Academy of Marketing Studies Journal (Print ISSN: 1095-6298; Online ISSN: 1528-2678)

Review Article: 2024 Vol: 28 Issue: 6

Digital Brand Immersion: Unveiling the Impact on Authenticity, Attachment, and Loyalty in Luxury Fashion

Shikha Sharma, Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Management Studies, GGSIPU

Rachna Jain, Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Management Studies, GGSIPU

Mohita Maggon, Management Development Institute, Gurgaon

Citation Information: Sharma, S., Jain, R., & Maggon, M. (2024). Digital brand immersion: unveiling the impact on authenticity, attachment, and loyalty in luxury fashion. Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 28(6), 1-12.


Instagram's feature that allows for visual storytelling gives luxury fashion firms a suitable platform to improve their online identity and presence in order to establish stronger relationships with their customers. The purpose of this study is to investigate how social media digital brand experiences affect consumers' views of luxury fashion businesses' authenticity, attachment, and loyalty. In order to gather data for this study's quantitative analysis, 240 respondents who follow luxury brands on Instagram completed a survey. Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was used for the empirical testing and estimate of the suggested model. The study's findings demonstrated that consumers' favorable perceptions of a brand's authenticity, affiliation, and loyalty are influenced by their digital brand experiences. It was discovered that brand loyalty and digital brand experiences are somewhat mediated by brand attachment and authenticity. Authenticity is one of the most important aspects of a brand's social media presence, which will significantly boost customer connection. The digital brand experience and the physical experience ought to be combined. In conclusion, consumers develop connection and loyalty to a luxury fashion brand by equating their encounters with digital brands with genuine emotions. In addition to providing insightful information about digital brand experiences and associated key concepts within the luxury fashion brand context, this study has important practical ramifications for social media platform operations.


Brand authenticity, Digital Brand Experience, Luxury Fashion, Brand Loyalty, Brand Attachment.


These days, social media platforms, smartphone applications, the Internet, and other digital technologies are a part of everyone's everyday life (Kim et al., 2016). There are more than two billion social media users. As a result, social media has enormous potential for brands and companies.

Due to their distinctive qualities—such as exclusivity and high status—luxury businesses are more likely than other firms to debut later on social media platforms. After realizing that social media may benefit their brands, luxury firms started looking into how to use this new platform (Brandão et al., 2019). Research on how luxury brands are managed in the social media sphere is lacking, thus it's critical to look at how social media affects luxury brands in terms of both the brand and its customers (Creevey et al., 2022). As a result, luxury brands should conduct extensive research on social media and must comprehend the reasons behind consumer participation as well as the potential that social media presents.

Prior to the advent of the internet age, luxury experiences were mostly found in physical settings (such as events, retail establishments, or advertising campaigns). The sensory, cognitive, sensitive, and behavioral reactions to a product’s brand and its related inducements elicit the brand experience in addition to the customer and product experiences (Brakus et al., 2009). When it comes to the digital realm, the brand experience is confined to what can be experienced in person to the senses of sight and sound. The concept of digital brand experience is put forth in this study. The online presence of a brand on social media, on brand websites, and in online marketing exposes consumers to a digital brand experience. Instagram is a fantastic social media tool for luxury companies since it provides a wealth of creative opportunities as well as the ability to tell stories through images.

This study aims to clarify how consumers who follow the official social media accounts of luxury fashion firms perceive authenticity, brand attachment, and loyalty in relation to their interactions with these brands in the digital sphere. Instagram was chosen as an observation method for this study because of its storytelling feature, which meets the marketing requirements of the luxury sector. The study's findings may be used by high-end fashion companies to gain further understanding of how consumers' interactions with their posts on their official social media platforms can increase brand loyalty, promote authenticity, and foster brand loyalty.

Review of Literature

Luxury was traditionally defined as the best goods, prestige, and in-store experiences. New ideals and ways of living are being included into the growing meaning of luxury. But consumers are evolving, and many—especially younger ones—have a different definition of luxury. In order to remain current and appeal to their target markets, luxury brands increasingly prioritize experience, transparency, trust, and sustainability.

Owning luxury products is only one aspect of luxury consumption; another is realizing and comprehending the brand's symbolic significance (Wang, 2022). Beyond the conventional ideas of exclusivity and high cost, consumers today have a more nuanced perception of luxury products (Hudders et al., 2013). Resulting, in demand of new consumers who place a premium on sustainability, authenticity, and experiences is transforming the meaning of luxury companies.

