Academy of Strategic Management Journal (Print ISSN: 1544-1458; Online ISSN: 1939-6104)

Research Article: 2021 Vol: 20 Issue: 1

Job Description Contribution, Work Engagement, Work Experience and Work Ability to Employee Commitments in the Service Industry

Rasmulia Sembiring, Universitas Methodist Indonesia

Siti Normi, Universitas Methodist Indonesia


This research was conducted in Industri Jasa . The data provided was the primary data needed in order to acquire the variables influencing the employees commitment based on the 400 employees as the population by using a technique of census. The researched used survey with path analysis technique as its method and based on the quantitative approach. The result of research showed Job Description had a significant contribution to work ability means that work engagement had a significant contribution to work ability. Work experience had a significant contribution to work ability. Job Description did not have a significant contribution to employee commitment. Work engagement did not have a significant contribution to employee commitment. Work experience had a significant contribution to employee commitment. Work ability had a significant contribution to employee commitment. Job Description did contribute significantly to employee commitment through work ability, the actual contribution between Job Description and employee commitment has a direct contribution. Work engagement contributes significantly to employee commitment through work ability, so that the actual contribution between work engagement and employee commitment is an indirect contribution. Employee potential through work ability. The actual contribution between work experience and employee commitment is a direct contribution.


Job Description, Engagement, Experience and Abilities, Employee Commitment, Services, Industry.


The service industry in Indonesia is an economic activity by providing services. For example, transportation services such as bus, train, aviation, and shipping. There are also service companies that help the production process. The service industry is a unique phenomenon in the national development of a nation. The more advanced a nation is the greater contribution of service components to its national income structure. The service industry has developed into an important element in the development of various countries in the world. Indonesia is a developing country which has service industry component of 45% of the GNP of a more developed country such as Singapore that has 80% of its total GNP from the service industry (Subagio & Saputra, 2012). The development of the service industry in Indonesia is increasingly showing its existence and growth (Wijaya, 2013). According to (Alam, 2006) a service company is a company with main activity to produce intangible products with the aim of seeking profit. Service companies do not offer products that have a clear shape, but the benefits can be felt. Indonesia's service sector is experiencing very rapid growth. For example, corporate services grew 10.25% in 2019, health services and social activities grew 8.68%, education services grew 6.29%, financial services and insurance grew 6.60% t, and other services grew 10.55%. The service industry according to the Director General of Customs and Excise of Indonesia is telecommunications, transportation/transportation, information, health services, tourism, research and development (R&D)/education, agriculture/agri-business, public works, forestry, mining, construction. Currently, high competition among service companies is not only about the quality of the services provided by the company. The company does not only need to develop products or services but to build positive relationships with the parties involved directly or indirectly and to have a good image. Company image is the main goal of a service industry. The number of workers in the service industry is in accordance with the data below (Table 1):

  Table 1 Number of Service Industry Workers in North Sumatra Province  
No Service Industry Total
1 Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 2 073 347
2 Mining and excavation 41 112
3 Processing industry 160 792
4 Procurement of Electricity and Gas; Water Supply, Waste Management, Waste and Recycling 4 413
5 Building 108 010
6 Wholesale and Retail Trade; Car and Motorcycle Repair and Maintenance 322 662
7 Transportation and Warehousing 57 781

In other words, there are many workers in the service industry sector; each company must depend on the achievements of each individual employee. Abundant human resources require the service industry to think carefully in order to make optimal use of human resources. Labor problems in human resource management cannot be separated from the context of the job description, work engagement, work experience and work ability to employee commitment. This aims to determine the contribution of Job Description, work attachments, work experience, work ability to work commitment.

Literature Review

Job Description

The job description is a written statement that contains about the worker duties (Dessler & Varrkey, 2008). The job description will contain various job information that are the responsibility, authority, and limitations in doing the job, so that with the job description, activities are carried out in accordance with responsibilities and cannot interfere with each other's duties, there is no overlap in implementation tasks, as well as communication that is well formed because of good cooperative relations between workers. According to Hasibuan (2014) “a job description is a written description that describes the duties and responsibilities, working conditions, job relationships and job aspects in a certain position in the organization”. If the job description is less clear, it will result in an employee not knowing their duties and responsibilities at that job, resulting in the job that not being achieved properly.

Work Attachment

According to Robbins & Judge (2015), work engagement is also the degree to which employees take sides with their work and actively participate in it and consider that work is important to themselves. Employees with high work engagement will not complain about the workload given by the company. According to Adi & Indrawati (2019), work attachment is an action and has a positive statement of work attachment to oneself. Employees understand that the job taken has contributed to build their credibility. Dwitya et al. (2016) define employee engagement as a psychological statement where employees feel interested in determining the company' success and have a strong desire and motivation to commit to work beyond their obligations. Sun & Bunchapattanasakda (2019) defines employee engagement as a positive attitude from employees towards the organization where they work. Employee engagement appears as an effort to develop from previous concepts such as employee job satisfaction, employee commitment, and employee organizational behavior. Having employees actively involved in the company indicates that the company has positive work climate.

