Academy of Strategic Management Journal (Print ISSN: 1544-1458; Online ISSN: 1939-6104)

Research Article: 2021 Vol: 20 Issue: 1

Empirical Analysis of the Role of Patriotic Education on Common Strategic- National and Economic Policy in the Modern World: A Case Study of Russia

Yuliya G. Fedotova, Expert Studies Center of National Security and Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA)Denikin Anatoly Vasilyevich, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Denikina Zoya Dmitrievna, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Vasilyeva Oxana N., Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Konovalova Irina, Moscow Region State University

Nurul Mohammad Zayed, Daffodil International University


The purpose of the article is to characterize the state of patriotic education and the national idea in Russia and the modern world. The work uses formal legal, historical, sociological, systemic methods, methods of analysis and synthesis, interpretation of legal norms and comparative. The article analyzes the significance of patriotic education and the national idea in Russia and the modern world. The problem of correlation of constitutional values is revealed. Based on the analysis of the legal regulation of public relations in Russian legislation, it was concluded that the most powerful and viable state can only become if there is a national idea supported by the entire people, based on unity and interethnic harmony. Therefore, the implementation of a common national policy is a condition for ensuring security. At the same time, patriotism is not so much a national idea as a direction, a fundamental position in such a concept.


Common National Policy, Modern World, Russia, National Idea, Systemic Methods.


Moral and political factors are very important in the struggle for national security and state sovereignty. According to Peven (2002), “before Russia in the XXI century the task is to change the social paradigm of military development: from the principle of compulsion in the fulfillment by citizens of their military duty to ensuring one of the fundamental human rights – the possibility of freedom of choice and the increase in the personal responsibility of a citizen for protecting society and the state”. The development of a legal concept of citizens' participation in ensuring the country's defense and state security, based on the personal choice of a citizen, free from destructive influence and capable of confronting it, is gaining relevance. The position that the existence of legal ideology does not violate constitutional provisions seems to be justified, since along with it, the presence of other ideological institutions in the state is possible; since the legal ideology is cohesive, it is more susceptible to negative impact than other elements of the state (Reshetnikov & Urazaev, 2010). At the same time, scientists are concerned about the problems of society's lack of spirituality, the absence of a national idea, since moral consciousness is a factor in the security of an individual, society and the state. Moral and political factors are very important in armed conflicts. They depend on the established state system and are associated with the readiness not only of the armed forces, but of the entire people to withstand the struggle for national security and state sovereignty. According to scientists, these factors should be given more attention (Archakov, 2014).

Literature Review

The institution of citizens' participation in ensuring the country's defense and state security is a general legal element necessary for any state. To one degree or another, each state carries out legal regulation of the relevant social relations. In modern geopolitical realities, the institution of citizens' participation in ensuring the country's defense and state security is becoming increasingly important. U.S. National Security Strategy (National Security Strategy of the United States of America, 2015), focuses on the need to involve citizens of their state and any citizens and their associations of other countries interested in this in ensuring the national security of the United States. This legal act, which has a great ideological content, has an extraterritorial character like many US legislative acts (Information operations: Joint Electronic Library of U.S. Department of Defense, 2006). He directly declares the appeal of citizens of any foreign state to participate in ensuring the state interests of the United States, appealing with the issues of protecting the rights and freedoms of socially unprotected categories of citizens of any state. In modern conditions of globalization, high mobility of the population, migration flows and the speed of information dissemination, refusal to use various forms of citizen participation in ensuring defense and security, including migrants, foreign citizens, can lead to military dangers, which is confirmed by the events of November 13, 2015, July 14, 2016 and other terrorist attacks in France (Korotchenko, 2020). There is an opinion that the Constitution is outside of ideology, and the sum of the values that underlie the Constitution of a democratic rule-of-law state is, as it were, outside the boundaries of ideological pluralism (Baglai, 1998). There is another position in the literature. In the point of view of such scientists as (Engibaryan & Tadevosyan, 2001), “the values, principles and norms of modern democracy and civilization, on which the modern foundations of a democratic country are based, themselves have an extra-class or supra-class character. But the expression and upholding of these values, interests and ideals is the ideology of modern democracy, humanism, modern civilization”. According to Abolonin (2013), “the highest state officials form the leading ideology of the state with their words and actions. The modern upholding of Russia's interests in the international arena, the revival of Orthodoxy and other religious beliefs form the ideology of patriotism and adherence to traditional values that unites society, which enjoys the support of the majority of the population”. Nersesyants (2000) fills the term “constitutionalism” with ideological content. In his opinion, constitutionalism is an ideology, and not an ordinary one, but a kind of nation-wide, supra-party, integrative-nationwide character. These views are united by the recognition of the existence of values and ideals of national importance. At the same time, patriotism is not so much a national idea as a direction, a fundamental position. Respect for history, geography, culture, etc. should permeate all spheres of public life, directions of activity of state authorities, other state bodies, organizations and citizens. In order to protect national history and the reliability of historical facts, the powers of the relevant federal executive authorities in the field of culture, education, science are not enough; it is necessary and in demand to guide these principles in the activities of other state bodies, including in the social economic and political spheres. A single public authority will not be able to ensure the quality implementation of the fundamental provisions.


