Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues (Print ISSN: 1544-0036; Online ISSN: 1544-0044)

Review Article: 2022 Vol: 25 Issue: 4S

The power in the Zionist ideology, and its impact on the Israeli national power

Khaled Jamil Mohsen, Applied Science Private University

Marwan Ibrahim Saleh Mkdadi, Hashemite University

Citation Information: Mohsen, K.M., & Mkdadi, M. (2022). The power in the Zionist ideology, and its impact on the Israeli national power. Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues, 25(S4), 1-13.


The study deals with the philosophy of power in Zionist ideology and its role in achieving its first aims to establish a national homeland for Jews in the land of Palestine - the promised land - and the extent to which this philosophy reflects on Israeli policy in building its national power, the study assumes that the State of Israel, which emanates from Zionist ideology, must be influenced by the Zionist philosophy of power in its construction of national power, and The study examines the most important aspects of this influence by answering the following questions: What is the basis of Zionist ideology in its philosophy of power? What are the opinions of Zionist thinkers about the aide of power? What is the nature of this force and its roles in achieving the Zionist project? and What are the aspects of the impact of the philosophy of power in the Zionist ideology on building the Israeli national power? The study relied on the realistic curriculum, which is one of the most important approaches in the study of international relations, which considers that force in all its elements - factors of national power - is the basis for the existence and survival of the state, In achieving its national interests, bearing in mind that it assumes that international relations are based on competition and conflict over power, and that those who possess it to impose their control over others, in addition to the analytical curriculum by analyzing religious texts and seeing Zionist thinkers of the philosophical foundations of power, and analyzing the state of the practical application of these foundations on the ground, The study concluded that the Zionist ideology considers force as an essential and necessary means to achieve its aims, its stressed that the establishment of the state project Judaism, its survival, its continuity and the realization of its national interests require it to possess absolute power, which reflected Israel’s policy of building elements of its national power.


Power, The Ideology of Zionism, National Power


The force is one of the most important topics addressed by intellectuals in research and study to determine its meaning, nature and role in international relations, so the concepts of power and the multiplicity of intellectual trends around it, became the subject of power one of the most important topics in political science and international relations, and the main explanation for understanding international relations and their interactions, as in the school of realism (realistic theory) that emerged as the most important intellectual schools in international relations and which cared about power and its role in the interpretation of international relations and their interactions, Power is one of the most important components of the state, and the first means by which the state can impose itself and its place in its relations with others, and thus achieve its national interests, and that the pursuit of any state to achieve its national interests requires it to possess a great deal of power under competing international system without supreme international authority, so power becomes a means and an end at the same time, the state cannot achieve its interests without power, and the power of the state cannot be achieved without its resources or elements that achieve power, it is the order That made the concept of force not only a military factor, but also include a range of elements of the national power of the state such as military, geographical, population, technological, economic, and ideological forces..... Etc.

This study deals with research into the philosophical foundations of power in Zionist ideology, Zionism is a doctrine that seeks to achieve the goal of creating a national homeland for the Jews in the land of Palestine - the promised land - in a regional region that refuses to create this project, and refuses to remain and continue it, which means that the establishment, survival and continuation of this project must be based on force, and this indicates that Zionist ideology has its philosophy on power, which this study is trying to research around by answering Several questions such as: What is the basis of Zionist ideology in its philosophy of power? What is the nature of this force and its roles in achieving the Zionist project? How consistent is the philosophy of Zionist power with the philosophical foundations of realistic theory in international relations? and the study examines the extent to which this philosophy reflects on Israel’s policy of building its national power, considering that Israel is the national homeland of Jews emanating from Zionist ideology, and in other words to what extent Israel applies the philosophical (theoretical) foundations of Zionist power. On the ground?, perhaps this is what distinguishes this study by addressing the philosophical foundations of Zionist power and the extent to which it is applied in practice on the ground- based on the realistic curriculum, which is one of the most important approaches in the study of international relations, which considers that force in all its elements - factors of national power - is the basis for the existence and survival of the state, In achieving its national interests, bearing in mind that it assumes that international relations are based on competition and conflict over power, and that those who possess it to impose their control over others, in addition to the analytical curriculum by analyzing religious texts and seeing Zionist thinkers of the philosophical foundations of power, and analyzing the state of the practical application of these foundations on the ground,