Digital Brand Experience for Luxury

Customer satisfaction and loyalty can be increased by evaluating attitudes and perceptions regarding a brand's digital experience (Remy et al., 2015). Luxury businesses are increasingly adopting digital artifacts, virtual metaverse settings, and gaming communities as a means of augmenting customer engagement and loyalty. In an effort to increase client loyalty, luxury firms are putting more and more emphasis on digital brand experiences. All things considered, high-end companies use digital channels to offer unique and customized experiences that increase engagement and loyalty among customers (Yeoman & McMahon-Beattie, 2018; Aleem et al., 2022).

The brand experience was divided into four categories by Brakus et al. (2009): sensory, emotive, behavioral, and intellectual. The majority of experiences in the past came from face-to-face interactions. But with more channels than ever before, experiences reach customers wherever they are through various marketing communication platforms like websites and social media. The sensory internal reactions and subsequent behavioral reactions induced by stimuli connected to the brand that are received both digitally and physically can be interpreted as the brand experience as a result of this progression. The concept of brand experience is intricate and multidimensional, and it plays a vital role in how consumers view and comprehend brands. It is essential for fostering an emotional bond with clients and increasing brand loyalty. The quality of consumer-brand connections is positively impacted by brand experience, which also has an impact on customer satisfaction, engagement, loyalty, and trust (Merdiaty & Aldrin, 2022).

Brand Authenticity

The attributes of authenticity comprise two dimensions: iconic and indexical. Indexical authenticity, according to Leigh et al. (2006), happens when an item is connected to prior knowledge or engages in contextual interactions with others. However, iconic authenticity refers to the accuracy with which a product is presented as resembling the real physical product.

One of the key ideas in developing brand attachment is brand authenticity, which has a beneficial impact on brand attachment (Södergren, 2021). It describes the degree to which a brand is seen as authentic, open, and true in standings of its ideals and possibilities, and it manifests through originality, distinctiveness, and provenance (Bruhn et al., 2012).

Creating complimentary online and offline strategies is necessary to provide a real luxury experience. According to Hennigs et al. (2012), luxury companies may guarantee appropriate representation across all digital channels by maintaining a harmonized and competent online presence.

According to Choi et al. (2015), authenticity first appeared in the fashion industry and then spread to the field of contemporary marketing as a result of the rapid changes in the economy. Seven factors—authority, fashionability, consistency, innovativeness, sustainability, provenance, and heritage—were found to be indicative of authenticity in their investigation. It looked at how authenticity affected brand loyalty, attachment and commitment in the fashion industry.

Brand attachment

When customers feel a strong emotional or affectionate connection to a brand, it can lead to a sustained relationship and an active commitment to personal identities (Thomson et al., 2005). This is known as brand attachment. Brand-self connection and brand prominence are two important characteristics that can indicate and quantify the conceptual features of brand attachment (Park et al., 2010).

The mental and affective bond that exists between a brand and a person is known as the brand-self connection. When a customer develops favorable perceptions and recollections of a brand, this is known as brand prominence. The ease and regularity with which a consumer is reminded of a brand is referred to as brand prominence. Therefore, prominence may suggest attachment when sentiments and emotions are regarded as salient. According to research by Kim et al. (2005) and Thomson et al. (2005), these kinds of attachments can sustain consumers' long-term emotional commitment to a brand. When it comes to brands, customers' loyalty to a particular brand is measured by the price they would have to pay to go to another or the absence of a better option (Bendapudi & Berry,1997).

Hypothesis Development

Impact of Digital Brand Experience on Brand Authenticity

Through brand-related features, the brand experience has the potential to elicit a customer's external or internal reaction, including consumer sensitivity and perception. Consumers can use authenticity as a useful tool to assess the value of an event. This effect might be amplified even more by the virtual experience.

Because an experience or product is associated with a specific historical period or geographical location, consumers view it as authentic. By offering virtual experiences that delight customers and blend into a distinctive and enduring brand value, luxury brands can offer holistic marketing that contributes to the authenticity of their premium brands (Choi et al., 2015). In the digital realm, brands provide consumers experiences, but they also need to think about how those experiences translate into true authenticity. Hence, we hypothesise that:

H1: For Luxury fashion businesses, digital brand experience positively impacts brand authenticity.

