Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues (Print ISSN: 1544-0036; Online ISSN: 1544-0044)

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Articles published in Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues has got h-index 37, which means every article in Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues has got 37 average citations.

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62 274 690 131 186 99 36 3

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514 1436 1218 886 584 351 264 193
Journal total citations count 6970
Journal impact factor 2.75
Journal 5 years impact factor 3.25
Journal cite score 3.22
Journal h-index 37
Journal h-index since 2018 28

Kovalyshyn, O. R., Vivcharenko, O. A., & Pitsyk, K. Z. (2019). Reorganization and Bankruptcy in Ukraine: The Issue of Legal Transplants. J. Advanced Res. L. & Econ., 10, 1485.

Kostruba, A. (2019). The rule of law and its impact on socio-economic, environmental, gender and cultural issues. Kostruba AV, The Rule of Law and its Impact on Socio-Economic, Environmental, Gender and Cultural Issues. Space and Culture, India, 7(2), 1-2.

Wahyuni, NAL (2018). Customer Protection at Islamic Financial Institutions. Journal of Islamic Economic Law , 2 (2), 72-83.

Patterson, L., Pandya, B., & Cho, B. (2020). Exploring the motivators to satisfy uae employees. Polish Journal of Management Studies, 22.

Susilowati, L. (2020). The Role of Social Finance Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil (BMT) in Growing Financial Inclusive Studies at BMTs in Tulungagung and Blitar. IQTISHADIA: Journal of Islamic Banking and Economics , 7 (1), 17-41.

Hartina, S., & Djaelangkara, R. (2017). Analysis of the Setting Agenda of Non-Smoke Areas in Sigi Regency. PINISI Discretion Review , 1 (1), 31-38.

Hasim, D., Handayani, S., & Rumere, O. (2021). The Increase of the Capacity of the Regional Income in Receiving the Regional Original Income in Supiori District. PINISI Discretion Review, 5(1), 67-74.

Paris, Y. (2020). Reviewing Community Land Ownership Certificate Services in Various Studies. In 3rd International Conference on Education, Science, and Technology (ICEST 2019) (pp. 284-286). Atlantis Press.

Bare, R. R., Mukmin, A., Kesuma, A. I., Akib, H., & Yahyaddin, M. (2021). Development of Edu-Tourism based for Local Competencies. Ilkogretim Online-Elementary Education Online, 20(5), 6299-6307.

Bare, R. R., Mukmin, A., Kesuma, A. I., Akib, H., & Yahyaddin, M. (2021). Development of Edu-Tourism based for Local Competencies. Ilkogretim Online-Elementary Education Online, 20(5), 6299-6307.

Gani, H. A., Akib, H., Mukmin, A., & Bare, R. R. (2021). Public Entrepreneurship.

Nureny, N., Risal, M., & Aqsa, M. (2021). The Influence of Bureaucratic Ethics and Employee Performance on the Quality of Public Services (Case Study at the DPRD Office in Palopo City). PINISI Discretion Review, 4(2), 369-378.

Awaru, A. O. T., Wilopo, A., Akib, H., Saggaf, M. S., Salam, R., & Baharuddin, A. (2020). The role of topnotch leaders in fostering employee creative behavior. Solid State Technology, 63(4), 977-980.

Rozi, A. (2020). Effect of Effective Communication on Employee Performance at PT. Federal International Finance (FIF) in Pamulang. E-Mabis: Journal of Management and Business Economics , 21 (1), 1-6.

Wijaya, C., & Sari, V. D. P. (2020). Encouraging Collaborative Governance in Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUM Desa) Management in Indonesia. Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Administrasi Publik, 9(2), 225-236.

Akbar, A., & Picard, M. (2020). Academic integrity in the Muslim world: a conceptual map of challenges of culture. International Journal for Educational Integrity, 16(1), 1-20.

Nadhifa, S., & Sa�adah, N. (2020). REKONSTRUKSI SISTEM PENYELENGGARAAN PASAR MODAL SYARIAH. Ar-Risalah: Media Keislaman, Pendidikan dan Hukum Islam, 18(2), 268-282.

Yulianita, N., Nurrahmawati, N., & Maryani, A. (2020, March). The Effect of Anti-Corruption Campaign on the Exposure Aspects on Social Media Facebook and Instagram. In 2nd Social and Humaniora Research Symposium (SoRes 2019) (pp. 88-91). Atlantis Press.

Apukhtin, A. S. (2019). The assessment methodology of an industrial enterprise leasing climate as a quality factor of entrepreneurship education. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 22(5), 1-10.

Uribe-Toril, J., Ruiz-Real, J. L., Ceresia, F., & de Pablo Valenciano, J. (2019). Corruption and entrepreneurship: A bibliometric analysis. Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues, 22(4), 1-11.

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