The Concept of Power and its Philosophical Foundations

The Concept of Power

The concept of power is one of the most important vocabulary in which intellectuals stopped, and some argued that its meaning is almost the same in all languages as it revolves within the framework of the concept of ability to act, ability and energy, which is against weakness, and also means influence, influence and power (Al-Hadrami, 2013), Sociologists believe that power is the ability to create a particular thing, or the influence of one individual or group on the behavior of others in one way or another, i.e., the relationship of power is a relationship between two parties, one stronger than the other, otherwise the force will not have its transactions, and it will turn into another process is conflict, so bar is known The messengers of power are the messengers of power as achieving the intended results, the strongest is the one who achieves his desires more than others (Russell, 1938), and Robert Dahl knew it was the ability to get others to do things that they would otherwise do (Dahl, 1957), and based on the above the concept of force is based on two elements: matter, action, possibilities and influence (Jenson, 1989), Power in that it is a material is the set of capabilities and possibilities acquired by the state and make it enjoy relative weight compared to other countries, and these capabilities and possibilities are the elements of national power in the state, but in terms of it is an act that represents the use of those possibilities and capabilities to create A relationship with the other party based on influence and to be influenced (Al-Harari, 2015),and in addition requires those who have the elements of power to have the desire to exercise it indeed on others, and to have the freedom to work and act to achieve the results c that he seeks or become Power is meaningless, and it also takes into account that as long as power is a relationship between two parties, there must be a subject of that relationship, which cannot be issued out of the blue, there is economic power, financial power, technological power, population power, and military power.... Etc., which means that the force has multiple facets, each with specific content, the military force means the possession of a military arsenal and many weapons and strength, as well as the economic, financial and technological power, but the political power varies because its nature differs, and we can define it as the outcome of all those forces.

In political science, the concept of power is the main concept, because politics is closely linked to power, politics is the use of force and the threat of its use, which distinguishes politics from the types of human activity (Laider, 1981), and In McCavelly's view, the success of politics is measured by the extent to which it uses force, and that politics is nothing but a struggle for force (Al-Aqabi, 2010), one of the most important trends in the definition of power in political science is the first trend that defines it as the ability to influence others by acting the way that those who have power want, and within this direction Hans Morganthau has linked power to the idea of influence and defined it as the ability to influence the behavior of others to do things contrary to their priorities that they would not have done if they had exercised that power. (Morgenthau, 1948), and a second trend that sees power as active participation in important decision-making in history, as La Zweil and Kaplan (Yousef, 1984) see, and a third direction that combines the previous two directions. The force is defined as direct or unimportance control and control of a particular person or group on the raising of fundamental issues, or the distribution of values, and the consequent ability or influence in the situation in the manner preferred by the owner of the force (Laider, 1981).

In the field of international relations in particular, force is one of the most commonly used vocabulary under an international system that lacks a central government, in which countries seek to ensure their security and survival through their possession of power, which Hans Morgantho considered the end and the global means when he said that the force itself represents a desirable value (Morgenthau, 1946, p. 81),in his view that international politics as a whole is a struggle for power, and whatever the ultimate objectives of international policy, force is always the ultimate goal, the power of the state is particularly important in the field of international relations because it determines the dimensions of the role played by the state in the international community, and determines the framework of its relations with the powers, External in the international environment (Maqlid, 1987, p.162), and the strength here is not limited to the traditional military concept but has moved to the comprehensive concept of factors of national, political, economic, social, population, technological and ideological power.... Etc., in strategic thought, the power of the state is the effectiveness of the state and its role in the international field resulting from its ability to employ the sources of power available to it in imposing its will and achieving its national objectives and interests and influencing the will of other countries and their interests and objectives, and that force in this sense is determined by two elements: the first sources of power, and the second is the process of inclusion The employment of these sources, and therefore the available sources of power do not gain weight and influence once they exist, but this influence weight is associated with conscious intervention to transform the available sources of power into effective energy and weapon (Saqr, 2019).

Philosophical Foundations of Power

Power was one of the most important topics addressed by intellectuals throughout different times, especially those who demanded its unleashing, meaning that the strong exercise its power without moral, legal or religious restrictions, the right to the strongest as the Sophistic declare, while Aristotle stressed that the war, invasion and occupation are legitimate means of ownership for the Greeks only without other peoples (Ismail, 2002), and in the Renaissance Was The Most Scenic Machiavelli considered it one of the basic elements of the establishment of the state, stressing that the first goal of the political process is to preserve the strength of the state and increase it by any means even if it is immoral, the state does not know morality (Ismail, 2002), and with the expansion of the base of analysis of some phenomena of international relations emerged realistic theory in international relations, which is the most focused theory on force as an essential driver of the foreign policy of the state within the framework of its relations with other countries, the more The strength of the state has increased its effectiveness and the strength of its influence on the international scene and has been able to achieve its objectives, expressed by Schwarzenberjer in his opinion that force undisputedly is the focus of the movement of all international relations in the absence of a real international community, states act on the basis of their possibilities and military and not from legal and moral logic, while Hans Morgantho asserts that international politics is a struggle against power, and one of the most important foundations on which this theory is based:

1) The state is the level of analysis, especially since it has the power and supreme sovereignty, there is no institution or organization that is superior to the state, which has the power and is influential on the international stage.

2) Force is the essence of international relations, which are the subject of conflict between states, and the realists agree that force is a means of exerting influence and influence that includes achieving the objectives of the State, which does not depart from the realization of national interests, protecting national security and maintaining political independence or deterrence, so realism looks at force in its broad sense, and does not confine it to the military side, the power of the state is the result of the interaction of elements and factors of national power such as geographical location, economic power, technological power, population, ideological, political system..... Etc. (Maqlid, 1982).

