, as well as security and order), 3 executive officers from each representing the section, and 3 representatives of community members who have managed this sub-district office. Techniques were used to collect the required data, consisting of observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation review. Meanwhile, the data that had been collected were processed and analyzed using interactive descriptive qualitative analysis techniques.

Results and Discussion

Service Reliability Performance Analysis

The process of public service by the organizers of a government organization in the regions and sub-districts should have the ability to be able to provide accurate or reliable services to citizens according to their expectations and needs for the desired administrative services. Reliability is the ability of the apparatus to carry out the promised services accurately to the community members according to their expectations and needs. Service reliability is one of the dimensions in looking at the level of the performance of public services, especially administrative services at a government office, such as a sub-district office. In order to know and know the dimensions of the reliability of this service, two measures are used, namely; the ability of the apparatus to provide services, and the accuracy of the services provided as promised.

The results of this research clearly describe the condition of the performance of the public service process, especially from the dimensions of the reliability of public services by implementing officials at the Pulau Kur Sub-district office, and the Disdukcapil Tual city, which appears to be in a condition that is not fully adequate. This relates to the knowledge, ability and accuracy of the service provider's work.

Service Responsiveness

The process of public service by government officials in the regions and sub-districts is required to be able to display a responsive attitude or good responsiveness to the expectations and needs of community members when dealing with a sub-district office. Public service responsiveness is a measure that shows the responsiveness of service providers or providers to the expectations, desires, aspirations, and demands of customers, or community members as service recipients.

To see the dimensions of service responsiveness, indicators are used for employees to be able to recognize community needs, make service priorities, and develop service programs according to community needs and aspirations. Information from the sub-district head and secretary, they always encourage their staff to always appear responsive, by trying to identify and prioritize the administrative service process, the needs and aspirations of the community members according to the service programs and procedures in this office. Especially in the Disdukcapil of Tual city, there is a service program development, but there are problems with the electricity network and the internet. In addition, information from the three casies, and implementing employees, admitted that they were quite responsive to identify and prioritize the needs of community members, who managed SSKRP services in this office, as well as coordinating services from village heads for making KK, KTP, and A2K to the local community. The Disdukcapil of Tual City, through the development of an electronic service program, has become constrained by the lack of adequate electricity and internet networks.

Information from three community members who had managed SSKRP services at the sub-district office, and the coordinating service to the Disdukcapil of Tual, that the employees were quite responsive. However, sometimes the service process becomes less or less responsive to the apparatus, due to a power outage from 06.00 – 18.00 at this office, and also at the Disdukcapil of Tual city. The condition of the performance of the public service process, especially from the aspect or dimension of the responsiveness of public services by the implementing apparatus at this sub-district office, and the Tual City Diskkatail, according to the data and information above, is not yet fully adequate. This is triggered by the non-functioning of electronic services, because it is not suitable for electricity network support.

This condition is further influenced by the instructions from the Minister of Home Affairs regarding the current Covid-19 condition, making the limit for those who enter the office only for echelon three and four. And those from outside this sub-district have to return to Tual, unless the staff comes from this sub-district, stay rest at home. This is actually related to the service system and service culture that have not been developed adequately.

Service Accountability

The process of public service by government officials in the regions and sub-districts is required to be able to display a good accountable attitude towards the expectations and needs of residents who come to deal with their offices. Public accountability is a principle that ensures that every activity in the administration of government/public services can be accounted for openly by actors to parties affected by the policy. Public service accountability is a measure that shows the level of conformity between service providers and external measures in the community and owned by stakeholders, such as values and norms that develop in society.

In order to see this dimension, indicators are used; conformity with the size of the community, as well as the values and norms of society. The results of this research show that employees who provide public services simply try to adjust to the size and value.


From the results of the analysis and discussion above, several conclusions regarding the portrait or landscape of the performance condition of the service process and the work of the public service results by the organizers and implementers at the Pulau Kur sub-district office, Tual Islands City, are stated as follows. The description of the profile of the performance condition of the public service process seen through four dimensions, in the form of service reliability, service responsiveness, service accountability, and service transparency for the community in terms of administering population administrative services and civil registration, can state some conclusions as follows: a) Service reliability This dimension has been attempted by the implementing apparatus by always trying to be quite careful in providing the services needed by the community. b) Responsiveness of public services, this dimension is attempted to be displayed by the organizers and service implementers at the sub-district office which are still in a position that is not fully optimal, c) Accountability of public services is still in, and d) Transparency of public services, the dimensions of the performance of this service process have been sought to be displayed quite well as expected.

Performance Conditions of Public Service Result. The description of the profile of the performance condition of the public service process seen through four dimensions, in the form of service effectiveness, service efficiency, service satisfaction, and service justice for the community in terms of managing population administrative services and civil registration, some conclusions are stated as follows: a) Effectiveness of public services, the dimension of the performance of this result has been attempted to be displayed properly or optimally, but it is not yet fully optimal as expected, b) Efficiency of public services, this dimension has also been attempted to be implemented properly and optimally through fast, careful, and inexpensive ways of working, but this is still not optimal as desired, c) Satisfaction with public services, this dimension is still in an inadequate condition, although it has been attempted by the implementing apparatus and service implementers in this sub-district office, d) Justice for public services, thus also dim This ensi is still in a position that is not fully optimal.

From the results of the analysis above, it is briefly stated that the condition of the performance of the public service process displayed by the service implementing apparatus at the North Kur Island sub-district office, Tual Islands City is not optimal, especially from the dimensions of responsiveness and accountability of public services provided, thus affecting the optimality of the four dimensions. The performance of the results of public services in this sub-district office, thus is in a position that is not yet fully adequate, namely the dimensions of effectiveness, efficiency, satisfaction and fairness in providing and receiving the results of services needed by interested citizens. The quality of public services has become a necessity for the recipients of public services or the community today. However, the facts show that the community has not yet experienced optimal benefits from the process and results of services provided by public service organizations. Unlike the case with private organizations, which generally the services they provide have given satisfaction to their users.


Based on the conclusions above, several recommendations can be made: Competent leaders in the Tual Islands city government and the North Kur Island sub-district government should be committed to encouraging the staff of the organizers and implementers of public services they have by utilizing all available resources to achieve good and optimal service performance, especially from dimensions of service effectiveness, service efficiency, service satisfaction, and fairness of public services in accordance with established service standards.

An important step that must be taken to improve the optimal conditions for the performance of the results of these public services is the need to increase the commitment of competent leaders to the Tual Kepuluan city government and the North Kur Island sub-district government in encouraging and facilitating the staff of organizers and implementers of public services with the appearance process. Good people carry out their duties and obligations in a reliable, responsive, accountable, and transparent and continuous way in accordance with established public service standards, especially standards: procedures, time, costs, products, infrastructure, and the competence of service officers. which is owned. To create good public service management techniques and sub-district administration, it is necessary to decentralize the authority of community services to the sub-district level.


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Received: 01-Dec-2021, Manuscript No. jleri-21-9537; Editor assigned: 03-Dec-2021; PreQC No. jleri-21-9537(PQ); Reviewed: 18-Dec-2021, QC No. jleri-21-9537; Revised: 25-Dec-2021, Manuscript No. jleri-21-9537(R); Published: 01-Jan-2022

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