Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research (Print ISSN: 1533-3590; Online ISSN: 1533-3604)

Short communication: 2023 Vol: 24 Issue: 2

An econometric study of Oregon's log and timber requests and Estimation of price adaptability using two approaches.

Kuusela David, Vanderbilt University

Citation Information: David, K. (2023). An econometric study of oregon's log and timber requests and estimation of price adaptability using two approaches. Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research, 24(2), 1-2.


In applied profitable exploration related to timber product requests, price adaptability are constantly the crucial parameters that need to be estimated or deduced. These adaptability measure the responsiveness of the volume demanded or supplied to changes in prices. The significance of price pliantness estimates of demand and force equations arises from the need to assess the implicit and factual goods of programs on prices, product, consumption, weal. As an illustration, Parajuli and Zhang estimate that, as a result of the United States- Canada softwood timber agreement from 2006 to 2015, the volume of softwood timber significances from Canada to the United States fell by7.8 compared to the no- duty script. This agreement caused theU.S. timber directors to gain$1.6 billion whereas consumers were estimated to have lost$2.3 billion during the nine times. Another illustration is that, if the log import requests hadn't been available for Oregon coproprietors between 2010 and 2014, they would have lost in total$1.9 billion, whereas Oregon manufactories would have gained about$1.7 billion.


Econometric study, Oregon's Log.


The estimation of adaptability for Oregon's timber product requests is important for at least two reasons. First, the timber product sector forms a significant part of the state frugality, especially in pastoral communities. In 2016, the timber sector in Oregon generated$ 18 billion in affair, representing4.7 of the total state affair, and sustained,000 jobs, which was 3 of the total state employment. This redounded in$ 8 billion of value- added product in the state which represented3.7 of the gross domestic product( GDP) in Oregon. Second, Oregon and the Pacific Northwest in general form an important timber force region of the United States and also host an important attention of timber and plywood manufactories. In 2017, the volume of timber crop in Oregon was3.9 billion board bases( BBF), from which3.5 BBF( 91) was reused in Oregon. As a point of comparison, the total timber crop in the United States in 2017 was 39 BBF and the total timber product was 73 BBF. Hence, the total gathered volume in Oregon represented9.1 of the total timber crop in the United States in 2017 and the total timber product(3.2 BBF) represented 4 of the total U.S. timber product( Meyer & Shera, 2017)

The data used to estimate price adaptability generally come in the form of time series data. There are several well- known statistical complications that arise from the typical parcels of time series data in timber product requests, similar asnon-stationarit. A time series is said to be stationary if the mean and the friction of the process remain constant over time. profitable time series data are frequently nonstationary, which means that ordinary least places( OLS) estimation may lead to spurious estimates unless the series are converted into stationary series by discriminating the data (Papadopoulos, 2010). On the other hand, a collection of nonstationary time series may also parade cointegration, which means that they retain a stationary long- run equilibrium relationship. Simultaneity problem, which arises from the contemporaneous determination of prices and amounts, creates another complication in the estimation of adaptability. As a result, the OLS estimates of price adaptability are prejudiced and inconsistent since price variables are endogenous ( Biewen et al., 2014).

In the environment of timber product requests, the endogeneity problem in the contemporaneous demand and force equations is generally overcome usingmulti-stage least places( 2SLS, 3SLS) estimation approaches. The 2SLS is an equation- by- equation fashion that was developed by Theil and Basmann, where the problem of endogeneity is answered by introducing necessary variables. The 3SLS expands it by incorporatingcross-equational correlations in error terms. also, stoutly richer models of time series data, similar as Vector Error Correction Model( VECM), have been used to estimate systems of equations. The advantage of VECM is that it allows for cointegration connections between the variables, which enables the estimation of short- run and long- run adaptability, and it doesn't bear the supposition of strict exogeneity ( Salemi, 2006)


As a result, it has also been constantly used in the analysis of timber product requests and stumpage requests in particular. It has also been applied to study the degree of price integration in timber product requests. Estimation of price adaptability for indigenous and state- position timber and timber requests is essential for conducting request- position analyses on how new programs or different types of request shocks have impacted, or might impact, the request issues and the weal of request actors. By using two standard estimation approaches, 2SLS and VECM, we estimated price adaptability from a system of contemporaneous equations representing the log and timber requests in Oregon.


Biewen, M., Fitzenberger, B., Osikominu, A., & Paul, M. (2014). The effectiveness of public-sponsored training revisited: The importance of data and methodological choices. Journal of Labor Economics, 32, (4), 837-897.

Indexed at, Google scholar, Cross Ref

Meyer, D., & Shera, A. (2017).The impact of remittances on economic growth: An econometric model. Economic, 18,(2), 147-155.

Indexed at, Google scholar, Cross Ref

Papadopoulos, S. (2010).Theory and methodology for dynamic panel data: tested by simulations based on financial data. International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics, 1(3-4), 239-253.

Indexed at, Google scholar, Cross Ref

Salemi, M. K. (2006). Econometric policy evaluation and inverse control . Journal of Money, credit and Banking1737-1764.

Indexed at, Google scholar, Cross Ref

Received: 28-Feb-2023, Manuscript No. JEEER-23-13372; Editor assigned: 02-Mar-2023, Pre QC No. JEEER-23-13372 (PQ); Reviewed: 16-Mar-2023, QC No.JEEER-23-13372; Revised: 18-Mar-2023, Manuscript No. JEEER-23-13372(R); Published: 25-Mar-2023

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