3) The strength of the state is relative and its assessment depends on two things: the first is the ability to transform the available or potential sources of power into effective force, and the second is the result of the power of the second party, two states may have the same sources of power, but the ability of one and the inability of the other to employ one or some of its sources of power makes the party able to employ its sources of power Relatively stronger than the other, despite the equal sources of power in the two countries, on the other hand, the weight of the power of the state is constantly changing as a result of the change in the importance of the sources of power available to them or the other party, or because of the exchanges that may occur in the countries that affect the weights of their power such as wars, treaties, alliances, divisions or otherwise (Saqr, 2019).

4) The national interest, which is one of the most important pillars of the realistic theory, in its view, every state has a set of national interests, which are multiple and conflicting interests, and that explains the nature of hostility and war on international relations due to the endeavor of each state to impose its will and achieve its interests in the absence of a central international authority.

5) The international system is chaotic because there is no global government to control its security, so it is up to each country to control its relations with other countries, and to control conflicts on its own to ensure their movement on the international scene to provide for their interests (Maqlid, 1982).

The Philosophical Foundations of Power in Zionist Ideology

The Religious Dimension of the Idea of Power in Zionist Ideology

Force is of great importance in the Zionist ideology, depending on what is stipulated in the Torah, which is considered one of the most important sources of Zionist thought. According to the Jewish religion, the Jewish people are God’s chosen people, Therefore, it has become imperative for them to have a leadership position for other peoples, and these peoples must be in the service of God’s chosen people, this requires imposing sovereignty on them, and if others reject this sovereignty, force must be used against them, in addition to the fact that force is necessary in order to return to the promised land, so, there are many texts in the Torah describing the God of the Children of Israel as a warrior and leading his chosen people in his battles against other peoples, and sometimes he fights on their behalf (Exodus, chapter 23:23-24), and similarly their prophets were like Moses- peace be upon him-and After him, Joshua bin Nun (The Book of Joshua, chapter 6:21), The Jewish history, as stipulated in the Torah, is a series of wars and tournaments from the time of Moses, peace be upon him, to the era of the United Kingdom, during the reign of David and Solomon, peace be upon them. The ancient Jewish state was established based on power, wars and victory over other peoples, and from the above, the most important functions of the use of force in the Torah can be identified::

First: Control and ownership of the Promised Land, as it is the promised land from God for them and their children after them as an eternal possession, and this requires their possession of the power to control it by expelling those who reside on it from other peoples (Exodus Travel, Chapters 23:29-31), and notes from this text that control of the land and its ownership is gradually so that its power is balanced or superior to the power of every people fighting it, this on the one hand, and in order to balance its number of members with the area of land to own it on the other side.

Second: Expansion: The control over the Promised Land is gradual, as stipulated in the Torah (Exodus, chapter 23/29-31), and the opportunity is open for the Children of Israel to expand in the surrounding areas according to circumstances and goals, and they are helped by the ambiguity of the boundaries of the Promised Land in the Torah. The lowest is the land of Canaan, and at its maximum extent it reaches the area between the Euphrates and the Nile, as stipulated in the Torah (Deuteronomy, chapter 11/23-24).

Third: controlling the economic resources: controlling the Promised Land after the expulsion of other peoples from it will make it easier for the Children of Israel to control the wealth of this land, every city they control will be theirs with everything in it, and the cities that agree to make peace with them, their people will be servants to the Children of Israel, and their wealth will be their property. (Book of Deuteronomy, Chapters 20:10-15)

Fourth: Ensuring the security and survival of the Children of Israel: Control over other peoples is a guarantee that they do not possess the sources of power and therefore they are not a source of threat to them. Therefore, the Torah directs the Children of Israel to how to deal with other peoples to reduce any potential threats to expel them and not to give them any covenant of safety so that they do not live among them and become in The future is a potential threat (Book of Number, Chapters 33: 55), in addition to deterring others by spreading terror and fear in their souls, as ordered by their God (Book of Deuteronomy, Chapters 2:25).

Zionism Vision of Power Idea

Considering the Torah is the most important source of Zionism’s ideology, Zionism’s primary goal became the establishment of a national home for the Jews in Palestine, as stated in the Basel Program of 1897. However, achieving this goal required facing two obstacles: the first is that Palestine has been resided by a people for thousands of years, and they must be disposed of, and the second obstacle is that after its establishment, the Jewish state will be surrounded by Arab peoples who reject its existence and will work to eliminate it. Therefore, Zionism had to rely on the means of force to impose itself as a fait accompli in the region by adopting the concept and goals of force in the Torah. Many Zionist thinkers emphasized the principle of using force to establish the state. And protect it and ensure its survival.

