Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research (Print ISSN: 1533-3590; Online ISSN: 1533-3604)


An Empirical analysis of the Agri-Food Sector in China and the Role of Corporate Social Responsibility

Author(s): Chalkley Abbas

The agri- food assiduity is defying challenges of balancing the adding demand for food and the public's scrutiny on the intensification of agrarian product that's associated with the ferocious use of natural coffers, similar as water and land, and its negative impacts on the terrain, similar as nutrient pollution and hothouse gas emigrations. To attack the enterprises, the agri- food sector responds to the challenges with innovative strategies, specifically toward an environmentally sustainable direction. As a quick request response, the miracle of green marketing has developed fleetly. Green marketing can be simply defined as marketing conditioning satisfying the requirements of enterprises, consumers, and society in a profitable and sustainable way, and being compatible with the natural terrain. Enterprises use green marketing strategies to boost consumers' purchase of green products, and together, enterprises and consumers may contribute to “greening” the agri- food sector. For illustration, food companies use food markers, similar as organic, green, Oreco-friendly, to deliver information about the environmental-friendly process of food product and the health attributes associated with the food products.

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