Impact of Brand Authenticity on Brand Attachment

Paxton & Moody (2003) and Kim et al. (2005) empahsized that brand authenticity is linked to brand attachment that results from brand trust, emotional experience, or quality. Previous studies have established the beneficial relationship between brand authenticity and brand attachment, which is present across a wide range of businesses. In the case of sports brands, Choi et al. (2015) demonstrated, for instance, that brand authenticity can elevate the level of brand attachment . Furthermore, customers' intention and subsequent behaviour when they shop is influenced by the authenticity of a brand when it comes to food brands (Assiouras et al., 2015). Customers are emotionally drawn to brands that maintain authenticity as they seek it out more frequently. Therefore we hypothesise that:

H2: For Luxury fashion businesses, Digital Brand Experience positively impacts Brand Attachment.

Impact of Digital brand experience on brand attachment

The moment customers embrace the brand experiences in the more comprehensive manner, they have the potential to leave a lasting imprint on them (Carbone & Haeckel, 1994; Klaus & Maklan, 2007). Evoking brand experience has been shown by Brakus et al. (2009) to cause emotional attachment. Experiences have been shown to influence changes in customers' perceptions of affection. There isn't much study, though, to determine whether improving brand attachment through a digital brand experience can have the same effects. As a result, the following hypotheis is established:

H3: For Luxury fashion businesses, Brand Authenticity positively impacts Brand Attachment.

1. Enhancing Luxury Brand Loyalty

It seems that attachment or commitment acts as a mediator in the relationship between brand experience and brand loyalty (Iglesias et al., 2011). According to numerous research, brand loyalty is a necessary component of brand commitment and attachment (Lee & Sung, 2001; Ahn et al., 2009). On the other hand, brand commitment and attachment are frequently mentioned as factors influencing brand loyalty. This essay attempts to examine the impact of a luxury company's Instagram presence and how it alters consumers' internal perceptions of the brand. The bond to a brand is the source of the emotional component of commitment. Consequently, rather than including commitment and attachment, this study solely included brand attachment in its research framework. Attachment towards brand affects a person's long-term loyalty to a brand (Kim et al., 2005). In addition to being tied to user experience, brand loyalty measures a customer's level of attachment to a brand (Liu et al., 2012). Consequently, we propose the following hypothesis:

H4: For Luxury fashion businesses, Digital Brand Experience positively impacts Brand Loyalty.

Impact of Digital Brand Experience on Brand Loyalty

While attitude brand loyalty refers to customer’s general happiness while connecting to brand's particular value leading to commitment, behavioural brand loyalty emphasizes a consumer's propensity to purchase a single brand consistently and repetitively (Chaudhuri & Holbrook, 2001; Liu et al., 2012). According to Wu and Ai (2016), a customer who stays loyal to a brand is likely to exhibit favorable word-of-mouth, suggest it to others, intend to purchase again and again, and have a high price tolerance. Ramaseshan and Stein (2014) provided a clear example of why customers should wish to repeat positive brand encounters when they result in satisfying outcomes. Brand experience should influence perceptions of brand relationships and foster brand loyalty. Previously, most of the study has been done on circumstances in which brand experience in the real-world influences loyalty. An increase in brand loyalty by fostering involvement with its online community through the consumer experience (Dessart et al., 2015). Social media platforms are viewed as virtual brand communities, as previously indicated. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate if brand loyalty is positively impacted by the brand experience in the digital sphere (Instagram). As a result, we propose the following hypothesis:

H5: For Luxury fashion businesses, Brand Attachment positively impacts Brand Loyalty.

Research Methodology

Measurement Scale

Four main constructs make up the theoretical model for the study, which is depicted in Figure 1 digital brand experience, brand authenticity, brand attachment, and brand loyalty. The constructs of Digital brand experience (Brakus et al., 2009); Brand authenticity (Choi et al., 2015); Brand attachment (Park et al., 2010); and Brand loyalty (Chaudhuri and Holbrook, 2001) were used. To improve the validity and reliability of the survey instrument, the statements utilized as research variables in the study were suitably revised & altered to reflect the context of luxury fashion and the internet world. Brakus et al. (2009) scales served as the basis for the digital brand experience items. Each item was measured using 7-point Likert score, from "strongly disagree" (1) to "strongly agree" (7) serving as anchors.