Many Zionist thinkers emphasized the principle of using force to establish, protect and maintain the Jewish state. Among them is Herzl, who believes that power comes before truth and that force (Herzl, 2015), The glorification of the thinker Jabotinsky of power amounts to being a presumption of the Torah: "You can cancel everything except the sword, we must keep the sword, the sword fight dates back to our ancient ancestors and about them, we took the Torah and the sword, violence and power are the means of dealing with Arabs and Palestinians (Sabri, 1977), in other words, it is considered Politics is the art of power, in the sense that achieving any goals requires being strong, and therefore Zionism must strive to be strong if it is to achieve its project (Al-Masiri, 1982), power is the engine of history, as Menachem Begin says, "the power of progress in the history of the world is not peace but the sword" (al-Masiri, 1979), and the military force makes history (Begin, 1978. p.5), he calls for the use of force to expel Arabs from Palestine and eastern Jordan to establish a Jewish state according to the divine promise, and he has adopted the saying of the steel wall, which means that Israel has a degree of power that enables the displacement of Jews to Palestine and the removal of its people from it, which will assure the Arabs of the importance of establishing peace with the Jews and cooperating with them because of their inability to confront Israel, i.e., that force helps Israel to impose a fait accompli on the Arabs by accepting Israel as their neighboring state, and David ben Gurion agrees with him, which emphasizes the approach of force to establish the State of Israel and create a Jewish nation in Palestine that governs itself and achieves its will by force and sword. Under the slogan "Judaism fell with blood and fire will begin” (Al-Aqili & Tim, 2008), Israel can only live by force of arms, it is the one that resolves the issue and not the official decisions in the words of Ben Gurion (Deeb, 1986).

Based on the above, and according to the Zionist vision, the possession of power is an important factor in the establishment of the Jewish state and a major component of its survival and continuity, it believes in the survival of the conflict and that the physical survival of the strongest, Israel as an artificial entity in its regional surroundings is an unincorporated and un molten state, which makes it always need the power to impose itself on the reality in which it lives, Herzl says, “It is the majority that decides who is the stranger, that the treatment of peoples to one another is determined by force, and when I say this I do not give up any part of our rights, but in this world in which we live today and for an infinite period of time, force will still have the word” (Al-Sayegh, 1970) within the same context says Jabotinsky "Our colonization of Palestine must continue and develop only by force" and raise the slogan "We are fighting, then we exist" (Begin, 1978) It is an explicit call for the possession of force to prove existence versus others, and that stopping building power will lead to dissolution, cessation of achievement and self-affirmation, as Ben Gurion expresses: "When Israel is reduced from the stage of attack to the stage of defense, it has entered the countdown stage, so it must maintain the self-superiority that enables it to remain at the site of the attack" (Deeb, 1986), Israel’s possession of power does not mean that it has any power, but absolute power, in other sense, to possess the causes of power and to prevent it from others.

In the opinion of many Zionist thinkers that this absolute power is only complete by allying with the world powers by making the creation of a Jewish state in the region in the interest of the colonial states, Herzl believed that Zionism can achieve its objectives only by understanding with European countries, so he proposes to treat the Jewish issue as an international political problem that civilized nations come together to discuss, and find a solution to it in the way of European colonialism by moving the Jewish human surplus outside Europe in a state of their own (Al-Sayegh, 1970, p.s. 120) One of the constants of Zionist ideology was to rely on an external force that supported it and moved it from theoretical space to concrete practical reality, which the First Zionist Congress in 1897 stressed the need to agree with the relevant political units (European) to resolve the Jewish issue by establishing a national homeland for Jews, and also decided to establish the World Zionist Organization to organize Jews and represent them before the governments of the Western world and negotiate on their behalf and agree with these governments on a formula that achieves the common interests of both parties, based on emptying Europe of Jews. By establishing a state for Jews outside Europe that would be in the service of the Western world, the thinker Jabotinsky firmly believed that the Zionists' own efforts were of no use except to obtain Western support (Al-Naqib, 1987), and this alliance was helped by a range of factors, the most important of which were:

First: Cultural-Intellectual Factor: There was a harmony between Western culture and thought and Zionist thought, especially since modern Jewish Zionism was the beginning of Zionism of the jealousy (Zionist Christianity), based on its ideas, in particular the idea that Jews are a Hebrew race alien to Europe and form a nation, and form a nation that must be returned to Palestine to achieving salvation and biblical prophecy of the return of the messiah, The idea of returning the Jews to Palestine became a popular idea in modern European history and Western culture (Al-Sharif, 1982).

Second: the permanence of common colonial interests: In light of the European colonial competition for the sharing of influence, the Jewish presence in Palestine has become of political and strategic importance because of the importance of Palestine’s strategic location, Jabotinsky said, the transfer of Jews as a majority population to Palestine and eastern Jordan will contribute to turning Jews into a nation that serves Western interests in the region, becomes its base and the Jewish people become part of Western civilization (Al-Naqib, 1987).

