Academy of Marketing Studies Journal (Print ISSN: 1095-6298; Online ISSN: 1528-2678)

Research Article: 2022 Vol: 26 Issue: 6S

Comparative Study of Attitude to Consumption of Cultured and Captures Catfish In Rural Areas of South-East Geopolitical Zone, Nigeria:

Ovwigho B.O, Delta State University

Ozoani S.E, Delta State University

Ogisi O.D, Delta State University

Citation Information: Ovwigho B.O, Ozoani S.E., & Ogisi O.D. (2022). Comparative study of attitude to consumption of cultured and captures catfish in rural areas of south-east geopolitical zone, Nigeria. Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 26(S6), 1-15.


The research was driven by the need to test the attitude of rural inhabitants to consumption of cultured catfish since its introduction over 60 years study area. Cultured catfish represented the experimental specimen while captures catfish served as the control. Structured questionnaire/interview schedule were used for data collection. Data were measured by use of a four-point Likert type scale and analysed by use of mean, t-test, Analysis of Variance and Correlation. The rural dwellers had favourable attitude to consumption of both cultured and capture catfish but there was a significant difference in their attitude ( t = 10.26, p = 0.00). A significant relationship was found between the socio-cultural, environmental and economic factors influencing consumption of cultured and capture catfish (F = 381.937, p = 0.00). Socio-cultural factors had a more profound influence on consumption of both cultured and capture catfish. Cultured catfish acquired the properties of an impulse food item due to environmental factors which led to unavailability of capture catfish. The study established that it is possible for a people to change attitude in consumption from an indigenous food to an innovative substitute following changes in the environmental, economic and social structures of the community. Social and agricultural extension workers should not relent in their efforts at persuading consumers to accept new technologies in the event of initial resistance.


Attitude; Cultured catfish, Captures catfish, Socio-cultural; Environmental; Economic; Consumption; Rural Areas.


Attitude is psychological feelings usually expressed to show degree of favour or disfavour to an object or stimuli. Attitudinal dispositions could be compartmentalised as aggregate feelings or reactions of individuals to an object. (Armitage and Conner, 2001; Eagly and Chaiken, 1993 & Ajzen, 1991). Values, attitudes, and behaviours are important elements to be considered in achieving sustainable development (Leiserowitz, et al. 2006). Agbamu (2006) noted that it was imperative to have a firm understanding of the socio-cultural environment before attempting to disseminate a given technology in order to enhance its acceptability and sustainability. He found that farming activities and food consumption in rural Nigeria were tied to traditional beliefs and values. Olawoye (1990) as cited by Agbamu (2006) gave an example of a rural community where the people prohibit fishing on a natural fish pond. The people believed that if fishing was allowed to continue on the pond its water would dry up. The foregoing underscores how attitude could affect the consumption or adoption of any given technologies.

Apart from the above definitional remarks, two paradigms informed the thinking about this study. First, to reveal that Nigeria is replete with variegated attitude, beliefs and values about foods and food consumption. Omotosho (2017) epitomised ten superstitious beliefs which influence attitude to food consumption in country: eating eyes of a fish makes one to be a dullard; eating the buttock of a chicken makes one to become a talkative; drinking coconut water will make the individual to become dumb; eating Mango after drinking Garri or Coke can kill a person; eating while standing can make the food go into your feet instead of stomach; avoid eating any food that falls to the ground because the devil might have kissed it; giving a child too much meat and eggs with every meal can make the child to become a thief; always eat your meat last during any meal to show that you are not a glutton; swallowing seeds means a tree will grow on your head; and eating snails hinders an individual’s progress in life, Similarly Ogbeide (1974) as cited by Meyer-Rochow (2009) found that in the defunct mid-western region of Nigeria, meat, milk and eggs were not usually given to children because most parents believed it made children to steal.

The Ibo people who constitute the inhabitants of the study area are more predisposed to influence of attitude and beliefs on food consumption than any other ethnic group in Nigeria. Food consumption among the Ibos is largely influenced by a number of taboos, custom and beliefs. Women in Ibo communities were prohibited from entering the yam barn during their monthly menstrual period (Igbokwe, 2005; Iestra, et al. 2005). To date it is the only ethnic group in Nigeria which commemorates and celebrates the new yam festival. The festival is celebrated annually among the Ibos as part of the Ohafia culture to mark the eating of the new yam at onset of the harvest season. The purpose is to ensure bountiful harvest the following year. Historically the new yam festival metamorphosed from a festival which was celebrated for all crops at beginning of the harvest season. Nowadays non farmers and farmers both at home and in Diaspora do celebrate the new yam festival (Agwu, 2018; Olikenyi, 2019).