Work Experience

According to Hutama et al. (2016), Work experience is a knowledge, skills, and abilities owed by employee to carry out the responsibilities from previous jobs. According to Hasibuan (2014), an experienced person is a prospective employee that is ready to use. The applicant work experience should receive primary consideration in the selection process. According to Busro (2020), experience is important in the employee selection process. Experience can show the prospective employee that will be able to do. Experience can show the prospective employee that can do when he applies. Expertise and experience are two qualifications that are always considered in the employee selection process. Generally, companies prefer to choose experienced workers.

Work Ability

Kreitner & Kinicki (2014) explains that ability is defined as a broad characteristic and a stable characteristic of responsibility at the maximum level of achievement in contrast to mental and physical work abilities. According to Thoha & Hutapea (2015) ability is one of the elements of maturity related to knowledge or skills that can be obtained from education, training and experience. According to Mróz & Kaleta (2016) Job ability refers to a complex feature and level reflects the interaction between the volume of both physical and mental activity and the functional abilities of workers, their health and subjective assessments of their status in a given organizational and social condition. Ghozali (2017) states that ability is a trait that is born or learned that allows someone to complete their work, both mentally and physically. Job ability is a balance between work and individual resources, when the job and individual resources fit together well then of course there will be good employability too. There are two kinds of work abilities (Kreitner & Kinicki, 2014), namely: intellectual abilities and physical abilities.

Employee Commitment

Belton (2017) states that employee commitment is a relative strength of the individual in identifying the involvement in the organization. It can be marked by three things, namely: acceptance of the values and goals of the organization, readiness and willingness to do business seriously on behalf of the organization, the desire to maintain membership in the organization (Mowday, 2004). According to Meyer et al. (2012), employee commitment is a sense of identification trust in organizational values, involvement, namely the willingness to do the best possible for the benefit of the organization concerned, Loyalty, namely the desire to remain a member of the organization. All of this is stated by the employees towards their organization. Meyer et al. (2004) argue that employee commitment is a condition where employees are very interested in the goals, values, and goals of their organization. Employee commitment is more than just formal membership, because it includes an attitude of liking the organization and a willingness to exert a high level of effort for the benefit of the organization for the achievement of goals. Employee commitment includes elements of loyalty to the organization, involvement in work, and identification of the values and goals of the organization. Employee commitment also means something more than just passive loyalty but implies an active relationship between employees and the company. If employees who show high commitment have a desire to provide more energy and responsibility in supporting the welfare and success of their organization. Robbins & Judge (2013) states that commitment to an organization is a condition in which employees take sides with a particular organization and its goals, and intend to maintain their membership in that organization. Without commitment, it is difficult to expect active and deep participation from human resources. But commitment is not something that can just come, commitment must be born. Therefore, commitment must be maintained so that it continues to grow and exist disrupted by human resources, Mathis et al. (2015) states that commitment is a strong and close feeling from a person towards the goals and values of an organization in relation to their role in achieving goals and these values.


Job description contributes directly to job ability

Job Description can contribute the work ability of employees. Employees are the implementation of organizational processes that are an important aspect of the organization. The organization must strive the employees to work effectively and efficiently by fulfilling the work abilities of their employees, by fulfilling job satisfaction, work will be carried out well, which is beneficial for employee commitment within the organization.

Work attachments contribute directly to work ability

The activities of an organization can run well if the organization utilize and manage human resources well. One ways that organizations can do to retain their employees is by increasing the work ability of employees in carrying out their jobs. Or in other words, work attachment is a need that encourages someone to do something; this need causes a person to act certain in an effort to achieve a goal.

Work experience contributes directly to work ability

If every employee realizes that work experience values can be implemented in their work, it will generate excitement and enthusiasm for other employees to be able to carry out each job properly and provide quality service to their customers. It will lead to satisfaction for employees, because they can do their best for the achievement of organizational goals.

Work ability contributes directly to work commitment

Employee work ability is the central point in achieving optimal work commitment. This increase the work commitment does not happen by itself, there are several factors that contribute to work ability so as to increase work commitment and employee performance. So the more satisfied the employees are, the more employees will show their best work commitment. Conversely, if employees are not satisfied with their work, then they will feel lazy, it will reduce work commitment.

Job Description Contributes Indirectly to Work Commitment through Job Ability

Job Description is a holistic aspect of work ability. Job Description is not a cause but it is an effect, the better the Job Description is created, the higher the level of work ability created can increase employee commitment.

