Academy of Marketing Studies Journal (Print ISSN: 1095-6298; Online ISSN: 1528-2678)


Achieve Branding Excellence in the Digital World by Capitalizing on Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Author(s): Shweta Tewari

In the era of high competition, organizations have to leverage their strengths and focus more on efficiency to sustain themselves in an ever-evolving offline as well as online market. Organizations use multiple strategies to win and capitalize through competitive advantages for digital excellence. SEO is a systematic process which directly affects the visibility of brand websites on unpaid results of search engines. It is hence very important to optimize one's visibility and ranking for better traffic on the internet. It is related to the organic visibility of websites and if one properly leverages SEO, it helps to drive relevant and conversion-worthy traffic which ultimately leads to earning more revenue for one’s business. The planned process of website traffic improvement from the internet on one’s website is known as search engine optimization. This traffic that lands on one’s website can be from different sources like image search, video search etc. SEO works on computer-based algorithms which dictate search engine behaviour through search terms or keywords which people type in search engines. Website rankings are one of the highly talked about benefits of SEO, But SEO is a deeper concept and most of its benefits are related to internet traffic and online brand building for excellence.

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