The Impact of Zionism Ideology on Building the Israeli National Power

The Zionist philosophy of power was reflected in Israel’s building of its national power by possessing absolute power in the region by preventing the establishment of any strong state in the region, and working to fragment the region’s countries socially, politically and economically, and making them live in a state of weakness in various fields, which means that Israel remains in The permanent position of absolute power and the Arabs in a position of permanent weakness (Deeb, 1986), and in order for Israel to be the most powerful force in the region, it must look at power as an end and a means at the same time, by activating and developing the factors of its national power, which is consistent with Realistic theory, and that guarantees its survival, continuity, control and influence over the region and its leadership, and this effect can be seen on the following power factors:

State Ideological Factor (State Doctrine and Organizational Role)

Ideology plays an important role in change, as history confirms that many radical transformations have been left behind by a certain ideology, the Zionist ideology played this role in the lives of the Jews before and after the establishment of the state. It was the first link to gather the efforts of the Jews in the world to achieve a common goal of establishing a national home for the Jews in Palestine, and most importantly, it continued this role in Israeli society after the establishment of the state, as it is the active force and Controlling the social and historical movement in it, and in the pursuit of its goals the Zionist ideology was launched in two forms: the first is an intellectual pattern adopting a group of religious postulates based on the belief that the Jews of the world constitute a mother One distinct by its pure blood, present, past, customs and traditions, an ancient and eternal nationalism found with the presence of the Jewish people who demand their historical rights in the chosen land associated with the divine promise, which is characterized by unclear and unspecified borders, and the leaders of Zionism rely on these postulates to establish the Jewish presence and own the land and expand and expel the other, but the second pattern is a realistic material pattern of practical steps, and the relentless pursuit of Zionism as a movement to achieve its goals by establishing its objectives by establishing A sophisticated system, and the development of programs and precise plans that derive its foundations from a specific and clear vision, served by frequent efforts that are constantly based on modern methods in its work and adopt pragmatism in its approach, in addition to establishing private institutions and adopting a clear approach taking advantage of all that modern times produced in the fields of science, invention, planning, organization and political experiments, it was not Israel’s survival and permanence were the result of long efforts and a realistic assessment of the present, and an understanding of the requirements of the future, so it was not difficult for Zionism to realize its dream of a state in less than fifty years promised by Herzl after the 1897 Bal Conference

The integration of thought and practical steps is one of the reasons for Israel’s strength with a clear Zionist strategy with the diversity and flexibility of the means and the possession of the western knowledge methods and the unification of the Jews of the world and the exploitation of their efforts and directing them towards the service of the objectives of Zionism by adopting Jewish postulates, and exploiting the huge potential of the Jews of the world as economically, culturally and politically pressing groups within networks and organizations scattered around the world to serve Zionist purposes (Deeb, 1986), and it can be said that Zionist ideology forms the basis for building Israeli national power.

Population Force Factor (Migration and Settlement)

The Zionist idea is based on reuniting the Jews of the world in one country, the Jewish state, and therefore the increase in the population of the state is a fundamental goal of Zionism, and it depends primarily on immigration and settlement, as expressed by Levy Ashkol, Prime Minister of Israel in 1968, saying, "Help us win the battle of numbers, the real power begins to numbers, and the small population in Israel carries enormous dangers" (Masalha, 1982) so many Zionist intellectuals focused in their writings on the subject of immigration and settlement in the promised land as one of the elements of the establishment of the state and its survival and continuity to build demographic power (population), and in the opinion of Ben Gurion that Zionism means migration to Palestine and settlement there, and little importance to any of the dimensions of true Zionism in the absence of the special dimension of immigration (Avi-Hai, 1974), the survival of Israel is through the continuation of immigration and the increase in the number of immigrants, especially with the increasing Palestinian demographic threat. Therefore, immigration and settlement are considered among the practical means to achieve the Zionist project, and the establishment of the Jewish state, by controlling the Promised Land (one of the pillars of the Jewish state) by settling the Jewish people (one of the pillars of the state) in it, which is what the Zionist movement did before the establishment of Israel, and it continued after its establishment. and therefore the Zionist project based on the gathering of the one Jewish people on their land can only be achieved by making Jewish immigration to Palestine a national duty, as Ben Gurion says, "The Jews of the world are one people, not a ton of them, and there is no salvation for them except by returning to the promised land" (Deeb, 1986), on the other side, migration and settlement are a driver of expansion, and the more immigrants and the active settlement movement, the more the state will expand in order to absorb the population growth (Palestine Muslim Publications, 1999), and the expansion of migration leads to expansion on the ground, and Herzl emphasizes the expansionist tendency of the state by saying: "We will demand what we need, the more immigrants we need the more land we need" (Al-Masiri, 2000). Therefore, the Declaration of Independence stipulated, "the State of Israel will open its doors to Jewish immigration to reunite exiles, and the Jewish people around the world must rally around the Jews of Israel and support them in the tasks of immigration and construction and stand by them in the great struggle to achieve the old dream of salvation. Israel" (, so Israel has opened the doors of immigration to it as a vital goal of the state, and enacted the Return Laws of 1950 and the Citizenship Act 1952 in order to displace Jews from Europe and America to Israel with the aim of strengthening Israel’s industrial, economic and military plans to continue the policy of expansion and occupation of the land.

