Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences (Print ISSN: 1524-7252; Online ISSN: 1532-5806)

Research Article: 2022 Vol: 25 Issue: 4

Estimation of population mean using ratio type imputation technique with linear combination of two auxiliary variable under two-phase sampling

Deepjan Gohain, North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology

Krishnajyoti Nath, North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology

Singh BK, North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology

Citation Information: Gohain, D., Nath, K., & Singh, B.K. (2022). Estimation of population mean using ratio type imputation technique with linear combination of two auxiliary variable under two-phase sampling. Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences, 25(S5), 1-20.


Present paper proposes four generalized classes of estimators for estimating population mean under the framework of two-phase sampling design by using auxiliary information and also the expressions for bias and mean square error are derived. These types of imputation techniques are used in different decision science related fields for better results. In addition, theoretical results showing the superiority of the proposed estimator over existing estimators from empirical studies based on different datasets from classical statistical literature are shown.


Imputation; Bias; Mean Square Error (MSE); Missing Data; Large Sample Approximation; Simple Random Sampling without Replacement (SRSWOR).


The sampling unit refuses to participate in the sample survey, cannot respond, cannot be contacted, or accidentally loses some of the information collected due to unexpected factors, resulting in incomplete survey responses. To deal with missing data effectively Kalton et al. (1981) and Sande (1979) suggested imputation methods that make an incomplete data set structurally complete and its analysis simple. Hyunshik Lee & Särndal (1994); and Lee et al. (1995) used the information on an auxiliary variable for the purpose of imputation. Later Singh and Horn (2000) introduced a compromised method of imputation based on auxiliary variables. Ahmed et al. (2006) discussed several new imputation based estimators that used the information on an auxiliary variate and compared their performance with the mean method of imputation.

Singh and Horn (2000); Wright & Capps (2011), Singh & Gogoi (2017); Singh & Nath (2018b; 2019) and Joyce et al. (2021) discussed designing mixed sampling plan based on IPD and some imputation methods of missing data for estimating the population mean using two-phase sampling scheme.

The objective of the present research work is to provide more efficient alternative estimators than the existing ones, when population parameter of auxiliary information is missing or unknown.


Let equation be a finite population of size N and Y is the study variable and X, Z are the auxiliary variable where Y, X and Z are the population mean of the variable Y, X and Z respectively.

Consider a first phase sample equation of size equation drawn from the population equation by using SRSWOR method and a second sample S of size equation drawn from equation or S1

Case-I: when second sample S is drawn from S1 i.e. second sample S is depends on first sample S1 (denoted by design I) as in Figure 1.

Case-II: when second sample S is drawn from equation i.e. second sample S is independent of first sample S1 (denoted by design II) as in Figure 1.

Let the second sample S contains equation responding units forming a sub space R and equation non-responding units with sub space Rc , such that equation For every unit equation is observed available. For every unit equation values are missing and imputed values are observed available. For every unit equation values are missing and imputed values are computed. The equation of auxiliary variables are used as a source of imputation for missing data when equation assuming that in S and S1 the data equation are known.





equation population correlation coefficient between X and Y , Y and Z & Z and X respectively.

equation the coefficient of variation of X, Y and Z respectively.


Now using the concept of two-phase sampling and denoting E1and E2 as the expectation over first phase and second phase respectively we have the following expected values.

Case I: when S is drawn from S1








Case II: when S is drawn from equation


Similarly equation







Some Existing Imputation Techniques

Mean Method of Imputation

Under Mean method of imputation


Using above the point estimator of population mean equation

The bias and Variance are given by


Ratio Method of Imputation (Hyunshik Lee & Särndal, 1994)

Under Ratio Method of Imputation


Using above the point estimator of population mean Y is


The bias and MSE are given by


Compromised Method of Imputation (Singh & Horn, 2000)

Under this method of imputation


Using the above the point estimator of population mean Y is


Where β is a constant to be determined such that MSE of ycomp is minimum.

The optimum Bias and MSE are-


Exponential Ratio Method of Imputation in two-phase sampling (Pandey et al., 2015)

Under this method of imputation



Using above the point estimator of population mean Y is


Where α is a drawn constant such that MSE of equation is minimum.

The optimum Bias and MSE are given by



Dual to Ratio Method of Imputation in two-phase sampling (Singh & Nath, 2018a)

Under this method of imputation



Using above the point estimator of population mean equation is


Where β is a drawn constant such that MSE of equation is minimum.

The optimum Bias and MSE are given by


Proposed Imputation Strategies

Motivating the above imputation methods of population mean, we have proposed the following Multivariate Ratio type imputation methods of population mean in two-phase sampling.

Imputation Method equation

The imputation scheme is as follows:


Imputation Method equation

The imputation scheme is as follows


Imputation Method equation

The imputation scheme is as follows


Imputation Method equation

The imputation scheme is as follows


Point estimators for population mean equation under the proposed four types of imputation methods equation can easily be deduced. We have the point estimators-


In general the above four imputation method can be defined as equation

The imputation scheme is a follows


Point estimator for population mean equation


Where α1 and α2 are suitable chosen constants to be determined such that MSE of the point estimator has minimum and equation

Expanding equation in terms of equation retaining the terms upto first order approximate we have






Properties of Proposed Estimator

The bias, MSE and min MSE of the proposed point estimators have been derived in the following theorems.

