Academy of Strategic Management Journal (Print ISSN: 1544-1458; Online ISSN: 1939-6104)

Research Article: 2021 Vol: 20 Issue: 2S

Management Intellectual Capital and its Role in Achieving Competitive Advantages at Jordanian Private Universities

Khulah Qassas, Al-Ahliyya Amman University

Ahmad Are?qat, Al-Ahliyya Amman University

Rasha A. A. Qawasmeh, Al-Ahliyya Amman University


This study aimed to identify the role of intellectual capital (human capital, structural capital, and relational capital) in achieving competitive advantage (quality of education, flexible and responsive, and innovation) at Al-Ahliyya Amman University, to achieve these goals, the researcher used the descriptive and analytical approach. The study tool in collecting information and data was a questionnaire distributed to all the university's employees, who numbered (630) individuals. The data, the study questions and hypotheses were analyzed through the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The study concluded some results, the most important is: The structural capital and its components (combined) have a statistically significant effect on achieving competitive advantage. The researcher recommends the necessity of dealing with intellectual capital as a major and strategic resource for the university and considering it the real wealth that guarantees universities the ability to adapt to achieve a competitive advantage in them.


Intellectual Capital, Competitive Advantage, Jordanian Private Universities, Al-Ahliyya Amman University


In a rapidly changing world, knowledge is the best tool to predict future needs, and to move forward in societies towards building a sustainable knowledge economy to ensure the well-being and happiness of individuals, relying mainly on people with practical minds, knowledge, and creative and innovative ideas who contribute to the survival and growth of the institution. The real value of this institution is magnified in its the distinct intellectual capital, able to provide opinions and ideas that improve performance, develop products and services, and increase competitiveness (Januškaite & U?iene, 2018).

In a contemplative reading of the World Competitiveness Report until mid-year 2020 issued by the World Economic Forum, which shows a general ranking of the most competitive countries, it is noted that the following countries topped the ranking, as Singapore came first, followed by Denmark, and Switzerland Third, despite the fact that these countries do not possess seem material wealth and resources compared to the great countries such as the United States, which ranked tenth, the United Kingdom ranked (19), while the United Arab Emirates ranked ninth, and the State of Qatar ranked (14), which indicates that these countries that led the ranking would not have achieved that except by their ability to employ it’s the human energies holdings and effective relationships that together formed their intellectual capital.

This is confirmed by Professor Arturo Bris, executive chairman of the Center for Global Competitiveness and Professor of Finance, and the benefit of small economies comes from their ability to employ their intellectual capital in enhancing their competitiveness (IMD, 2020).

Therefore, intellectual capital has become the real and effective capital of institutions as it is the main pillar that plays a central role in the process of innovation, renewal and competitiveness, and thus it is able to convert knowledge into value and then into a competitive advantage, so it has become one of the requirements of the current work environment is to focus on how Developing its intellectual capital to achieve elements that excel its competitors, whether it is in terms of quality of performance, or flexibility in rapid response to sudden changes that may occur (Scafarto et al., 2016)..

The Study Problem:

Those responsible within the private Jordanian universities to move forward in the university’s career in order to enable to keep pace with modern developments of higher education trends, and to face the urgent challenges, causing a transformation from education at the university to integrated or distance education, especially since teaching via the Internet is not the new method in some good universities, and in order to keep pace with this development, it has become imperative for the university to use what it has of human capital and relationships through which it can achieve the desired progress and desired goals.

This makes it in a prominent position among its competitors from other universities. In order for Jordanian universities to achieve competitiveness, they must play their real role in building a university system characterized by modern diversity in study plans and programs, management style and quality systems followed, and create rehabilitation programs in line with environmental developments, relying on their internal resources or what is known as intellectual capital for promoting and strengthening its capabilities and competitive advantages in order to achieve the advancement in its educational and learning level to the best administrative and academic levels, from here the idea of interest in intellectual capital and its management at Jordanian private universities to help them achieve the desired distinction.