Figure 1 Theoretical Framework

Collection of Data

As previously indicated, Instagram is a popular social networking platform that is well-suited for high-end fashion labels. This survey's focus will be on the official Instagram accounts of luxury fashion businesses and their digital brand experiences. Participants must follow at least one official Instagram account. Nonetheless, the purpose of the study is to ascertain how Instagram experience is influenced by variables of authenticity, attachment, and loyalty. As a result, each participant is asked to respond to the poll using one luxury brand as their reference. A total of 240 respondents answered the survey. In terms of demographics, out of the 240 respondents, 70% females & 30% males. Furthermore, 12.5% of the population was under the age of 20, 67.55% between the age group of 21-25, 11.67% of the population was between the age group of 26-30, 8.33% was older than 31.

Analysing Data

Partial least squares (PLS) regression is used in this study to assess the research model using Smart PLS 3.0 in order to verify the model and test the hypothesis. PLS regression is mostly used to analyze the predictive capacity of the dependent variables and the significance of the correlations between research constructs. As per Fornell & Bookstein (1982) PLS regression is appropriate to be used for assessing applicability with theory development and prediction. This investigation analyse the data in 2-phases. First, it will be shown how to evaluate the measurement model to determine the validity and reliability of the measuring tool (Chin, 1998; Fornell & Larcker, 1981). Second, the prediction power of this research model and the importance of the hypotheses will be examined using the structural model.

Results and Discussion

The study uses a conceptual framework comprising of second-order hierarchy. The CFA results show that there are sufficient indicator reliability because factor loading of each construct is higher than the cut-off value of 0.70; additionally, Cronbach's alpha, composite reliabilities (CR), and rho_A are all values higher than 0.7, and the average variance extracted (AVE) is still greater than 0.45 with the exception of two constructs in the second-order measurement. According to Hair et al. (2009), this result shows sufficient scale reliability and convergent validity.

Hypothesis Testing and Structure model

Bootstrapping with over 5000 iterations was used during path analysis summarizes the route analysis results for the suggested model. The standardised regression coefficients were calculated in order to better comprehend the association between the constructs of brand loyalty, attachment, authenticity, and digital brand experience. The results reveal that digital brand experience has positively and significantly impact the brand authenticity (β = 0.649, p<0.05), while brand attachment is significantly impacted by both digital brand experience (β = 0.345, p<0.01) and brand authenticity (β=0.505, p<0.05); the findings are consistent with H1, H2, and H3.

Furthermore, H5 and H4 are supported by the significant effects of digital brand experience (β = 0.325, p<0.05) and brand attachment (β = 0.621, p<0.05) on brand loyalty. The conceptual model that has been suggested that each hypothesis prove to a significant at 5% level. Furthermore, the R-square values for brand loyalty (0.489; H4 and H5), brand attachment (0.455; H2 and H3), and brand authenticity (0.438; H1) supplied the explanatory power. These findings indicate that the study model's explanatory power is adequate. Furthermore, the analysis of Q-square values were reported as brand loyalty (0.182), brand attachment (0.359), and brand authenticity (0.231). Predictive relevance is measured by the Q-square value, which indicates whether a model is predictably appropriate. When the Q-square value is higher than zero, it suggests that the model is predictively relevant and well-reconstructed.

The Path analyses demonstrate the direct benefits of digital brand experience, and the results indicate that good outcomes related to brand authenticity, attachment, and loyalty can arise from a greater perception of digital brand experience. First, brand authenticity is greatly impacted by digital brand experience (H1). The findings indicate that consumers who think a luxury company's digital platform offers a positive brand experience also believe the premium brand to be more genuine. This finding might also suggest that consumers need to judge an experience's value based on its authenticity.

Second, the direct effects of digital brand experience & brand authenticity—on brand attachment are, respectively, 0.213 (H2) and 0.529 (H3). Additionally, it was discovered that digital brand experience has an indirect impact (β= 0.389, p<0.05) on brand attachment, with brand authenticity serving as a mediator variable. Thus, when boosting brand attachment, luxury brand marketers should take brand authenticity into account Table 1.

