Academy of Marketing Studies Journal (Print ISSN: 1095-6298; Online ISSN: 1528-2678)

Review Article: 2022 Vol: 26 Issue: 6S

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Business

Leelavati, SR Gudlavalleru Engineering College

Roopa Krishna Chandra, Andhra Loyola Institute of Engineering and Technology

Citation Information: Leelavati, S.R. & Krishna Chandra, R. (2022). Artificial intelligence and machine learning for business. Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 26(S6), 1-6.


At today's modern era, developments and inventions happen in the blink of an eye, making this the most exciting moment in human history. Artificial intelligence (AI) technical developments include industrial robots, self-driving automobiles, fitness watches, and online courses.AI has been ingrained in our daily lives and is having an influence on humans, society, and business. Artificial intelligence has had a fantastic few years, and practically every organisation is now altering their strategy and business models to include AI into every business function. Businesses, on the other hand, are still unaware of the ramifications of AI adoption, and so its influence requires attention. Machine learning (ML) is a sort of artificial intelligence (AI) that allows software programmes to improve their prediction accuracy without being expressly designed to do so. The purpose of this study is to determine and identify the influence of artificial intelligence and machine learning on company operations.


Machine learning, Artificial Intelligence, Recent Trends, Business.


The goal of this study is to look into the influence of artificial intelligence and machine learning on business processes.

The world of work in the twenty-first century has been greatly impacted by current information about technology and advancements in machine learning by AI.We are unable to control the computers, algorithms, and software that alter daily routines, yet it is impossible to envision our lives without them. Artificial intelligence demonstrates how machines function and how humans perform utilizing intelligence, implying that machines may require man-made intelligence Learning (2017).

Artificial intelligence is a concept invented by John McCarthy, and a UN agency began working on and analysing the issue in 1955, assuming that the fact of learning and other areas of intelligence will be exhibited, and therefore they will be encouraged by a machine.

Machine learning is an information analysis technology that creates analytical models automatically. The machine learning model, as well as the application that transforms intelligent interaction and the automation approach, are at the heart of artificial intelligence capabilities.

Technology will get used to replicating aspects of human intellect such as language, the formation of concepts and abstractions, and the identification of disadvantages. Metric capacity units allowed for new applications and the usage of scenarios that were previously difficult or impossible to implement due to outdated programming ideas.

Machine learning applications include language translation, picture verification, chat bots, and predictive analysis, to name a few. The metric capacity unit will provide you an edge in terms of performance and will help you boost your market position. An advantage is defined as the ability to obtain pattern and correlation, modify customer interaction, and, as a result, boost business revenues and growth.

Google Maps' route and traffic, writing paper and Uber's value and estimation of rides, Facebook's tagging and suggestions, our email's spam filtering, recommended sites and products for online searching, and cancer detection are just a few examples of artificial intelligence technology in our lives.

"Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach," Third Edition, by Russell & Norvig (2005) 5 was first published in 1995.The author of the first edition of the book highlighted some key information, such as the fact that the algorithm was based on computer science, which is constantly evolving, and that recent work on artificial intelligence has changed the way people see the world, and data has become a new source of support.

Other two scientists had previously worked on it, and using an experiment, they discovered that a poor algorithm with 100 million words of unlabeled training data outperformed the best known algorithm with 1 million words. Similarly, Hays and Efros used pictures to establish a similar concept, concluding that the algorithm's accuracy increased in direct proportion to the amount of data given into it.

In his research article "Artificial Intelligence Illuminated," published on January 6, 2004, Ben Coppin said that artificial intelligence is the study of systems that function in such a way that any observer perceives them to be extremely clever and powerful. Engineers in the field of computer science think that a computer that operates in an associative and intelligent manner is capable of acquiring intended states, and hence of being really aware and intelligent in the same way that people are.The weak AI is a less important idea that a computer may be designed to act intelligently in order to address certain problems. And this may be linked to the poor AI strategy.

Pei Wang's research article "Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications" was published on June 7th, 2008, and it was based on a recent AI study. The work was aimed at computers that are normally equivalent to the human mind. The inclusion of human-level implies that this AI is inferior to that of humans in general; robust implies that thinking AI has a specific purpose, and generic implies that standard AI is weak Coppin (2004).

Though all of these emotions are understandable, they provide entirely different justifications after they are released from thinking AI.

The AI community altered its focus to more realistic tasks like reasonable concerns and polishing off individual psychological feature functions, driven by reasons such as avoiding that is not achievable missions in order to get the required resources and to improve its public image Wang et al. (2008).

Bean (2017) 8 in his research paper "How Big Data Is Empowering AI and Machine Learning at Scale," agreed with Mary's argument, noting that convenient supply to the provision of larger volumes with sources of information is sanctionative capabilities in AI and machine learning that have been dormant for many years due to limited information availability, restricted sample size, associate degree, and an inability to investigate huge amounts of data.

