Academy of Strategic Management Journal (Print ISSN: 1544-1458; Online ISSN: 1939-6104)

Review Article: 2021 Vol: 20 Issue: 6S

The Effect of Organizational Silence as an Intermediate Variable in the Relationship between Emotional Commitment and Strategic Change

Adel A Keshk, Port Said University


Modern organizations here have become more diversified than before as a result of the volume of communications within organizations that have become more sophisticated and interactive, and as a result, employees have been identified as a rich source for those to address and solve problems and issues related to work, although these employees often feel insecure When that administration asks them to express Their own opinions, ideas, and proposals because they believe that these comments about change may lead to the loss of their material incentives, which was expected to be obtained, this feeling of insecurity which consequently leads to that organizational silence. (Deniz et al., 2013) This research aims here to study the influential relationship between each of the organizational silence and the extent of its impact on both the emotional commitment and the strategic change in the performance of workers at Al Huda Factory for the production of clothing has been conducted on the workers in it, which was chosen here for him in this random way to know their views and the extent of their knowledge of those The negative effects of that silence and silence on the workers and employees of the factory and the presentation of those problems that occur in the work and the extent of its impact on the emotional commitment of the workers and employees towards the factory in addition to knowing the size of the strategic change in it and after it was done Distribute (300) a questionnaire designed to rely on those standards that have been previously tested with the same credibility and consistency on these workers and workers with the aim of analysing the data. It turned out and opinions have turned out to be those indicators of performance, so we must take into account the need to take into account the views of workers and try to know those the problems that these workers suffer from inside the workplace through holding continuous meetings and trying to reach solutions to them in order not to be transformed in the future into a problem that is difficult to deal with and solve.


Emotional Commitment, Organizations, Production


It has emerged recently that the majority of workers in institutions may remain silent towards those issues that occur in the work and the reason here is due to the fact that these institutions do not accept any kind of opposition even if that opposition is legitimate as it prepares them as a threat On the one hand, and on the other hand, where these individuals are convinced that there is no possibility to change these already existing and undesirable organizational conditions and that administration refuses to take any action to correct them, which may be accompanied by a low rate of emotional imperative towards the organization, we find them accepting and adapting to these conditions The existing organizational system instead of amending and resisting it as a result of their fear of losing their job positions or losing them with those financial incentives that were expected to be obtained, thus leading to their loss of that confidence in themselves and their feeling of deficiency and low motivation It is for learning and self-development, which may also lead to their attempt to leave the job and change the direction of their work for another institution.

First Topic: Scientific Methodology for Research

First: The research problem: The core of these administrative processes in the institution are considered here are those individuals working in it where no institution or organization can achieve and implement its goals unless it has this workforce that possesses that potential and the specifications and standards that may qualify and help it to reach its goal and goal, and these individuals have been divided into both a complainant He rejects these methods and bureaucracy in the administrative policy of the organization and between that calm supporter who does not speak nor complain about his superiors or colleagues with knowing the extent of the impact of that on that emotional commitment of that factor to the institution Hence, the research problem appeared in the form of the following questions:

1. Is it desirable and preferable for these individuals working in the organization to be silent about those problems and obstacles that occur in their organization from speaking and expressing them?

2. What are the reasons that hinder speaking and expressing how they feel about the institution?

3. Do these workers know and realize the reasons for that organizational silence and its indications of the performance of workers in their organization??

4. What is that relationship between the causes of that silence and the emotional commitment to the organization?

5. What is the extent of the impact of that relationship between that silence and strategic change in the organization?

Second: Research Objectives

This research seeks to answer the following questions:

1. Clarify the concept of organizational silence of the organization and the institution with a sample of research.

2. Work to identify those main reasons that may lead individuals to adopt the organizational silence in the organization.

3. Knowing the size of the level of employee’s awareness of the causes of organizational silence and indicators of satisfaction and performance of workers.

4. Explain that relationship between the causes, organizational silence, and the emotional commitment of employees.

5. Clarify the relationship between the causes, organizational silence, and strategic change in the said organization

6. Providing the group with those recommendations for the organization and the institution for the research sample in light of what the research results have reached.