Table 1 CFA : Results of Measurement Model
Second order First-order References Items Loading Cronbach Composite Reliability Average Variance Extracted rho_A
Digital brand experience* Sensory Chaudhari & Holbrook (2001); Brakus et al. (2009) DBE1 0.867 0.835 0.982 0.748 0.841
      DBE2 0.876 - - - -
      DBE3 0.853 - - - -
  Affective   DBE4 0.798 0.714 0.832 0.638 0.734
      DBE5 0.712 - - - -
      DBE6 0.865 - - - -
  Behavioural   DBE7 0.895 0.832 0.896 0.743 0.842
      DBE8 0.902 - - - -
      DBE9 0.792 - - - -
  Intellectual   DBE10 0.848 0.701 0.829 0.623 0.722
      DBE11 0.802 - - - -
      DBE12 0.71 - - - -
Brand authenticity** Authority Choi et al. (2015) BA1 0.732 0.802 0.859 0.643 0.803
      BA2 0.812 - - - -
      BA3 0.832 - - - -
      BA4 0.809 - - - -
  Fashionability   BA5 0.878 0.859 0.904 0.703 0.869
      BA6 0.858 - - - -
      BA7 0.901 - - - -
      BA8 0.721 - - - -
  Consistency   BA9 0.91 0.755 0.867 0.679 0.789
      BA10 0.901 - - - -
      BA11 0.627 - - - -
  Innovativeness   BA12 0.848 0.802 0.878 0.723 0.809
      BA13 0.835 - - - -
      BA14 0.857 - - - -
  Sustainability   BA15 0.869 0.84 0.901 0.764 0.85
      BA16 0.901 - - - -
      BA17 0.849 - - - -
  Origin   BA18 0.869 0.84 0.919 0.762 0.845
      BA19 0.832 - - - -
      BA20 0.898 - - - -
  Heritage   BA21 0.836 0.716 0.865 0.769 0.762
      BA22 0.89 - - - -
Brand attachment*** Brand-self Park et al. (2010) BAT1 0.891 0.919 0.947 0.807 0.912
  Connection   BAT2 0.932 - - - -
      BAT3 0.898 - - - -
      BAT4 0.872 - - - -
  Brand   BAT5 0.823 0.859 0.912 0.689 0.863
  Prominence   BAT6 0.899 - - - -
      BAT7 0.832 - - - -
      BAT8 0.789 - - - -
Brand loyalty**** Behavioural Ramaseshan & Stein (2014) BL1 0.802 0.778 0.854 0.601 0.776
      BL2 0.765 - - - -
      BL3 0.838 - - - -
      BL4 0.729 - - - -
  Attitudinal   BL5 0.769 0.782 0.864 0.612 0.798
      BL6 0.842 - - - -
      BL7 0.771 - - - -
      BL8 0.739 - - - -

This study demonstrated that brand loyalty is influenced by digital brand experience on Instagram, with a direct effect of 0.223 (H4). Customers are in certain ways willing to interact with luxury fashion brands on Instagram, based on their individual interests, lifestyles, and identities. This is evident when they accept the brand's experience. Dessart et al. (2015) demonstrated similar outcomes, showing how consumer engagement and brand loyalty are further enhanced by experiences from online brand communities.

Furthermore, the study provides considerable evidence for the association between brand attachment and brand loyalty (H5). Additionally, brand attachment partially mediates the relationship between brand attachment and brand loyalty (the indirect effect is 0.119). Increased good brand memories and sentiments developing in a consumer's mind, along with a stronger sensory and emotional bond that an individual and brand share with each other, will translate into increased brand loyalty. Customers are more devoted to the brand, more inclined to make repeat purchases from it, and more likely to suggest it to others. These outcomes are consistent with earlier research by Thakur and Kaur (2016), which showed that brand loyalty and emotional attachment are crucial for premium apparel.


Female customers are more impacted by favourable emotional attachment and supportive attitudinal commitment to premium brands. It has been demonstrated that brand attachment and authenticity are related. The outcome is consistent with Carlston's (1992) research, which found that a consumer's relationship with a brand grows stronger the more associations the consumer has with the brand.

The heritage component, according to Assiouras et al. (2015), offers the required association with aspects like historical, traditional, national, and local initiate the connection between self-brand and attachment in brand authenticity. The findings from investigation may corroborate the findings of Assiouras et al. (2015). Customers may develop positive brand attachments (such as a brand prominence and brand-self connection) to premium brands when they perceive the authority, innovativeness, consistency, sustainability, fashionability, origin, and heritage of these brands. The most powerful factor in influencing audiences among the requirements of authenticity is authority. According to Napoli et al. (2014), customers' opinions about a brand's authenticity may also reflect how they feel about it. Luxury brands and fashion companies may have certain similarities, however marketing methods for luxury fashion brands differ greatly from those of ordinary fashion firms because of the significance of exclusivity and desirability. Further strengthening customer loyalty to luxury fashion companies may be necessary with respect to address numerous qualities required to build authenticity in a brand, such as changes in consumers' inner hearts that lead to a stronger sense of commitment to the brand.