Superior Military Force Construction Factor

The Zionist movement paid great attention to the security and military dimension in its thinking by emphasizing the construction of a strong army that would be a key tool in achieving the goal of Zionism, and Ben Gurion expressed this by saying: "When Israel moves from the offensive phase to the defense phase, it will have entered the countdown phase, so it is called to maintain the superiority that enables it to remain in the attacking position" and he said at a Histadrut meeting in 1973 “ Israel's wisdom now is not in salvation but in war," (Deeb, 1986, p. 36), Begin raised the slogan "We fight, then we exist"(Begin, 1978. p. 75),so Israel focuses on being the strongest military force in the region, as Herzl emphasized in his diary from the beginning, writing on 10-13 June 1895, "The labor battalions must be organized within the organizations of the army as much as possible," he also wrote on 5 June 1895, "in 20 years, I must train young people to be soldiers and be a professional army" (Al-Sayegh, 1973), and Israel has worked to have elements of quantitative and qualitative superiority in efficiency and traditional arming, producing many weapons and military equipment such as aircraft, rockets, tanks, ammunition and warships (Palestine Muslim Publications, 1999) In order to achieve absolute sovereignty over Palestine and its surrounding areas on the one hand, and constitutes a deterrent against any attack on it on the other, and the Israeli military establishment is considered an ideological institution consistent in its military behavior with Zionist objectives, it has found this institution to contribute to the annexation of the territories. And control it and settle the Jews in it, and achieve security for them, and then its role in preventing any attempts and investigation of Arab to build its own military force, in addition to its role in political decision-making in the country, as noted many of its leaders held high government positions after leaving the military establishment.

Economic Power Factor

The economy acquires special importance for Israel, the economic conditions are related to the issue of existence or not of state, without the growth of the economy and at high rates Israel cannot bring and absorb immigrants, which will negatively affect the Zionist settlement project, but the poor economic conditions will lead to adverse migration, and therefore the economy is stronger is the key to resolving the vicious circle in which Israel is going; Without settlers, there is no Israel (Abu Al-Namel, 1975), so the Zionist economic aspirations to control the Sources of natural resources and energy sources in the lands they control and harness it in the service of Zionist objectives, It is noted from the Zionist proposals for the borders of the Jewish state that it sought to include the most important sources of natural resources and energy, the Zionist vision of the Zionist state before its establishment was based on two basic principles First, the resources of this country must be of abundance and diversity so that large numbers of settlers can provide a high standard of living for it, and secure the necessary needs of the state, and the second principle is that the resources and natural and water resources must be under its control, so one of the pillars of Zionism was the principle of economic penetration in the region, Israel has been since its establishment and is looking for more resources within the framework of ambition to control it within the borders of the state, which constitutes another incentive towards Expansion, and therefore worked to divert the course of the Jordan River, and look forward to the exploitation of the Suez Canal, demand a share of the waters of the Nile and the Taliani River, and greed in the Arab oil wealth, and benefit from the trade routes in the region, as it aspires to make its entity a center for industry, money and services in the region (Al-Ramani, 2001), the program of Baltimore 1942 On the familiarity between Jews and Arab peoples in the development and economic solutions, it confirms the idea of seeking to control the region economically with its economic and technological power (Al-Farra, 2016), as Israel worked to build a strong economy of diverse resources; European in the second place, and with the signs of the new world order emerged new opportunities for Israel beyond Palestine to the Arab countries by establishing a Middle Eastern market in which the center holds all the brotherly and the other countries in their orbit, as they have the role of mediator between Arabs and the West and some Arab countries, and are responsible for determining the shape of the region and its management in accordance with Western interests (Al-Masiri, 2006), Shimon Pierce has been outspoken in his perceptions of this in his new Middle East book, he said after the signing of the Oslo Agreement in 1993 "The Arabs have tried Egypt’s leadership for the past 40 years, so now try the leadership of Israel(Abdel Hai, 2012),which may indicate that geographical expansion from the Euphrates to the Nile by military force has been replaced by political economic expansion based on economic power (Al-Masiri, 2006), Zionism has taken into account in its colonial strategy a long-term vision based on the exploitation and use of the economy to serve its interests in the region, economic penetration into the economies of the Arab region is one of the pillars of the Zionist movement, and Israel’s concept of peace is only a means of absorbing the region and its existence becomes present. The Arab is a constant fact, and be a partner and cooperate with them economically, so that dealing directly with Israel becomes a prelude to penetrating the regional economy and directing the wealth of the region and its resources towards Israeli interests, and then comes economic control because of its economic and technological power, and therefore will have the status of leadership in the region.

