Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues (Print ISSN: 1544-0036; Online ISSN: 1544-0044)

Research Article: 2022 Vol: 25 Issue: 6

Implementation of Digital Literacy Program for Communities in South Sumatra in 2021

Isabella, Universitas Indo Global Mandiri

Alfitri, Universitas Sriwijaya

Ardiyan Saptawan, Universitas Sriwijaya

Nengyanti, Universitas Sriwijaya

Citation Information: Isabella., Alfitri., Saptawan, A., & Nengyanti. (2022). Implementation of digital literacy program for communities in South Sumatra in 2021. Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues, 25(6), 1-12.


The development of advances in digital technology has reached all aspects of human life, starting from the economy, transportation, entertainment, and even education. For this reason, the government through the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology has created a program to increase the community’s ability to use information and communication technology through the Digital Literacy Program in 2021. This program uses four pillars of literacy digital consisting of digital skills, digital safety, digital ethics and digital culture. This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis, which aims to describe and analyze the Implementation of Digital Policy for the Community in South Sumatra in 2021. The data collection technique in this research is through literature and documentation studies by utilizing books, journals, online news and reports on the implementation of digital literacy in South Sumatra in 2021. Overall the implementation of digital literacy in the field that there are still some obstacles, for example the lack of internet network signals in some areas. For this reason, efforts are needed from the government in expanding the internet network to all levels of society in the South Sumatra, so that people can follow the development of digital technology in all aspects of life.


Digital Literacy, Internet, Community.


Along with the development of advances in information and communication technology, access to information through the internet is recognized as the fastest, affordable and largest source of information to various levels of society. Most people also use the internet to communicate via short messages, carry out activities on social media, and watch videos online. Based on the results of measuring Indonesia’s Digital Literacy Status 2020 in 34 provinces in Indonesia in order to measure and analyze the habits and activities of respondents in using the internet. Respondents acknowledged the internet access was getting faster, affordable and spread to various remote areas. The social media most widely used by people in Indonesia nationally are WhatsApp, Facebook, and Youtube. As many as 40% of WhatsApp social media users even use it more than 5 hours a day.

The results of survey by The Indonesia Internet Service User Association (APJII) n 2020, internet users in Indonesia have reached 196.71 million active users or about 73.7% of the total population of Indonesia. At the same time, this massive user growth opens up wider space for the increasing abuse of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and the Internet. As an illustration, the use of the digital world in Indonesia, since 2008 there have been more than 144 people who have been prosecuted for violating the Law on Information and Electronic Transaction (ITE), especially related to fake news and hate speech on social media. It was further stated that as of December 31, 2020, there were 1,858,554 site content that had been block by the Ministry of Communication and Informatics and the majority of these sites were pornographic sites (Kominfo, 2021).

In using social media, it turns out that there are still many respondents who claim to put sensitive personal information on social media. In addition 30% - 60% respondents claimed to have been exposed to hoaxes, 11% of respondents have spread hoaxes because they did not really think about the truth of information, and most of the hoaxes found related to political, health, and religious issues were received mostly through social media Facebook. This Government action shows clearly that the development of the use of ICT and the internet in Indonesia is not healthy. Therefore, the Digital Literacy Policy is very necessary for the community. This research focuses on policy implementation. The concept of policy implementation, is a stage in the implementation of a policy, the stage is a crucial one that determines a policy.

The implementation stage needs to be well prepared at the formulation and policy-making stage. Conceptually Implementation is a process of gathering sources (natural, human, and cost) followed by determining the actions that must be taken to achieve policy objective. The series of actions is a form of transformation of the formulations decided in the policy into operational patterns that will lead to changes as mandated in the policies that have been taken previously.

Based on the results of the digital literacy study above, the Ministry of Communication and Information is required to play an active role in stopping the spread of hoaxes and other negative impacts of the internet by increasing the cognitive abilities of the Indonesian people through digital literacy skills training. Today’s internet world is increasing y filled with content that smells of fake news, hate speech, and radicalism, and even fraudulent practices. The existence of negative content that destroys the current digital ecosystem can only be prevented by building awareness from each individual (Kusumastuti et al., 2021)

In order to realize the Indonesian people who understand digital literacy, according to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE) in particular article 4, specifically point (a), (d), and (e) as amended by Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning Amendment to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions, the Ministry of Communication and Informatics has drawn up a 2021-2024. Digital Literacy Roadmap that uses a number of global and national references. In this Roadmap, 4 (four) digital literacy frameworks are formulated for curriculum preparation, namely Digital Skills, Digital Safety, Digital Ethics, and Digital Culture.