From this standpoint, the study problem is taken shape by answering the following questions:

The Main Question

What is the role of intellectual capital management in achieving competitive advantage at Al-Ahliyya Amman University?

From the main question above, we divide the following questions:

1) What is the role of human capital in achieving competitive advantage in Al-Ahliyya Amman University?

2) What is the role of structural capital in achieving competitive advantage in Al-Ahliyya Amman University?

3) What is the role of relational capital in achieving competitive advantage in Al-Ahliyya Amman University?

4) What are the respondent interviewees' perceptions of the level of achieving competitive advantage at Al-Ahliyya Amman University?

Objectives of the Study:

This study aims to identify the management of intellectual capital with its components and its role in achieving competitive advantage in private Jordanian universities, and to achieve this goal, many of the sub-objectives have been formulated as follows:

1) Identify the components of intellectual capital at Al-Ahliyya Amman University.

2) Identifying the level of achieving competitive advantage in Al-Ahliyya Amman University.

3) Explain the nature of the influential relationships between the study variables.

4) Presenting proposals and recommendations for officials at Al-Ahliyya Amman University to enhance the role that intellectual capital plays with its various components in achieving institutional excellence at Al-Ahliyya Amman University.

The Significance of the Study:

The sudden, recent and accelerating developments and the emergence of formidable challenges may show the extent to which private universities in Jordan are prepared or not to use creative and innovative strategies through which they can face these challenges and achieve their competitive advantage through the intellectual capital it possess in the diversity of its components. This study shows the following:

1) The study dealt with a vital sector important for development in Jordanian society, which is educational institutions.

2) Highlighting on one of the approaches to modern management thought, which is the management of intellectual capital and its role in achieving a competitive advantage in Jordanian universities.

3) Developing and improving business and services provided by Jordanian private universities for scholars, researchers and the local community, and enhancing the competitive advantages that universities may achieve.

4) Providing efficient ways to manage intellectual capital in private Jordanian universities in a way that achieves maximum benefit from it.

5) Opening the fields to researchers to view models of intellectual capital management in private Jordanian universities.

Theoretical Framework and Literature Review:

Intellectual Capital:

Contemporary trends in modern management are moving towards the features of a new topic that is concerned with intellectual assets more than physical assets because the addition and magnification in physical assets is due to the availability of intellectual assets. This new topic is Intellectual Capital, which began to spread with the 1990s, where intellectual capital was a preoccupation for scholars, academic and business researches, who tried to find a way to measure it and make it part of the budget of their organizations despite the difficulty of measuring it (Kozera-Kowalska & Baum, 2018).

Ralph Stayer, director of the John Sonville Food Company, was the first to give the phrase "intellectual capital" in the year 1990, when Steyr said, not long ago, natural resources were the most important source of national wealth and the most important assets of companies, and then he became the capital in the form of cash and assets such as machinery and factories is what is important, but now it has been replaced by the mental capacity represented by intellectual capital (Kianto et al., 2013).

Intellectual capital has now become the most important source for maximizing other assets in institutions and organizations because it is a catalyst in increasing material returns and achieve construction (Al-Shimi, 2011; Areiqat, Hamdan, Zamil, Horani & Al-Khoury, 2020).

Intellectual capital represents the knowledge and innovative ideas that the university possesses and which contributes to its survival and development. Therefore, the university realizes that its real value increases in the distinct intellectual capital it possesses, capable of presenting opinions and ideas that improve performance and develop the services that it conveyed and which contribute to increasing Competitive capabilities. Thus, intellectual capital is the main source of competitive advantage, and the factor affecting the success of institutional performance, and it strengthens the competitive position of the organization by providing new educational products and services at low costs (Gogan & Duran, 2014; Areiqat, Zamil, Fat?i & Abushaar, 2020).