The research is based on empirical analysis. Few literatures have been reviewed to analyze the role of patriotic education on common strategic- national and economic policy in the modern world. Data have been collected from Russian perspective. According to paragraphs “E” Clause 21 of the Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation one of the main tasks of the Russian Federation in containing and preventing military conflicts is to combine the efforts of the state, society and the individual to protect the Russian Federation, to develop and implement measures aimed at increasing the effectiveness of military-patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation and their preparation for military service. At the same time, the mechanism for solving the problem posed is not regulated normatively. History shows a significant contribution of citizens who are not military personnel to the country's defense capability, at the same time, the mechanism of their participation in ensuring defense and security in the face of new military dangers and threats has not always been developed. Patriotic education is a systematic and purposeful activity of state authorities, civil society institutions and families to form citizens of high patriotic consciousness, a sense of loyalty to their Fatherland, readiness to fulfill civic duty and constitutional obligations to protect the interests of the Motherland. At the Federal level, the main activities are defined within the framework of the corresponding state program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2016-2020”. For example, in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, centers for military-patriotic education and training of citizens (youth) for military service have been created, the work of defense-sports camps, etc., are organized. Among educational organizations implementing general education programs, training of students for military service in cadet schools (cadet boarding schools) and Cossack cadet corps. Thus, the activity of patriotic education can be carried out in forms both within the military organization of the state and outside it, which correspond to the purpose, goals and objectives of patriotic education (Fedotova, 2017 & 2019).

Results and Discussion

Today Russia is reaping the fruits of the patriotic education of the past centuries. The nature of modern military threats shows that it is necessary to maintain, revive and restore the conceptual foundations necessary to solve the problem of combining the efforts of the state, society and the individual to defend the Russian Federation. Moreover, the words of (Stolypin, 1911), “In defending Russia, we must all unite, coordinate our efforts, our responsibilities and our rights to maintain one historical supreme right, the right of Russia to be strong”. The national idea of modern Russia is reconciliation between the authorities and the people who have awakened to self-consciousness and initiative and become a nation. State power is impossible without the implementation of the national idea. The state and the nation must organically grow together (Struve, 2005). The idea of building a strong state and ensuring its sovereignty was noted by the President of the Russian Federation (Putin, 2020). Moral and political factors are very important in armed conflicts. They largely depend on the established state system and are associated with the readiness not only of the armed forces, but of the entire people to withstand the struggle for national security and state sovereignty. The preservation of a single spiritual space of the Russian nation, protection from the destructive influence of public consciousness, the Russian language and Russian history, the formation and preservation of patriotic self-awareness of the Russian people concern the interests of the state, society and the individual, therefore, civil society institutions should take an active part in their solution. Today Russia is reaping the fruits of the patriotic education of the past centuries. The nature of modern military threats shows that it is necessary to maintain, revive and restore the conceptual foundations necessary to solve the problem of combining the efforts of the state, society and the individual to defend the Russian Federation. For the first time, the need to combine the efforts of state and public institutions to counter military threats was noted on November 20, 2014 when considering the draft Strategy for Countering Extremism in the Russian Federation until 2025. This task was set in the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation. Despite the possibility of citizens 'participation in the defense of the Fatherland, the presence of such experience, the consolidation of efforts on the part of civil society in the field of national security has not happened, which is largely due to the lack of legal norms determining the procedure and forms of citizens' participation in ensuring defense and certain types of security, the legal status of such citizens, the grounds for the emergence, change and termination of the relevant legal relationship. Thus, this legal institution acts as a national idea that unites Russian society. Combining the efforts of the state, society and the individual to defend the Russian Federation, involving the participation of citizens in ensuring the country's defense and state security, which is the highest form of democracy and a condition for the stability of the constitutional system, can become a solid spiritual and moral foundation, a national idea that forms patriotism and social responsibility which corresponds to the basic constitutional principles of the organization of the Russian state and the goal of building and functioning of a strong state (Tonkonogov, 2009).


The Constitution is not just a normative legal act of the highest legal force that has direct effect, but also a legal expression of the values of society and the state. The text of not only the Russian, but also foreign constitutions contain a preamble that has no legal force, which not only reflects the legitimacy of the basic law, but also has an ideological character, as it fixes a set of values and goals of the state. It is important that the declared values do not become a set of legal fictions, which ensures the reality of the Constitution. The most powerful and viable state can only become if there is a national idea supported by the entire people, based on unity and interethnic accord. Therefore, the implementation of a common national policy is a condition for ensuring security. At the same time, patriotism is not so much a national idea as a direction, a fundamental position in such a concept. Respect for history, geography, culture, etc. should permeate all spheres of public life, directions of activity of state authorities, other state bodies, organizations and citizens. In order to protect national history and the reliability of historical facts, the powers of the relevant federal executive authorities in the field of culture, education, science are not enough; it is necessary and in demand to guide these principles in the activities of other state bodies, including in the social economic and political spheres.


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