Four digital literacy frameworks for curriculum preparation, namely Digital Skills, Digital Safety, Digital Ethics, and Digital Culture with the following explanations.

Digital Skills

Based on the 2020 national digital literacy index survey data in 34 provinces in Indonesia, access to the internet is found to be faster, affordable, and spread to remote areas. The survey also revealed that the digital literacy of the Indonesian people is still at a moderate level. The measured digital literacy index is divided into 4 sub-index, namely sub-index 2 related to information and collaboration, sub-index 3 regarding security, and sub-index 4 regarding technological capabilities with the best score of 5 and the worst score of 1. Of the four, the highest sub-index is the information and data literacy and technology capability sub-index (3.66), followed by the communication and collaboration sub-index (3.38), and information and data literacy (3.17).

The data is in fact in line with the report on the information and communication technology development index (ICT Development Index) released by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in 2017. Indonesia occupies the 114th position in the world or the second lowest in the G20 after India in the release. The 2018 Central Statistics Agency (BPS) survey also revealed that of the three sub-indexes of Indonesia’s Information and Communication Technology Development Index (IP-TIK), namely access and infrastructure, intensity of use, and expertise/skills, the expertise sub-index has the lowest score. Its means that Indonesia still has homework to do in increasing the digital skills of its people evenly.

A number of recommendations for initiation and innovation also need to be issued in order to push this up. Open thing that is considered urgent to be encouraged is the ability to thinks critically about media and data. As a pillar in the information index and data literacy, the Indonesia people are deemed necessary in accessing, searching, filtering, and utilizing any data and information received and distributed from and to the various digital platforms they have.

It is not enough for the community to be able to operate various ICT devices in their daily lives, but also to be able to optimize their use for the greatest benefit for themselves and others. Call it a hoax phenomenon that spreads massively in conversation applications and social media and is getting more and more disturbing from time to time. This is exacerbated by the lack of skills in sharing data and information and interacting through various digital communication devices.

In short, we certainly don’t expect that our gadgets become a tool to commit crimes or bring harm to ourselves. Digital skill as a part of digital literacy need to be honed continuously. Therefore the ministry of Communication and Informatics, especially The Directorate of Information Empowerment, feels the need to increase the ability and understanding of the communication Technology (ICT) and the internet through the implementation of the Digital Literacy is built through increasing the community’s digital capabilities through Digital Skills.

Digital Safety

We are Social data shows that in 2019 there were 88% of internet users over the age of 15 making online purchases. Furthermore, 80% of them admitted to making purchases via smart phones. Meanwhile, in 2020, Google and Temasek recorded a 37% increase in consumers accessing digital services compared to 2019. The local market (e-commerce) sector recorded a fairly large increase in the number of transactions. In 2020, total digital transactions. In 2020, total digital transactions reached around Rupees 621 trillion, and increase of 11% compared to the previous year, although in terms of tourism and transportation spending there was a decline.

This shows that people are comfortable and confident in carrying out financial activities that have been considered high risk through digital technology. The development of the use of digital services is also accompanied by an increase in the use of digital services in other sectors, including for government administration matters. The increasing activity of the community in accessing various services on the Internet is a breath of fresh air because this activity can open up opportunities for the community to be more empowered. But on the other hand, the high level of digital activity also opens up bad potential. Digital technology is a new technology for most Indonesian people. Although various digital security features, the gap for digital data theft is still very likely to occur, especially from the user side.

Cases related to digital security that occur quite often include fraud and account theft that occurs on various digital service platforms. A number of ways have actually been done by digital service providers, such as providing a two-way authentication feature to suggesting always logging out and changing passwords regularly. Various socializations to distrust tantalizing link are also frequently announced. However, cases of digital crime targeting individuals are still common. The Directorate of Cyber Crime, Bareskrim Polri noted that in the period January to November 2020 there were 4.250 reports of cybercrimes. Of the thousands of cases, 1,158 of them were cases of fraud and 267 cases of illegal access. Meanwhile from year to year the number of cyber-crimes has also increased.

Therefore, the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, especially the Directorate of Information Empowerment, feels the need to increase the ability and understanding of the community in the correct use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and the internet through the implementation of the Digital Literacy program in the regions. The digital literacy program is built trough increasing the digital capacity of the community through Digital Safety.