Intellectual Capital Components

Most researchers agree that intellectual capital consists of three basic components (Elena, 2015): as shows in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Study Model (Elena, 2015)

Human Capital

It is the totality of the knowledge that individuals acquire during their working life and the characteristics, skills and abilities owned by Personnel possess that can be directed to achieve the goals of the organization.

The human resources represented by all the employees of the organization of various categories, levels and specializations are the real pillar on which the modern organization is based.

In view of the paramount importance of human resources and their ability to contribute positively to achieving the goals of the organization, modern management attachs commensurate attention to human resources issues through an attempt to find a balance between the objectives of the organization and the goals of individuals and between the cost and benefit in dealing with individuals.

The modern administration launch from its interest in human development from a sound scientific belief that the human being has mental energies and capabilities that exceed what is often exploited or benefited.

That the maximum utilization of that mental strength is the real source of excellence for organizations and their ability to achieve impressive, unconventional achievements. Therefore, the main focus of modern management thinking is to give the opportunity to human resources and pay attention to them in order to be able to make these resources feature an effective strategy at the level of organizations.

Therefore, we find that human capital is inexhaustible, but is growing by the amount of increase in skills, experience and knowledge, and that its productivity curve is in a direct, upward relationship towards the curve of creative and innovative experiences and capabilities, and that it is subject to development and renewal with the changes of the times. (Al Zahrani, Zamil, Areiqat & Alsalhi, 2012).

Structural Capital

It is the ability of the organization to transfer, publish and employ the knowledge, skills and expertise available to the workers of the organization to the actual fact, and this deployment and staffing are done through the presence of an appropriate organizational structure and clear powers and responsibilities, it has competence in the application of knowledge, skill and experience in the organization. Structural capital is represented in culture, organizational models, processes, procedures, and distribution channels (Margareta, 2015; Areiqat, Abdelhadi, Al-Bazaieh & Abu Rumman, 2019; Areiqat, 2019).

Relational Capital

It is one of the components of intellectual capital, and it is represented by inherent values in the organization's relations with its external environment, such as market relations, power relations and cooperation that arise between organizations, institutions and people, and which comes from a national sense of belonging and evolving capacity of exemplary cooperation between culturally persons and institutions.

Relational dependency may be vertical or horizontal, either up or down, and the formation of various types of cooperation mechanisms in various ecosystems, such as strategic alliances, which are intended to replace cooperation with competition that may lead to the exit of one of the parties from the market. The strategic alliance lies in the creativity of cooperation. The strategic alliance lies in the spirit of cooperation and development that is based on a relationship of mutual trust and allows reaching specific goals by mutual agreement (Areiqat & Jaradat, 2012).

Alliances differ by type of relationship, degree rationality, understanding, the size of risks, information, interests and the circumstances of the surrounding environment (Magdalena, 2020).

Competitive Advantage

The concept of competitive advantage has received great attention in recent years at the local and global level, as the competitive advantage is the essence of the organization’s performance. Therefore, it has been directed to work on the quality of its services and satisfy the desires of its customers and progress to achieve the competitive advantage. (Alheet, Adwan, Areiqat, Zamil & Saleh, 2020). The researcher likens the competitive advantages - to some extent- to the reserve stock that is used to meet any urgent vagaries in the increase in the demand for a particular good or service, so the organization is ready to overcome this accidental increase steadily and successfully.

The organization's possession of a competitive advantage enhances its competitiveness, and thus the alternatives available to it increase in achieving spread and expand in provision of services, as well as relative certainty and stability and lengthening its life span. On the other hand, the competitive advantage has benefits in the organizations' resilience in the face of sudden changes such as economic fluctuations, or the entry of new strong competitors. The organization’s possession of competitive advantages enhances its negotiating capacity with suppliers as well as enables it to provide its services or products with relative stability (Meihami & Meihami, 2014).

Business organizations can achieve competitive advantage by best use of the available means and organizational, material and financial resources, in addition to the capabilities, knowledge, competencies and other capabilities of the organization, which enable it to design and implement its competitive strategies.