Theorem 1

Bias of the estimators equation under design I and design II upto first order of approximation are as:



Proof: Taking expectation on both sides of equation (1) we have


Putting the expected values under design I we have


Putting the expected values under design II we have


Theorem 2

MSE of the estimators equation under design I and design II upto first order approximation are as-


Proof: Taking expectation after squaring the both sides of (3) we have


Putting the expected values under design I we have



Putting the expected values under design II we have


The optimum value of equation is obtained by minimizing equation given in equation (6) and (7) by using the method of maxima and minima we have-


Putting the optimum values of equation under the design I and design II in equation (2) and (3) and solving for equation we have


Putting the optimum values of equation under design I and II in equation (4) & (5) we have


Theorem 3

The estimator equation is unbiased for optimum values of equation under design I and II.

Proof: Putting the optimum values of equation under design I in equation (6) we have


Similarly put ting the optimum values of equation under design II in equation (7) we have



In this section we divide the conditions under which the suggested estimator is superior to the existing estimators in design I and design II. To compare the different estimators we use the following theorem of multiple correlation coefficients.

Comparison with Mean Method of Imputation


equation is always efficient than equation in design I and design II.

Comparison with Ratio Method of Imputation


equation is always efficient than equation in design I and design II.

Comparison with Compromised Method of Imputation


Comparison with Exponential Ratio Method of Imputation



Comparison with dual to Ratio Method of Imputation


equation is always efficient than equation in design I and design II.

Empirical Study

To examine the performance of the proposed estimator of the population mean in twophase sampling, we have considered the following three populations (Tables 1-10).

Table 1 Mse of The Different Estimators Under Design I
Point Estimator Population I Population II Population III
equation 2.026693 2559.906609 10.369737
equation 1.875253 1631.420886 .955755
equation 1.757726 1630.937426 8.752709
equation 1.324985 1084.832174 7.845193
equation 1.152552 448.613009 6.731424
equation 1.090778 446.556316 6.273775


Table 2 Mse of The Different Estimators Under Design II
Point Estimator Population I Population II Population III
equation 2.026693 2559.906609 10.369737
equation 1.875253 1631.420886 8.955755
equation 1.757726 1630.937426 8.752709
equation 1.117529 828.239053 6.4115601
equation 1.117496 405.529871 6.356754
equation 1.053244 403.431209 5.851978


Table 3 Pre of The Different Estimators With Respect To equation Under Design I
Point Estimator Population I Population II Population III
equation 100.000 100.000 100.000
equation 106.686 100.029 102.319
equation 141.530 150.385 114.156
equation 162.704 363.659 133.044
equation 171.918 365.334 142.749


Table 4 Pre of The Different Estimators With Respect To equation Under Design Ii
Point Estimator Population I Population II Population III
equation 100.000 100.000 100.000
equation 106.686 100.029 102.319
equation 167.803 196.975 139.681
equation 167.808 402.294 140.886
equation 178.045 404.386 153.038


Table 5 Pre of The Different Estimators With Respect To equation Under Design I
Point Estimator Population I Population II Population III
equation 100.000 100.000 100.000
equation 132.660 150.340 111.568
equation 152.507 363.551 130.027
equation 161.144 365.225 139.513


Table 6 Pre of The Different Estimators With Respect To equation Under Design Ii
Point Estimator Population I Population II Population III
equation 100.000 100.000 100.000
equation 157.287 196.916 136.514
equation 157.292 402.174 137.691
equation 166.887 404.267 149.568


Table 7 Pre of The Different Estimators With Respect To equation Under Design I
Point Estimator Population I Population II Population III
equation 100.000 100.000 100.000
equation 114.961 241.819 116.546
equation 121.472 242.933 125.047


Table 8 Pre of The Different Estimators With Respect To equation Under Design Ii
Point Estimator Population I Population II Population III
equation 100.000 100.000 100.000
equation 100.003 204.236 100.086
equation 106.103 205.299 109.562


Table 9 Pre of The Different Estimators With Respect To equation Under Design I
Point Estimator Population I Population II Population III
equation 100.000 100.000 100.000
equation 105.666 100.460 107.295


Table 10 Pre of The Different Estimators With Respect To equation Under Design Ii
Point Estimator Population I Population II Population III
equation 100.000 100.000 100.000
equation 106.100 100.495 108.626

Population I (Cochran, 1977)

Y : Number of placebo children

X : Number of paralytic polio cases in the placebo group

Z :Number of paralytic polio cases in the ‘not inoculated group


Population II (Murthy, 1967)

Y : Area under wheat in 1964

X : Area under wheat in 1963

Z :Cultivated area in 1961


Population III (Anderson, 2003)

Y : Head length of second son

X : Head length of first son

Z :Head breathe of first son



From the above tables, it is obvious that the suggested have smaller Mean Square Error (MSE) than the MSE’s of the other existing estimators both theoretically as well as empirically under dependent and independent cases. Also the Bias of the proposed estimator vanishes at the optimum values of α1 and α2 . . Therefore it is concluded that the proposed estimator is preferable to use over other existing estimator.


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Received: 10-Feb-2022, Manuscript No. JMIDS-22-11218; Editor assigned: 15-Feb-2022, PreQC No. JMIDS-22-11218(PQ); Reviewed: 07-Mar-2022, QC No. JMIDS-22-11218; Revised: 29-Mar-2022, Manuscript No. JMIDS-22-11218 (R); Published: 05-Apr-2022

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