The second premise upon which the study is based is that cultured catfish has not been evaluated in terms of acceptability since the introduction over sixty (60) years ago. Cultured catfish production is a technology designed to overcome the drudgery and seasonality associated with captures or wild catfish production. Aquaculture in Nigeria is synonymous with catfish production as it remains the most domesticated fish species (Olagunju et al., 2007; Adewumi & Olaleye, 2011). Captures catfish which comes from artisanal fishery has been the primordial source of catfish supply to the people of Nigeria (Okpeke & Akarue, 2015). Aquaculture in Nigeria started in 1951 at the Panyam Fish Farm in Jos. It became popular and more acceptable among various tribes in the early 70s (Akinrotimi, et al. 2011).

It has been found the world over that very few studies have been conducted on farmed fish quality perception and public opinion by consumers (Pohar, 2011). In the study area no comparative study on attitude to consumption of cultured and capture catfish has been conducted since the introduction of cultured catfish. The present study presents empirical information on attitude and factors which influence consumption of cultured and capture catfish. The specific objectives were to compare the attitude of the rural dwellers to consumption of cultured and capture catfish; and investigate the relationship between social, economic and environmental factors which affect consumption of cultured and capture catfish.

Conceptual Framework of Analysis

The conceptual framework epitomised interplay of the relationship between socio-cultural, economic and environmental factors which influence consumption of cultured and capture catfish. The factors which influence attitude constituted the independent variables. These were disaggregated into socio-cultural, economic and environmental factors. Attitude represents the dependent variable (Figure 1). The moderator variables of were items developed to measure sensory, functional, symbolic and economic qualities of cultured and captures catfish. Steptoe, Pollard & Wardle, (1995); & Anyakoha & Eluwa (1991), Heini et al. (1991) found that the quality of any food is viewed against backdrops of sensory, functional, symbolic and economic attributes. The intervening variables were advertisement, friends and local leaders, enlightenment, level of education, NGOs working in rural communities as well as agricultural extension agents and other social workers. The linkages between socio-cultural, environmental and economic factors affecting consumption of cultured and capture catfish were not rigid demarcation as in the physical sciences. The theoretical underpinning of the study approximates the compatibility theory of appropriate technology. The a priori expectation is that when a technology like the cultured catfish is appropriate the beneficiaries would continue to adopt and consume it more than the previous one. An appropriate technology must be technically, economically, socio-culturally and environmentally compatible in order to enhance its consumption (Agbamu, 2006; Campbell and Barker, 1997; Williams,, 1984; Kuhnlein et al, 2009).

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework Of The Study.

Technical Feasibility is the extent to which the new commodity fits into the technical know-how, understanding and farming systems of the farmer. Economic feasibility refers principally to the affordability and profitability of the new technology. Social acceptability is the extent to which the new technology agrees with the social norms and values of the beneficiaries. A technology that does not deplete the environment is said to be environmentally compatible (Agbamu, 2006; Campbell & Barker, 1997; Williams, et al. 1984; Okeke, et al. 2009).

Materials and Methods

Design of the Study

The study made use of the experimental research design. The experimental design conforms to the target and non-target groups or participants and non-participants model of evaluation in the social sciences. Mabawonku (1986) as cited by Ajayi (2005) contended that the target and non-target groups’ model is equivalent to the experimental and control groups in the physical sciences. It is used to investigate the comparative effects of a development intervention programme on intended beneficiaries.

Cultured and captures catfish were the experimental and control groups respectively. Cultured catfish is an innovation over captures catfish. The broad goal was to test the acceptability of cultured catfish following its introduction over sixty (60) years ago in the study area. The same group of persons responded to the attitude statements which were constructed for cultured and capture catfish.

Study Area, Sampling Techniques & Sample Size

South – east geopolitical zone is inhabited by the Ibos or Igbo speaking people – one of the three major ethnic groups in Nigeria. South-east geopolitical zone of Nigeria is made up of five states – Anambra, Abia, Ebonyi, Enugu and Imo States (Figure 2). Purposive and Simple random sampling technique done in stages was used to select the States, Local Government Areas, communities/towns and respondents. Fifty (50) percent of the states corresponding to approximately three states were randomly selected. These were Enugu, Ebonyi and Imo States. Twenty (20) per cent of the Local Government Areas in the selected states corresponding to a total of eleven (11) were purposely selected based on degree of fish consumption and production. Forty (40 percent of rural communities in each of the selected Local Government Areas were selected. Ten (10) percent of the households were randomly selected. One adult member from each household irrespective of sex constituted units of the sample. A total number of 708 respondents consisting of 222, 113 and 373 adult members from Enugu, Ebonyi and Imo states respectively compose the sample (Appendix I for details of the sample size distribution). However, 600 out of the 708 copies of questionnaires were returned and used for data analysis.

Figure 2: Map Of Nigeria Showing South East Geopolitical Zone.