Digital Ethics

Siberkreasi & Deloitte 2020 in Kusumastuti formulated digital ethics as the individual’s ability to realize, exemplify, adapt, rationalize, consider and develop digital ethical governance (netiquette) in everyday life. That using digital media should be directed at tips, attitudes, and ethical behaviour for common good to improve the quality of humanity. Especially in Indonesia, which is multicultural, digital ethics is very relevant to be understood and practiced by all Indonesian citizens.

Therefore, the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, especially the directorate of Information Empowerment, feels the need to increase the ability and understanding of the community in the correct use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and the internet through increasing the digital capacity of the community through Digital Ethics.

Digital Culture

The specific characteristics of digital culture can be explained by the types of technical processes involved, the types of emerging cultural forms, and the types of digital cultural experiences.

In recent years, the various developments that have occurred are indeed quite amazing, especially in the field of technology, especially in term of information and communication. Information technology, which was previously known as computer technology, along with other electronic devices, has become one in a combination of capabilities, initially with the discovery of various simple devices, ranging from telephones, which are analog-based, progress and develops continuously until various other electronic devices appear.

Until finally these technologies are integrated with one another. On the other hand, due to the development of technological capabilities, there have also been quite dramatic changes in business travel and operations, which have resulted in new services, including the utilization of the world’s unlimited network. The development of the digital world has reached all aspects in terms of business, economy, entertainment, transportation and even in the process of learning activities at school. The result of activities through digital space can also be more efficient and more accurate in the process compared to busy human performance through outdoor activities can give you a sense of fatigue. This has been implemented in all countries in the world, both developed and developing countries, in the economic world, all business people are able to make online transactions where the transaction I more useful because we can use do it anywhere and under any circumstances. We can use laptops, mobile phones or anything that is connected to the internet to make online transactions. The negative side of the development of the digital world is the misuse of technological developments. Many users take advantage of technological developments to do evil things such as theft, robbery, fraud for terrorist support action.

Digital technology also affects the relationship between objects, space and time. Objects can be easily not only modified, but also decontextualized, and objects from different historical and spatial contexts can be brought together to articulate something new or to create a collection of objects. For example, music or movie streaming service and television often also in a personalized way enabled by data-driven automation is a popular realization of this.

The narrowing of the distance between the viewer and the object of are is another typical example: not only is culture participation more democratic due to the instant availability of work of art, but also the mean of production such as moving images and visual cultural products and making them available to a wider audience has become a powerful form of cultural participation more accessible.

Virtual reality technology can be expected to further change the forms of cultural participation and forms of cultural participation. It is still common to make a distinction between virtual and real. This is a misleading distinction: although virtual environments are intangible, this does not mean that they are not real. Our vocabulary also tends to show a clear distinction between virtual (or online) and offline: terms such as cyberspace and physical world seem to draw this distinction while our experience is both concurrent. However, in discussions of online bullying, for example, it has been suggested that certain types of presence (distant, with a lack of face-to-face contact; also called telepresence) that digital technology makes possible lower the threshold for people to abuse others. Virtual worlds and virtual reality also allow for a type of experience called simulation an immersive experience brought about by the creation of a model world, sometimes mimicking an offline world. The latter is here seen as less authentic or real, drawing participants away from real reality. Video games are another example of a digital cultural medium that can produce experiences that make people more imaginative.

Therefore, the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, especially the Directorate of Information Empowerment. Feels the need to increase the ability and understanding of community in the correct use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and the internet through the implementation of the Digital Literacy program in regions. The digital literacy program is built through Digital Culture.

The Ministry of Communication and Information is also targeting 10.000.000 digitally literate people by 2021, repeating every year, until 50 million digitally literate people are reached by 2024 (Suwana, 2017). Therefore, it is necessary to organize massive digital literacy activities in 514 regencies/cities, in 34 Province, in Indonesia. This activity aims to build insight and knowledge related to digital literacy in the form of seminars and discussions online (for participants) and offline (for resource persons and moderators) with the target population in the Regency/City especially ASN, TNI/Polri, Students, Teacher, Lecturers, Housewives, farmers, fishermen, and UMKM. The Following is a reference image of the Global and Nation Digital Literacy Framework. The target participants in digital literacy in South Sumatera can be seen in the following Table 1.