Third: The Importance of Research

The research significance of the research here is due to the following points:

1. Defining the results of organizational silence as one of the important administrative phenomena that every director and administrative must pay attention to, as that silence is an administrative phenomenon that exists in business organizations of different types and forms and that negatively affect the workflow with them if these causes are not identified Thus, the scientific form may lead to an increase in absenteeism rates and consequently a decrease in productivity for the institution and this may lead to an increase in rates of strategic change.

2. This research is an attempt to reach new results through scientific research and studies on the subject of organizational silence and how to deal with its causes and the impact of this on the emotional commitment of workers on the one hand and strategic change in the institution on the other.

Fourth - Research Variables and Methods of Measurement

Here, the researcher relied on three variables:

• Organizational silence: the behaviour of employees of the organization has been affected negatively and positively, which requires the institution to pay attention and know the causes that have these great results on the performance of the organization, which is closely related to the performance of these personnel members, and a study has been relied upon Which was adopted in her study (Harmalol, 2013).

• Strategic change: It is the intended change in those policies and procedures to suit the organization or create these organizational conditions in scientific ways to align with that surrounding environment for the institution, which aims to increase the effectiveness and ability to face challenges and predict the future of the organization.

• Emotional commitment from workers towards the institution and the organization affiliated with it: Before standing here on the researchers ’definitions of emotional commitment, we stop at the concept of commitment, either in the linguistic definition means: covenant, proximity, support, and love (Salama, 2003).

As for conventionality, the concepts of commitment have varied due to the varied views of researchers about it, such as (Salancik), which is the level of positive feeling generated by the individual towards the organization in which he works, and sincerity for it, and achieving its goals with its continuous sense of association and pride in working in it.

Fifth: Research Hypotheses

The main hypothesis: "There is a significant correlation between those reasons for organizational silence, the emotional commitment of the organization, and strategic change from which the following sub-hypotheses are based:

• The first sub-hypothesis: "There is an inverse, correlational relationship between the causes of silence and their emotional commitment to the organization."

• The second sub-hypothesis: "There is a significant inverse correlation between the causes of silence and the strategic change in the organization.

• The third sub-hypothesis: "There is a significant inverse correlation between the causes of silence and the workers' satisfaction with performance and results.

Sixth: Previous Studies

1. The Sahar, et al., (2013) study has examined here the relationship between both organizational and organizational silence, organizational commitment among employees from where they were divided into two categories of professors and employees, and the study has reached many conclusions, the most important of which is that commitment is stronger among professors On the staff, after analysis and distinction between the two groups, it became clear that the organizational silence is stronger for the employees, as the level of organizational commitment is higher for the teachers.

2. (Yusef, 2014) indicates to know the effect of organizational silence as:

The tendency of university employees to prevent and avoid providing that information and opinions on talking about work problems and issues and thus their limited participation in these problems due to these individual organizational determinants that encourage that silence:

Based on the above, we can define silence as the silence of employees and workers about problems and information for their managers, in order to avoid falling into problems related to the performance of the organization and their managers because of the psychological and functional instability that threatens their job.

1. Surveying the relationship between quality of work life and organizational silence (case study: employees of the central office of Fars Education Organization): (Noor Muhammad Yaqoubi has done a study of the relationship between the quality of work life and organizational silence of the employees of the Central Office of the Fars Province Education Organization, which conducted this present cross-sectional study in 2014 and 210 employees of the Central Office of the Education Organization in Fars Governorate were selected by taking random samples in addition to Using the use of work life quality questionnaires and organizational silence to collect data. The data achieved were analysed using descriptive and deductive statistics by the SPSS program. The result of this study shows that there is a negative and important relationship between work life quality and organizational silence. However, there is a significant negative relationship between the quality of working life, defensive silence, and subservience to aspects of organizational silence.

2. The mediator's role in organizational silence on the impact of trust on organizational commitment (Tehran municipality case study): (Amani Saeed) has studied organizational silence about the impact of trust on organizational commitment that includes its entire population.