Competition has become the modern-day language and the focus of everyone’s attention, individuals and institutions alike, as it is the driving factor through which everyone’s steps are controlled and motivated to work with more generosity, creativity and innovation, to achieve a measure of competitive advantage or superiority over their peers and competitors in order to achieve the highest levels of return or Profitability (Akben, 2016).

Porter (1985) identifies two methods through which a university can achieve a competitive advantage over its competitors: the price advantage, this advantage is achieved when the university offers the same products and services offered by its competitors, but at a lower preferential price. As for the product or service advantage, it is achieved when the university provides better products and services than the products and services of competing universities. From Porter's point of view, strategic management should be concerned with building and maintaining competitive advantage, and here the human resources that the university possesses will have a profound effect on creating competitive advantage. (Areiqat, Hamdan, Zamil & Aldabbagh, 2020).

Related Articles

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4) Aymen (2018). The Impact of Intellectual Capital on Business Organization

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7) Matthew et al., (2020). Rethinking the Attributes for Competitive Advantage of Indigenous Construction Firms in Developing Countries: A Ghana Study.

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Research Methododlogy

A descriptive and analytical approach was used, which studies the phenomenon in its dimensions and expresses it quantitatively and qualitatively to achieve the objectives of the research and reach specific results.

Study Population

The study population consists of all employees of Al-Ahliyya Amman University, whose number is (630) employees, administrative employees and academics (ammanu, Jordan).

The Study Sample

The sample is considered a part of the study population and was taken to accurately represent the community, and to achieve this, the researcher used the comprehensive survey by including all the items of the statistical community at Al-Ahliyya Amman University, which are (630) items (ammanu, Jordan).

The Statistical Methods Used

1) Percentages, frequencies, arithmetic mean, relative weight and arrangement for the purposes of knowing the frequency of a variable category in the demographic characteristics of the study sample and analyzing the items of the study variables.

2) Cronbach's Alpha test to find out the stability of the items of the questionnaire.

3) Pearson correlation coefficient to assess the linear relationship between social capital with its dimensions and its role in achieving organizational innovation.

4) Linear Regression test to study the effect of independent variables on the dependent variable and the main hypothesis.

5) (Durbin - Watson) test for the self-correlation of the study variables.

As shows in Table 1.

Table 1
The Stability Values of the Study Instrument Using Cronbach's Alpha
No Study variables Number of paragraphs paragraph numbers Cronbach's Alpha
1 Human capital 5 5-Jan 0.992323
2 Structural capital 5 10-Jun 0.907
3 Relational capital 5 15-Nov 0.896
4 Dimension of quality
5 16-20 0.913
5 The dimension of resilience 5 21-25 0.873
6 Innovation 5 26-30 0.89
  Total 30 30-Jan 0.909

Table No. (1) shows that the Cronbach alpha coefficients fall between (0.873-0.907) and this indicates that all the paragraphs of the study variables achieved the stability condition by exceeding them (0.700), which means that all the paragraphs of the questionnaire are stable, meaning that the stability of the resolution is high and statistically significant and thus The questionnaire, in its final form, can be distributed to the study population's (630) members, which makes the researcher sure of the validity of the questionnaire and its validity to analyze the data and answer the study questions. as shows in Table 2.

  Table 2  
Demographic and Functional Characteristics of the Study Population
Characteristics Frequency Percentage
Male 385 61.40%
Female 245 38.60%
Total 630 100%
30 years and less 145 23.00%
31-40 201 32.00%
41-50 186 29.50%
51 and more 98 15.50%
Total 630 100%
Educational Level
Bachelor 242 38.40%
Master 153 24.30%
Doctoral 235 37.30%
Total 630 100%
Working Experience
Less than 5 years 76 12.00%
10-May 190 30.20%
15-Nov 248 39.40%
16 and more 116 18.40%
Total 630 100%

Presentation and Discussion of Results

The First Question

What is the role of human capital in achieving competitive advantage at Al-Ahliyya Amman University?