Table 1 Target of Digital Literacy Participants
Number District Target Participants Total Even Average of Participants
1 Empat Lawang 12.424 21 591
2 Muara Enim 22.824 38 600
3 Musi Rawas 14.731 24 613
4 Ogan Komering Ulu 13.69 23 595
5 Ogan Komering Ulu Selatan 15.23 25 609
6 Palembang 62.148 103 603
7 Penukal Abab Lematang Ilir 7.258 12 604
8 Prabumulih 7.195 12 599
  Total 155.5 258 4814

This study has several objectives:

1) Identify and analyse the Implementation of Digital Literacy Policies as an effort to Build the Character of the Digital Society in South Sumatera;

2) Identify and analyse the supporting and inhibiting factors in the implementation of Digital Literacy Policy in South Sumatera.

3) Recommend an optimal model for implementing the Digital Literacy Policy in South Sumatera.

Literature Review

To add a reference, the author tries to look back at some of the research that has been done and published, especially regarding the Implementation of Digital Literacy Policies in South Sumatera.

Young people participation in the digital society: a Case Study in Brazil. According to Everton Knihs & García-Holgado (2020) in this study Youth is the main driver of new behaviour and understanding. Their participation in society allows the integration of their ideas and constructive analysis to drive innovative policies and solutions in which technology is an intrinsic element. Citizenship science can be used to give children and youth a voice through civic development and approaches, scientific debate. In the European context, the WYERD project has developed a methodological framework to support Youth participation in a Digital Society through social dialogue and technology ecosystem support to enable internationalization. This activity aims to lay the groundwork for transferring the WYERD framework to Brazilian Youth in relation to the desired social change, tolerance for different cultures/opinions; mental wellbeing; necessary changes in education (e.g. future-oriented education); self-image, selfconfidence; internet security and privacy (Adikara et al., 2021).

Empowering Indonesian women through building digital media literacy. According to Fiona Suwana (2017) in this qualitative research study, the founder, leaders and participants from IQITA (Indonesian Women Information Technology Awareness) and FemaleDav (Women Developers) were interviewed because these organizations focus on developing digital literacy for women. The findings show that digital media literacy is still low due to inadequate education, lack of opportunities and the patriarchal system in Indonesia. This study explores and analyzed the roles, opportunities, and challenges of the initiators, managers and participants of women’s empowerment in Indonesia, and the results confirm that are problems with digital literacy media and the digital gender gap related to the capacity gap in Indonesia.

Some Indonesia women are active Internet users but their digital media literacy is still low. These two organizations found some obstacles for Indonesian women to use digital media: low educational backgound lack of skills, lack of facilities, and lack of ICT workshops/training for women, and also the influence of patriarchal culture. IWATA and FemaleDey can be a solution to improve digital media literacy for Indonesian women because both groups implement digital media literacy programs and suggest that Indonesian women need media, motivation and assistance to support their skills. In response to this, IWATA and FemaleDey have tried to overcome the existing problems by teaching and promoting digital media literacy for Indonesian women. The action of empowering women through digital media literacy that has been achieved by IWITA and FemaleDav can affect the increase in the level of digital media literacy in Indonesian women. However, this is still limited and only on a small scale because training pragmas or workshops are conducted in a limited number of Indonesian women in limited areas (Monggilo, 2021).

Public Policy

The policy is “a purpose course of action followed by an actor or set of actors in dealing with a problem or matter of concern”. In the case, policy is the direction of action of a number of actors in overcoming problems and focuses on that is actually being done, not what is proposed or intended. Furthermore, Winarno (2012) suggests that a policy is used to designate the behaviour of an actor (e.g. an official, a group or a government institution) or a number of actors in a particular field of activity).

Policy analysis as the activity of creating knowledge about and in the policy-making process). There are several stages that must be carried out in Policy Formulation, namely agenda setting, policy formulation, policy adoption/legitimacy, policy implementation, policy evaluation. Based on the description above, it can be seen that the Implementation of Digital Literacy Policy in South Sumatera is a rational procedure to critically examine policy issues so as to produce the best ideas as information for analysts in formulating the Implementation of Digital Literacy Policy in South Sumatra.

Policy Implementation Model

The implementation model that is more appropriate to use in the Digital Literacy Policy in South Sumatera is the Grindle Model. On the variable of content or policy content, Grindle views that policy implementation still involves politics. In the first to fourth elements, namely interest affected, type or benefits, extent of change envisioned and site if decision making, we can see that the role of politics is still strong. The grindle model is determined by the content of the policy and the context of its implementation. The basic idea is that after the policy is transformed, the implementation of the policy is carried out (Knihs & García-Holgado, 2020).