Work engagement does not contribute directly to work commitment through work ability

Work engagement as a form of work commitment can be seen, among others, from the responsibility for the stipulated working time. This makes work engagement encourages a higher increase in employee work commitment if the employee also has high work ability.

Work experience does not directly contribute to work commitment through work ability

Individually or in groups, a person will not be separated from work experience and generally they will be filled with the diversity of resources as a stimulus for someone to act. Work ability is the boost to increase work commitment. So that work experience encourages a higher increase in employee commitment if the employees also have high work abilities.


1. Job Description contributes directly to the employability of employees in the Service Industry

2. Work agreements contribute directly to the work ability of employees in the service industry

3. Work experience contributes directly to the work ability of employees in the service industry

4. Employee workability contributes directly to Work Commitment in the Service Industry

5. Job Description contributes indirectly to employee commitment through the ability to work at the Service Industry

6. Work agreements contribute indirectly to employee commitment through the ability to work in the service industry.

7. Work experience contributes indirectly to employee commitment through work ability in the service industry


Referring to the research objectives, the method used in this research was descriptive; it used survey methods and quantitative approaches. Information and research data collected were ordinal scale data that met the requirements for data processing using path analysis (path analysis). The data were converted into interval scale data using statistical techniques method of successful intervals. In this study, the sampling technique was not used because the sample under study was the entire population or the so-called census. The total population was 2,768,117 employees (Central Bureau of Statistics, 2019), it is appropriate to be sampled using the Slovin formula as many as 400 employees who come from the Service Industry in North Sumatra. The sampling technique used accidental sampling originating in the service industry.

Definition Variable Operational

Job description

According to Hasibuan (2014) state job description indicators consist of : the duties, responsibilities, skills or education required, conditions, types and quality of people

Work attachment

Employee engagement is the responsibility of all employees. The factors that make employees feel engaged (Sun & Bunchapattanasakda, 2019) such as individuals ownership, clarity, and action; managers coaching, relationship, and dialogue, executive trust, communication and culture.

Work experience

Anggriawan (2014) state that indicators of work experience are: work period, a measure of or work period that a person has taken, may understand tasks well and be able to do a job well. The level of knowledge and skills.

Work ability

According to Robbins & Judge (2015) consist of: work ability, education, work period.

Employee commitment

Mathis et al. (2015) state that the indicators of employee commitment are affective commitment, continuous commitment, normative commitment.


Path Analysis Coefficient Test

Job Description, work engagement and work experience had a value of 0.829 for Adjust R-Square. There was a contribution of variation in the value of Job Description, work engagement, and work experience to contribute to work ability that was 72.9% while the remaining 27.1% was a contribution of other variables that were not included in the research model. Thus this value can be used in calculating the value of the path coefficient with the residual P1 = √ (1-R21) = √ (1-0.729) = 0.5205 (Table 2).

Table 2 P∈1 Coefficient
Model Summaryb
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 0.714a 0.935 0.729 1.7639

Based on the Table 3, there are respective coefficient values that are entered into the path analysis, namely:

Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) 7.501 1.644   5.362 0.000
Job Description 0.564 0.116 0.682 5.684 0.000
Work Engagement 0.572 0.119 0.675 5.898 0.000
Work experience 0.832 0.043 0.809 16.368 0.000

1. Job Description coefficient is P1 = 0.682.

2. Work engagement coefficient is P2 = 0.675.

3. Work experience coefficient is P3 = 0.809.

Job Description,work engagement, work experience, and work ability had a value of 0.369 for Adjust R-Square. Thus there was a contribution of variation in the value of Job Description, work engagement, work experience, and work ability to contribute to employee Work Commitment that was 36.9% while the remaining 63.1% was a contribution of other variables that are not included in the research model. Thus this value can be used in calculating the path coefficient value with the residual P2 = √ (1-R22) = √ (1-0.369) = 0.6074 (Table 4).

Table 4 P∈2 Coefficient
Model Summaryb
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 0.358a 0.420 0.369 6.4145

Based on the Table 5, there are respective coefficient values that are then entered into the path analysis, namely:

Table 5 Coefficientsa
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized
t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) 27.321 4.564   5.090 0.000
Job Description 0.265 0.220 0.342 2.257 0.219
Work Engagement 0.258 0.224 0.271 2.260 0.128
Work experience 0.522 0.118 0.738 4.523 0.003
Work ability 0.230 0.193 0.347 5.607 0.000

1. Job Description coefficient is P4 = 0.342.

2. Work motivation coefficient is P5 = 0.271.

3. Work experience coefficient is P6 = 0.738.

4. The coefficient of work ability is P7 = 0.347

The determination of P4, P5, P6, P7 and P2 is: X5 = P4X1 + P5X2 + P6X3 + P7X4 + 2.