Alliance Factor with Western Powers

Herzl's proposal to solve the Jewish problem by removing it from the religious and historical context and putting it in a national form had the important goal of being the Jewish problem at the heart of international strategy as a global issue of interest to the powerful forces: "I do not consider the issue religious, no matter what characteristic it takes according to times and places, it is a national issue and its solution, we must first make it a cosmic issue that must be resolved in the councils of civilized peoples (Herzl, 2015), taking advantage of this, as we mentioned earlier, the common cultural and intellectual factor and the factor of common interests between the Zionist and the European colonial states at the time, and it is historically certain that who helped the Zionist movement to grow and gradually achieve its western adoption goals such as France, Britain, Germany and the United States of America, in the pursuit of these countries to achieve their expansionist ambitions took care of the Zionist movement and its objectives, and crystallized a utilitarian relationship between the Zionist movement and European powers, so the Western colonial states took care of the Zionist movement and its objectives, so the Western colonial states acted on Sponsoring the Zionist project and helping it become a fait accompli, by emptying Europe of Jews and displacing them to Palestine and establishing a national homeland for them in exchange for the Jewish state taking care of the interests of European states in the region for the common benefit (Munir & Alsayd, 2001), These common interests of this alliance are manifested in keeping the Arabs in a state of fragmentation and, eliminating any unitary projects, while keeping them in a state of weakness and backwardness in various fields, which will help to exploit the region economically by controlling natural resources, especially oil. Thus, the establishment of Israel as a military and political base loyal to the West strikes and subjects all the forces opposed to the West in the region (Deeb, 1986), which made the Zionist project a part of the strategy of European countries, which makes the Jewish state a necessity for the world, as Herzl puts it, "the Jewish state is essential to the world, so it will be "Herzl, 2015. p. 28" and adds, "The Zionists will reside in Asia as part of a wall to protect Europe, which is an impregnable fortress of civilization in the face of barbarism, and we as a country must remain in contact with all of Europe- Then and America is now by virtue of the reality of the international system - whose duty will be to ensure our existence" (Herzl, 2015).

It was the beginning of an alliance with Britain with a convergence of interests between the Zionist and British colonial projects, and these contacts culminated in the Balfour Declaration issued on 2/11/1917, and therefore the issue became linked to the largest colonial power on earth at the time (Al-Masiri, 2008), which contributed in the mandate period to the consolidation of the building of the Jewish state, and as the end of the British Mandate approached, Britain and the United States of America, the rising superpower, contributed to the issuance of partition resolution 181 of 1947 of the General Assembly of the United Nations, which provided for the establishment of a Jewish state in some parts of Palestine, which It was an international recognition of the Jewish state, thus achieving what Herzl called the common law that guarantees the creation of a Jewish state and ensures its survival and continuation with the approval and care of the forces controlling the international system, and with Britain's retreat as superpowers and the solutions of the influence of the United States of America to its place of influence in the region, Zionism realized this and moved its center of gravity from London to Washington to ensure that I have official and popular support for its cause, and an extraordinary Zionist conference was held in Biltmore, an American city in 1942 to express the alliance with the new Azmi force, and came in the program Of Biltmore issued by this conference to achieve the original purpose of the declaration of the Balfour Declaration and the mandate instrument, which calls for the opportunity for Jews to establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine (Al-Zoubi, 2008, p. 77) America began to take positions in support of the Zionist movement by counting the end of World War II, culminating in this American position as the first country of the year to recognize the State of Israel in 1948, and U.S. policy in the Middle East took the side of commitment toward Israel as a strategic ally based on the American commitment to Israel’s security as the most important objectives U.S. foreign policy by making it a superior country militarily and economically, in addition to its political support in international forums, and the commitment to military intervention in the event of a military defeat (Al-Rashdan, 1994), and therefore notes the increasing volume of U.S. military and economic assistance provided to Israel, which began in 1949, helped Israel survive and continue to face dangers, crises and wars, as happened in 1966, one year before the June 1967 war, and after the 1973 Ramadan war, And nahum Goldman emphasizes this by saying, "The survival of Israel in the present circumstances is categorically indebted to the military, political and economic aid of the United States of America" (Deeb, 1986).

Factor Weakening the Arab Position

Israel emerged under the reality of fragmentation of the Arab region, which ensured the right conditions for the establishment, development, survival and continuation of the Zionist project, and also guaranteed it the status of absolute power, which represents a necessity for Zionist self-affirmation, so it seeks to continue this situation through:

First, the absence of a strong Arab state in the region poses a threat to the Zionist project and its security, as it did when it hit the Iraqi nuclear reactor in 1981, the invasion of Lebanon in 1982, the attack on Gaza in 2004, 2008 and 2012, and the assassinations of Palestinian leaders.

Second: Israel’s exploitation in Israel’s exploitation of the contradictions and conditions of the Arab world and work to increase these attitudes, fragmentation, ignorance and poverty, and to deepen these situations in the same situation in the development of internal wars and the creation of sectarianism, and the creation of conflicting minority entities, seeking assistance in Israel, and thus establishing its affiliated entities on the basis sectarian, doctrinal and ethnic and made them existing states in the Arab region (Deeb, 1986).

Israel is convinced that it will only be protected in the future by the fragmentation of the Arab countries and its transformation into several entities of a sectarian and religious nature, which will allow Israel to achieve two goals at the same time; The first goal will find a justification for itself in a region dominated by the concept of a sectarian state, especially as it seeks to be recognized as a Jewish state, and thus will create homogeneity between the logic of its existence and the prevailing political logic in the region. Its strength, and thus creating the atmosphere to develop itself and achieve its long-term goals related to full control of the Arab region.