There are three major ways that big data is now boosting AI:

a. State-of-the-art information technology:
— Massive amounts of data that previously required expensive technology and software will now be analysed quickly; this is known as "commodity similarity."
b. Accessibility of huge data sets: — new forms of data are becoming more generally available, such as intelligent character recognition, linguistic sense, voice pitch and image files, temperature data, and provision data.
c. Machine learning at scale: — Artificial intelligence technologies are enabled by "scaled-up" techniques such as continuous neural networks and deep learning. As Lasse Rouhiaine's "How Artificial Intelligence Will
Change the World"
shown, many people are still unaware of how swiftly computer science is evolving.AI is the business of today and tomorrow, as well as your personal life.AI can bring value to your readiness for
future technologies as a consequence of his author's wide expertise that is presented in a plain manner.

Materials and Procedures

This work is based on secondary data gathered from a variety of sources, including research papers, websites, observations, books, and news items. The investigation was conducted using a suitable scientific literature review technique. We may make predictions about the eventual result of the analysis using the theories as a foundation.


1. To learn about the ideas of machine learning and artificial intelligence in business.
2. To examine how company operations have changed as a result of various AI and machine
learning applications.

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are already commonplace in the commercial world. They’re being used in a variety of businesses to boost profits, save expenses, save lives, and enhance customer service. Organizations that comprehend these technologies and know how to apply them get an advantage over their competitors. The goal of this presentation is to cut through the technical jargon that is typically associated with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to provide a clear and short overview for managers and businesspeople. The emphasis is on actual application. How to collaborate with technical experts (data scientists) to get the most out of these technologies.

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

Here are some instances of artificial intelligence at action: The ability to recognise people based on photos on Facebook.More accurately assessing a person's creditworthiness than a seasoned underwriter. To be able to defeat the world's best go and chess players. Digital personal assistants include Amazon's Echo and Apple's Siri.Being a better radiologist than a specialist when it comes to recognising cancer signs on a medical scan. Getting from point A to point B without colliding with anything (self driving cars and autonomous robots).A prevalent misconception is that current AI applications are intelligent in any human-conscious sense. It’s all just fancy maths at the end of the day.

Despite the media frenzy, most experts think that we are still years away from developing a computer that has a truly human-like sense of self and can pass for a person day in and day out. That isn't to say there aren't some excellent chat bots available! There are several streams in general AI research. There are several options being investigated. Almost all practical AI applications in use today are built on machine learning from a commercial standpoint. Although not technically true, one may argue that machine learning and artificial intelligence are more or less the same thing from a practical standpoint Geisel (2018).

What is Machine Learning Machine learning is the process of analysing data using mathematical techniques (algorithms).The objective is to find valuable patterns (relationships/correlations/associations) across various data sets. White wine is frequently purchased along with chicken. Heart disease is linked to a lack of exercise. Higher insurance claims are linked to a bad credit history. Most umbrellas are long and narrow, while washing machines are cube-shaped (when closed).Once the linkages have been established, they may be utilised to create predictions about how new examples will behave when they arise.

The appropriate steps can then be taken. Send white wine discount vouchers to consumers who buy chicken. Offer free gym membership to non-active folks. People with a bad credit history should not be offered the greatest insurance offers.

It's more likely that a cube-shaped device is a washing machine than an umbrella. In a sense, this is similar to how individuals learn. We watch what is going on in the world and form inferences about how it works. We next put what we've learned into practise in order to deal with new scenarios. Our capacity to make judgments improves as we get more experience and knowledge. A predictive model (or simply model moving ahead) is the ultimate result of the machine learning process. The model captures the important associations discovered by the machine learning process Scarff (2017).

Machine learning may be used to analyse historical health information in order to identify patient features linked to heart disease. The predictive model developed through the machine learning method is then utilised to identify the people who are most at risk. To perform successfully, machine learning requires a lot of data International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Data Science (2019).

As a result, the government selects a big development sample, such as 500,000 historical patient records from the previous five years. They then identify (flag) each instance to show who developed heart disease and who did not over the next five years. Thirty thousand people developed heart disease.470, 000 people were spared from developing heart disease.

It's just as vital to have data on those who didn't get heart disease as it is to have data on those who did. When it comes to data analysis, a typical error is to just capture data on the event of interest and ignore the "non-events."

It's just as vital to have information on those who didn't have heart disease as it is to have information about those who did. This is because the machine learning process identifies patterns that distinguish the two sorts of events Cioffi et al. (2020).

Each person's data provides a wealth of information. This covers information such as their gender, income, age, alcohol use, BMI, blood pressure, and whether or not they smoke.

Deep Learning

Other paths of study linked with deep learning include how the neurons in the network are connected, in addition to increasing the number of neurons and layers in a network. All of the neurons in each layer are linked to all of the neurons in the next layer in a conventional network (like the one presented in this presentation).Other arrangements, however, are feasible.

For example, in the first layer, not all inputs are connected to all neurons (a convoluted neural network).This is very useful for specific problems, such as picture identification. Creating feedback loops is another variation on basic neural networks. Later layer neurons' outputs serve as inputs to previous levels. (a recurrent neural network).

