Academy of Marketing Studies Journal (Print ISSN: 1095-6298; Online ISSN: 1528-2678)


Artificial Intelligence Applications for Talent Acquisition and Employee Retention in Human Resources

Author(s): Sona Vikas, Ashish Mathur, Sathi Jyothirmaye Reddy, Ashish Manohar, Anil Kumar and Rahul Vishwanath Dandage

Purpose: AI has great potential to strengthen and motivate employees provided it is used in a responsible and ethical manner. The study aims towards exploring artificial intelligence applications talent acquisition and employee retention in human resources. Methodology: In the field of human resources, artificial intelligence (AI) has become a game-changer, altering approaches to both recruiting and retaining top personnel. This research explains how artificial intelligence (AI) helps with key HR processes. The existing study chooses employees of the companies as a subject to obtain responses designed on structured questionnaire and sample size is of 287. Findings: Issues like data privacy, algorithmic bias, and the requirement for continuous model validation must be resolved before the HR industry can fully take use of AI's potential. As a whole, the research shows that AI can improve HR operations, help managers make better choices, and make work better for employees. Practical implications: With the right approach, firms may gain a competitive edge in the war for talent in today's competitive business environment by adopting AI technology. Human resources experts and academics need to be on the lookout for novel approaches to maximising AI's benefits while minimising its dangers and biases as the technology develops. Originality: Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to improve HR procedures, decision-making, and the employee experience, as discussed in the literature on AI applications for talent acquisition and employee retention in HR. It also highlights the need to solve ethical and practical problems to fully realise the potential of AI in HR processes.

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