As shows in Table 3.

    Table 3          
The Arithmetic Mean, Standard Deviation, Estimates of the Study Sample, and T-Test  for the Human Capital
No Paragraphs of independent variables Arithmetic Mean Standard Deviation The relative weight of the sample
t test value Sig. Rank
Human capital
1 All university employees have the knowledge necessary to perform their duties in the best way possible. 3.96 0.813 79.20% 18.29 0 4
2 University employees are keen to search for and acquire knowledge required in their field. 3.81 0.864 76.20% 16.33 0 5
3 The university administration is keen to confirm the availability of the necessary skills and capabilities during the attract and recruit operations. 4.27 0.795 85.40% 20.26 0 2
4 The university has a sufficient number of scientifically and professionally qualified employees to perform the functional tasks assigned to them. 4.1 1.012 82.00% 20.04 0 3
5 The practical and scientific experiences that the university employees possess contribute to providing excellent solutions to the problems they face. 4.32 1.136 86.40% 23.14 0 1
  Total 4.09 0.716 81.80% 19.7 0  

Table (3) shows that the value of t=19.70 (T.Test) and the value of the calculated test significance reached (0.000), which is a significant value indicating that there is a clear response to the field of human capital at the university and the relative weight of this field is equal to (81.8%) and this result It indicates that the axis of human capital was at a high degree at Al-Ahliyya Amman University, and that the highest paragraph was No. (5) and obtained approval with a high degree with a relative weight (86.4%) and a level of significance less than (0.05) which provided for (Contributes to practical and scientific experiences It is owned by university employees in providing excellent solutions to the problems they face); Therefore, this paragraph is considered a statistical function, as are the rest of the paragraphs of this field.

The Second Question

What is the role of structural capital in achieving competitive advantage in Al-Ahliyya Amman University?

As shows in Table 4.

    Table 4          
The Arithmetic Mean, Standard Deviation, Estimates of the Study Sample, and T-Test for the Structural Capital
N Paragraphs of independent variables Arithmetic Mean Standard Deviation Relative weight of the sample estimates t test value Sig. Rank
Structural capital
1 The university administration is keen to clarify the rules and regulations for its employees since joining the work. 4.17 1.03 83.40% 14.09 0 2
2 The employee is obligated to follow reporting lines according to the university's organizational structure. 4.06 1.07 81.20% 13.7 0 3
3 There is a specific job description for the tasks, duties, and responsibilities required of the university employee. 4.28 0.87 85.60% 14.33 0 1
4 The university has a procedures guide that explains and defines the steps for implementing the work. 3.87 0.79 77.40% 11.93 0 4
5 There are specific and standardized models for everyone who exercises the same function. 3.82 0.81 76.40% 11.46 0 5
  Total 4.04 0.74 80.80% 12.28 0  

Table (4) shows that the value of t = 12.28 (T test) and the value of the calculated test significance was (sig = 0.000), which is a significant value indicating that there is a clear response to the structural capital field at Al-Ahliyya Amman University, and the total relative weight of the field was equal to ( 80.8%) and this result indicates that the structural capital at the university came to a high degree, and it becomes clear that the highest paragraph is Paragraph No. (3) which states (There is a specific job description for the tasks, duties and responsibilities required of the university employee) and obtained approval to a large degree and with relative weight (85.6%) and a significance level less than (0.05). Therefore, this paragraph is considered a statistical function, like the rest of the paragraphs in this field.

The Third Question

What is the role of relational capital in achieving competitive advantage in Al-Ahliyya Amman University?

As shows in Table 5.