When the information needed to train the network is included in a sequence of occurrences, recurrent neural networks operate well. The fact that the preceding letter in a word was, say, the letter "Z," is a key predictor for the following letter, which is almost probably a vowel or the letter "S," when using machine learning to read handwriting one letter at a time Soni et al. (2020).

These sequential correlations would be ignored by a typical neural network for handwriting identification. One commercial product that makes use of recurrent networks is Google Translate. The most sophisticated neural network models in use today, such as those built by Google's Deep Mind subsidiary to defeat the world's greatest Go players, combine these characteristics and include millions of neurons linked over hundreds of layers.

Many advanced artificial intelligence applications are driven by complex deep learning models based on various forms of neural networks, yet this is overkill for many sorts of business problems. A sophisticated model is required for an extraordinarily complex situation. As the expression goes, "you don't need a sledgehammer to break a nut." When you apply a difficult machine learning technique to handle a simple problem, you can get a worse result than if you use a simple model. This may seem contradictory, but the model will have a proclivity for detecting false patterns, whereas simple models are less likely to do so.

Many common business challenges are "simple," in the sense that scorecards and decision trees will suffice. A more complicated model, such as a neural network, may be better, but not by much (in terms of predicted accuracy), and in certain circumstances, not at all.

If a basic predictive model doesn't offer value to your work, a more complicated one is unlikely to do so. A smart data scientist will look at several choices and give the simplest solution possible that fits your company goals. Creating an intelligent application.

On its own, a predictive model isn't very user-friendly: When data is presented, it calculates scores. It has no direct interaction with people. It doesn't appear to be "smart."

If models are to bring value, they must be incorporated into your organization's business systems. Model implementation is often a larger, more expensive, and time-consuming endeavour than model creation, which many data scientists miss. For customer-facing apps, a user interface is required. Take user input, such as voice commands or information via a web form.Pre-processing is done to bring the data into a format that can be utilised to create scores. The model receives the pre-processed data and generates the scores (s) Decision rules are used to determine what action to take in response to the forecast. In a "human-like" way, the results are relayed back to the user for example, a written or vocal response Bernard (2018).

Considerations and Business Applications

Is your company prepared for AI and machine learning? How will the organisation deal with changes in what individuals do as a result of deploying a machine learning-based process, such as redundancy or deskilling? Legal and ethical considerations. There is no social consciousness or conscience in machine learning. Patterns are patterns, no matter what they are. If the patterns discovered by machine learning are unwelcome, outside of societal standards, or unlawful to utilise, they must be addressed. Can you cope with it, for example, if the machine learning process creates predictive models that result in less favourable treatment based on gender or ethnic origin?

Even if statistical proof supports it, society will not accept it. Even if it’s legal, there is risk of reputational damage if the existence of bias in your systems is made public.


This study's findings will aid commercial organisations in gaining a better understanding of artificial intelligence and machine learning. This study will aid the company in determining the gap between present operational techniques and emerging methodologies that employ machine learning and artificial intelligence in business operations. Artificial intelligence (AI) is being introduced into. A business operation enables organisations to handle their business possibilities swiftly, reduces mistakes, improves transparency, and significantly enhances income. It’s difficult to say where this technology will create new jobs in the future, but it's clear that it will benefit humans. Experts predicted that artificial intelligence doing all the things which a human can and with better accuracy. Here simple example is a computer chess beating the human chess champion. As the desire of a life of survival on a planet other than Earth continues, and it is possible to realize with contemporary futuristic technology, but it is a hypothetical concept. We are currently confronted with a slew of questions about the application of artificial intelligence and machine learning. It demonstrates where science ends and philosophy and faith begin. This move to automation has been going on for centuries, but what's different now is that it's affecting a lot more industries, so in order to adapt to all of these technological developments in the future, we'll have to use our unique human characteristics and skills to conquer and survive alongside machines. We've seen how AI can alter business with the support of cutting-edge technology advancements and scientific knowledge.AI has profound implications for governments, society, industry, and individuals.AI has been shown to be useful to businesses because it enhances productivity, saves time and money, decreases human error, allows for faster decision-making, predicts client preferences, and expands sales through automation and data analysis. Given that AI is broadly acknowledged and that qualified people is in short supply, there are potential for AI-based solutions to bridge the gap and alter the workplace. People feel that humans are more prone to errors than AI systems, and that when these systems malfunction or fail, the designers and managers are to blame. This is important in completely autonomous AI applications, because speed and response times are crucial, and AI systems can only act as intelligently as they are programmed to. As a result, we may infer that AI has a substantial influence on corporate economic growth, cyber security/privacy, and achieving income equality. As a result, AI has the ability to improve the global business model. Artificial intelligence will continue to develop in the future, transforming the commercial landscape. As a result, in order to be successful in the future, both people and businesses must be prepared for the approaching demands of technology by welcoming innovation.


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Received: 24-Jun-2022, Manuscript No. AMSJ-22-12240; Editor assigned: 27-Jun-2022, PreQC No. AMSJ-22-12240(PQ); Reviewed: 11-Jul-2022, QC No. AMSJ-22-12240; Revised: 20-Jul-2022, Manuscript No. AMSJ-22-12240(R); Published: 02-Aug-2022

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