Tehran Municipality employees numbering 200. The sample size is estimated at 131 people who use Cochran formula so that a data collection questionnaire is used. The result was the reliability of the questionnaire 0.87. For data analysis SEM is used in the form of AMOS software. The findings have indicated that the effects of organizational confidence on organizational silence and the effects of organizational silence on organizational commitment

Seven - The Research Sample

• The company was chosen thanks to Al Huda for the manufacture of ready-made clothes to represent the research sample, due to the importance of the role it plays in this societal construction in addition to being one of the distinct and cooperative societies related to the subject of the research. The sample included these 300 employees working in the factory.

The Second Topic: The Theoretical Framework for the Research

First: The Concept of Organizational Silence

This interest in the subject of organizational silence has increased with the last period of time here as a result of its association with the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization and the behaviours of working individuals and it is considered negative which has become one of the problems hindering the process of progress and development (Al-Faouri, 2004).

However, the researcher here considers this concept silence from those modern and unfamiliar concepts, especially since it is difficult to define that concept with a specific definition of it.

Second: The Reasons for Organizational Silence

Here are the most common causes (Demir & Ozturk 2010; Eroglu, 2011; Calico).

Which is the direct cause of silence among the working individuals, those negative reactions by the management of the organization (such as bias - the risk of speaking, fear of isolation, fear of damaging labour relations as a result of disclosure, but at the present time silence is defined as a reaction and social withdrawal towards those situations that occur With the organization, so there are several reasons why individuals working in organizational silence.

1. Administrative and organizational reasons (for lack of confidence in managers), which are among the important topics discussed in recent years are those decision-making processes in the organization, the inability of managers to make the appropriate decision, in addition to low organizational efficiency and poor performance in the organization as a whole (Morrison & Milliken, 2003).

2. Fear of social isolation: - One of the main reasons for the silence of individuals towards these organizational problems is that fear of that social isolation within his work and his belief that if he does so, he will cause many problems within the institution and its organizational structure.

3. Lack of experience: - Many working individuals resort to remaining silent not only because of their past bad personal experiences, but also from previous experiences of their colleagues and their results on them (Reenter, 2010).

4. Fear of damaging relationships: - Although the awareness of individuals working with weaknesses in the organizational structure and operations within that organization, they decide not to suggest solutions to them, and that is not their awareness that these other individuals will not be happy with these suggestions in addition to fear of losing relationships with Their colleagues (Milliken & Morrison, 2006).

Third - The Areas of Strategic Change

(Rick, 2009) explained areas of strategic change in the organization:

• Change at the level of strategies: The organization seeks here to make these adjustments and changes to its goals and strategies, as a result of response to those environmental changes surrounding it.

• Change at the organizational level of the organization: the organization may have to change its structure, because all of these changes within it are accompanied by a change also at the structural level of the organization.

Fourth - The Stages of the Organizational Change Process

The process passes the strategic change in the organization as explained (Zaher, Hammad, 2011) with the following stages:

1. The motivational stage of an individual or group of individuals: by abandoning those values, habits and opinions, by preparing psychologically for change.

2. The stage of change: The individual here is at this stage ready to accept the idea of change, and therefore is provided with that information and data that may be targeted in the manner, practice, behaviour, principles, values, and these new opinions, and the individual is also trained in patterns and methods developed.

3. The stage of creating a new state of stability: that is, the individual, after making sure that he accepts that change, will be in a state of mental stability, including the following:

Generating and sensing an individual’s feeling that the new situation has become part of it and that it is appropriate for it

Ensure here that that individual has begun to apply the new situation, and that it has become of particular importance in his relationships and practices with others and in the way he performs work for the organization.

Fifth - Emotional Commitment

Porter, et al., (2008) is one of the works that dealt with commitment from an administrative point of view. He defined it as that "power".

The Importance of Emotional Commitment

This importance is due to several reasons, including:

1. It is one of the basic indicators for predicting many aspects of behavior, especially the turnover rate of work, where individuals are supposed to be committed to the longest period of stay in the organization, and more working towards achieving its goals.

2. It is considered an important element in linking the organization with these individuals working in it, especially in times when these organizations cannot ... provide the appropriate incentives to push these individuals to work and achieve those high levels of performance.

3. The emotional commitment of individuals to organizations is a stronger indication of job satisfaction, because workers and workers remain in their workplaces.