    Table 5          
The Arithmetic Mean, Standard Deviation, And Estimates of the Study Sample Individuals and T-Test for the Capital Relational
N Paragraphs of independent variables Arithmetic Mean Standard Deviation Relative weight of the sample estimates t test value Sig. Rank
Relational capital
1 The university administration encourages teamwork and a team spirit methods. 4.31 0.982 86.20% 17.19 0 2
2 University work teams contribute to creating innovative ideas. 4.42 0.881 88.40% 18.3 0 1
3 The university administration works to provide a stimulating environment to the development of positive communications and networking among all its employees. 4.08 0.874 81.60% 14.64 0 4
4 University employees have distinguished social relations with workers in competing universities. 3.96 0.931 79.20% 11.13 0 5
5 The social relations of university employees are characterized by respect and appreciation with officials and workers in government institutions. 4.19 0.866 83.80% 16.33 0 3
  Total 4.2 0.744 84.00% 15.92 0  

Table (5) shows that the value of (t = 15.92) T test and the value of the calculated test significance was (sig = 0.000), which is a significant value indicating that there is a clear response to the field of relational capital at Al-Ahliyya Amman University, and the total relative weight of the field was equal to (84.0%) This result indicates that the relational capital at the university came to a high degree, and it is clear that the highest paragraph is paragraph No. (2), which states (The work teams at the university contribute to creating creative and innovative ideas) and obtained approval to a large degree and with relative weight (88.4%) and a significance level less than (0.05). Therefore, this paragraph is considered a statistical function, like the rest of the paragraphs in this field.

The Fourth Question:

What are interviewees' perceptions of the level of achieving competitive advantage at Al-Ahliyya Amman University?

As shows in Table 6.

    Table 6          
The Arithmetic Mean, Standard Deviation and Estimates of the Study Sample
Individuals and the T-Test of the Dependent Variable Achieving the Competitive  Advantage
N Paragraphs of the dependent variable (achieving competitive advantage) Arithmetic Mean Standard Deviation Relative weight of the sample estimates t test value Sig. Rank
Quality of education
1 The university is Continued diversifying and developing study plans and university services. 3.94 0.982 78.80% 12.99 0 4
2 The university adopts international quality standards in providing educational services. 4.3 1.03 86.00% 14.93 0 1
3 The university administration seeks to overcome the difficulties in order to provide the required service to the public of customers with high quality. 3.88 1.143 77.60% 12.4 0 5
4 The university administration is interested in focusing on implementing international quality standards and considering them as a basis for work. 4.26 0.977 85.20% 14.29 0 2
5 The university is keen to implement and ensure quality in all its services. 4.15 0.876 83.00% 13.13 0 3
  Total for the quality of education 4.11 0.629 82.20% 12.94 0 -
Flexibility and responsiveness
6 University staff seek to find new, more effective ways to face developments and changes. 4.31 1.039 86.20% 15.23 0 2
7 The university administration is working to change the means of work to face the urgent challenges. 4.4 1.131 88.00% 17.34 0 1
8 The university administration believes that change is a natural phenomenon that they can adapt to it. 3.85 0.874 77.00% 14.11 0 5
9 The university seeks to respond quickly to the needs and aspirations of students. 4.02 0.793 80.40% 14.32 0 4
10 The university administration works to adapt and respond quickly to seize the opportunities available in the external environment. 4.14 0.994 82.80% 15.9 0 3
  Overall score for Flexibility and responsiveness 4.16 0.647 83.20% 16.62 0 -
11 The university is keen to provide creative and innovative services. 4.29 1.012 85.80% 11.44 0 2
12 The university provides all facilities to encourage its employees to be creative. 4.1 1.033 82.00% 11.27 0 3
13 The university is inspired by creative and innovative ideas by communicating with students, their families and listening to their suggestions. 4.33 0.971 86.60% 12.13 0 1
14 The university provides material and moral incentives for innovation ideas. 3.8 0.886 76.00% 10.23 0 5
15 University officials possess a high ability to perceives future ideas. 3.87 0.798 77.40% 10.88 0 4
  Total degree of innovation 4.08 0.663 81.60% 11.08 0  
  The dependent variable as a whole 4.12 0.686 82.40% 12.13 0  