The chaos of the international system with no global government regulating relations between countries has led countries to build their own power in order to defend themselves primarily, and then achieve their objectives, brother Ri, to ensure their survival and continuity, and therefore develop for themselves a strategy to build their strength with their components of national military, economic, population, ideology, technological, and other resistances that ultimately pour into the political power of the state. In other words, it has an impact on others as the strongest country wants, whether it is on a regional or international level, and this thinking is called realistic thinking, i.e., to see the world as it should be, or as Mikavelli pointed out when he distinguished things as they are and as they should be, in realism there is no room for passion and morality, it is important to build strength and increase it.

Zionist ideology is based on Jewish Fundamentals that form the basis of the philosophy of power in terms of its nature and its role in guiding Jews in their dealings with others, and one of the most important of these is that the Jews are god's chosen holy people, distinguished by other peoples, and therefore it is necessary for other peoples to be less qualified and in the service of god's chosen people, which makes it the right of Jews to exercise every demonstration of force against them, from spreading terror and fear to not committing to a covenant with them to expulsion, enslavement and looting of everything they have to reach the war of extermination, led by their warrior God, who knows no mercy, directs them once and again leads them in the extermination of other peoples, as well as their prophets, the warrior leaders, so the Zionist ideology began from its keen keenness to affirm its rewards that it believes in in seeking to achieve the right to its project of establishing a national homeland for Jews in the land of fathers and ancestors, the promised land as stated in the divine promise, and the establishment of this project and its survival Its continuity requires that it have absolute power capable of maintaining and even expanding the state at the expense of others.

The belief of the Edolo towards Zionism that the use of force to achieve its objectives has made it its strategy and constantly a military- political plan in which politics and power are integrated, and considering the policy of force as the only way to confirm the Zionist presence based on the logic of colonial settlement and the realization of the Zionist dream of the establishment of a Jewish state that is only carried out by abolishing the other, and that the building of this absolute force is based on:

1) Building a strong military force capable of achieving results on the ground, Israel has worked to build a modern army strong and rich trained in military expertise while supporting advanced quality military industries, with an integrated military institution and constantly ready for all challenges and possibilities, and the Israeli force has moved from the position of defending existence to the position of attack, and worked to destroy all those who contradict the Zionist project militarily and economically,

2) Building economic power, as long as they live in an environment hostile to them, they must achieve economic superiority industrially and agriculturally and establish a modern technological base to achieve self-sufficiency as much as possible, which makes the Jewish state attractive to Jewish immigration and settlement, settlers must enjoy a high standard of living to ensure its survival. More migrants are forced to migrate to it, which may require them to control areas with natural and water resources and resources, which may require them to expand at the expense of others, and then try to penetrate the economies of the surrounding countries with their economic and technological power to have the main leadership and leadership of the region, and accept Israeli control as an alliance.

3) Making the relationship between the Arab countries a contradiction and conflict, and working to continue the reality of Arab weakness by continuing the situation of fragmentation and division and fighting any Arab unitary projects, and therefore considering the presence of sectarian and regional entities as the rule in the region, which must be generalized to be the presence of Israel normal and legitimate in the region, perhaps one of the most important reasons for Israel’s strength is the absence of a unified Arab strategy in exchange for the existence of Zionist plans and programs, while the Arabs remained floundering in the absence of a unified Arab strategy in the absence of contradictions between Arab regimes.

4) Building the population force with the permanence of the immigration and settlement situations, the establishment of the national homeland requires the influx of Jewish immigrants to it and settlement there, and the diaspora of the Jews of the world in the promised land and make it a center of their gathering, and the more the number of immigrants increases its control over the land, but will push it to further expansion, especially since the borders of the promised land are not clearly defined and dead The conditions based on its military ability to penetrate the borders at anytime, anywhere, and its possession of the population force that is settled in any new land, with an emphasis on the unity of the Jewish people, immigration and settlement are prerequisites for achieving the Zionist project, seizing and controlling the promised land and establishing a historic Jewish state.

5) With the continued reconciliation of Zionist interests with those of western forces in order to ensure continued support and protection for them, Zionism took advantage of the interests of the Western powers in the region to present themselves as the best ally to help achieve these interests in order to get support and support for its project, and the Balfour Declaration was an affirmation of this alliance, and then the forces began The West adopts Israeli interests and provides them with all means of support and support in the belief that it is an important strategic base in this region that can be bet on, and therefore was the interdependence of the reformers, which necessitated the strengthening of the Zionist state and giving it absolute superiority in all areas to enable its military control and economic control over this region.

6) Behind all this is the Zionist ideology itself, which is considered one of Israel’s most powerful weapons, it has defined its objectives, formulated its strategy and provided all the means necessary to achieve it. For a century, the Zionist movement has been the most effective, the father has counted plans, is able to implement through a clear strategy that has carefully elaborated its details, and has contributed to the internal cohesion of the Israeli population on their differences.


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Received: 26-Jan-2022, Manuscript No. JLERI-21-9601; Editor assigned: 29-Jan-2022, PreQC No. JLERI-21-9601 (PQ); Reviewed: 14- Feb-2022, QC No. JLERI-21-9601; Revised: 26-Feb-2022, Manuscript No. JLERI-21-9601 (R); Published: 07-Mar-2022.

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