4. The emotional commitment of individuals to their organizations is also an important factor in predicting the effectiveness of the organization (Abdel Baqi, 2005).

The Third Topic - The Practical Side

The Research Community and its Sample

The current research included 300 individuals from my factory, Al-Huda Garments, who were randomly selected for the year (2019-2020).

Search Tool

And to achieve the aim of the first study, which is to build a measure to measure the rate of job silence and emotional commitment among workers, through the following procedures:

Steps to Build the Scale

1. Determine those areas of the scale, by looking at previous studies and literature, in addition to a number of measures to measure job silence and the rate of emotional commitment to the institution.

2. He identified three basic dimensions of career silence, namely (the rate of strategic change, emotional commitment, personal satisfaction). In light of these dimensions, (29) paragraphs were formulated to represent these dimensions.

3. That scale was presented in the preliminary form with the dimensions to a group of experts, doctors and psychologists with long experience, and based on their observations, some paragraphs were modified, deleted and merged. The number of paragraphs of the scale reached (21) paragraphs, for each dimension (7) paragraphs represented by He has developed alternatives for which her answer is (always, sometimes, not) and she is matched by the following grades (1-2-3).

1. Emotional commitment: It consists of seven paragraphs (7-1) that measure an individual’s feeling of emotional stress and provocation at work.

2. Job silence: It consists of seven paragraphs (14-8) that measure the worker’s lack of humanity and complacency about what he works for the institution.

3. Strategic Change: It consists of seven paragraphs (21-15) that measure the worker’s sense of efficiency and achievement in his work and his success in dealing with these variables.

The statements that make up the scale have been prepared in a way that requires the examiner to specify the following alternatives (always, sometimes, never).

Validity of Scale

The validity of the scale of the research sample was verified by presenting it to a group of experts in psychological measurement and psychiatry, by displaying these dimensions of the scale with those paragraphs that express the remaking of them so that they fit the workers in the industrial field on a group of experts to express their opinions on the validity Paragraphs in measuring what you prepared to measure it, and this type of honesty is called apparent honesty, and the result here was 80% as a minimum to accept the paragraphs of the scale.

Construction Certification

The analysis refers to the scores on the scale, based on the psychological structure of the property to be measured, or in light of a specific psychological concept (Cronbach, 2009; Stanley & Hopkin, 111), which is the extent to which we can determine that That measure measures a specific theoretical construct or a particular characteristic.

This was accomplished by extracting the discriminatory strength of the vertebrae on the scale of functional silence, which had a discriminatory strength indicative at 0.05 and 0.01.

Stability of Scale

Stability was achieved on the scale by re-selection method, as the scale was applied to a group of workers and then the scale was applied again to the same sample after a one-week interval. The value of the correlation coefficient between the two applications was (50. 8).

Results and Discussion

Table (1) shows that the majority of the sample participating in the study are men (80%). Likewise, the most age group participating in the study is (20-29) years and the amount (56%) means more than half of the total sample size. Most of the participation group in the study is the one who has experience from (1-5) years and (37%).

Table 1
Demographic Characteristics of the Research Sample (Number=300)
Percentage The number Variables
80 220 Male
20 80 female
100% 300 Overall
44 66 From 20-30 years
59 50 From 30 to 40 years
56 67 From 40 to 50 years
78 90 Above 50
87% 270 Overall
33% 100 From 1-5 years
16% 50 From 5-10 years
50% 150 From 10-15 years
100% 300 Overall

To answer the first question, Table (2) shows the mean of the individuals of the sample, as it was statistically significant in all areas of job silence and in its degree of emotional and psychological commitment to the overall scale, and this indicates the exposure of the sample members to increase the exposure to strategic change in the institution identified in the scale.

Table 2
Explains The Significance of the Differences in Job Silence and According to Its Three Magazines (Job Silence, Emotional Commitment, Strategic Change).
Sig Different Mean Degree of freedom Value of t Standard Deviation Arithmetic Mean Number Variables
0 7.63 199 26.37 4.09 7.68 200 Job silence
0 9.62 199 49.19 2.76 9.67 200 Emotional commitment
0 10.8 199 47.45 3.21 10.85 200 Strategic change

Conclusions and Proposals


Through the results of the study of psychological combustion measurement among Al-Hoda Factory employees and its relationship to some variables, the researcher can view the following.