As shown in Table (6) (Education Quality) that the value of T.Test reached (t = 12.94), and the value of the calculated test significance reached (Sig = 0.000), which is a significant value indicating that there is a clear response to the field of education quality as one of the dimensions of competitive advantage In Al-Ahliyya Amman University, the relative weight of this field was 82.2%, which indicates that the quality of education at the university was high. It is clear that the highest paragraph is Paragraph No. (2), which states (the university adopts international quality standards in providing educational services) and obtained approval to a large degree with a relative weight of (86.0%) and a significance level less than (0.05). Therefore, this paragraph is considered a statistically significant like the rest Paragraphs of this field.

Table (6) also shows also (Flexibility and responsiveness) that the value of T. Test reached (t = 16.62), and the value of the calculated test significance reached (Sig = 0.000), which is a significant value indicating that there is a clear response to the dimension of flexibility at Al-Ahliyya Amman University, and the relative weight of the total field was equal to (83.2%), which indicates that the process of flexibility and response in the university came with a high degree. It is clear that the highest paragraph is Paragraph No. (7) which states (The university administration is working to change the means of work to face the urgent challenges) and obtained approval to a large degree and with a relative weight of (88.0%) and a significance level less than (0.05). Therefore, this paragraph is considered a statistical function. Like the rest of the paragraphs of this field.

It also appears from Table (6) (Innovation) that the value of T test reached (t = 11.08), and the value of the calculated test significance reached (Sig = 0.000), which is a significant value indicating that there is a clear response to the creativity dimension at Al-Ahliyya Amman University. The relative weight of the total field was equal to (81.6%), which indicates that innovatin at the university came with a high degree. It is clear that the highest paragraph is Paragraph No. (13) which states (The university is inspired by creative and innovative ideas by communicating with students and their families and listening to their proposals) and obtained approval to a large degree with a relative weight of (86.6%) and a level of significance less than (0.05). This paragraph is a statistical function like the rest of the paragraphs in this field.

Analysis of Study Questions and Hypothesis Testing

The Main Question

What is the role of intellectual capital with its components (combined) in achieving competitive advantage in Al-Ahliyya Amman University?

From this Question, the Following Hypothesis is Formulated

H1 There is no statistically significant role at the level of significance (α = 0.05) for intellectual capital with its components (human capital, structural capital, and relational capital) in achieving competitive advantage in its dimensions (quality of education, flexibility and responsiveness, and innovation) at Al-Ahliyya Amman University.

To test this hypothesis, multiple linear regression analysis was use. as shows in Table 7.

Table 7
Results of Multiple Linear Regression Analysis of Intellectual Capital with Its Components in Achieving Competitive Advantage At  Al-Ahliyya Amman University
Dependent variable R R2 F Freedom degree Sig. Independent variables ß t value Sig.
Competitive advantage 0.813 0.661 161.65 2 0.000 Human
0.673 18.93 0.000
627 Structural capital 0.54 16.37 0.000
629 Relational capital 0.497 14.19 0.000

The main hypothesis was tested at the level of significance (0.05), and the results were shown in Table (7) according to the following:

• The tabular F value was extracted to compare it with the calculated F, and it turns out that valued of the calculated F (161.65) is greater than the tabular F value (2.65) and it proves the significance of the model used in the regression analysis.

• The significance level of the test was compared with the level of significance adopted in the study to indicate the existence of a role of influence on the dependent variable (competitive advantage). The above table No. (7) shows that the significance level for (F) reached (0.000), which is less than the level of significance adopted in the study (0.05). Thus, we reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis. “There is a role of statistical significance at the level of significance (α = 0.05) of intellectual capital with its components (human capital, structural capital, and relationship capital) in achieving competitive advantage in its dimensions (quality of education, flexibility and responsiveness, and innovation) at Al-Ahliyya Amman University.