Its success is determined by the degree of implementation of the policy, namely the content and context of the policy. Grindle’s policy implementation model can be described in the following Figure 1

Figure 1 Policy Implementation model from Grindle

Digital Literacy

In the book Social Digitalization: Persistent Transformations beyond Digital Technology, outlines a critical analysis of the impact of social digitization that goes beyond the assessment of the material digital technologies applied and the policies associated with their use. Digital transformations are being used to facilitate more informed decisions and policies that are better designed to address the consequences of reorganizing social activities. Digital transformations as a form of social processing outside of technology. Hence the importance of understanding the social conditions in which digital technologies is implemented and how their implementation is likely to change the trajectory of social processes. A key element of this approach is the need to consider the consequences of digitization from multiple social perspectives, particularly in terms of digital literacy (Heather & Daniel, 2012).

Digital literacy is the ability to access, manage, understand, integrate, communicate, evaluate and create information safety and appropriately though digital technologies for employment, decent work and entrepreneurship and includes competence.


This research is a qualitative descriptive, which aims to describe and analyse the Implementation of Digital Literacy Policy in South Sumatera. Qualitative research is open, meaning that the research problems presented in front are flexible and subject to change, according to the work processes that occur in the field so that the focus of the research changes to adapt to changing research problems.

Data collection techniques in this study through: observation, interview, questionnaires and documentation. The analysis technique used in this research is qualitative data analysis technique. Data analysis techniques the qualitative interactive model proposed by Miles can be seen in the following Figure 2

Figure 2 Data Analysis Techniques from Miles

The steps taken during data collection consist of 1) summarizing direct contact data with peoples, events and situations at the research location of Digital Literacy Policy Implementation; 2) Data coding through symbol which are all built in an integrative system; 3) Analyzing during data collection by making objective notes, as well as classifying and editing answers or situation as they are fact in the field. Furthermore, the data collection stage is based on categorization in accordance with the research problem which is then developed for data sharpening through further data searches. The next stage of data presentation is an organization, the compilation of information that allows conclusions and actions; the next important analysis activity is drawing conclusions and verification.

Results and Discussion

Based on the results of research on the implementation of digital literacy in communities in South Sumatera, it can be seen that digital literacy activities through webinars during 2021 have been carried out according to the target number of events (Iriani, 2020). The number of participants and the number of activities after the implementation of digital literacy in South Sumatera can be seen in the following Table 2:

Table 2 Digital Literacy Activity Achievement
Number District Target Participants Total Even Average of Participants
1 Empat Lawang 15.588 21 591
2 Muara Enim 24.746 38 600
3 Musi Rawas 14.892 24 613
4 Ogan Komering Ulu 16.962 23 595
5 Ogan Komering Ulu Selatan 15.879 25 609
6 Palembang 87.916 103 603
7 Penukal Abab Lematang Ilir 9.711 12 604
8 Prabumulih 15.153 12 599
  Total 200.847 258 4.814

Based on the Table 2, it can be seen that the number of participants in the implementation of this digital literacy event was carried out and could exceed the target set by the Kominfo RI. From the target of 155,500 participants, there was an increase of 200,847 participants or about 0, 7%. This shows that the enthusiasm of the community to participate in digital literacy is quite high. The following is a documentation of digital literacy activities in South Sumatera (Hahn, 2021).

If it is related to Grindle Theory, the stages of implementing digital literacy can be seen based on: Interests affected by the Interest Affected policy. At this stage the implementation of digital literacy policies that have been made by the government through the Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia. This program has been launched by the President of the Republic of Indonesia on May 20, 2021, virtually simultaneously throughout Indonesia. The Implementers of this program are trying to get the community to follow and various parties related to the implementation of this digital literacy. Based in the type of benefits that will be generated (Type of Benefits), this activity is very beneficial for the community. Especially for people living in district, for example, those who have never attended a webinar, so they know about webinars and digital literacy. This can be seen as in Muara Enim Regency, where PKK women in various sub-districts and villages participate in webinars or digital literacy even though they have limited internet networks, so they participate in webinars by watching together. In addition, during the Covid-19 pandemic, mothers are required to participate in assisting children to study at home online because schools have not implemented face-to-face meetings as usual. This can be said to provide great benefits to the community, especially students, they are required to follow the learning process from during this pandemic period, this forcing both teachers and students and students to continue studying online learning media based on information technology.