1. Methods of data collection and analysis: The questionnaire was designed to identify the method for the purpose and hypothesis of the research, through relying on those theoretical literature related to the subject of the research, as there were some personal interviews with workers in different sections of the organization, in addition to personal interviews.

2. Statistical methods: A number of statistical methods have been followed and used here, according to the nature of the data. The results have been calculated and extracted and processed by computer using Tetraphids program, Minitab program and SPSS program.

Presentation and Analysis of Data

Table No. (2) indicates that the answers (96.13%) of the individuals in the research sample did not agree on the merging to be in line with those changes adopted by these administrative leaders, and (3.33%) were not sure, with an arithmetic mean (4.18%), and a standard deviation. (0.47).

• It shows that (42.7%) agreed that expressing problems within the organization helps in facing the risks of strategic changes among workers within the organization, and they were not sure (40%), and they did not agree (19.3%), with an arithmetic mean (6.70%), Standard deviation (0.85).

• The percentage (79.4%) did not agree that achieving silence on mistakes by doing leads to targeted strategic changes such as patterns of behavior through organizational change, and are not sure (18.3%), and (33.3%) agreed on that, with an arithmetic mean (3.97%) and deviation Standard (0.74).

• That (29.3%) agree that strategic changes are an approach that the organization seeks to use to achieve its goals and objectives and increase their emotional commitment to it, and among them (25%) are unsure, and (46.63%) did not agree, with an arithmetic mean (3.13%) and a standard deviation (1.05).

The Fourth Topic: Research Findings and Recommendations

First: Conclusions

In light of what has been presented and analyzed in the practical framework of the research, the most important research findings that have been reached can be summarized as follows:

1. The opinions of the individuals in the research sample came here positively regarding the causes that cause organizational silence, meaning that there is understanding and know-how by these individuals working with those reasons behind their silence, as follows:

a) The fear of social isolation came first, as it achieved the highest ratio of the arithmetic mean, and this indicates that the research sample is fully aware here that talking about these problems in their organization will cause them to have this state of social isolation among their peers.

b) We also find that the result of the lack of experience has got the second rank here in terms of importance and this indicates us to the existence of awareness and understanding by the research sample because these individuals who had gone through these previous experiences to avoid raising problems with their colleagues or direct superiors.

c) The administrative and organizational reasons here impede the strategic changes.

d) Job satisfaction and emotional commitment to the organization will not happen unless there is a degree of freedom and assimilation among the employees inside.

2. That the average score for measuring functional silence in the whole sample is higher than theoretical average and is statistically significant.

3. There is no clear effect of the sex worker on the institution's silence.

4. There is a significant effect of the age factor on emotional commitment, as the results showed, in general, that the average degrees of commitment for the second age group (30-39) years are greater than the average scores for the remaining age groups.

Second: Research Recommendations

In light of the conclusions presented, we propose the following recommendations:

1. More attention to working individuals is done by giving them the opportunity to express their views, and that happens by setting up these systems for effective communication between them and their subordinates in addition to setting organizational structures that are flexible and also giving them confidence to offer what they see as appropriate solutions to their problems in order to limit your impersonation of organizational silence by the organization.

2. Since the research here showed the existence of correlations and influence for the reasons for organizational silence and indicators of emotional commitment for the employees of the institution (the research sample), therefore it is necessary to carry out the treatment for the reasons of organizational silence that have an impact on the performance and commitment of workers, through the following:

a) Increasing the size of tasks and responsibilities of some working individuals who enjoy high levels of competence and experience in addition to giving them greater powers to make decisions and solve problems that may occur.

b) Working to conduct more discussions and collective participation in order to define the goals and duties of the working individuals in a manner that is appropriate and commensurate with their capabilities and capabilities, and this would lead to reducing some of the concerns related to the work that some working individuals may suffer from.

c) Assigning these individuals working to address their problems in a way that satisfies and realizes their interests and the interests of the organization and achieves and raises the percentage of their emotional commitment to the institution.


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