Academy of Marketing Studies Journal (Print ISSN: 1095-6298; Online ISSN: 1528-2678)


Exploring the Impact of Green HRM Practices and Work-Life Balance on Employees in Five-Star Hotels in Kolkata

Author(s): Sudipta Saha, Rupsha Roy and Abhijit Pandit

This study seeks to examine the impact of employee work-life balance (WLB) and Green HRM practices on personnel employed in 5-star hotels in Kolkata, India. The hospitality sector is recognised for its rigorous work atmosphere, frequently marked by extended hours and elevated stress levels. As a result, the welfare of hotel personnel may be jeopardised, resulting in diminished job satisfaction, heightened turnover rates, and reduced productivity. Furthermore, due to increasing apprehensions regarding environmental sustainability, the implementation of Green HRM practices has emerged as a critical priority for organisations, including the hospitality sector. This research utilises a mixed-methods approach, integrating quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews, to examine the correlation between employee work-life balance, Green HRM practices, and employee outcomes. The research findings will enhance the current literature on employee well-being, work-life balance, and sustainable human resource management techniques within the hotel sector. The findings will offer significant insights to hotel managers and human resource experts about the necessity of promoting work-life balance and adopting environmentally sustainable practices in their organisations.

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