Hypothesis Testing (Path Analysis Interpretation)

Direct job description contribution to work ability

There was a Sig value. 0,000 <α 0.05 then Ho was rejected, it means that the Job Description had a significant contribution to work ability with the coefficient of direct Job Description contribution to work ability was 0.682 so that the total direct contribution in this study was 0.682 or equal to 68.2%.

Direct contribution of work engagement to work ability

There was a Sig value. 0,000 <α 0.05 then Ho was rejected , it means that work engagement had a significant contribution to work ability with the coefficient of direct contribution to work engagement to work abilitywas 0.675 so that the total direct contribution in this study was 0.675 or equal to 67.5%.

Direct contribution of work experience to work ability

There was a Sig value. 0.000 <α 0.05 then Ho was rejected, it means that work experience had a significant contribution to work ability with the coefficient of direct contribution of work experience to work ability was 0.809 so that the total direct contribution in this study was 0.809 or 80.9%.

Direct contribution of Job Description to employee commitment

There was no significant value (not Sig. 0.219> α 0.05) then Ho was rejected, it means that the Job Description did not have an insignificant contribution to employee commitment with the coefficient of direct Job Description contribution to employee commitment was 0.342 so that the total direct contribution is obtained in the study. It was 0.342 or equal to 34.2%.

Direct contribution of work commitment to employee commitment

There was no significant value (not Sig. 0.218> α 0.05) then Ho was accepted it means that work engagement had an insignificant contribution to employee commitment with the coefficient of direct contribution of work engagement to employee commitment was 0.271 so that the total direct contribution obtained in this study was 0.271 or equal to 27.1%.

Direct contribution of work experience to employee commitment

There was a Sig value. 0.003 <α 0.05, then Ho was rejected, it means that work experience had a significant contribution to employee commitment with the coefficient of direct contribution of work experience to employee commitment was 0.738 so that the total direct contribution in this study was 0.368 or equal to 73.8%.

Direct contribution of work ability to employee commitment

There was a Sig value. 0.000 <α 0.05, then Ho was rejected, it means that work ability had a significant contribution to employee commitment with the coefficient of direct contribution of work ability to employee commitment was 0.347 so that the total direct contribution in this study was 0.347 or equal to 34.7%.

Indirect Job Description contribution to employee commitment through work ability

The indirect contribution of Job Description to employee commitment through work ability was seen from the multiplication of the value of the Job Description coefficient on work ability with the coefficient value of work ability on employee commitment was : P1 x P7 = 0.682 x 0.347 = 0.2366. The total contribution of Job Description to employee commitment is seen based on the value of direct contribution + indirect contribution=0.162 + 0.236 = 0.398. So it can be concluded in this study that the coefficient of indirect contribution

Indirect contribution of work commitment to employee commitment through work ability

The indirect contribution of work engagement to employee commitment through work ability is seen from the multiplication of the coefficient value of work engagement to work ability and the coefficient value of work ability to employee commitment, which is: P2 x P7 = 0.675 x 0.347 = 0.8859. The total contribution of work engagement to employee commitment is seen based on the value of direct contribution + indirect contribution = 0.273 + 0.885 = 1.158. So it can be concluded in this study that the value of the coefficient of indirect contribution> Contribution (P2 x P7> P5) or (0.675 x 0.347> 0.273) or 0.8859> 0.273. So that work engagement contributes significantly to the problem/


Based on the Research Results, the Job Description had a significant contribution to work ability; it means that work engagement had a significant contribution to work ability. Work experience has a significant contribution to work ability. Job Description did not have a significant contribution to employee commitment. Work engagement did not have a significant contribution to employee commitment. Work experience had a significant contribution to employee commitment. Work ability had a significant contribution to employee commitment. Job Description did not t contribute significantly to employee commitment through work ability, so the actual contribution between Job Description and employee commitment had a direct contribution. Work engagement contributed significantly to employee commitment through work ability, so that the actual contribution between work engagement and employee commitment was an indirect contribution. Employee potential through work ability. So that the actual contribution between works experience and employee commitment was a direct contribution.


The implication of this research can be stated as follows; theoretically that employee commitment will involve some aspects of Job Description, work engagement, work experience, and work ability in developing the concept of the substance study. Other aspects can be developed including: work facilities, work autonomy, work environment conditions, personality, work performance, worker behaviour, leadership style, technology, work environment, work ethic, work morale and others that are related to the development of a substance study of employees work commitments. . This research study will involve Job Description, work engagement, work experience, and work ability in the study of increasing employee commitment for leadership practitioners. Theoretically, it is because each of these variables will increase employee commitment. Causal research studies can be developed based on solid theoretical studies. Based on this solid theoretical study, it will be confirmed theoretically with data. The results may be supported by data. Both of these studies are not only then stopped when good, or when successful research is supported by data or not or not yet supported by data, but research on employee commitment must be verified through subsequent research to obtain more optimal Research Results.


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