Prior research focused mostly on the brand experience in the real world, particularly in the high-end apparel industry. The concept of "digital brand experience," as it is supposed to be generated by a luxury brand's social media presence, is constructed by this research. Practically speaking, this study offers helpful implications. Marketers must consider how visually appealing and compelling the photos and videos are, as well as if the contents can elicit strong emotions and feelings in viewers, while evaluating a presence on luxury brands' social media platforms that is represented through both visual and auditory senses. Additionally, the content is more effective at persuading readers to adopt a new lifestyle or to take concrete actions like purchasing high-end clothing.

According to this research, luxury brand marketers should control the social media brand experience to evoke feelings of authenticity in viewers, as this is how consumers assess a brand and thus foster more loyalty and connectivity. According to Ko et al. (2016), spending on social media marketing by luxury brands may benefit customer brand loyalty and behavior. For brands, it is an affordable marketing tool. Among the aspects of luxury fashion authenticity—which also include sustainability, provenance, fashionability, inventiveness, and heritage—authority is the most crucial prerequisite. For the luxury fashion brand to gain consumers' consciousness and trust, marketers should thus think about presenting a more favorable image while creating posts for social networking websites. The posts on different networking sites pertaining luxury brands frequently features easily recognizable logos, brand names, and highlight products. It may also serve to remind viewers of the distinctive selling features of the high-end brand. The history and provenance of a premium brand are also linked to the level of attachment that customers have to it.

When creating content for social media, marketers should highlight the cultures and regional identities of the nations where the company originated. It can also be helpful to highlight the luxury brand's illustrious past and enduring reputation. Additionally, a consistent posting style needs to be communicated via the digital brand experience. Simultaneously, the unique and imaginative material increases consumer engagement. Ko et al. (2016) found that whilst non-luxury consumers are more interested in the practical benefits of the loyalty program, luxury consumers are more likely to concentrate on the hedonic benefits. The digital brand experience can incorporate resources that serve as a reminder of the luxury fashion brand's link to environmental challenges and social responsibilities, particularly as people's focus shifts toward sustainable fashion (Lou & Xie, 2021).


Instagram's narrative function and emphasis on visual content make it an ideal social media channel for premium fashion firms to interact with their clientele. The brand experience in the digital age should make use of internet resources and is no longer limited to the real world. The results of this study imply that luxury clothing companies must think about utilizing Instagram. Online experiences are a valuable way to think and might offer suggestions for further work. The digital brand experience is considered the starting point for viewers' subsequent ideas and involvement on social media, including loyalty, authenticity, and attachment. Higher preferences in authenticity, attachment, and loyalty will be generated by audiences when luxury fashion businesses provide more favorable sensory, affective, behavioral, and intellectual experiences. Customers' brand attachment and genuineness to brands can be influenced by their digital brand experiences on Instagram, which can enhance their brand loyalty. A happier disposition and a closer bond with brands are brought about by the good experience evaluation.

In order to establish a more powerful emotive connection with customers on social media, brand authenticity is crucial. When it comes to luxury fashion businesses establishing digital content marketing strategies, exclusivity and mythology are key differentiators. By understanding the additional factors that influence audiences' positive attitudes and behaviours, a luxury firm may effectively interact with physical marketing strategies and offer comprehensive experiences simultaneously preserving exclusiveness in the always-present internet environment.

Future Research

Both social media and Instagram's updating features are constantly evolving. It might affect how the participants feel. Women make up the majority of the research participants. further male volunteers could lead to further comparisons between the study's gender differences. Other moderating impacts of the research model's constructs can be investigated in more detail. Furthermore, the present study's findings are predicated on Greater China sample sets; in order to recognize and comprehend the characteristics of a broad consumer base, future research can expand sample sets to other areas where luxury brands are consumed.


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Received: 08-May-2024, Manuscript No. AMSJ-24-14793; Editor assigned: 09-May-2024, PreQC No. AMSJ-24-14793(PQ); Reviewed: 26-Sep-2024, QC No. AMSJ-24-14793; Revised: 03-Oct-2024, Manuscript No. AMSJ-24-14793(R); Published: 10-Oct-2024

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