The study was rural based because beliefs and attitudes about food consumption were held tenaciously in the rural areas. Typical rural towns/communities were selected for the study based on the indices of a rural area. Ovwigho and Ifie (2009) defined a rural area as a socio-political group where the predominant occupation is agriculture and related income generating activities like weaving, hunting, carpentry and pottery. They also noted that the population size of a rural area is small and often characterised by cultural festivities as well as lack of social, economic and basic amenities of life including industries, recreational facilities and daily markets. In this study, a community with only one primary and secondary school, no industry and daily market, and where the major income generating activity is predominantly farming was classified as a rural community.

Method of Data Collection

Data were collected by use of structured interview schedule/questionnaire. Questionnaire was used for respondents who had functional education while interview schedules were used for people without formal education. The instrument was subjected to content validity and reliability test. Content validity was achieved by the use of experts in the departments of agricultural extension and sociology of the Delta State University Abraka. Test retest reliability technique was used to test the reliability of the instrument. An r-value value of 0.89 showed that the instrument was reliable.

Measurement of Variables

Attitude and factors influencing change in consumption were measured by use of a four point Likert-type scale. The scale response categories were coded Strongly Agree (4), Agree (3), Disagree (2) and Strongly Disagree (1). Scale items were constructed by using only positive statements. A positive attitude statements shows a favourable attitude, for, example,, cultured catfish has a good taste. The abridged versions of each statement were presented under results. The scores for the 26 attitude items/statements were added to make up the total attitude score for each respondent. This procedure permitted interval data analysis. The minimum and maximum scores for a respondent were 26 and 104 respectively. Four statements in each case were constructed to measure socio-cultural, economic and environmental factors. Total scores were derived for the major group of factors. The maximum and minimum scores for each category of factors sixteen (16) and four (4) respectively.

A mean score of 2.50 and above was regarded as favourable/positive and below 2.50 as unfavourable attitude for the statements and factors. The attitude statements were classified into functional, sensory, symbolic and economic attributes as identified by Steptoe, Pollard, and Wardle (1995); Anyakoha and Eluwa (1991).

Method of Data Analysis

Data were analysed by descriptive and inferential statistics. Attitudes of the respondents were realised by mean scores derived from a four-point Likert-type scale. The inferential statistical tools involved the use of t-test, Analysis of Variance and Multiple Correlation Matrix. The t-test was used to ascertain the significant difference in attitude between consumption of cultured and captures catfish. The Analysis of Variance and Correlation Matrix were used to test the relationship between socio-cultural, economic and environmental factors influencing change in consumption of cultured and captures catfish.

Results and Discussion

Attitude to Consumption of Cultured and Captures Catfish

The responses to cultured and captures catfish were combined in Table 1. The rural inhabitants agreed to the 10 sensory attribute statements about consumption of cultured and capture catfish. This vindicates that both cultured and captures catfish have good taste, attractive white meat, good smell, attractive colour, good shape, high dress out value, good Table size, less bony, clean appearance, and firm flesh. The respondents also agreed to the functional attributes of cultured and capture catfish. Thus both cultured and captures catfish are highly nutritious, safe for consumption easy to prepare and cook, low in fat, and cholesterol, hygienic, suitable for variety of diets and requires less time to cook.

Table 1
Responses To Attitude Statements On Consumption Of Cultured And Captures Catfish
S/N Statements Mean Remarks Mean Remarks
Cultured Capture
  Sensory attributes        
1 Good taste 3.4 A 2.83 A
2 Has attractive white meat colour to consumers 3.33 A 2.78 A
3 Good smell 3.19 A 2.63 A
4 Has attractive body colour to consumers 3.25 A 2.73 A
5 Good shape. 3.21 A 2.74 A
6 High dress-out value 3.1 A 2.64 A
7 Good table size 3.18 A 2.64 A
8 Less bony. 3.11 A 2.71 A
9 Clean appearance 3.16 A 2.79 A
10 Flesh is firm. 3.18 A 2.77 A
  Functional attributes        
11 Highly nutritious 3.3 A 2.82 A
12 Safe for consumption 3.26 A 2.96 A
13 Easy to prepare and cook 3.19 A 2.77 A
14 Low fat 3.11 A 2.76 A
15 Low cholesterol content 3.06 A 2.76 A
16 Very hygienic. 3.17 A 2.75 A
17 Suitable for variety of diets 3.21 A 2.68 A
18 Requires less time to cook 3.22 A 2.57 A
  Symbolic attributes        
19 Consumption places one on high social status 2.97 A 2.59 A
20 Consumption confers pride among children. 2.99 A 2.59 A
21 An important food item sold in superstores 2.43 D 2.6 A
22 Consumed only on


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Received: 16-Jun-2022, Manuscript No. AMSJ-22-12185; Editor assigned: 20-Jun-2022, PreQC No. AMSJ-22-12185(PQ); Reviewed: 11-Jul-2022, QC No. AMSJ-22-12185; Revised: 20-Jul-2022, Manuscript No. AMSJ-22-12185(R); Published: 02-Aug-2022

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