In terms of the degree of desired change (Extent of Change Envision), changes occur in the culture of the community. This can be linked to the four pillars of digitals literacy in the digital culture section. There has been a cultural change, such as the habit of people every day being more inclined to open their mobile phones (HP) with digital literacy; people open their cellphones more often to see social media instead of talking or chatting with their families and the surrounding community. This culture has a positive side and negative side. Positively, people can communicate easily with relatives, friends and colleagues in various parts of the world without distance, only by using communication media social media. On the other hand, this change in youth causes a lack of direct social interaction with the community. If in the past direct face-toface communication was still often carried out, now it has begun to decrease. Furthermore, in terms of the position of policy makers (Site of Decision Making), it is clear that this digital literacy program is central government program through the Ministry of Communication and Information with Cyber Kreasi and other partners throughout Indonesia. In terms of implementing resources for this activity, the Ministry of Communication and Informatics is assisted by Cyber Creativity and partners throughout Indonesia and coordinates with Kominfo Service in all districts and cities. Especially for the South Sumatera in coordination. With the Communication and Information Office of South Sumatera Province. In the context of id implementation (Resource Committed) which includes, Power, interests and strategies of the actors involved (Power, Interest and Strategy of the actors involved), and Characteristics of Institutions and Rulers (Institution and Regime Characteristics), this program is quite successful thanks to the support of various parties such as the Communications and Informatics Service, the Education Office, the Ministry of Religion, the Indonesian National Armed Forces, the National Police and other agencies in various regencies/cites that have helped the smooth running of this activity. Synergy Good cooperation by building mutually beneficial communication and cooperation makes this program run according to plan. Although there are technical obstacles in the field, such as internet network difficulties or limited quota of webinar participants at the time of the webinar implementation.

In terms of compliance and responsiveness (Compliance and Responsiveness), this program is run accordance with the rules set by Kominfo. As for the implementation time, the time allocation has been determined and with clear rules when the webinar is held. For example, every webinar is divided into two sessions, the morning session starts at 09.00 WIB and ends around 11.00-11.30 WIB. Then there is an afternoon session starting at 14.00 WIB until 17.00 WIB.

In every webinar, there are four resource persons consisting of two national speakers and two local speakers. Resource persons are determined by certain requirements including a minimum education of a bachelor who is familiar with digital technology and follows the development of digital media. Each resource person is divided by presenting different materials according to the guidelines in the digital literacy curriculum which consists of digital skills, digital culture, digital ethics and digital safety.

In addition to presenting four speakers, at the implementation of digital literacy through webinars, Key Opinion Leaders (KOL) were also presented, which are celebrities, digital entrepreneurs, digital literacy activists, education leaders and so on or well-known social actors with 10,000 followers in each. Their respective social media one webinar was also attended by 1 KOL who is expected to motivate the public, students, university students and other levels of society to follow in their footsteps as influential people on social media. Their competence is not only in term of being active on social media but also using media for business development, opening up opportunities for various types of businesses, as well as creating other job opportunities according to current conditions.


The implementation of this digital literacy program is very necessary for the community. Moreover, during the Covid 19 pandemic, people are forced to be technology literate, due to changes in patterns or culture during the pandemic. Where various community activities can be carried out virtually, such as schools, meetings, other activities that were carried out face-to-face before the pandemic. In order to increase public knowledge, especially in South Sumatera, this this activity is expected to provide benefits evenly to all levels of society.

Overall this program has been implemented in accordance with the program plan that has been set. However, during the implementations of the program, there were several obstacles, such as coordination problems with several regencies and cities with the agencies related to this program. For example, there are several agencies that do not know about this program. In addition, there are also internet network problems, such as in district areas that are far from the reach of the internet network or areas where the internet network is still limited. As in PALI District and South OKU District, the internet network is still limited, but it does not reduce the enthusiasm of participants such as students and the public to take part in webinars by watching together.

For this reason, it is necessary to convey to the government so that the internet network can reach all districts and cities in Indonesia for the distribution of the public knowledge in accordance with the digital literacy program that has been implemented.


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Received: 15-Sep-2022, Manuscript No. JLERI-22-12559; Editor assigned: 17-Sep-2022, PreQC No. JLERI-22-12559(PQ); Reviewed: 29- Sep-2022, QC No. JLERI-22-12559; Published: 30-Sep-2022

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