• The value of R is inferred to indicate the existence of a correlation between the independent variables and the dependent variable, and through Table No. (7) above it was found that the value of the correlation is equal to (0.813), which indicates a strong positive correlation between the components of intellectual capital and achieving competitive advantage at Al-Ahliyya Amman University.

• The results proved that there is an explanatory capacity for the independent variables combined (human capital, structural capital, and relational capital) on the dependent variable (achieving competitive advantage) and its value (66.1%), and it was inferred from the value of the determination coefficient (R2=0.661).

Results of the Study

1) It is clear to us through the results of Table No. (2) that the majority of the sample items are males at a rate of (61.4%), but that the percentage of females reached (38.6) and that this percentage for females indicates that the university encourages the attract of female workers on the basis that the participation of women At work, it is considered an important developmental requirement in the comprehensive development process. Likewise, the success of Jordanian women in reaching leadership positions and their effective contribution to public life and higher education institutions are among the most important aspects of gender justice. The majority of the workers at the researched university are young people whose age ranges between (31 to 50 years) amounted to more than (60%), and that more than (61%) of the sample members have higher university degrees (Master and PhD), and it was found that the majority of The sample members who have experience of (6-16 years) amounted to about (69%).

2) The study showed that the components of intellectual capital (combined) have achieved different levels at Al-Ahliyya Amman University as follows:

• The field of human capital achieved a high response degree (4.09) with a relative weight (81.8%).

• The structural capital field achieved a high degree of response as well, reaching (4.04) with a relative weight (80.8%).

• The field of relational capital also achieved a high response degree (4.20) with a relative weight (84.0%).

3) The study concluded that there is a positive, influential relationship for intellectual capital with its components (combined) in achieving competitive advantage at the university, as the value of the Pearson correlation coefficient (R) for this relationship is more than (81%) and with a significant significance (0.000) less than the significant (0.05) This result intersects with the study of (Raed et al., 2020), (Saqer et al., 2019) and (Nazem et al., 2018).

4) The competitive advantage achieved a high degree of response from the study sample amounting to (4.12) and with a relative weight of more than (82%). This is an indication of the study sample’s keenness to achieve a competitive advantage for Al-Ahliyya Amman University. 2020), (Matthew et al., 2020), and (Asante & Adu-Damoah, 2018).


According to the conclusions and findings of this study, I have concluded the following recommendations:

1) The necessity of dealing with intellectual capital as a major and strategic resource for the university and considering it the real wealth that guarantees universities the ability to adapt to changes and to achieve a competitive advantage.

2) Encouraging cooperation and establishing more strategic alliances in order to contribute to to promote the relational capital at the university.

3) Emphasis on attracting competencies from the labor market as a means to achieve a competitive advantage in human capital at the university.

4) The necessity for the university to support and encourage creativity through innovative solutions and ideas presented by employees and to put them into practice.

5) Motivating and encouraging employees to create and innovate to ensure the success of university services and improve them according to a specific and clear system.

6) The necessity to build a positive organizational culture to develop social cohesion and strengthen relations between employees, which contributes to creating synergies among employees.

7) Adopting real practices for teamwork methods, promoting a spirit of teamwork, and supporting a love of belonging to work through improving the physical and social work environment at the university.

8) The study recommends the establishment of a unit called the "Creative and Innovative Business Unit" that is directly linked to the presidency of the university, and is responsible for all creative works and preserving the rights of creators and their creative works.

9) Encouraging workers to develop their abilities and personal skills, and allow them to innovate and create.

10) The necessity of developing a strategic curriculum for the development of workers in respect to their skills, knowledge and human relations on an ongoing basis within the framework of continuous education for them in order to improve their performance and maintain a high level of knowledge in a way that makes them more responsive to environmental changes.

11) The study recommends conducting more studies and research on intellectual capital and its role in other dependent variables that were not taken into consideration by this study.


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